c# WPF与SQLite数据库发布在Visual Studio 2010

时间:2022-05-19 09:51:13

I have developed an application in C# using WPF. I want to publish the software to my website so users can download the installer and it will automatically update when I release a new version.


I am having a couple of problems with the publishing of the project.


First of all, the software is using an embedded SQLite Database. When I run the installer from the website, it downloads fine but does not include the database file that the software needs. How can I include the database file in to the installer.


The second problem is how to choose where the program installs to on the users PC. When I installed it I expected it would install to C:\Program Files\Company Name\Project Name but it doesn't put it there. How can I do this as well.

第二个问题是如何选择程序在用户PC上安装的位置。当我安装我期望它会安装C:\Program Files\Company名称\项目名称但并不把它放在那里。我该怎么做呢?

Thanks for any help you can provide with this.


1 个解决方案



  1. include your db file into project and restore db from it when application start
  2. 将您的db文件包含到项目中,并在应用程序启动时从它恢复数据库。
  3. you are using clickonce, so you deal with sandbox application/ So you have 2 options - do not use clickonce (google for dday project for example or use windows installer) or use clickonce paths to found your files (take a look)
  4. 您正在使用clickonce,所以您需要处理沙箱应用程序/因此您有两个选项—不要使用clickonce(例如,dday项目的谷歌或使用windows安装程序)或使用clickonce路径来找到您的文件(请查看)



  1. include your db file into project and restore db from it when application start
  2. 将您的db文件包含到项目中,并在应用程序启动时从它恢复数据库。
  3. you are using clickonce, so you deal with sandbox application/ So you have 2 options - do not use clickonce (google for dday project for example or use windows installer) or use clickonce paths to found your files (take a look)
  4. 您正在使用clickonce,所以您需要处理沙箱应用程序/因此您有两个选项—不要使用clickonce(例如,dday项目的谷歌或使用windows安装程序)或使用clickonce路径来找到您的文件(请查看)