将实体框架与多个MS SQLSERVER数据库一起使用

时间:2021-05-20 09:50:04

I have searched back and forth but seemingly could not get a hold of what I need. I am sorry if this has been answered of late. A redirection to the discussion will do me good.


This is the scenario. I have been instructed to move from Microsoft Visual Foxpro (MS is withdrawing support come 2015) to .Net C# by my boss. For the sake of good foundation and adoption of best practices, I have decided to first learn, piece pertinent information together, then start coding. This is the second year.

这就是场景。我被指示从我的老板转移到Microsoft Visual Foxpro(MS正在撤回2015年的支持)到.Net C#。为了良好的基础和最佳实践的采用,我决定先学习,将相关信息拼凑起来,然后开始编码。这是第二年。

We are a bureau company that offer payroll processing outsource services to over 50 clients. Each client currently has their own database. The databases have tables with completely identical structures.


I am a newbie. Totally new to .net world.


I had started off with raw SQL using datatables, datareaders but in my research I got some discussions discouraging this. Many were of the view that Entity Framework should serve the purpose. But one is allowed to mix approaches especially when complex queries are involved.


Can someone point me to some 'good read' where I can implement Entity Framework with over 50 indentical databases. Each database is totally independent and has nothing to dowith any other. When the user logs in, they select which client they need to process payroll for, then EF points to that database.

有人能指出我的一些“好读”,我可以用50多个缩进数据库实现Entity Framework。每个数据库都是完全独立的,没有任何其他数据库。当用户登录时,他们选择处理工资单所需的客户端,然后EF指向该数据库。

3 个解决方案



EF needs 2 different pieces of information to work with data from a database:


1) The database schema: This is included as compiled code in your application and cannot normally be changed at runtime.


2) The connection string: This is provided at runtime, normally from a config file.


In your case, all the databases have the same schema, so you can just model one database and it will work for all the others.


The piece you want to change is the connection string. This tells EF how to find the database and can be provided at runtime.


There is an overload of the DbContext constructor which takes a connection string as a parameter: MSDN: DbContext Constructor (String)


And there are even classes in the framework that help create connection strings for you:


MSDN: EntityConnectionStringBuilder Class


MSDN: Connection String Builders




It is very simple


I had,


//WMSEntities is conection string name in web.config 
//also the name of Entitiframework
public WMSEntities() : base("name=WMSEntities") 

already in autogenerated Model.Context.cs of edmx folder


To connect to multiple database in runtime, I created another constructor that takes connection string as parameter like below in same file Model.Context.cs


   public WMSEntities(string connStringName)
            : base("name=" + connStringName)

Now, I added other connection string in Web.Config for example


  <add name="WMSEntities31" connectionString="data source=TESTDBSERVER_NAME;
       initial catalog=TESTDB;userid=TestUser;password=TestUserPW/>

<add name="WMSEntities" connectionString="data source=TESTDBSERVER_NAME12;
     initial catalog=TESTDB12;userid=TestUser12;password=TestUserPW12/>

Then, when connecting to database I call below method passing connetionString name as parameter


  public static List<v_POVendor> GetPOVendorList(string connectionStringName)
      using (WMSEntities db = new WMSEntities(connectionStringName))
          vendorList = db.v_POVendor.ToList();                 




Hrmmm I happen to really like EF Code First but I'm not certain it suits what you're doing. How often does your schema change?

Hrmmm我碰巧真的喜欢EF Code First,但我不确定它是否适合你正在做的事情。您的架构多久更改一次?

Should You Be Using EF?

Advantages of EF

If the schema changes somewhat regularly, the Migrations part of EF Code First might save you a lot of time and effort because you can often do away with SQL scripts for schema upgrades - schema changes end up in your source repository with the rest of your code instead. You'd start here:

如果架构有所变化,EF Code First的迁移部分可能会为您节省大量时间和精力,因为您可以经常使用SQL脚本进行架构升级 - 架构更改最终会在源存储库中与其余代码一起使用代替。你从这里开始:



I also happen to really like how easy EF is to setup, and how easy it is to write LINQ queries against it and return exactly the POCOs I built from the DB.


But EF might not be the best fit.


Other ORMs to consider

Many other ORMs support LINQ and POCOs with better support for existing databases (there are things that can be pretty difficult to map in EF Code First), --and existing support for asynchronous operation (EF is on 5.0 right now; 6.0 has async)-- (update: EF6 is the latest and its async support is great. Its bulk delete is terrible though and should be avoided like plague, drop to plain SQL for that).

许多其他ORM支持LINQ和POCO,它们对现有数据库有更好的支持(有些东西在EF Code First中很难映射),并且现有支持异步操作(EF现在5.0; 6.0有异步) - (更新:EF6是最新的,它的异步支持很棒。虽然它的批量删除很糟糕,但应该像瘟疫一样避免,为此删除普通的SQL)。

In particular NHibernate is the beast on the scene for existing db support, but it's a bit of a configuration chore and what appears to be political infighting has caused the documentation to be conflicting for different versions and forks of it.


Much simpler are many "Micro ORMs" - that link is to a short list from 2011 but if you poke around you'll find 30 or so in .Net. Some generate better or less optimal queries, some none at all, some make you write SQL (don't use those) - you'll have to poke around to decide which is for you. This can be a bigger research task but I suspect the easy configuration and small learning curve for one of these best suits what you're trying to do.

更简单的是许多“微型ORM” - 这个链接是2011年的一个简短列表,但是如果你四处寻找,你会在.Net中找到30个左右。有些会生成更好或更不理想的查询,有些根本没有,有些会让你编写SQL(不要使用那些) - 你必须四处寻找决定哪一个适合你。这可能是一项更大的研究任务,但我怀疑这些最适合您的尝试之一的简单配置和小学习曲线。

Answer to your specific question

Talk to All client Dbs at once

If you're connecting to all 50 databases from one app at the same time you'll need to instantiate 50 DbContexts like:


var dbClient1 = new DbClient1();
var dbClient2 = new DbClient2();

Assuming you went around making little wrapper classes like:


public class DbClient1 : CoreDbContext
    public DbClient1()
        : base("DbClient1") // Means use the connection string named "DbClient1" in Web.Config

Where CoreDbContext is the main EF class in your Project that extends DbContext (standard part of any EF project).


Talk to just one at a time

If you're using just the one per app then any EF tutorial will do.


The only major trick will be migrating those Dbs when schema changes occur. Two basic approaches there. Either way you grab a backup and restore a copy of them locally so you can test your migrations against them (update-database -f -verbose). If you don't you risk data errors like changing a column to NOT NULL and finding your local test instance had no nulls, one client's did, kaboom. Once you get them working, you're onto deciding how you want to update Production. There are a lot of ways you might do this ranging from writing a custom roll-forward/back tool (or finding one) with SQL scripts checked into git, hiring a DBA, or much simpler:

唯一的主要技巧是在发生架构更改时迁移这些Dbs。有两种基本方法。无论哪种方式,您都可以获取备份并在本地恢复它们的副本,以便您可以针对它们测试迁移(update-database -f -verbose)。如果你不这样做,你冒着数据错误的风险,例如将列更改为NOT NULL,并且发现本地测试实例没有空值,一个客户端就这样做了,kaboom。一旦你让他们工作,你就决定如何更新生产。您可以通过多种方式执行此操作,包括编写自定义前滚/后退工具(或查找一个),将SQL脚本检入git,雇用DBA或更简单:

The Obvious - SQL Script

Dump the migration to SQL (update-database -script) and run it against the actual production database.

将迁移转储到SQL(update-database -script)并针对实际的生产数据库运行它。

My Crazy Way for Small Numbers of Dbs

Add entries for each db to Web.Config, and create a Project Configuration for each of them like "DbDeployClient1," "DbDeployClient2," etc. In each of those make a build define like DbDeployClient1, and then add this to your DbContext class:


public CoreDbContext()
#if DbDeployClient1
    : base("DbDeployClient1")
#elseif DbDeployClient2
    : base("DbDeployClient2")
    // etc

That allows you to quickly switch to your DbDeploy config and run the migration directly from Visual Studio against the target database. Obviously if you're doing this you'll need to temporarily open a port, preferably only allowing in your IP, on the actual SQL Server instance you're migrating. One nicety is you get clear errors from your migration right there, and full rollback capability, without any real work - all that rollback support you're leveraging is just part of EF. And one dev can do it without a bunch of other bottlenecks. But it has a lot of opportunities to reduce risk and improve automation.

这使您可以快速切换到DbDeploy配置,并直接从Visual Studio对目标数据库运行迁移。显然,如果你这样做,你需要暂时打开一个端口,最好只允许你的IP,在你正在迁移的实际SQL Server实例上。一个很好的例子就是你可以从你的迁移中获得明确的错误,以及完全的回滚功能,而不需要任何实际工作 - 所有你正在利用的回滚支持只是EF的一部分。一个开发人员可以做到这一点,没有一堆其他瓶颈。但它有很多机会降低风险并提高自动化程度。



EF needs 2 different pieces of information to work with data from a database:


1) The database schema: This is included as compiled code in your application and cannot normally be changed at runtime.


2) The connection string: This is provided at runtime, normally from a config file.


In your case, all the databases have the same schema, so you can just model one database and it will work for all the others.


The piece you want to change is the connection string. This tells EF how to find the database and can be provided at runtime.


There is an overload of the DbContext constructor which takes a connection string as a parameter: MSDN: DbContext Constructor (String)


And there are even classes in the framework that help create connection strings for you:


MSDN: EntityConnectionStringBuilder Class


MSDN: Connection String Builders




It is very simple


I had,


//WMSEntities is conection string name in web.config 
//also the name of Entitiframework
public WMSEntities() : base("name=WMSEntities") 

already in autogenerated Model.Context.cs of edmx folder


To connect to multiple database in runtime, I created another constructor that takes connection string as parameter like below in same file Model.Context.cs


   public WMSEntities(string connStringName)
            : base("name=" + connStringName)

Now, I added other connection string in Web.Config for example


  <add name="WMSEntities31" connectionString="data source=TESTDBSERVER_NAME;
       initial catalog=TESTDB;userid=TestUser;password=TestUserPW/>

<add name="WMSEntities" connectionString="data source=TESTDBSERVER_NAME12;
     initial catalog=TESTDB12;userid=TestUser12;password=TestUserPW12/>

Then, when connecting to database I call below method passing connetionString name as parameter


  public static List<v_POVendor> GetPOVendorList(string connectionStringName)
      using (WMSEntities db = new WMSEntities(connectionStringName))
          vendorList = db.v_POVendor.ToList();                 




Hrmmm I happen to really like EF Code First but I'm not certain it suits what you're doing. How often does your schema change?

Hrmmm我碰巧真的喜欢EF Code First,但我不确定它是否适合你正在做的事情。您的架构多久更改一次?

Should You Be Using EF?

Advantages of EF

If the schema changes somewhat regularly, the Migrations part of EF Code First might save you a lot of time and effort because you can often do away with SQL scripts for schema upgrades - schema changes end up in your source repository with the rest of your code instead. You'd start here:

如果架构有所变化,EF Code First的迁移部分可能会为您节省大量时间和精力,因为您可以经常使用SQL脚本进行架构升级 - 架构更改最终会在源存储库中与其余代码一起使用代替。你从这里开始:



I also happen to really like how easy EF is to setup, and how easy it is to write LINQ queries against it and return exactly the POCOs I built from the DB.


But EF might not be the best fit.


Other ORMs to consider

Many other ORMs support LINQ and POCOs with better support for existing databases (there are things that can be pretty difficult to map in EF Code First), --and existing support for asynchronous operation (EF is on 5.0 right now; 6.0 has async)-- (update: EF6 is the latest and its async support is great. Its bulk delete is terrible though and should be avoided like plague, drop to plain SQL for that).

许多其他ORM支持LINQ和POCO,它们对现有数据库有更好的支持(有些东西在EF Code First中很难映射),并且现有支持异步操作(EF现在5.0; 6.0有异步) - (更新:EF6是最新的,它的异步支持很棒。虽然它的批量删除很糟糕,但应该像瘟疫一样避免,为此删除普通的SQL)。

In particular NHibernate is the beast on the scene for existing db support, but it's a bit of a configuration chore and what appears to be political infighting has caused the documentation to be conflicting for different versions and forks of it.


Much simpler are many "Micro ORMs" - that link is to a short list from 2011 but if you poke around you'll find 30 or so in .Net. Some generate better or less optimal queries, some none at all, some make you write SQL (don't use those) - you'll have to poke around to decide which is for you. This can be a bigger research task but I suspect the easy configuration and small learning curve for one of these best suits what you're trying to do.

更简单的是许多“微型ORM” - 这个链接是2011年的一个简短列表,但是如果你四处寻找,你会在.Net中找到30个左右。有些会生成更好或更不理想的查询,有些根本没有,有些会让你编写SQL(不要使用那些) - 你必须四处寻找决定哪一个适合你。这可能是一项更大的研究任务,但我怀疑这些最适合您的尝试之一的简单配置和小学习曲线。

Answer to your specific question

Talk to All client Dbs at once

If you're connecting to all 50 databases from one app at the same time you'll need to instantiate 50 DbContexts like:


var dbClient1 = new DbClient1();
var dbClient2 = new DbClient2();

Assuming you went around making little wrapper classes like:


public class DbClient1 : CoreDbContext
    public DbClient1()
        : base("DbClient1") // Means use the connection string named "DbClient1" in Web.Config

Where CoreDbContext is the main EF class in your Project that extends DbContext (standard part of any EF project).


Talk to just one at a time

If you're using just the one per app then any EF tutorial will do.


The only major trick will be migrating those Dbs when schema changes occur. Two basic approaches there. Either way you grab a backup and restore a copy of them locally so you can test your migrations against them (update-database -f -verbose). If you don't you risk data errors like changing a column to NOT NULL and finding your local test instance had no nulls, one client's did, kaboom. Once you get them working, you're onto deciding how you want to update Production. There are a lot of ways you might do this ranging from writing a custom roll-forward/back tool (or finding one) with SQL scripts checked into git, hiring a DBA, or much simpler:

唯一的主要技巧是在发生架构更改时迁移这些Dbs。有两种基本方法。无论哪种方式,您都可以获取备份并在本地恢复它们的副本,以便您可以针对它们测试迁移(update-database -f -verbose)。如果你不这样做,你冒着数据错误的风险,例如将列更改为NOT NULL,并且发现本地测试实例没有空值,一个客户端就这样做了,kaboom。一旦你让他们工作,你就决定如何更新生产。您可以通过多种方式执行此操作,包括编写自定义前滚/后退工具(或查找一个),将SQL脚本检入git,雇用DBA或更简单:

The Obvious - SQL Script

Dump the migration to SQL (update-database -script) and run it against the actual production database.

将迁移转储到SQL(update-database -script)并针对实际的生产数据库运行它。

My Crazy Way for Small Numbers of Dbs

Add entries for each db to Web.Config, and create a Project Configuration for each of them like "DbDeployClient1," "DbDeployClient2," etc. In each of those make a build define like DbDeployClient1, and then add this to your DbContext class:


public CoreDbContext()
#if DbDeployClient1
    : base("DbDeployClient1")
#elseif DbDeployClient2
    : base("DbDeployClient2")
    // etc

That allows you to quickly switch to your DbDeploy config and run the migration directly from Visual Studio against the target database. Obviously if you're doing this you'll need to temporarily open a port, preferably only allowing in your IP, on the actual SQL Server instance you're migrating. One nicety is you get clear errors from your migration right there, and full rollback capability, without any real work - all that rollback support you're leveraging is just part of EF. And one dev can do it without a bunch of other bottlenecks. But it has a lot of opportunities to reduce risk and improve automation.

这使您可以快速切换到DbDeploy配置,并直接从Visual Studio对目标数据库运行迁移。显然,如果你这样做,你需要暂时打开一个端口,最好只允许你的IP,在你正在迁移的实际SQL Server实例上。一个很好的例子就是你可以从你的迁移中获得明确的错误,以及完全的回滚功能,而不需要任何实际工作 - 所有你正在利用的回滚支持只是EF的一部分。一个开发人员可以做到这一点,没有一堆其他瓶颈。但它有很多机会降低风险并提高自动化程度。