C#读取大型excel xlsx并将数据写入sql server express数据库,具有实体框架性能问题

时间:2021-05-24 09:45:54

I have very large xlsx file (6 sheets, 1 million rows on every sheet, 19 columns on each). The idea is to read all rows in all sheets and populate database with entity framework.


I have tried ms open xml sdk but its really really slow. Just to iterate over all rows and cells (in a sax way) I would probably run my program for one month or maybe more.

我已经尝试过ms open xml sdk但它真的很慢。只是迭代所有的行和单元格(以萨克斯的方式)我可能会运行我的程序一个月或更多。

I have also tried this library https://github.com/ExcelDataReader/ExcelDataReader . Initially, reading with this library starts much faster (around 100 rows in 2 seconds with db inserts), but than it goes really slow (after 50000 rows, 1 minute and more). Maybe that speed decrease cause entity framework - i did not test that (I only test maybe first 1000 rows without db access), but even if it is, reading without anything is just too slow.

我也试过这个库https://github.com/ExcelDataReader/ExcelDataReader。最初,使用此库的读取开始要快得多(使用db插入在2秒内大约100行),但是它真的很慢(在50000行,1分钟和更长时间之后)。也许速度降低导致实体框架 - 我没有测试(我只测试可能前1000行没有数据库访问),但即使它是,读取没有任何东西只是太慢。

Does anyone have any idea how can I speed up reading of xlsx? Also, should I abandon entity framework and do inserts on my own?


Currently my code look something like (there are things like columnMapper.Populate(tmpColumns, columns); and columnMapper.getCOlumnId because different sheets have different order of columns and even different number of columns)


using (FileStream stream = File.Open(inputFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
    IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
    DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();

    int tableNo = 0;
    string[] tmpColumns = new string[20];
    Console.WriteLine("Start processing...");
    foreach (DataTable table in result.Tables)
        // skip bad table
        if (++tableNo > 5)

        for (int i = 0; i < tmpColumns.Length; ++i)
            tmpColumns[i] = string.Empty;

        int columns = 0;
        var rowEnumerator = table.Rows.GetEnumerator();
        foreach (string item in ((DataRow)rowEnumerator.Current).ItemArray)
            tmpColumns[columns++] = item;

        columnMapper.Populate(tmpColumns, columns);

        int rowNumber = 0;
        while (rowEnumerator.MoveNext())
            var row = (DataRow)rowEnumerator.Current;
            int col = 0;
            foreach (object item in row.ItemArray)
                tmpColumns[columnMapper.GetColumnId(col++)] = item.ToString();

            var newBoxData = new BoxData()
                Year = tmpColumns[4],
                RetentionPeriod = tmpColumns[6],
                ContractNumber = tmpColumns[7],
                Mbr = tmpColumns[8],
                CardId = tmpColumns[10],
                Package = tmpColumns[12],
                UnitType = tmpColumns[13],

                MFCBox = tmpColumns[14],
                DescriptionNameAndSurname = tmpColumns[15],
                DateFromTo = tmpColumns[16],
                OrderNumberRange = tmpColumns[17],
                PartnerCode = tmpColumns[18],


            if (++rowNumber % SaveAfterCount == 0)


EDIT: Solution was to remove entity fw and to insert data with plain sql commands. So, after leaving ms libraries (entity fw, open xml sdk) and replace them with ExcelDataReader and plain sql inserts everything worked much faster. ~2,000,000 rows was extracted and inserted in db for less than 20 minutes

编辑:解决方案是删除实体fw并使用普通的sql命令插入数据。因此,在离开ms库(实体fw,打开xml sdk)并用ExcelDataReader和普通sql替换它们之后,一切工作都要快得多。提取~200,000,000行并在db中插入少于20分钟

2 个解决方案



refer this:Read Excel Sheet Data into DataTable: Code Project and Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable




After solving XL performances you have also EF performances issues.
The first step is to create sometimes a new DbContext (i.e. after SaveChanges).
The second step is to use a different ORM.




refer this:Read Excel Sheet Data into DataTable: Code Project and Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable




After solving XL performances you have also EF performances issues.
The first step is to create sometimes a new DbContext (i.e. after SaveChanges).
The second step is to use a different ORM.
