使用没有数据库连接的Entity Framework类

时间:2023-01-04 09:44:29

I have a strange situation. I have created a data model visually and generated a database from it. This project is referenced by two projects:


  • ASP .NET application.
  • ASP .NET应用程序。

  • WinForms application.

The ASP .NET application deals directly with the database while I need the WinForms application to interact with the database via the Web application.

ASP .NET应用程序直接处理数据库,而我需要WinForms应用程序通过Web应用程序与数据库交互。

I have created a page called API.aspx and use HTTP POST to send values and get results in XML.

我创建了一个名为API.aspx的页面,并使用HTTP POST发送值并以XML格式获取结果。

However, since the WinForms application still needs to use the data model classes, I am running into issues using them without creating a database object.


What is a good strategy to use in this scenario?


2 个解决方案



If you have implemented your code with loose coupling (See the Repository Pattern), then you could create a database stub that will return dummy data (or in memory data) until you are ready to plug in the actual EF framework.


This is generally good practice to create a clean separation of concerns.




This sounds like a candidate for an SOA implementation, rather than having the windows forms app communicate directly with the web application:




If you have implemented your code with loose coupling (See the Repository Pattern), then you could create a database stub that will return dummy data (or in memory data) until you are ready to plug in the actual EF framework.


This is generally good practice to create a clean separation of concerns.




This sounds like a candidate for an SOA implementation, rather than having the windows forms app communicate directly with the web application:
