使用Linq或Entity Framework查询加入比较列和变量值

时间:2021-02-02 09:37:18

I want to apply join into command using a column and a variable value.


here's the code (the partial part of the query where I have an issue):


 join p in db.user_tests on a.id equals p.test_id into g3
 from x3 in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()

This code works, but I also need to filter the db.user_tests by the user_id. I have that user_id in a variable userId inside the function.


So I decided to write the query as follows:


join p in db.user_tests on a.id equals p.test_id && userId equals p.user_id into g3
from x3 in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()

But I get "Operator && cannot be applied to operands of type long and bool" error.


I tried with equal but it throws several errors.


I also tried with the two column join, but I use a variable in the comparison so it doesn't work.


How can I use the join into with a column comparison and a variable at the same time?


1 个解决方案



If you want to join on several properties you should use anonymous objects for that:


join p in db.user_tests 
on new { a.id, userId } equals new { id = p.test_id, userId = p.user_id } into g3
from x3 in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()

Also make sure that anonymous objects have properties with same types and names.


But thus userId is not part of your a object it makes no sense to use that variable as part of join. You can simply join on test_id and use filter by user_id:


join p in db.user_tests.Where(x => x.user_id == userId) 
on a.id equals np.test_id into g3
from x3 in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()



If you want to join on several properties you should use anonymous objects for that:


join p in db.user_tests 
on new { a.id, userId } equals new { id = p.test_id, userId = p.user_id } into g3
from x3 in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()

Also make sure that anonymous objects have properties with same types and names.


But thus userId is not part of your a object it makes no sense to use that variable as part of join. You can simply join on test_id and use filter by user_id:


join p in db.user_tests.Where(x => x.user_id == userId) 
on a.id equals np.test_id into g3
from x3 in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()