
时间:2022-10-22 09:39:45

I have a fairly complex query in SQL Server running against a view, in the form:

我在SQL Server中有一个非常复杂的查询,它针对一个视图运行,其形式是:

   FROM myview, foo, bar 
   WHERE shared=1 AND [joins and other stuff]
   ORDER BY sortcode;

The query plan as shown above shows a Sort operation just before the final SELECT, which is what I would expect. There are only 35 matching records, and the query takes well under 2 seconds.


But if I add TOP 30, the query takes almost 3 minutes! Using SET ROWCOUNT is just as slow.

但如果我添加TOP 30,查询将花费近3分钟!使用SET ROWCOUNT同样慢。

Looking at the query plan, it now appears to sort all 2+ million records in myview before the joins and filters.


This "sorting" is shown on the query plan as an Index Scan on the sortcode index, a Clustered Index Seek on the main table, and a Nested Loop between them, all before the joins and filters.


How can I force SQL Server to SORT just before TOP, like it does when TOP isn't specified?

如何强制SQL Server在TOP之前排序,就像没有指定TOP时那样?

I don't think the construction of myview is the issue, but just in case, it is something like this:


   SELECT columns..., sortcode, 0 as shared FROM mytable
   SELECT columns..., sortcode, 1 as shared FROM [anotherdb].dbo.mytable

The local mytable has a few thousand records, and mytable in the other database in the same MSSQL instance has a few million records. Both tables do have indexes on their respective sortcode column.


1 个解决方案



And so starts the unfortunate game of "trying to outsmart the optimizer (because it doesn't always know best)".


You can try putting the filtering portions into a subquery or CTE:


   (SELECT *
   FROM myview, foo, bar 
   WHERE shared=1 AND [joins and other stuff]) t
ORDER BY sortcode;

Which may be enough to force it to filter first (but the optimizer gets "smarter" with each release, and can sometimes see through such shenanigans). Or you might have to go as far as putting this code into a UDF. If you write the UDF as a multistatement table-valued function, with the filtering inside, and then query that UDF with your TOP x/ORDER BY, you've pretty well forced the querying order (because SQL Server is currently unable to optimize around multistatement UDFs).

这可能足以迫使它首先过滤(但是优化器在每次发布时都变得“更聪明”,有时还能看穿这些诡计)。或者,您可能需要将这些代码放入UDF中。如果您将UDF编写为一个多语句表值函数,并在其中进行过滤,然后使用顶部的x/ORDER对UDF进行查询,那么您就很好地强制了查询顺序(因为SQL Server目前无法对多语句UDF进行优化)。

Of course, thinking about it, introducing the UDF is just a way of hiding what we're really doing - create a temp table, use one query to populate it (based on WHERE filters), then another query to find the TOP x from the temp table.




And so starts the unfortunate game of "trying to outsmart the optimizer (because it doesn't always know best)".


You can try putting the filtering portions into a subquery or CTE:


   (SELECT *
   FROM myview, foo, bar 
   WHERE shared=1 AND [joins and other stuff]) t
ORDER BY sortcode;

Which may be enough to force it to filter first (but the optimizer gets "smarter" with each release, and can sometimes see through such shenanigans). Or you might have to go as far as putting this code into a UDF. If you write the UDF as a multistatement table-valued function, with the filtering inside, and then query that UDF with your TOP x/ORDER BY, you've pretty well forced the querying order (because SQL Server is currently unable to optimize around multistatement UDFs).

这可能足以迫使它首先过滤(但是优化器在每次发布时都变得“更聪明”,有时还能看穿这些诡计)。或者,您可能需要将这些代码放入UDF中。如果您将UDF编写为一个多语句表值函数,并在其中进行过滤,然后使用顶部的x/ORDER对UDF进行查询,那么您就很好地强制了查询顺序(因为SQL Server目前无法对多语句UDF进行优化)。

Of course, thinking about it, introducing the UDF is just a way of hiding what we're really doing - create a temp table, use one query to populate it (based on WHERE filters), then another query to find the TOP x from the temp table.
