
时间:2022-08-30 09:35:01

I'm developing an ASP.net application using Entity Framework. I'm using DetailsView to insert data into database. There is a table as Client and its primary key is client_id. client_id is auto generated by database. I need to get auto generated client_id after inserting a record into Client table and assign it to a hidden field for future use.

我正在使用Entity Framework开发ASP.net应用程序。我正在使用DetailsView将数据插入数据库。有一个表作为客户端,其主键是client_id。 client_id由数据库自动生成。在将记录插入Client表后,我需要获取自动生成的client_id,并将其分配给隐藏字段以供将来使用。

I searched about this and I found lot of solutions. But I don't know how to use them since I'm new to asp.net. I found that Entity Framework automatically populates business objects with the db-generated values after call SaveChanges(). My question is where should I call this in my partial class ? What is the event ?

我搜索了这个,我找到了很多解决方案。但我不知道如何使用它们,因为我是asp.net的新手。我发现在调用SaveChanges()之后,Entity Framework会自动使用db生成的值填充业务对象。我的问题是我应该在我的部分课程中将其称为何处?活动是什么?

I'm using DetailsView with EntityDataSource and binding EntityDataSource directly with Entity Model, so I'm not creating objects to insert data.


4 个解决方案



Following the call to _dbContext.SaveChanges(), the entity will automatically be updated with its new identity field value.


The following code assumes your Entity Framework entity container name is MyEntities, and your database's Client table has at least the two following fields:

以下代码假定您的Entity Framework实体容器名称是MyEntities,而您的数据库的Client表至少包含以下两个字段:

client_id   int identity
client_name varchar(25)

Your code might look something like this:


// Establish DbContext
private readonly MyEntities _dbContext = new MyEntities();

// Create new client table entity and initialize its properties
var clientEntity = new Client { client_name="MyCo" };

// Add it to the ORM's collection of Client entities

// Save the new entity to the database

// Return the identity field from the existing entity,
//   which was updated when the record was saved to the database
return clientEntity.client_id;



After you have inserted the entity it should be updated so that the property that maps to the primary key in the database has the new PK value.


Like MyObject.Id will give you the new Id




This is what i'm looking for.


in partial class


protected void clientDataSource_OnInserted(object sender, EntityDataSourceChangedEventArgs e )

    int newPrimaryKey = ((Client)e.Entity).ClientId;
    Debug.WriteLine(" Client ID is " + newPrimaryKey);


and added below line in EntityDataSource in aspx page.





Thanks, I spent 3 days searching and searching with complicated results but this solution is brilliant! Here it is in vb.net:


Protected Sub dvArticulos_ItemInserted(sender As Object, e As EntityDataSourceChangedEventArgs) Handles EntityDataSource1.Inserted
    Dim last_Serie As Long = DirectCast(e.Entity, articulos).Serie
    Session("Articulo") = last_Serie
End Sub



Following the call to _dbContext.SaveChanges(), the entity will automatically be updated with its new identity field value.


The following code assumes your Entity Framework entity container name is MyEntities, and your database's Client table has at least the two following fields:

以下代码假定您的Entity Framework实体容器名称是MyEntities,而您的数据库的Client表至少包含以下两个字段:

client_id   int identity
client_name varchar(25)

Your code might look something like this:


// Establish DbContext
private readonly MyEntities _dbContext = new MyEntities();

// Create new client table entity and initialize its properties
var clientEntity = new Client { client_name="MyCo" };

// Add it to the ORM's collection of Client entities

// Save the new entity to the database

// Return the identity field from the existing entity,
//   which was updated when the record was saved to the database
return clientEntity.client_id;



After you have inserted the entity it should be updated so that the property that maps to the primary key in the database has the new PK value.


Like MyObject.Id will give you the new Id




This is what i'm looking for.


in partial class


protected void clientDataSource_OnInserted(object sender, EntityDataSourceChangedEventArgs e )

    int newPrimaryKey = ((Client)e.Entity).ClientId;
    Debug.WriteLine(" Client ID is " + newPrimaryKey);


and added below line in EntityDataSource in aspx page.





Thanks, I spent 3 days searching and searching with complicated results but this solution is brilliant! Here it is in vb.net:


Protected Sub dvArticulos_ItemInserted(sender As Object, e As EntityDataSourceChangedEventArgs) Handles EntityDataSource1.Inserted
    Dim last_Serie As Long = DirectCast(e.Entity, articulos).Serie
    Session("Articulo") = last_Serie
End Sub