
时间:2022-02-02 09:30:50

I have to left outer join on either column A or B and not on NULL


So I'm not sure how I would do this.


If it was just the case of skipping NULL I could put a where clause on the join select but as I need both columns that doesn't work.


Here is a example of what I'm trying to accomplish:



| Mobile |  Email  | MoreInfo |
|  1234  |         |    a     |
|  1234  |         |    b     |
|        | c@c.com |    c     |
|  9999  |         |    d     |
|  4321  |         |    e     |
|        | a@a.com |    f     |


| Mobile |  Email  | Id |
|  1234  |         | 1  |
|  4321  |         | 2  |
|        | a@a.com | 3  |
|        | b@b.com | 4  |

SELECT mt.MoreInfo, rt.Id
FROM MainTable mt
LEFT OUTER JOIN ReferenceTable rt ON mt.Mobile = rt.Mobile OR mt.Email = rt.Email

What I want to get out of this is:


| MoreInfo |  Id  |
|    a     |   1  |
|    b     |   1  |
|    c     | NULL |
|    d     | NULL |
|    e     |   2  |
|    f     |   3  |

But will definitely get a value in C and D as well as their null or empty values in email or mobile will match with such values in the reference table.



I want to note that ReferenceTable will always have either Mobile or Email but never both. As given in the example however the MainTable might not have a match in ReferenceTable hence the outer join.


Fiddle here

2 个解决方案



Modified version of Dimt answer with protection from comparing empty string


SELECT mt.MoreInfo, rt.Id
    FROM MainTable mt
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReferenceTable rt 
    ON (mt.Mobile = rt.Mobile AND coalesce(rt.Mobile, '')<>'') 
       OR (mt.Email = rt.Email AND coalesce(rt.Email, '')<>'')



What's about putting additional condition for eliminating null or empty values such as


   SELECT mt.MoreInfo, rt.Id
    FROM MainTable mt
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReferenceTable rt 
    ON (mt.Mobile = rt.Mobile AND rt.Mobile IS NOT NULL) OR (mt.Email = rt.Email AND rt.Email IS NOT NULL)



Modified version of Dimt answer with protection from comparing empty string


SELECT mt.MoreInfo, rt.Id
    FROM MainTable mt
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReferenceTable rt 
    ON (mt.Mobile = rt.Mobile AND coalesce(rt.Mobile, '')<>'') 
       OR (mt.Email = rt.Email AND coalesce(rt.Email, '')<>'')



What's about putting additional condition for eliminating null or empty values such as


   SELECT mt.MoreInfo, rt.Id
    FROM MainTable mt
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReferenceTable rt 
    ON (mt.Mobile = rt.Mobile AND rt.Mobile IS NOT NULL) OR (mt.Email = rt.Email AND rt.Email IS NOT NULL)