MS Access将计算字段插入表字段

时间:2021-03-22 09:29:12

I'm trying to get a form control that is doing the following as the Control Source to add it to a field in the associated table.


=[Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable") & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]

The above displays something along the following in the control on the form when associated fields are entered -> Company FO Cable Start-End

输入关联字段时,上面显示表格控件中的以下内容 - >公司FO电缆开始 - 结束

I have tried using the expression in the After Update and the other On ... properties. This left me with a blank value though.

我尝试使用After Update中的表达式和其他On ...属性。这给我留下了空白值。

My next go to was to use VBA and I tried using something along the lines of VBA from this question (Access form calculated fields) but my VBA skills seem to have diminished some and I'm not sure how to proceed to meet my needs... :(

我的下一步是使用VBA,我尝试使用VBA这个问题(访问表单计算字段),但我的VBA技能似乎减少了一些,我不知道如何继续满足我的需求。 .. :(

My main goal is to not have to manually enter the information for this to prevent typos and entering redundant information that is already stored in the database such as company, start point, and end point.


If this could be done with SQL, I am interested in that solution as well. This is what I think I need for my SQL, although I'm not sure where it needs to go to update the record (After, Before, or just use the Code builder).


UPDATE tblCableDetails
SET CompletedLabel=Form!CableDetails!Label.Value
WHERE CableDetailsID=Form!CableDetailsID.Value

The reason I would like to store these in the database vs running the expression when needed, is that I would like to use this value in another table as a lookup for another form to track specifics regarding the cable.


Thank you all for your time!


2 个解决方案



If all of the fields are in the same table, Access Tables have a Calculated data type accessible in the Design View of the table which will handle this, quite easily. This would be your simplest route; just use your expression in the calculated field as pictured below. Note that Calculated fields have other potential limitations down the road, but I would not worry too much about that. The name of your calculated field would be CompletedLabel, and Access will maintain its value based on the other fields current value in the expression.


MS Access将计算字段插入表字段

If the fields are not in the same table and the Form is bound and Access is handling Saves (meaning the form has a RecordSource property, and you have Access handling the saving of the record when a user changes a value, they navigate to a new record, they close the form, etc.), you could add a VBA BeforeUpdate event that stamps the column just before Access auto-saves the field. Just add the CompletedLabel field to the form (it can be hidden), then create a Before update event:

如果这些字段不在同一个表中并且表单已绑定且Access正在处理保存(意味着表单具有RecordSource属性,并且您在用户更改值时让Access处理保存记录,则会导航到新的记录,他们关闭表单等),您可以添加一个VBA BeforeUpdate事件,在事件自动保存字段之前标记列。只需将CompletedLabel字段添加到表单(可以隐藏),然后创建Before更新事件:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
   Me!CompletedLabel = [Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable")    & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]
End Sub

In some cases you will not even need the CompletedLabel textbox on the form, but it must be in the record source (query or table) that the form is based on. It must also be editable which is likely already the case.


You could do it with SQL as you suggest, perhaps in an After Update event.

您可以按照建议使用SQL,也许在After Update事件中执行此操作。

CompletedLabel=[Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable") & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]

Or with an external query when the form opens or closes, like:


     CompletedLabel=[Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable")    & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]
     CompletedLabel = null Or Nz(CompletedLabel,"") = ""

You could also create a Query that contains the expression, and use it in the locations you need to see the calculated value.


Lots of possibilities. Good luck, Tag!!




This is not done with expression in event property that does the calc.


Macro or VBA code is required to save calculated data, I prefer VBA.


Is this form bound to the table you want to save data into? If so, the appropriate approach is simply:


Me!fieldname = Me.textboxname

我!fieldname = Me.textboxname

The real trick, as you have discovered, is figuring out the correct event to put this code into. Select [Event procedure] in preferred event property then click the ellipsis (...) to go to the VBA procedure and type the desired code.




If all of the fields are in the same table, Access Tables have a Calculated data type accessible in the Design View of the table which will handle this, quite easily. This would be your simplest route; just use your expression in the calculated field as pictured below. Note that Calculated fields have other potential limitations down the road, but I would not worry too much about that. The name of your calculated field would be CompletedLabel, and Access will maintain its value based on the other fields current value in the expression.


MS Access将计算字段插入表字段

If the fields are not in the same table and the Form is bound and Access is handling Saves (meaning the form has a RecordSource property, and you have Access handling the saving of the record when a user changes a value, they navigate to a new record, they close the form, etc.), you could add a VBA BeforeUpdate event that stamps the column just before Access auto-saves the field. Just add the CompletedLabel field to the form (it can be hidden), then create a Before update event:

如果这些字段不在同一个表中并且表单已绑定且Access正在处理保存(意味着表单具有RecordSource属性,并且您在用户更改值时让Access处理保存记录,则会导航到新的记录,他们关闭表单等),您可以添加一个VBA BeforeUpdate事件,在事件自动保存字段之前标记列。只需将CompletedLabel字段添加到表单(可以隐藏),然后创建Before更新事件:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
   Me!CompletedLabel = [Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable")    & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]
End Sub

In some cases you will not even need the CompletedLabel textbox on the form, but it must be in the record source (query or table) that the form is based on. It must also be editable which is likely already the case.


You could do it with SQL as you suggest, perhaps in an After Update event.

您可以按照建议使用SQL,也许在After Update事件中执行此操作。

CompletedLabel=[Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable") & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]

Or with an external query when the form opens or closes, like:


     CompletedLabel=[Company] & " " & IIf([Cable]="Fiber","FO Cable","CC Cable")    & " " & [CableStartPoint] & "-" & [CableEndPoint]
     CompletedLabel = null Or Nz(CompletedLabel,"") = ""

You could also create a Query that contains the expression, and use it in the locations you need to see the calculated value.


Lots of possibilities. Good luck, Tag!!




This is not done with expression in event property that does the calc.


Macro or VBA code is required to save calculated data, I prefer VBA.


Is this form bound to the table you want to save data into? If so, the appropriate approach is simply:


Me!fieldname = Me.textboxname

我!fieldname = Me.textboxname

The real trick, as you have discovered, is figuring out the correct event to put this code into. Select [Event procedure] in preferred event property then click the ellipsis (...) to go to the VBA procedure and type the desired code.
