
时间:2022-03-19 09:26:44

Assume you have a n x m matrix. In this matrix, you will be randomly positioning FOUR different objects say a, b, c, d. There will be many of each.

假设你有一个n x m矩阵。在此矩阵中,您将随机定位四个不同的对象,例如a,b,c,d。每个都会有很多。

Now what is the best algorithm so that when they are randomly placed, their positions don't *?


My approach would be to:


  1. Randomly place them
  2. 随机放置它们

  3. Check through all the object's position, and if they *, keep on moving until an empty space is found?
  4. 检查所有物体的位置,如果它们发生碰撞,继续移动直到找到空的空间?

I am just wondering if there is any other efficient solution.


3 个解决方案


If the end goal is to fill the board, you could just choose for each space on the matrix which type goes on it (the choice is random).


To add an option of an empty space, add a fifth option of NO_TYPE.


If the number of appearances is known, try this:


  1. Create a list of size n X m (call it L) with values 1..L.

    使用值1..L创建大小为n X m(称为L)的列表。

  2. For each appearance, choose randomly from the list ( something like pos = rand(L) and the remove that value form the list (don't forget to decrease L).

    对于每个外观,从列表中随机选择(类似pos = rand(L)并从列表中删除该值(不要忘记减少L)。

  3. Do this as many times as the necessary.



A variation on the other answer, without creating additional structure (and with a better time complexity) :


Let assume that you have objects a_1, .., a_K (in your case K=4) and each of them has to be present n_k times, with n_1 + .. + n_K <= n*m. You can fill the matrix as follows, in pseudocode :

假设您有对象a_1,..,a_K(在您的情况下K = 4)并且每个对象必须存在n_k次,其中n_1 + .. + n_K <= n * m。您可以在伪代码中按如下方式填充矩阵:

Initialize X as an empty n*m matrix
Initialize n as a vector of length l with n[l] = n_l
Set N = 0
For i = 1; i <= n; i++
    For j = 1; j <= m; j++
        Draw t at random uniformly on [0,1]
        For l = 1; l <=k; l++
            Set x_l = n[l] / (n*m-N)
            If (t <= x_l)
                Set X[i][j] = a_l
                Set n[l] = n[l]-1
                Escape the loop on l
     Set N = N+1

This will work better than your approach if you have many objects to place as you never reject placements. If you don't, then your approach is fine.



If you have an algorithm that can generate a sequence of random positions that don't * in your array, then you can easily generate however many positions you need for a then b then c then d etc.


You can accomplish this with this algorithm:


Generate a random prime number p that is greater than n * m
Generate a random number r in the range [0, n * m)
while(need more numbers)
    // output a position:
    yield x = r % n, y = r / n

    // generate the next position:
    r = (r + p) % (n * m)

The positions will never overlap because there are no common factors between p and n * m. It will produce a Full Cycle over n * m

位置永远不会重叠,因为p和n * m之间没有共同因素。它将产生超过n * m的全周期

For how to generate a random prime number, see this * question:


Generate Random Prime number in C/C++ between 2 limits

在C / C ++中生成2个限制之间的随机素数

If p is prime, then it will be relatively prime with n * m

如果p是素数,那么它将是n * m的相对素数

See also this question:


How can I randomly iterate through a large Range?



If the end goal is to fill the board, you could just choose for each space on the matrix which type goes on it (the choice is random).


To add an option of an empty space, add a fifth option of NO_TYPE.


If the number of appearances is known, try this:


  1. Create a list of size n X m (call it L) with values 1..L.

    使用值1..L创建大小为n X m(称为L)的列表。

  2. For each appearance, choose randomly from the list ( something like pos = rand(L) and the remove that value form the list (don't forget to decrease L).

    对于每个外观,从列表中随机选择(类似pos = rand(L)并从列表中删除该值(不要忘记减少L)。

  3. Do this as many times as the necessary.



A variation on the other answer, without creating additional structure (and with a better time complexity) :


Let assume that you have objects a_1, .., a_K (in your case K=4) and each of them has to be present n_k times, with n_1 + .. + n_K <= n*m. You can fill the matrix as follows, in pseudocode :

假设您有对象a_1,..,a_K(在您的情况下K = 4)并且每个对象必须存在n_k次,其中n_1 + .. + n_K <= n * m。您可以在伪代码中按如下方式填充矩阵:

Initialize X as an empty n*m matrix
Initialize n as a vector of length l with n[l] = n_l
Set N = 0
For i = 1; i <= n; i++
    For j = 1; j <= m; j++
        Draw t at random uniformly on [0,1]
        For l = 1; l <=k; l++
            Set x_l = n[l] / (n*m-N)
            If (t <= x_l)
                Set X[i][j] = a_l
                Set n[l] = n[l]-1
                Escape the loop on l
     Set N = N+1

This will work better than your approach if you have many objects to place as you never reject placements. If you don't, then your approach is fine.



If you have an algorithm that can generate a sequence of random positions that don't * in your array, then you can easily generate however many positions you need for a then b then c then d etc.


You can accomplish this with this algorithm:


Generate a random prime number p that is greater than n * m
Generate a random number r in the range [0, n * m)
while(need more numbers)
    // output a position:
    yield x = r % n, y = r / n

    // generate the next position:
    r = (r + p) % (n * m)

The positions will never overlap because there are no common factors between p and n * m. It will produce a Full Cycle over n * m

位置永远不会重叠,因为p和n * m之间没有共同因素。它将产生超过n * m的全周期

For how to generate a random prime number, see this * question:


Generate Random Prime number in C/C++ between 2 limits

在C / C ++中生成2个限制之间的随机素数

If p is prime, then it will be relatively prime with n * m

如果p是素数,那么它将是n * m的相对素数

See also this question:


How can I randomly iterate through a large Range?
