
时间:2022-01-28 09:08:19

I seem to have a problem with this SQL query:


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE timeStart >='$timeStart' 
AND timeEnd <='$timeEnd' 
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

The time is formatted as military time. The logistics is that a boat rental can be reserved at 7am til 1pm or 9am til 1pm or 9am til 5pm. If there is an appt within that range, it should return appts but it has proven to be inconsistent. If I pick 9am til 1pm, it will ignore appts that started with 7am even though it overlaps 9am-1pm. If I pick 9 to 5, it will return nothing even though it should with the 7am to 1pm. How do I make a SQL statement that includes the whole range from timeStart to timeEnd including those that overlap?


4 个解决方案


The correct check would look like this:


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE timeStart <='$timeEnd' 
AND timeEnd >='$timeStart' 
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

Other good explanations have been given but I'll go ahead and update it with an alternative explanation of how I visualize this myself. Most people are looking for each possible overlap, considering two time periods, they are trying to think of each combination of start and end that can make an appointment overlap. I think about it as when do two time periods not overlap which for some reason is easier for me.


Say the time period I am checking for is today, I want to find any time period that does not overlap today. There are really only two scenarios for that, either the time period starts after today (PeriodStart > EndOfToday) or the time period ends before today (PeriodEnd < StartOfToday).

说我正在检查的时间段是今天,我想找到今天不重叠的任何时间段。实际上只有两种情况,即时间段在今天之后开始(PeriodStart> EndOfToday)或时间段在今天之前结束(PeriodEnd )。

Given that we havea simple test for not overlapping:
(PeriodStart > EndOfToday) OR (PeriodEnd < StartOfToday)

鉴于我们有一个不重叠的简单测试:(PeriodStart> EndOfToday)OR(PeriodEnd )

A quick flip around and you have a simple test for overlap:
(PeriodStart <= EndOfToday) AND (PeriodEnd >= StartOfToday)

快速翻转,你有一个简单的重叠测试:(PeriodStart <= EndOfToday)AND(PeriodEnd> = StartOfToday)



Shahkalpesh answered the question with:


I think you need an OR.


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE (timeStart >='$timeStart' 
OR timeEnd <='$timeEnd')
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

I posted a comment that I consider this to be wrong, giving a pair of counter-examples:


This is plain wrong - @ShaneD is correct. For example, this will pick out a booking between 05:00 and 06:00 because the actual end time is less than any of the end times you ask about. It will also pick up rentals from 18:00 onwards, for the equivalent reason.

这是完全错误的 - @ShaneD是正确的。例如,这将在05:00和06:00之间选择预订,因为实际结束时间少于您询问的任何结束时间。由于同等原因,它还将从18:00开始接收租金。

In a response to my comment, Shahkalpesh requested:


Could you post a separate reply with data & input parameters with expected output?


Fair enough - yes. Slightly edited, the question says:

足够公平 - 是的。略有编辑,问题说:

The logic is that a boat rental can be reserved


  • from 7am until 1pm, or
  • 从早上7点到下午1点,或

  • from 9am until 1pm, or
  • 从上午9点到下午1点,或

  • from 9am until 5pm.
  • 从上午9点到下午5点。

If there is an appointment within that range, it should return appointments but it has proven to be inconsistent. If I pick 9am until 1pm, ...


Enough background. We can ignore the date of the appointments, and just consider the times. I'm assuming that there is an easy way to limit the times recorded to hh:mm format; not all DBMS actually provide that, but the extension to handle hh:mm:ss is trivial.



Row     timeStart   timeEnd   Note
  1     07:00       13:00     First valid range
  2     09:00       13:00     Second valid range
  3     09:00       17:00     Third valid range
  4     14:00       17:00     First plausibly valid range
  5     05:00       06:00     First probably invalid range
  6     18:00       22:30     Second probably invalid range

Given a search for appointments overlapping the range 09:00 - 13:00, Shahkalpesh's (simplified) query becomes:


SELECT * FROM Appointments
    WHERE (timeStart >= '09:00' OR timeEnd <= '13:00')

This will return all six rows of data. However, only rows 1, 2, 3 overlap the time period 09:00 - 13:00. If rows 1, 2, and 3 are the only valid representative appointment values, then Shahkalpesh's query produces the correct answer. However, if the row 4 (which I think is plausibly valid) is permitted, then it should not be returned. Similarly, rows 5 and 6 - if present - should not be returned. [Actually, assuming timeStart <= timeEnd for all rows in the table (and there are no NULL values to mess things up), we can see that Shahkalpesh's query will return ANY row of data for the 09:00-13:00 query because either the start time of the row is greater 09:00 or the end time is less than 13:00 or both. This is tantamount to writing 1 = 1 or any other tautology in the WHERE clause.]

这将返回所有六行数据。但是,只有第1,2,3行与时间段09:00 - 13:00重叠。如果第1行,第2行和第3行是唯一有效的代表约会值,则Shahkalpesh的查询会生成正确的答案。但是,如果允许第4行(我认为合理有效),则不应返回。同样,不应返回第5行和第6行(如果存在)。 [实际上,假设表中所有行的timeStart <= timeEnd(并且没有NULL值可以搞乱),我们可以看到Shahkalpesh的查询将返回09:00-13:00查询的任意数据行,因为行的开始时间大于09:00或结束时间小于13:00或两者。这相当于在WHERE子句中写1 = 1或任何其他重言式。

If we consider ShaneD's query (as simplified):


SELECT * FROM Appointments
    WHERE timeStart <= '13:00' AND timeEnd >= '09:00'

we see that it also selects rows 1, 2, and 3, but it rejects rows 4 (because timeStart > '13:00'), 5 (because timeEnd < '09:00') and 6 (because timeStart > '13:00'). This expression is an archetypal example of how to select rows which 'overlap', counting 'meets' and 'met by' (see "Allen's Interval Algebra", for instance) as overlapping. Changing '>=' and '<=' alters the set of intervals counted as overlapping.

我们看到它也选择了行1,2和3,但它拒绝了第4行(因为timeStart> '13:00'),5(因为timeEnd <'09:00')和6(因为timeStart> '13: 00' )。这个表达式是一个典型的例子,说明如何选择“重叠”,计数“满足”和“满足”(例如,参见“Allen's Interval Algebra”)重叠的行。更改'> ='和'<='会更改计为重叠的间隔集。


Thanks Shane, Shahkalpesh, and Jonathan.


I actually overlooked the fact that Shane "swapped" the variables (I was still using timeStart<=$timeStart when it should be timeStart <= $timeEnd). I ran with the modified statement as Jonathan/Shane suggested and it works. As Jonathan did point out, I did obviously missed out some time ranges that I should have tested against.

我实际上忽略了Shane“交换”变量这一事实(我还在使用timeStart <= $ timeStart,它应该是timeStart <= $ timeEnd)。我按照Jonathan / Shane的建议运行修改后的声明并且它有效。正如乔纳森所指出的那样,我确实错过了一些我应该测试的时间范围。

Now with Jonathan's explanation, I now get a better picture of my mistake is and it's helpful.



I think you need an OR.


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE (timeStart >='$timeStart' 
OR timeEnd <='$timeEnd')
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

Assuming each record cares about only a specific day. i.e. Boats rented don't run across more than 1 day.



The correct check would look like this:


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE timeStart <='$timeEnd' 
AND timeEnd >='$timeStart' 
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

Other good explanations have been given but I'll go ahead and update it with an alternative explanation of how I visualize this myself. Most people are looking for each possible overlap, considering two time periods, they are trying to think of each combination of start and end that can make an appointment overlap. I think about it as when do two time periods not overlap which for some reason is easier for me.


Say the time period I am checking for is today, I want to find any time period that does not overlap today. There are really only two scenarios for that, either the time period starts after today (PeriodStart > EndOfToday) or the time period ends before today (PeriodEnd < StartOfToday).

说我正在检查的时间段是今天,我想找到今天不重叠的任何时间段。实际上只有两种情况,即时间段在今天之后开始(PeriodStart> EndOfToday)或时间段在今天之前结束(PeriodEnd )。

Given that we havea simple test for not overlapping:
(PeriodStart > EndOfToday) OR (PeriodEnd < StartOfToday)

鉴于我们有一个不重叠的简单测试:(PeriodStart> EndOfToday)OR(PeriodEnd )

A quick flip around and you have a simple test for overlap:
(PeriodStart <= EndOfToday) AND (PeriodEnd >= StartOfToday)

快速翻转,你有一个简单的重叠测试:(PeriodStart <= EndOfToday)AND(PeriodEnd> = StartOfToday)



Shahkalpesh answered the question with:


I think you need an OR.


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE (timeStart >='$timeStart' 
OR timeEnd <='$timeEnd')
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

I posted a comment that I consider this to be wrong, giving a pair of counter-examples:


This is plain wrong - @ShaneD is correct. For example, this will pick out a booking between 05:00 and 06:00 because the actual end time is less than any of the end times you ask about. It will also pick up rentals from 18:00 onwards, for the equivalent reason.

这是完全错误的 - @ShaneD是正确的。例如,这将在05:00和06:00之间选择预订,因为实际结束时间少于您询问的任何结束时间。由于同等原因,它还将从18:00开始接收租金。

In a response to my comment, Shahkalpesh requested:


Could you post a separate reply with data & input parameters with expected output?


Fair enough - yes. Slightly edited, the question says:

足够公平 - 是的。略有编辑,问题说:

The logic is that a boat rental can be reserved


  • from 7am until 1pm, or
  • 从早上7点到下午1点,或

  • from 9am until 1pm, or
  • 从上午9点到下午1点,或

  • from 9am until 5pm.
  • 从上午9点到下午5点。

If there is an appointment within that range, it should return appointments but it has proven to be inconsistent. If I pick 9am until 1pm, ...


Enough background. We can ignore the date of the appointments, and just consider the times. I'm assuming that there is an easy way to limit the times recorded to hh:mm format; not all DBMS actually provide that, but the extension to handle hh:mm:ss is trivial.



Row     timeStart   timeEnd   Note
  1     07:00       13:00     First valid range
  2     09:00       13:00     Second valid range
  3     09:00       17:00     Third valid range
  4     14:00       17:00     First plausibly valid range
  5     05:00       06:00     First probably invalid range
  6     18:00       22:30     Second probably invalid range

Given a search for appointments overlapping the range 09:00 - 13:00, Shahkalpesh's (simplified) query becomes:


SELECT * FROM Appointments
    WHERE (timeStart >= '09:00' OR timeEnd <= '13:00')

This will return all six rows of data. However, only rows 1, 2, 3 overlap the time period 09:00 - 13:00. If rows 1, 2, and 3 are the only valid representative appointment values, then Shahkalpesh's query produces the correct answer. However, if the row 4 (which I think is plausibly valid) is permitted, then it should not be returned. Similarly, rows 5 and 6 - if present - should not be returned. [Actually, assuming timeStart <= timeEnd for all rows in the table (and there are no NULL values to mess things up), we can see that Shahkalpesh's query will return ANY row of data for the 09:00-13:00 query because either the start time of the row is greater 09:00 or the end time is less than 13:00 or both. This is tantamount to writing 1 = 1 or any other tautology in the WHERE clause.]

这将返回所有六行数据。但是,只有第1,2,3行与时间段09:00 - 13:00重叠。如果第1行,第2行和第3行是唯一有效的代表约会值,则Shahkalpesh的查询会生成正确的答案。但是,如果允许第4行(我认为合理有效),则不应返回。同样,不应返回第5行和第6行(如果存在)。 [实际上,假设表中所有行的timeStart <= timeEnd(并且没有NULL值可以搞乱),我们可以看到Shahkalpesh的查询将返回09:00-13:00查询的任意数据行,因为行的开始时间大于09:00或结束时间小于13:00或两者。这相当于在WHERE子句中写1 = 1或任何其他重言式。

If we consider ShaneD's query (as simplified):


SELECT * FROM Appointments
    WHERE timeStart <= '13:00' AND timeEnd >= '09:00'

we see that it also selects rows 1, 2, and 3, but it rejects rows 4 (because timeStart > '13:00'), 5 (because timeEnd < '09:00') and 6 (because timeStart > '13:00'). This expression is an archetypal example of how to select rows which 'overlap', counting 'meets' and 'met by' (see "Allen's Interval Algebra", for instance) as overlapping. Changing '>=' and '<=' alters the set of intervals counted as overlapping.

我们看到它也选择了行1,2和3,但它拒绝了第4行(因为timeStart> '13:00'),5(因为timeEnd <'09:00')和6(因为timeStart> '13: 00' )。这个表达式是一个典型的例子,说明如何选择“重叠”,计数“满足”和“满足”(例如,参见“Allen's Interval Algebra”)重叠的行。更改'> ='和'<='会更改计为重叠的间隔集。


Thanks Shane, Shahkalpesh, and Jonathan.


I actually overlooked the fact that Shane "swapped" the variables (I was still using timeStart<=$timeStart when it should be timeStart <= $timeEnd). I ran with the modified statement as Jonathan/Shane suggested and it works. As Jonathan did point out, I did obviously missed out some time ranges that I should have tested against.

我实际上忽略了Shane“交换”变量这一事实(我还在使用timeStart <= $ timeStart,它应该是timeStart <= $ timeEnd)。我按照Jonathan / Shane的建议运行修改后的声明并且它有效。正如乔纳森所指出的那样,我确实错过了一些我应该测试的时间范围。

Now with Jonathan's explanation, I now get a better picture of my mistake is and it's helpful.



I think you need an OR.


SELECT * FROM appts 
WHERE (timeStart >='$timeStart' 
OR timeEnd <='$timeEnd')
AND dayappt='$boatdate'

Assuming each record cares about only a specific day. i.e. Boats rented don't run across more than 1 day.
