
时间:2021-11-12 09:07:41

I've got a client/server application written in C# using WPF. The database on the server is getting quite large and the application has to load much of it's data (let's not debate that part of it...just trust me on that and take it for what it is). I could instead pull the data as needed on demand, however that creates performance issues due to the constant querying back and forth with the remote db.


What would be great though, is if on application start I could pull down the data I need to the client and store it in a locally running database. The application then queries the local database, rather than the remote server database. In this way, the application keeps a low memory footprint, but still has quick access to the data since it's local.


Is it possible to use SQL Server Express or LocalDB in this manner? i.e. letting them run on the client machines, and syncing with the server database on application start? If so, would this be a recommended or not-recommended use of them?

是否可以以这种方式使用SQL Server Express或LocalDB?即让它们在客户端计算机上运行,​​并在应用程序启动时与服务器数据库同步?如果是这样,这是推荐使用还是不推荐使用它们?


3 个解决方案



Check out MS Sync Framework if you haven't already: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sync/bb736753.aspx There's a steep learning curve but it is designed for these kinds of scenarios.

如果你还没有,请查看MS Sync Framework:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sync/bb736753.aspx这是一个陡峭的学习曲线,但它是为这些场景设计的。

The app can pull down new/updated data to the local database on startup or whenever required. This is helpful for performance or when the network connection may be unstable.




Check out SQL Lite

查看SQL Lite


SQL LITE Features




Could you not think about this the other way around and rather than pushing additional concerns into your client just think about putting a thin layer in front of your database?


If you were to use a thin NoSQL based layer (MongoDB or CouchDB being most popular) you could just cache your objects within there so the load is taken off your database and pushed onto the cache, you also then get the ability to scale your cache horizontally across other boxes if you wanted.


I know this kinda goes against the "Using Local DB" part of your question, but I didn't want to ignore the fact that you could solve your problem without touching the client (maybe a few connection string changes but your models would stay the same).




Check out MS Sync Framework if you haven't already: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sync/bb736753.aspx There's a steep learning curve but it is designed for these kinds of scenarios.

如果你还没有,请查看MS Sync Framework:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sync/bb736753.aspx这是一个陡峭的学习曲线,但它是为这些场景设计的。

The app can pull down new/updated data to the local database on startup or whenever required. This is helpful for performance or when the network connection may be unstable.




Check out SQL Lite

查看SQL Lite


SQL LITE Features




Could you not think about this the other way around and rather than pushing additional concerns into your client just think about putting a thin layer in front of your database?


If you were to use a thin NoSQL based layer (MongoDB or CouchDB being most popular) you could just cache your objects within there so the load is taken off your database and pushed onto the cache, you also then get the ability to scale your cache horizontally across other boxes if you wanted.


I know this kinda goes against the "Using Local DB" part of your question, but I didn't want to ignore the fact that you could solve your problem without touching the client (maybe a few connection string changes but your models would stay the same).
