如何查找SQL server 2005的服务器名

时间:2021-08-28 09:08:05

I have installed SQL Server 2005 on my system. After installation, when I try to use it, it is asking for server name. I have tried

我在我的系统上安装了SQL Server 2005。安装后,当我尝试使用它时,它会询问服务器名。我有试过

.     .\     .\SQLEXPRESS     local    (local)    localhost     .\localhost 
(localhost)    computername    .computername 

in Windows authentication. But I was unable to connect to SQL Server. Please help me to connect.

在Windows身份验证。但是我无法连接到SQL Server。请帮我接一下。

3 个解决方案



Check this path to find SQL Server Configuration Manager:

检查此路径查找SQL Server配置管理器:


Also check this path:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL<server_version>.<instance_name>\

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server \该< server_version >,< instance_name > \

Server Instance Name:


如何查找SQL server 2005的服务器名

Another way to find find local server name:


如何查找SQL server 2005的服务器名



install managment studio and find name of the server or go to the sql server configuration manager.

安装managment studio并找到服务器的名称或转到sql server配置管理器。



CodeCaster is right it is the duplication. one more way to see your instance name is go to "Service" and look for "SQL Server" it will have SQL Server instance name .. if it is MSSQLServer then you can tye "." only else you should type ".\Instancename".

CodeCaster是对的,这就是复制。查看实例名的另一种方法是转到“Service”并查找“SQL Server”,它将具有SQL Server实例名。如果它是MSSQLServer,那么你可以输入“。”.“只有你应该输入”.\实例名”。



Check this path to find SQL Server Configuration Manager:

检查此路径查找SQL Server配置管理器:


Also check this path:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL<server_version>.<instance_name>\

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server \该< server_version >,< instance_name > \

Server Instance Name:


如何查找SQL server 2005的服务器名

Another way to find find local server name:


如何查找SQL server 2005的服务器名



install managment studio and find name of the server or go to the sql server configuration manager.

安装managment studio并找到服务器的名称或转到sql server配置管理器。



CodeCaster is right it is the duplication. one more way to see your instance name is go to "Service" and look for "SQL Server" it will have SQL Server instance name .. if it is MSSQLServer then you can tye "." only else you should type ".\Instancename".

CodeCaster是对的,这就是复制。查看实例名的另一种方法是转到“Service”并查找“SQL Server”,它将具有SQL Server实例名。如果它是MSSQLServer,那么你可以输入“。”.“只有你应该输入”.\实例名”。