如何在SQL Server数据库之间移动图表?

时间:2021-08-28 09:08:23

I'm trying to move a database from a hosted server to my own SQLExpress instance. I used the Database Publishing Wizard to create the script... but the diagrams were not transferred.


Then, I found and followed the advice of another answer on this site that had me import/export the data to the sysdiagrams table.


When I do that, I see all of the diagrams in the Diagrams folder. However, when I try to open one, I see an outline of each table, then get a popup error message that says:


"Table(s) were removed from the diagram because privileges were removed to these table(s) or the table(s) were dropped."


When I exit from the popup, all of the tables are removed from the diagram (except for a couple of aspnet_xyz membership tables that were part of one diagram).


Do you know how I can transfer the diagrams without receiving this message?


4 个解决方案


You need to delete the diagram and in the right click menu with the "New Database diagram" create a new one and add the tables you need, and save it finally.



The simplest way is to create a backup of the whole database and restore it to your Express database. You are getting the error because the diagrams are no simple drawings - they are just some metadata and they rely on the tables they show - you need the tables shown by the diagram. If you don't want to modify the diagram, just export it as an image.

最简单的方法是创建整个数据库的备份并将其还原到Express数据库。您收到错误是因为图表不是简单的图纸 - 它们只是一些元数据,它们依赖于它们显示的表格 - 您需要图表所示的表格。如果您不想修改图表,只需将其导出为图像即可。


I have seen something similar to this before, it wasn't quite the same but perhaps it's close enough to apply to you.


It is likely that the trouble that you were having initially was to do with user privileges being tied to the old server in some way.


Refer to http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=120849&SiteID=1 and this: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143684.aspx.


  • You will need to stop your "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" service.

    您需要停止“SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS)”服务。

  • Then delete the "\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data\SQLEXPRESS" folder.

    然后删除“\ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server Data \ SQLEXPRESS”文件夹。

  • Restart SQL Server.

    重新启动SQL Server。

  • Restart Visual Studio.

    重新启动Visual Studio。

I hope that helps.



This problem stopped when I re-scripted the entire database using the Database Publishing Wizard... This time I specified "Schema Only" instead of "Schema and Data." After I did this, I was able to successfully import and open the diagrams using the Import/Export wizard.



You need to delete the diagram and in the right click menu with the "New Database diagram" create a new one and add the tables you need, and save it finally.



The simplest way is to create a backup of the whole database and restore it to your Express database. You are getting the error because the diagrams are no simple drawings - they are just some metadata and they rely on the tables they show - you need the tables shown by the diagram. If you don't want to modify the diagram, just export it as an image.

最简单的方法是创建整个数据库的备份并将其还原到Express数据库。您收到错误是因为图表不是简单的图纸 - 它们只是一些元数据,它们依赖于它们显示的表格 - 您需要图表所示的表格。如果您不想修改图表,只需将其导出为图像即可。


I have seen something similar to this before, it wasn't quite the same but perhaps it's close enough to apply to you.


It is likely that the trouble that you were having initially was to do with user privileges being tied to the old server in some way.


Refer to http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=120849&SiteID=1 and this: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143684.aspx.


  • You will need to stop your "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" service.

    您需要停止“SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS)”服务。

  • Then delete the "\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data\SQLEXPRESS" folder.

    然后删除“\ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server Data \ SQLEXPRESS”文件夹。

  • Restart SQL Server.

    重新启动SQL Server。

  • Restart Visual Studio.

    重新启动Visual Studio。

I hope that helps.



This problem stopped when I re-scripted the entire database using the Database Publishing Wizard... This time I specified "Schema Only" instead of "Schema and Data." After I did this, I was able to successfully import and open the diagrams using the Import/Export wizard.
