Missing Linq to SQL namespace in Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project

时间:2021-06-12 09:06:44

The hosting provider for one of the web sites I manage has forced us to only be able to modify the site as a web project instead of as a web application. When it was initially a web application it was working fine, but after converting to a web site project I had many issues involving missing namespaces and references and was able to resolve them by placing all of my libraries inside of the top-level App_Code folder of the web site. I have one last issue with my linq-to-sql class - in Visual Studio the class is recognized now that it's in the top level App_Code folder, but when I call a page which references it I get the following error:

我管理的其中一个网站的托管服务提供商迫使我们只能将网站修改为Web项目而不是Web应用程序。当它最初是一个Web应用程序时,它工作正常,但在转换为网站项目后,我遇到了很多涉及缺少命名空间和引用的问题,并且能够通过将所有库放在顶层的App_Code文件夹中来解决这些问题。网站。我的linq-to-sql类有一个最后一个问题 - 在Visual Studio中,类现在被识别为位于*App_Code文件夹中,但是当我调用引用它的页面时,我收到以下错误:

The type or namespace name 'LIFH_IntakesDataContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


Initially there was no namespace whatsoever, but in my attempts to fix this I addded a "LIHS" namespace and placed the Data Context within that:


Missing Linq to SQL namespace in Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project

Here are the references for the site:


Missing Linq to SQL namespace in Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project

And here is the Build configuration: Missing Linq to SQL namespace in Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project


And, here is my directory structure (Linq-to-SQL class is referenced in the circled "reports.aspx" page):Missing Linq to SQL namespace in Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project


Code in reports.aspx:
Missing Linq to SQL namespace in Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project


Both the master page and the reports page are both in the LIHS namespace.


I am developing on Visual Studio 2012 and the application pool is set to .NET 2.0. The hosting provider does not allow anything above 2.0.

我正在Visual Studio 2012上开发,应用程序池设置为.NET 2.0。托管服务提供商不允许高于2.0的任何内容。

I have researched and found many references to my issue but most of them solve the problem by converting to a web application, which I cannot do, or by changing the target framework or by using a namespace, which I have done, but to no avail. I would appreciate any insight on this.


1 个解决方案



Pay Attention: Linq is only available in .Net 3.5 and later
If you are using .net 2.0 it wont work.

注意:Linq仅适用于.Net 3.5及更高版本如果您使用.net 2.0则无法使用。

You can see it in your screenshot.


Hope it helps.




Pay Attention: Linq is only available in .Net 3.5 and later
If you are using .net 2.0 it wont work.

注意:Linq仅适用于.Net 3.5及更高版本如果您使用.net 2.0则无法使用。

You can see it in your screenshot.


Hope it helps.
