SQL Server查询按列中的最大值分组

时间:2022-07-27 09:03:32


using the Rank() over partition syntax available in MS SQL Server 2005 does indeed point me in the right direction, it (or maybe I should write "I") is unable to give me the results I need without resorting to enumerating rows in code.

使用MS SQL Server 2005中可用的Rank()over分区语法确实指向了正确的方向,它(或者我应该写“I”)无法向我提供我需要的结果而无需在代码中枚举行。

For example, if we select TOP (1) of rank, I get only one value, ie., slot 1. If I use MAX(), then I get the top ranked value for each slot...which, in my case, doesn't work, because if slot 2's top value is NULL, but it's next to MAX value is non-empty, that is the one I want.


So, unable to find a completely T-SQL solution, I've resorted to filtering as much as possible in SQL and then enumerating the results in code on the client side.



I've been hitting advanced T-SQL books, * and google trying to figure out how to handle this query either by using pivots or by using analytic functions. So far, I haven't hit on the right combination.


I have schedules that are ranked (higher value, greater precedence). Each schedule has a playlist of a certain number of numbered slots with files.


What I need to do, is line up all the schedules and their associated playlists, and for each slot, grab the file from the schedule having the highest ranking value.


so, if I had a query for a specific customer with a join between the playlists and the schedules, ordered by Schedule.Rank DESC like so:

所以,如果我通过播放列表和日程表之间的连接查询特定客户,请按Schedule.Rank DESC排序,如下所示:

PlaylistId   Schedule.Rank    SlotNumber    FileId
100               100             1          1001
100               100             2          NULL
100               100             3          NULL
200                80             1          1101
200                80             2          NULL 
200                80             3          NULL
300                60             1          1201
300                60             2          NULL
300                60             3          2202
400                20             1          1301
400                20             2          2301
400                20             3          NULL

From this, I need to find the FileId for the MAX ranked row per slotnumber:


SlotNumber   FileId    Schedule.Rank
1             1001         100
2             2301          20
3             2202          60

Any ideas on how to do this?


Table Definitions below:


CREATE TABLE dbo.Playlists(
    id int NOT NULL)

CREATE TABLE dbo.Customers(
    id int NOT NULL,
    name nchar(10) NULL)

CREATE TABLE dbo.Schedules(
    id int NOT NULL,
    rank int NOT NULL,
    playlistid int NULL,
    customerid int NULL)

CREATE TABLE dbo.PlaylistSlots(
    id int NOT NULL,
    slotnumber int NOT NULL,
    playlistid int NULL,
    fileid int NULL)

3 个解决方案


SELECT slotnumber, fileid, rank
    SELECT slotnumber, fileid, Schedules.rank, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY slotnumber ORDER BY Schedules.rank DESC) as rankfunc
    FROM Schedules
    INNER JOIN PlaylistSlots ON Schedules.playlistid = PlaylistSlots.playlistid
) tmp
WHERE rankfunc = 1


Have you looked at SQL Server's (2005 onwards) PARTITION and RANK features?

您是否看过SQL Server(2005年起)的PARTITION和RANK功能?


select SlotNumber, FileId, ScheduleRank
FROM intermediateTable a, 
   SELECT SlotNumber, Max(Schedule.Rank) as MaxRank
   FROM intermediateTable O
   WHERE FileId is not null GROUP BY SlotNumber) b
WHERE b.SlotNumber = a.SlotNumber and b.MaxRank = a.Rank

This query uses the intermediate output to build the final output.
Does this help?



SELECT slotnumber, fileid, rank
    SELECT slotnumber, fileid, Schedules.rank, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY slotnumber ORDER BY Schedules.rank DESC) as rankfunc
    FROM Schedules
    INNER JOIN PlaylistSlots ON Schedules.playlistid = PlaylistSlots.playlistid
) tmp
WHERE rankfunc = 1


Have you looked at SQL Server's (2005 onwards) PARTITION and RANK features?

您是否看过SQL Server(2005年起)的PARTITION和RANK功能?


select SlotNumber, FileId, ScheduleRank
FROM intermediateTable a, 
   SELECT SlotNumber, Max(Schedule.Rank) as MaxRank
   FROM intermediateTable O
   WHERE FileId is not null GROUP BY SlotNumber) b
WHERE b.SlotNumber = a.SlotNumber and b.MaxRank = a.Rank

This query uses the intermediate output to build the final output.
Does this help?
