运行远程SQL Server 2005的端口是什么?

时间:2022-06-26 08:51:39

How do I find what port is my remote SQL Server 2005 running on?

如何找到运行远程SQL Server 2005的端口?

2 个解决方案



SQL Server's default port is 1433. If you are unable to connect, you may have to make sure your firewall settings are correct.

SQL Server的默认端口为1433.如果无法连接,则可能必须确保防火墙设置正确。

Alternatively you can find out which port SQL Server is running by opening your command prompt: (Start > Run > CMD). Type "netstat" and hit enter, this will show you what you're looking for.

或者,您可以通过打开命令提示符找到SQL Server正在运行的端口:(开始>运行> CMD)。输入“netstat”并按Enter键,这将显示您要查找的内容。

You could also check SQL Server's Error Log on the remote server to determine the port. Here are some more intracate ways of determining the port.

您还可以检查远程服务器上的SQL Server错误日志以确定端口。以下是一些确定端口的更加无法确定的方法。

Additional information about ports right here on SO.




Unless it's modified, it's the default port 1433.




SQL Server's default port is 1433. If you are unable to connect, you may have to make sure your firewall settings are correct.

SQL Server的默认端口为1433.如果无法连接,则可能必须确保防火墙设置正确。

Alternatively you can find out which port SQL Server is running by opening your command prompt: (Start > Run > CMD). Type "netstat" and hit enter, this will show you what you're looking for.

或者,您可以通过打开命令提示符找到SQL Server正在运行的端口:(开始>运行> CMD)。输入“netstat”并按Enter键,这将显示您要查找的内容。

You could also check SQL Server's Error Log on the remote server to determine the port. Here are some more intracate ways of determining the port.

您还可以检查远程服务器上的SQL Server错误日志以确定端口。以下是一些确定端口的更加无法确定的方法。

Additional information about ports right here on SO.




Unless it's modified, it's the default port 1433.
