
时间:2022-09-09 08:50:13

I have a stored procedure takes in a parameter @phonename and I want to find out the property of the phone from the database. After I get the property from the database I would like to change the title of the column "Property" to the phone name that gets passed in from the stored procedure. For example, can I do


Select property as @phonename
from property
join phone on property.Phid = phone.Phid
where phoneid = (select phid from phone where name = @phonename)

1 个解决方案



Well, it is posible, although not recommended...


You could use dynamic sql:


DECLARE @command varchar(1000)
DECLARE @phonename varchar(100)
SET @phonename = 'Aaron'
SET @command = 'SELECT myColumn AS ' + @phonename + ' FROM myTable WHERE name = ' + @phonename
EXEC (@command)

See: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1160/execute-dynamic-sql-commands-in-sql-server/

NOTE: If your planning to use something like this in a production environment please think about the possibilites of SQL Injection. You might be safer by applying those name changes in your application code instead of in SQL.


See: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp



Well, it is posible, although not recommended...


You could use dynamic sql:


DECLARE @command varchar(1000)
DECLARE @phonename varchar(100)
SET @phonename = 'Aaron'
SET @command = 'SELECT myColumn AS ' + @phonename + ' FROM myTable WHERE name = ' + @phonename
EXEC (@command)

See: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1160/execute-dynamic-sql-commands-in-sql-server/

NOTE: If your planning to use something like this in a production environment please think about the possibilites of SQL Injection. You might be safer by applying those name changes in your application code instead of in SQL.


See: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp