
时间:2022-08-31 08:45:54

Try running this in iOS6 (haven't tested pre iOS6):


NSDateFormatter *julianDayDateFormatter = nil;
julianDayDateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[julianDayDateFormatter setDateFormat:@"g"];

for (NSString *timeZone in [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames]) {
    julianDayDateFormatter.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: timeZone];
    NSDate *date = [julianDayDateFormatter dateFromString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", 2475213]];
    if (date == nil)
        NSLog(@"timeZone = %@", timeZone);

and you get the following output:



Can anyone explain why these four time zones behave like this with NSDateFormatter set to julian day numbers? All other time zones makes NSDateFormatter return actual NSDates.


2 个解决方案



I have a suspicion. Only a suspicion, but a pretty strong one.


That value represents October 19th 2064. The Brazilian time zones observe daylight saving time starting at local midnight - that's when their clocks go forward, so midnight itself doesn't exist. October 19th is one of those transitions.


Here's some sample code using Noda Time, my .NET date/time API. It checks whether the start of the day in every time zone it knows about is actually midnight:


using System;
using NodaTime;

class Test
    static void Main()
        var localDate = new LocalDate(2064, 10, 19);
        var provider = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb;
        foreach (var id in provider.Ids)
            var zone = provider[id];
            var startOfDay = zone.AtStartOfDay(localDate).LocalDateTime.TimeOfDay;
            if (startOfDay != LocalTime.Midnight)

That produces a very similar list:



I suspect Brazil/East may be an alias for America/Sao_Paolo, which is why it's not on your list.


Anyway, to get back to your Julian day issue - I suspect the formatter always wants to return an NSDate * which is at the local midnight. That doesn't exist for October 19th 2064 in those time zones... hence it returns nil. Personally I'd suggest it should return the 1am value instead, but hey...

无论如何,回到您的朱利安日问题——我怀疑格式化程序总是想返回一个NSDate *,它在本地午夜。这在2064年10月19日的时区是不存在的……因此它返回零。我个人认为它应该返回上午1点的值,但是嘿…



Credits to Jon Skeet for putting me on the right track. However, I just want to clarify his answer in an iOS context.


When you ask NSDateFormatter to convert a julian day number into an NSDate, you can only specify whole numbers (usually you can specify a decimal part for the hours/minutes/secs of the day) in the string to be parsed. Because Apple demarcates julian days at midnight (as opposed to noon in astronomy, read more here: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table) and some midnights simply doesn't exists (thanks for pointing that out @JonSkeet) NSDateFormatter identifies that that particular point in time doesn't exist in that time zone and returns nil.

当您要求NSDateFormatter将朱利安日号转换为NSDate时,您只能在要解析的字符串中指定整个数字(通常可以指定一天中的小时/分钟/秒的小数部分)。因为苹果在午夜划分儒略日(与天文学的正午相反,请在这里阅读更多:http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table),一些午夜根本不存在(感谢您指出@JonSkeet), NSDateFormatter指出,在那个时区不存在特定的时间点,并返回nil。

For the record, iOS5 does not behave like this and I agree with Jon Skeet, that NSDateFormatter should return an NSDate adjusted for DST instead of nil, as that particular julian day in fact exists! I filed a bug with Apple.

为了记录,iOS5不是这样的,我同意Jon Skeet的观点,NSDateFormatter应该返回一个调整为DST而不是nil的NSDate,因为那个特定的julian day确实存在!我向苹果公司提出了一个问题。



I have a suspicion. Only a suspicion, but a pretty strong one.


That value represents October 19th 2064. The Brazilian time zones observe daylight saving time starting at local midnight - that's when their clocks go forward, so midnight itself doesn't exist. October 19th is one of those transitions.


Here's some sample code using Noda Time, my .NET date/time API. It checks whether the start of the day in every time zone it knows about is actually midnight:


using System;
using NodaTime;

class Test
    static void Main()
        var localDate = new LocalDate(2064, 10, 19);
        var provider = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb;
        foreach (var id in provider.Ids)
            var zone = provider[id];
            var startOfDay = zone.AtStartOfDay(localDate).LocalDateTime.TimeOfDay;
            if (startOfDay != LocalTime.Midnight)

That produces a very similar list:



I suspect Brazil/East may be an alias for America/Sao_Paolo, which is why it's not on your list.


Anyway, to get back to your Julian day issue - I suspect the formatter always wants to return an NSDate * which is at the local midnight. That doesn't exist for October 19th 2064 in those time zones... hence it returns nil. Personally I'd suggest it should return the 1am value instead, but hey...

无论如何,回到您的朱利安日问题——我怀疑格式化程序总是想返回一个NSDate *,它在本地午夜。这在2064年10月19日的时区是不存在的……因此它返回零。我个人认为它应该返回上午1点的值,但是嘿…



Credits to Jon Skeet for putting me on the right track. However, I just want to clarify his answer in an iOS context.


When you ask NSDateFormatter to convert a julian day number into an NSDate, you can only specify whole numbers (usually you can specify a decimal part for the hours/minutes/secs of the day) in the string to be parsed. Because Apple demarcates julian days at midnight (as opposed to noon in astronomy, read more here: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table) and some midnights simply doesn't exists (thanks for pointing that out @JonSkeet) NSDateFormatter identifies that that particular point in time doesn't exist in that time zone and returns nil.

当您要求NSDateFormatter将朱利安日号转换为NSDate时,您只能在要解析的字符串中指定整个数字(通常可以指定一天中的小时/分钟/秒的小数部分)。因为苹果在午夜划分儒略日(与天文学的正午相反,请在这里阅读更多:http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table),一些午夜根本不存在(感谢您指出@JonSkeet), NSDateFormatter指出,在那个时区不存在特定的时间点,并返回nil。

For the record, iOS5 does not behave like this and I agree with Jon Skeet, that NSDateFormatter should return an NSDate adjusted for DST instead of nil, as that particular julian day in fact exists! I filed a bug with Apple.

为了记录,iOS5不是这样的,我同意Jon Skeet的观点,NSDateFormatter应该返回一个调整为DST而不是nil的NSDate,因为那个特定的julian day确实存在!我向苹果公司提出了一个问题。