
时间:2023-02-08 08:35:04

I have a stored procedure like this:


CREATE PROCEDURE prtl_usp_portal_logdaily 
    @startdate DATETIME,
    @enddate DATETIME,
    @usertype int,
    @gradelist varchar(1000) = null
    SET @qry=''

    IF(@usertype = 1)
       ;WITH mycte AS
           SELECT CAST(@startdate AS DATETIME) DateValue
           UNION ALL
           SELECT DateValue + 1
           FROM mycte   
           WHERE DateValue + 1 <= @enddate

      SET @qry = N'SELECT datepart(day,DateValue) AS daycode,
   (select count(DISTINCT a.userID) from PRTL_UserAccessLog a
   inner join prtlv_familydetails b
   on a.userid=b.familyid 
   INNER JOIN STD_StudentDetails c ON b.FamilyID = c.familyid
    INNER JOIN dbo.STD_CurrentAcademicInformation d ON c.StudentID = d.StudentID
   WHERE d.GradeID IN ('+@gradelist+')
   and a.usertypeid=1 and convert(date,DateTime) = DateValue) countvalue,
   (select count(*) from prtlv_familydetails) AS total_count,
   ROUND((CAST((select count(DISTINCT a.userID) from PRTL_UserAccessLog a
   inner join prtlv_familydetails b
   on a.userid=b.familyid 
   INNER JOIN STD_StudentDetails c ON b.FamilyID = c.familyid
    INNER JOIN dbo.STD_CurrentAcademicInformation d ON c.StudentID = d.StudentID
   WHERE d.GradeID IN ('+@gradelist+')
   and a.usertypeid=1 and convert(date,DateTime) = DateValue) AS FLOAT)/CAST((select count(*) from prtlv_familydetails)AS FLOAT)),3) AS average, 
   datename(dw,DateValue) AS day_name 
   FROM    mycte';
 EXEC (@qry)


When I run the procedure, I get the following error:


Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SET'.


After googling, I have found that if with cte is not the first statement, semicolon should be placed before cte statement. I have put the semicolon. But it is not working.


1 个解决方案



WITH needs to be followed by SELECT (or UPDATE or DELETE or INSERT) but not SET, and at least one of the common table expressions defined should be referenced by the following statement. You do not follow WITH by SELECT (or UPDATE or DELETE or INSERT).


Additionally the scope of the dynamic sql will not recognize a common table expression (cte) formed by the procedure prior to execution of the query string.


Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a common table expression (CTE). This is derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. This clause can also be used in a CREATE VIEW statement as part of its defining SELECT statement.

指定临时命名结果集,称为公用表表达式(CTE)。这是从简单查询派生而来,并在单个SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE或DELETE语句的执行范围内定义。此子句也可以在CREATE VIEW语句中用作其定义SELECT语句的一部分。

see: WITH common_table_expression

请参阅:WITH common_table_expression



WITH needs to be followed by SELECT (or UPDATE or DELETE or INSERT) but not SET, and at least one of the common table expressions defined should be referenced by the following statement. You do not follow WITH by SELECT (or UPDATE or DELETE or INSERT).


Additionally the scope of the dynamic sql will not recognize a common table expression (cte) formed by the procedure prior to execution of the query string.


Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a common table expression (CTE). This is derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. This clause can also be used in a CREATE VIEW statement as part of its defining SELECT statement.

指定临时命名结果集,称为公用表表达式(CTE)。这是从简单查询派生而来,并在单个SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE或DELETE语句的执行范围内定义。此子句也可以在CREATE VIEW语句中用作其定义SELECT语句的一部分。

see: WITH common_table_expression

请参阅:WITH common_table_expression