
时间:2021-06-30 08:33:28

I am trying to determine what the best way is to find variations of a first name in a database. For example, I search for Bill Smith. I would like it return "Bill Smith", obviously, but I would also like it to return "William Smith", or "Billy Smith", or even "Willy Smith". My initial thought was to build a first name hierarchy, but I do not know where I could obtain such data, if it even exists.


Since users can search the directory, I thought this would be a key feature. For example, people I went to school with called me Joe, but I always go by Joseph now. So, I was looking at doing a phonetic search on the last name, either with NYSIIS or Double Metaphone and then searching on the first name using this name heirarchy. Is there a better way to do this - maybe some sort of graded relevance using a full text search on the full name instead of a two part search on the first and last name? Part of me thinks that if I stored a name as a single value instead of multiple values, it might facilitate more search options at the expense of being able to address a user by the first name.

由于用户可以搜索目录,我认为这将是一个关键特性。例如,和我一起上学的人叫我乔,但我现在总是从约瑟夫身边经过。所以,我想用语音搜索来搜索姓氏,用NYSIIS或Double Metaphone,然后用这个名字来搜索姓氏。是否有更好的方法来实现这一点——也许是某种程度上的相关性,使用全名的全文搜索,而不是用姓和名的两部分搜索?我的一部分想法是,如果我将一个名称存储为一个值而不是多个值,那么它可能会促进更多的搜索选项,代价是无法通过用户的名字来定位用户。

As far as platform, I am using SQL Server 2005 - however, I don't have a problem shifting some of the matching into the code; for example, pre-seeding the phonetic keys for a user, since they wouldn't change.

就平台而言,我使用的是SQL Server 2005——但是,我没有把一些匹配转换成代码的问题;例如,为用户预播语音键,因为它们不会改变。

Any thoughts or guidance would be appreciated. Countless searches have pretty much turned up empty. Thanks!


Edit: It seems that there are two very distinct camps on the functionality and I am definitely sitting in the middle right now. I could see the argument of a full-text search - most likely done with a lack of data normalization, and a multi-part approach that uses different criteria for different parts of the name.


The problem ultimately comes down to user intent. The Bill / William example is a good one, because it shows the mutation of a first name based upon the formality of the usage. I think that building a name hierarchy is the more accurate (and extensible) solution, but is going to be far more complex. The fuzzy search approach is easier to implement at the expense of accuracy. Is this a fair comparison?

问题最终归结为用户意图。Bill / William的例子是一个很好的例子,因为它根据用法的形式显示了名字的变化。我认为构建名称层次结构是更准确(和可扩展)的解决方案,但它将更加复杂。模糊搜索方法更容易实现,而牺牲了准确性。这是公平的比较吗?

Resolution: Upon doing some tests, I have determined to go with an approach where the initial registration will take a full name and I will split it out into multiple fields (forename, surname, middle, suffix, etc.). Since I am sure that it won't be perfect, I will allow the user to edit the "parts", including adding a maiden or alternate name. As far as searching goes, with either solution I am going to need to maintain what variations exists, either in a database table, or as a thesaurus. Neither have an advantage over the other in this case. I think it is going to come down to performance, and I will have to actually run some benchmarks to determine which is best. Thank you, everyone, for your input!


9 个解决方案



No, Full Text searches will not help to solve your problem.


I think you might want to take a look at some of the following links: (Funny, no one mentioned SoundEx till now)


Basically SoundEx allows you to evaluate the level of similarity in similar sounding words. The function is also available on SQL 2005.

基本上SoundEx允许你评估相似发音的相似程度。该函数在SQL 2005上也可用。

As a side issue, instead of returning similar results, it might prove more intuitive to the user to use a AJAX based script to deliver similar sounding names before the user initiates his/her search. That way you can show the user "similar names" or "did you mean..." kind of data.




In my opinion you should either do a feature right and make it complete, or you should leave it off to avoid building a half-assed intelligence into a computer program that still gets it wrong most of the time ("Looks like you're writing a letter", anyone?).


In case of human names, a computer will get it wrong most of the time, doing it right and complete is impossible, IMHO. Maybe you can hack something that does the most common English names. But actually, the intelligence to look for both "Bill" and "William" is built into almost any English speaking person - I would leave it to them to connect the dots.




I think your basic approach is solid. I don't think fulltext is going to help you. For seeding, behindthename.com seems to have large amount of the data you want.




Are you using SQl Server 2005 Express with Advanced Services as to me it sounds you would benefit from the Full Text indexing and more specifically Contains and Containstable which you can use with specific instructions here is a link for the uses of Containstable:

您是否正在使用SQl Server 2005 Express与高级服务,就我而言,您将从全文索引中获益,更具体地说,包含和容器,您可以使用特定的指令这里有一个使用Containstable的链接:



and here is the download link for SQL Server 2005 With Advanced Services:

下面是SQL Server 2005的下载链接,其中包含高级服务:


http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=4c6ba9fd - 319 - 4887 - bc75 - 3 - b02b5e48a40&displaylang=en

Hope this helps,






You can use the SQL Server Full Text Search and do an inflectional search.

您可以使用SQL Server全文搜索并进行屈折搜索。

Basically like:


SELECT ProductId, ProductName FROM ProductModel WHERE CONTAINS(CatalogDescription, ' FORMSOF(THESAURUS, metal) ')

选择ProductModel中的ProductName,其中包含(编目描述,' FORMSOF(同义词典,metal))”)

Check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Full_Text_Search#Inflectional_Searches http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345119.aspx http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1491

查看:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Full_Text_Search# inflectional_search http://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/library/ms3419.aspx http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?



Not sure what your application is, but if your users know at the time of sign up that people from their past might be searching the database for them, you could offer them the chance in the user profile to define other names they might be known as (including last names, women change these all the time and makes finding them much harder!) and that they want people to be able to search on. Store these in a separate related table. Then search on that. Just make the structure such that you can define one name as the main name (the one you use for everything except the search.)




You'll find that you're dabbling in an area known as "Natural Language Processing" and you'll need to do several things, most of which can be found under the topic of stemming.


Simplistic stemming simply breaks the word apart, but more advanced algorithms associate words that mean the same thing - for instance Google might use stemming to convert "cat" and "kitten" to "feline" and search for all three, weighing the actual word provided by the user as slightly heavier so exact matches return before stemmed matches.


It's a known problem, and there are open source stemmers available.






The term you are looking for is Hypocorism:




And Wikipedia lists many of them. You could bang out some Python or Perl to scrape that page and put it in a db.


I would go with a structure like this:


create table given_names (
  id int primary key,
  name text not null unique

create table hypocorisms (
  id int references given_names(id),
  name text not null,

  primary key (id, name)

insert into given_names values (1, 'William');
insert into hypocorisms values (1, 'Bill');
insert into hypocorisms values (1, 'Billy');

Then you could write a function/sproc to normalize a name:


normalize_given_name('Bill'); --returns William

One issue you will face is that different names can have the same hypocorism (Albert -> Al, Alan -> Al)

你将面临的一个问题是不同的名字可能具有相同的低中心(Albert -> Al, Alan -> Al)



Here's an idea for automatically finding "name synonyms" like Bill/William. That problem has been studied in the broader context of synonyms in general: inducing them from statistics of which words commonly appear in the same contexts in a large text corpus like the Web. You could try combining that approach with a list of names like Moby Names; I don't know if it's been done before.

这里有一个自动查找“name synonyms”(如Bill/William)的方法。这个问题已经在同义词的更广泛的语境中得到了研究:从统计信息中归纳同义词,这些统计信息通常出现在像Web这样的大型文本语料库中的相同语境中。您可以尝试将该方法与诸如Moby名称的列表组合在一起;我不知道以前是否做过。

Here are some pointers.




No, Full Text searches will not help to solve your problem.


I think you might want to take a look at some of the following links: (Funny, no one mentioned SoundEx till now)


Basically SoundEx allows you to evaluate the level of similarity in similar sounding words. The function is also available on SQL 2005.

基本上SoundEx允许你评估相似发音的相似程度。该函数在SQL 2005上也可用。

As a side issue, instead of returning similar results, it might prove more intuitive to the user to use a AJAX based script to deliver similar sounding names before the user initiates his/her search. That way you can show the user "similar names" or "did you mean..." kind of data.




In my opinion you should either do a feature right and make it complete, or you should leave it off to avoid building a half-assed intelligence into a computer program that still gets it wrong most of the time ("Looks like you're writing a letter", anyone?).


In case of human names, a computer will get it wrong most of the time, doing it right and complete is impossible, IMHO. Maybe you can hack something that does the most common English names. But actually, the intelligence to look for both "Bill" and "William" is built into almost any English speaking person - I would leave it to them to connect the dots.




I think your basic approach is solid. I don't think fulltext is going to help you. For seeding, behindthename.com seems to have large amount of the data you want.




Are you using SQl Server 2005 Express with Advanced Services as to me it sounds you would benefit from the Full Text indexing and more specifically Contains and Containstable which you can use with specific instructions here is a link for the uses of Containstable:

您是否正在使用SQl Server 2005 Express与高级服务,就我而言,您将从全文索引中获益,更具体地说,包含和容器,您可以使用特定的指令这里有一个使用Containstable的链接:



and here is the download link for SQL Server 2005 With Advanced Services:

下面是SQL Server 2005的下载链接,其中包含高级服务:


http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=4c6ba9fd - 319 - 4887 - bc75 - 3 - b02b5e48a40&displaylang=en

Hope this helps,






You can use the SQL Server Full Text Search and do an inflectional search.

您可以使用SQL Server全文搜索并进行屈折搜索。

Basically like:


SELECT ProductId, ProductName FROM ProductModel WHERE CONTAINS(CatalogDescription, ' FORMSOF(THESAURUS, metal) ')

选择ProductModel中的ProductName,其中包含(编目描述,' FORMSOF(同义词典,metal))”)

Check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Full_Text_Search#Inflectional_Searches http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345119.aspx http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1491

查看:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Full_Text_Search# inflectional_search http://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/library/ms3419.aspx http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?



Not sure what your application is, but if your users know at the time of sign up that people from their past might be searching the database for them, you could offer them the chance in the user profile to define other names they might be known as (including last names, women change these all the time and makes finding them much harder!) and that they want people to be able to search on. Store these in a separate related table. Then search on that. Just make the structure such that you can define one name as the main name (the one you use for everything except the search.)




You'll find that you're dabbling in an area known as "Natural Language Processing" and you'll need to do several things, most of which can be found under the topic of stemming.


Simplistic stemming simply breaks the word apart, but more advanced algorithms associate words that mean the same thing - for instance Google might use stemming to convert "cat" and "kitten" to "feline" and search for all three, weighing the actual word provided by the user as slightly heavier so exact matches return before stemmed matches.


It's a known problem, and there are open source stemmers available.






The term you are looking for is Hypocorism:




And Wikipedia lists many of them. You could bang out some Python or Perl to scrape that page and put it in a db.


I would go with a structure like this:


create table given_names (
  id int primary key,
  name text not null unique

create table hypocorisms (
  id int references given_names(id),
  name text not null,

  primary key (id, name)

insert into given_names values (1, 'William');
insert into hypocorisms values (1, 'Bill');
insert into hypocorisms values (1, 'Billy');

Then you could write a function/sproc to normalize a name:


normalize_given_name('Bill'); --returns William

One issue you will face is that different names can have the same hypocorism (Albert -> Al, Alan -> Al)

你将面临的一个问题是不同的名字可能具有相同的低中心(Albert -> Al, Alan -> Al)



Here's an idea for automatically finding "name synonyms" like Bill/William. That problem has been studied in the broader context of synonyms in general: inducing them from statistics of which words commonly appear in the same contexts in a large text corpus like the Web. You could try combining that approach with a list of names like Moby Names; I don't know if it's been done before.

这里有一个自动查找“name synonyms”(如Bill/William)的方法。这个问题已经在同义词的更广泛的语境中得到了研究:从统计信息中归纳同义词,这些统计信息通常出现在像Web这样的大型文本语料库中的相同语境中。您可以尝试将该方法与诸如Moby名称的列表组合在一起;我不知道以前是否做过。

Here are some pointers.
