For many times,i've given my own a new lifestyle,such as don't stay up late,have breakfast......while actually it didn't work ,i come to suspect the ability of control,maybe it is not the point to change ,but at then i'll be a loser, who can help me ? who can? ... nobody, it's me,myself.
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- Linux编程 15 文件权限(用户管理 useradd,userdel,usermod,passwd,chpasswd,chsh, chfn,chage)
- Chage
- Linux chage命令详解
- chage命令:修改账号密码的过期信息
- linux操作学习05:用户信息文件,用户管理(useradd、userdel、groupadd、groupdel、id、usermod),用户权力下放(sudo),用户认证信息控制(chage)
- linux中的chage命令
- Linux命令学习总结:chage
- Linux编程 15 文件权限(用户管理 useradd,userdel,usermod,passwd,chpasswd,chsh, chfn,chage)
- Linux 第一次登陆修改密码 chage -d 0