Microsoft Report Viewer版本9.0到10.0报告无法加载

时间:2021-02-24 08:21:02

We are using WinForms Reoprt viewer control. Everything worked fine until we migrated to VS2010 from VS2008. VS2010 converts our project to corresponding version simultaneously changing the version of Microsoft.ReportViwer.Common and Microsoft.WinForms from 9.0 to 10.0. Also during the first opening of .rdlc file VS2010 suggests to convert it.

我们正在使用WinForms Reoprt查看器控件。一切正常,直到我们从VS2008迁移到VS2010。 VS2010将我们的项目转换为相应的版本,同时将Microsoft.ReportViwer.Common和Microsoft.WinForms的版本从9.0更改为10.0。同样在.rdlc文件的第一次打开期间,VS2010建议将其转换。

After such manipulation report crashes and displays the following error:


"An error occured during local report processing. An error has occured during report processing. The Group expression used in Groping '' returned a data type that is not valid."


However if I change assemblies version back to 9.0 everithing works fine.


Does anybody have any idea or help how to make it work with newer libraries?


1 个解决方案



I've found the solution. This problem was with nested field attributes and fixed in VS2010 SP1. This article explains this issue

我找到了解决方案。此问题与嵌套字段属性有关,并已在VS2010 SP1中修复。本文解释了这个问题



I've found the solution. This problem was with nested field attributes and fixed in VS2010 SP1. This article explains this issue

我找到了解决方案。此问题与嵌套字段属性有关,并已在VS2010 SP1中修复。本文解释了这个问题