I have the following javascript object containing a multi-value email property:
var contact = {
email = {
home = (
work = (
emailCount = 2;
firstName = Micah;
lastName = Alcorn;
And I need to construct the following JSON to send to a Rails server:
processedContact.params = {
I don't know how to get past the following:
function processContact(contact) {
processedContact = {};
processedContact.params = {
// ????????
for (each in contact.email) {
// this can be used to produce the email.account values, but not the email.labels
If I type this in statically, my Rails app handles it correctly. But let me know if there is a better was to handle it on the server side so that I don't have to manually construct the JSON. Thanks!
1 个解决方案
When I iterate through the contact.email
I get labels. Getting the account is simply a matter of going back to the original contact Hash, thus:
function processContact(contact) {
processedContact = {};
processedContact.params = {
var index = 0;
for (label in contact.email) {
processedContact.params['contact[emails_attributes]['+index+'][label]'] = label;
processedContact.params['contact[emails_attributes]['+index+'][account]'] = contact[label];
return processedContact;
When I iterate through the contact.email
I get labels. Getting the account is simply a matter of going back to the original contact Hash, thus:
function processContact(contact) {
processedContact = {};
processedContact.params = {
var index = 0;
for (label in contact.email) {
processedContact.params['contact[emails_attributes]['+index+'][label]'] = label;
processedContact.params['contact[emails_attributes]['+index+'][account]'] = contact[label];
return processedContact;