从SQL Server报表生成器发布(导出)报表后,autorefresh功能是否仍然有效?

时间:2021-02-11 08:22:16

I'm learning how to use Microsoft SQL server report builder 3.0. I know there is a function in the report called autorefresh. It works when I simply run the report within the report builder. I'm thinking can it still be refreshed after the report is exported.

我正在学习如何使用Microsoft SQL Server报表生成器3.0。我知道报告中有一个名为autorefresh的函数。当我在报表生成器中运行报表时,它可以正常工作。我想在导出报告后仍然可以刷新它。

Another question may related to this autorefresh functionality. When I add dataset into report builder, does it actually load the data into report builder or set up a link between report builder and database? If it sets up a link does that mean when I change something in database, it will reflect on my report builder after I refresh it.


All I want to do is keep the report up to date even after I export it.


Really keen to know the answer.


Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案


Make properties visible(View Tab > Check Box View)


Then navigate to report properties(Click on blue space around page). It should say Report in bold at the top of properties.


Expand the Other list and AutoRefresh is the first one.


It's by default set to 0. It's measured in seconds so changing it to 30 will make your report refresh every 30 seconds.


Just so you know, you'll find that even though reportBuilder is the new SSRS(BIDS), it's still very, very similar. So don't feel like you need to always only look at Report Builder only. SSRS tutorials and other facts will be either identical or similar enough to figure it out.

你知道,即使reportBuilder是新的SSRS(BIDS),它仍然非常非常相似。因此,您不需要始终只查看报表生成器。 SSRS教程和其他事实将相同或相似,足以弄明白。


Make properties visible(View Tab > Check Box View)


Then navigate to report properties(Click on blue space around page). It should say Report in bold at the top of properties.


Expand the Other list and AutoRefresh is the first one.


It's by default set to 0. It's measured in seconds so changing it to 30 will make your report refresh every 30 seconds.


Just so you know, you'll find that even though reportBuilder is the new SSRS(BIDS), it's still very, very similar. So don't feel like you need to always only look at Report Builder only. SSRS tutorials and other facts will be either identical or similar enough to figure it out.

你知道,即使reportBuilder是新的SSRS(BIDS),它仍然非常非常相似。因此,您不需要始终只查看报表生成器。 SSRS教程和其他事实将相同或相似,足以弄明白。