如何将Microsoft SQL Server 2008报表生成器嵌入到表单中?

时间:2021-02-11 08:22:34

I don't want to open Report Builder from Report Manager. I want to embed Report Builder into my forms. Is there any way?

我不想从Report Manager打开Report Builder。我想将Report Builder嵌入到我的表单中。有什么办法吗?

8 个解决方案


This is a very old topic, but I want to post a correct answer since it's one of the first results when searching for "Report Builder".

这是一个非常古老的主题,但我想发布一个正确的答案,因为它是搜索“Report Builder”时的第一个结果之一。

Simply add a WebBrowser control to your form and on Form_Load, navigate to the URL of the Reporting Services server. You'll have a no-frills "browser" - no back button, no stop, no refresh, but right-clicking on the page will do it.

只需将WebBrowser控件添加到表单和Form_Load,导航到Reporting Services服务器的URL。你会有一个简洁的“浏览器” - 没有后退按钮,没有停止,没有刷新,但右键单击页面就可以了。


I do not believe report builder uses anything other than the SSRS API to do its work. You will need to create your own report builder. One way to do this is to play with the microsoft one and monitor the traffic between your browser and the server with HTTPAnalyser or Fiddler. Then you can recreate the same web service calls fom your own app.

我不相信报表生成器使用除SSRS API之外的任何其他内容来完成其工作。您需要创建自己的报告生成器。一种方法是使用microsoft,并使用HTTPAnalyser或Fiddler监控浏览器和服务器之间的流量。然后,您可以重新创建自己的应用程序相同的Web服务调用。


Have you had a look at the Report Builder standalone installer? v2.0 was just released in April, so it's possible that you haven't seen it. You can find it here.

您是否看过Report Builder独立安装程序? v2.0刚刚在4月发布,所以你可能还没有看到它。你可以在这里找到它。


I don't think it is possible to do this, given that the Report Builder 2.0 is a standalone application

鉴于Report Builder 2.0是一个独立的应用程序,我认为不可能这样做

What you could do however is create a shared data source on the server, and avail the link to the setup file for the installer in your application. Users can then connect to the data source and depending on their skill, create their own reports.



You may be able to subscribe to the appropriate service and build out a front end to talk to the service.



SQL Reporting Services is more of a server based reporting solution. If my embedding into your forms you mean that you want the end user to build reports from inside your application I suggest you look at a third-party tool to do this. I use Developer Express controls and they have a strong and reasonably priced solution for this. The product page is here.

SQL Reporting Services更像是基于服务器的报告解决方案。如果我嵌入到您的表单中,则表示您希望最终用户从您的应用程序内部构建报表,我建议您查看第三方工具来执行此操作。我使用Developer Express控件,他们有一个强大且价格合理的解决方案。产品页面在这里。


I think it is easy.
You can drag Microsoft.ReportViewer control from toolbox to your webform in studio 2008.
Then you can open report builder to initialize your report.
At the end, that report can be viewed and exported when you run your report.

我觉得这很容易。您可以将Microsoft.ReportViewer控件从工具箱拖动到studio 2008中的webform。然后,您可以打开报表生成器来初始化报表。最后,在运行报表时可以查看和导出该报表。


You should be able to create a hyperlink in your app to startup the click once Report Builder app. But it won't run within your form.

您应该能够在应用程序中创建超链接,以便在Report Builder应用程序启动单击。但它不会在你的表格内运行。

See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd795295.aspx for info on constructing the correct URL.




This is a very old topic, but I want to post a correct answer since it's one of the first results when searching for "Report Builder".

这是一个非常古老的主题,但我想发布一个正确的答案,因为它是搜索“Report Builder”时的第一个结果之一。

Simply add a WebBrowser control to your form and on Form_Load, navigate to the URL of the Reporting Services server. You'll have a no-frills "browser" - no back button, no stop, no refresh, but right-clicking on the page will do it.

只需将WebBrowser控件添加到表单和Form_Load,导航到Reporting Services服务器的URL。你会有一个简洁的“浏览器” - 没有后退按钮,没有停止,没有刷新,但右键单击页面就可以了。


I do not believe report builder uses anything other than the SSRS API to do its work. You will need to create your own report builder. One way to do this is to play with the microsoft one and monitor the traffic between your browser and the server with HTTPAnalyser or Fiddler. Then you can recreate the same web service calls fom your own app.

我不相信报表生成器使用除SSRS API之外的任何其他内容来完成其工作。您需要创建自己的报告生成器。一种方法是使用microsoft,并使用HTTPAnalyser或Fiddler监控浏览器和服务器之间的流量。然后,您可以重新创建自己的应用程序相同的Web服务调用。


Have you had a look at the Report Builder standalone installer? v2.0 was just released in April, so it's possible that you haven't seen it. You can find it here.

您是否看过Report Builder独立安装程序? v2.0刚刚在4月发布,所以你可能还没有看到它。你可以在这里找到它。


I don't think it is possible to do this, given that the Report Builder 2.0 is a standalone application

鉴于Report Builder 2.0是一个独立的应用程序,我认为不可能这样做

What you could do however is create a shared data source on the server, and avail the link to the setup file for the installer in your application. Users can then connect to the data source and depending on their skill, create their own reports.



You may be able to subscribe to the appropriate service and build out a front end to talk to the service.



SQL Reporting Services is more of a server based reporting solution. If my embedding into your forms you mean that you want the end user to build reports from inside your application I suggest you look at a third-party tool to do this. I use Developer Express controls and they have a strong and reasonably priced solution for this. The product page is here.

SQL Reporting Services更像是基于服务器的报告解决方案。如果我嵌入到您的表单中,则表示您希望最终用户从您的应用程序内部构建报表,我建议您查看第三方工具来执行此操作。我使用Developer Express控件,他们有一个强大且价格合理的解决方案。产品页面在这里。


I think it is easy.
You can drag Microsoft.ReportViewer control from toolbox to your webform in studio 2008.
Then you can open report builder to initialize your report.
At the end, that report can be viewed and exported when you run your report.

我觉得这很容易。您可以将Microsoft.ReportViewer控件从工具箱拖动到studio 2008中的webform。然后,您可以打开报表生成器来初始化报表。最后,在运行报表时可以查看和导出该报表。


You should be able to create a hyperlink in your app to startup the click once Report Builder app. But it won't run within your form.

您应该能够在应用程序中创建超链接,以便在Report Builder应用程序启动单击。但它不会在你的表格内运行。

See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd795295.aspx for info on constructing the correct URL.

