
时间:2021-04-30 08:18:15

I want an extension for two classes UITextField and UITextView and the code is identical, but I have trouble coming up with an extension that will work for them both.


I am using ReactiveCocoa and I currently have this


import UIKit
import ReactiveCocoa
import enum Result.NoError

typealias NoError = Result.NoError

// How to DRY up this code?
extension UITextField {
  func textSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> {
    return self.rac_textSignal()
      .map { $0 as! String }
      .flatMapError { error in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value:  "") }

extension UITextView {
  func textSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> {
    return self.rac_textSignal()
      .map { $0 as! String }
      .flatMapError { error in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value:  "") }

How would I write an extension that would work for both? I was trying to do something like


protocol TextSignalProducer {}

extension TextSignalProducer where Self: ???? {
  // Same code as is duplicated in both current extensions...

but I have no idea how to specify Self as either UITextField or UITextView. Something like where Self == UITextField || Self == UITextView would probably make this possible.

但我不知道如何将Self指定为UITextField或UITextView。像Self == UITextField ||的地方自我== UITextView可能会使这成为可能。

Is there a nice way to accomplish what I want to try? Is this really necessary (I don't know the naming conventions for protocols/extensions)


import UIKit
import ReactiveCocoa
import enum Result.NoError

typealias NoError = Result.NoError

protocol TextSignal {
  func rac_textSignal() -> RACSignal!

extension UITextField: TextSignal, TextSignalProducer {}
extension UITextView: TextSignal, TextSignalProducer {}

protocol TextSignalProducer {}

extension TextSignalProducer where Self: TextSignal {
  func textSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> {
    return self.rac_textSignal()
      .map { $0 as! String }
      .flatMapError { error in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value:  "") }

I am using Swift 2.1, Xcode 7.2 and ReactiveCocoa 4.0.1

我使用的是Swift 2.1,Xcode 7.2和ReactiveCocoa 4.0.1

2 个解决方案



You can cut down your proposed solution to a single dummy protocol:


protocol TextSignalProducer {
    func rac_textSignal() -> RACSignal!

extension TextSignalProducer {
    func textSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> {
        return self.rac_textSignal()
            .map { $0 as! String }
            .flatMapError { error in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value:  "") }

extension UITextField: TextSignalProducer {}
extension UITextView: TextSignalProducer {}

I don't think there's a more concise way than that, though. UITextField and UITextView's rac_textSignal() implementations have nothing in common.

不过,我认为没有比这更简洁的方法了。 UITextField和UITextView的rac_textSignal()实现没有任何共同之处。



UITextView and UITextField conform to UITextInput protocol. If rac_textSignal base on this protocol (I'm not sure because I don't have any project with RactiveCocoa at hand :) ) you can do this:


protocol Cos {
    func textSignalProducer() -> String

extension UITextView: Cos {


extension UITextField: Cos {


extension Cos where Self: UITextInput {
    func textSignalProducer() -> String {
        return "dsfsdf"

let cos = UITextView()

let cos2 = UITextField()



You can cut down your proposed solution to a single dummy protocol:


protocol TextSignalProducer {
    func rac_textSignal() -> RACSignal!

extension TextSignalProducer {
    func textSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> {
        return self.rac_textSignal()
            .map { $0 as! String }
            .flatMapError { error in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value:  "") }

extension UITextField: TextSignalProducer {}
extension UITextView: TextSignalProducer {}

I don't think there's a more concise way than that, though. UITextField and UITextView's rac_textSignal() implementations have nothing in common.

不过,我认为没有比这更简洁的方法了。 UITextField和UITextView的rac_textSignal()实现没有任何共同之处。



UITextView and UITextField conform to UITextInput protocol. If rac_textSignal base on this protocol (I'm not sure because I don't have any project with RactiveCocoa at hand :) ) you can do this:


protocol Cos {
    func textSignalProducer() -> String

extension UITextView: Cos {


extension UITextField: Cos {


extension Cos where Self: UITextInput {
    func textSignalProducer() -> String {
        return "dsfsdf"

let cos = UITextView()

let cos2 = UITextField()