
时间:2023-02-04 08:18:50

I have an association extension method like the following:


class Bundle < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :items do
    def foo

I tried to use delayed job/sidekiq delay() method like the following:

我尝试使用延迟作业/sidekiq delay()方法,如下所示:


But I can't. You see, when delay is called, association evaluated immediately to an array of records. That array does not have the association extension methods.


So I tried inspecting b.items.proxy_association.methods, and to my surprise, foo() is not there either.


Which object does my foo() method sit in?


3 个解决方案



Delayed Job's delay function checks for whether the object responds to the method that is queued and would return a NoMethodError because the function is not defined for the Items class. The ways extensions work is by adding a module to the owner class of the proxy_association, in this case you will be able to access the function from Bundle::BundleItemsAssociationExtension.instance_methods. Therefore, the delay method won't be able to access foo method even if you pass an association object. I would suggest moving the method to the Items class and then calling delayed job on it.

延迟Job的delay函数检查对象是否响应队列中的方法,并返回NoMethodError,因为这个函数没有为Items类定义。扩展的工作方式是向proxy_association的所有者类添加一个模块,在这种情况下,您将能够从Bundle: BundleItemsAssociationExtension.instance_methods访问函数。因此,即使您传递了一个关联对象,延迟方法也不能访问foo方法。我建议将方法移动到Items类,然后调用它上的deferred job。



Here in collection_association.rb


#has_many calls this eventually
def build

And then


#here model refers to you model
#block_extension is the block you write with in the has_many definition(def foo blah blah)
def wrap_block_extension
  model.parent.const_set(extension_module_name, Module.new(&block_extension))

def extension_module_name
    @extension_module_name ||= "#{model.to_s.demodulize}#{name.to_s.camelize}AssociationExtension"

I didn't go through the source code, but I think we can get an educated guess from here: b.items returns an object(I forgot the class name, some proxy or something, sorry), which when method missing happens, it'll look into somewhere else, including options[:extend], so in this case it gives us what we want by b.items.foo.


But when you call b.items.bar, it won't find anything relative, so it'll first check if the 'return value' of b.items, which is an Array, responds to method #bar, and if still not, it calls Item#bar for a final try.


In your case, #delay is a method recognized by Array, so it's really like tmp1 = b.items.all; tmp2 = tmp1.delay; tmp2.foo, so foo is surely nowhere to be found.

在你的例子中,#delay是一个被数组识别的方法,所以它非常像tmp1 = b。tmp2 = tmp1.delay;tmp2。foo,所以foo肯定无处可寻。



Thanks those who answered. They are not 100% correct but not by far. So I'll leave the bounty so it is shared by you guys.


The BundleItemsAssociationExtension is mixed into the ActiveRecord::Relation object. So when I call:


bundle.items.scoped.methods # returns array containing my :foo

So the ActiveRecord::Relation object is the one containing my extension methods.


As a side note: it turns out I can't use Delayed Job on Relation object, because it includes an anonymous module that can't be serialized. So in the end I have to use class method to do what I want to achieve.




Delayed Job's delay function checks for whether the object responds to the method that is queued and would return a NoMethodError because the function is not defined for the Items class. The ways extensions work is by adding a module to the owner class of the proxy_association, in this case you will be able to access the function from Bundle::BundleItemsAssociationExtension.instance_methods. Therefore, the delay method won't be able to access foo method even if you pass an association object. I would suggest moving the method to the Items class and then calling delayed job on it.

延迟Job的delay函数检查对象是否响应队列中的方法,并返回NoMethodError,因为这个函数没有为Items类定义。扩展的工作方式是向proxy_association的所有者类添加一个模块,在这种情况下,您将能够从Bundle: BundleItemsAssociationExtension.instance_methods访问函数。因此,即使您传递了一个关联对象,延迟方法也不能访问foo方法。我建议将方法移动到Items类,然后调用它上的deferred job。



Here in collection_association.rb


#has_many calls this eventually
def build

And then


#here model refers to you model
#block_extension is the block you write with in the has_many definition(def foo blah blah)
def wrap_block_extension
  model.parent.const_set(extension_module_name, Module.new(&block_extension))

def extension_module_name
    @extension_module_name ||= "#{model.to_s.demodulize}#{name.to_s.camelize}AssociationExtension"

I didn't go through the source code, but I think we can get an educated guess from here: b.items returns an object(I forgot the class name, some proxy or something, sorry), which when method missing happens, it'll look into somewhere else, including options[:extend], so in this case it gives us what we want by b.items.foo.


But when you call b.items.bar, it won't find anything relative, so it'll first check if the 'return value' of b.items, which is an Array, responds to method #bar, and if still not, it calls Item#bar for a final try.


In your case, #delay is a method recognized by Array, so it's really like tmp1 = b.items.all; tmp2 = tmp1.delay; tmp2.foo, so foo is surely nowhere to be found.

在你的例子中,#delay是一个被数组识别的方法,所以它非常像tmp1 = b。tmp2 = tmp1.delay;tmp2。foo,所以foo肯定无处可寻。



Thanks those who answered. They are not 100% correct but not by far. So I'll leave the bounty so it is shared by you guys.


The BundleItemsAssociationExtension is mixed into the ActiveRecord::Relation object. So when I call:


bundle.items.scoped.methods # returns array containing my :foo

So the ActiveRecord::Relation object is the one containing my extension methods.


As a side note: it turns out I can't use Delayed Job on Relation object, because it includes an anonymous module that can't be serialized. So in the end I have to use class method to do what I want to achieve.
