Iframe替代Microsoft Report查看器?

时间:2021-08-19 08:15:23

Can the following code be rewritten to display ms report viewer without using iframe?


<iframe id="Iframe1" runat="server" src="Pdf.aspx" scrolling="auto" width="100%" height="590" />

                    <rsweb:ReportViewer  ID="someid" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Visible="false"
                                   ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%" ShowDocumentMapButton="false" DocumentMapWidth="15%" DocumentMapCollapsed="True" HyperlinkTarget="_top">

this is an existing application and i don't want to break it, however because of using iframe css menus are getting blocked.

这是一个现有的应用程序,我不想打破它,但是因为使用iframe css菜单被阻止。

1 个解决方案



This looks similar style of question with a decent answer:


CSS hover menu appearing behind pdf iframe

CSS悬停菜单出现在pdf iframe后面

Otherwise, I presume you have tried changing z-index, positions of both items already>


I presumes "rewritten" you're implying to display the report outside the iframe inside the page's HTML. Well yes if you are using WebForms not MVC, but, even if WebForms there might be a reason the original didn't and from the detail you have given I cannot tell.




This looks similar style of question with a decent answer:


CSS hover menu appearing behind pdf iframe

CSS悬停菜单出现在pdf iframe后面

Otherwise, I presume you have tried changing z-index, positions of both items already>


I presumes "rewritten" you're implying to display the report outside the iframe inside the page's HTML. Well yes if you are using WebForms not MVC, but, even if WebForms there might be a reason the original didn't and from the detail you have given I cannot tell.
