Reporting Services 2005中正确的图表缩放

时间:2022-08-09 08:16:53

I'm developing a simple bar-chart in Reporting Services 2005 with a stored procedure as data-source. The values in this graph can be both positive and negative, and can span a very big range, and hence I cannot specify any non-dynamic scale that will work for all scenarios.

我正在使用存储过程作为数据源在Reporting Services 2005中开发一个简单的条形图。此图中的值可以是正数也可以是负数,并且可以跨越很大范围,因此我无法指定任何适用于所有方案的非动态比例。

The problem I'm facing is that the automatic scaling pretty much sucks. I get no line to show where the zero-point is, and the y-scale labels are from top to bottom:





etc etc...

So my question is, what is the best approach to make the scale more adapted to human reading? Is there any guide out there? Does reporting services 2008 handle this better?


Also, moving away from Reporting Services is not really an option. I realize how to put values and expression in the max, min, and the gridline interval fields, although its more of a question what expressions I should put there.

此外,远离Reporting Services并不是一个真正的选择。我意识到如何将值和表达式放在max,min和gridline interval字段中,尽管更多的问题是我应该放在那里的表达式。

4 个解决方案


I have had a generally terrible experience with the charts in reporting services. They are not very flexible and have all sorts of small irritating bugs.


If you stick using them, you should be able to write some logic to return the scaling you need as part of your stored procedure. Then, you can use those values in the chart properties using their expression window.


I used to face the same problem. Now, I use google's charts for nearly everything. Modify your SP to return the correct URL. Setup an image in place of your chart and have the URL of the image generated by the return from your SP.


Unfortunately, you will need to do a little work to get use to the charts, but google has good documentation here:



I found the answer myself.


There's a checkbox named "Side margins" in the Y Axis properties tab...


Man, I wasted wayyy to many hours on that.



You might look in to getting a different charting control. I know we use the Dundas charts and they work for most of our scenarios. For one of my charts where there could be a large range of different bars, I have this set on the Y-Axis Min and Max:


Min: =Round(MAX(Fields!ItemTolLower.Value, "AggregateModel") * -1) -1
Max: =Round(MAX(Fields!ItemTolUpper.Value, "AggregateModel")) + 1

I have it find the high and low values in the AggregateModel dataset (my lower tolerance number is always positive, but is displayed as a negative so I have to multiply by -1).
But again, this is with the Dundas chart and not the stock Visual Studio chart of which I do not have much experience with.

我在AggregateModel数据集中找到了高值和低值(我的较低容差值始终为正,但显示为负值,因此我必须乘以-1)。但同样,这是与Dundas图表,而不是我没有太多经验的股票Visual Studio图表。


To answer the part of your question about how Reporting Services 2008 handles this kind of problems, I can say that the 2008 version of Reporting Services is much better than the 2005 version. A lot of options have been added to manage scales, intervals, etc...

要回答有关Reporting Services 2008如何处理此类问题的问题,我可以说2008版Reporting Services比2005版本要好得多。已经添加了很多选项来管理比例,间隔等...

Howewer the interface is not very intuitive, but once you are used to all the options, you can make good and user friendly charts.



I have had a generally terrible experience with the charts in reporting services. They are not very flexible and have all sorts of small irritating bugs.


If you stick using them, you should be able to write some logic to return the scaling you need as part of your stored procedure. Then, you can use those values in the chart properties using their expression window.


I used to face the same problem. Now, I use google's charts for nearly everything. Modify your SP to return the correct URL. Setup an image in place of your chart and have the URL of the image generated by the return from your SP.


Unfortunately, you will need to do a little work to get use to the charts, but google has good documentation here:



I found the answer myself.


There's a checkbox named "Side margins" in the Y Axis properties tab...


Man, I wasted wayyy to many hours on that.



You might look in to getting a different charting control. I know we use the Dundas charts and they work for most of our scenarios. For one of my charts where there could be a large range of different bars, I have this set on the Y-Axis Min and Max:


Min: =Round(MAX(Fields!ItemTolLower.Value, "AggregateModel") * -1) -1
Max: =Round(MAX(Fields!ItemTolUpper.Value, "AggregateModel")) + 1

I have it find the high and low values in the AggregateModel dataset (my lower tolerance number is always positive, but is displayed as a negative so I have to multiply by -1).
But again, this is with the Dundas chart and not the stock Visual Studio chart of which I do not have much experience with.

我在AggregateModel数据集中找到了高值和低值(我的较低容差值始终为正,但显示为负值,因此我必须乘以-1)。但同样,这是与Dundas图表,而不是我没有太多经验的股票Visual Studio图表。


To answer the part of your question about how Reporting Services 2008 handles this kind of problems, I can say that the 2008 version of Reporting Services is much better than the 2005 version. A lot of options have been added to manage scales, intervals, etc...

要回答有关Reporting Services 2008如何处理此类问题的问题,我可以说2008版Reporting Services比2005版本要好得多。已经添加了很多选项来管理比例,间隔等...

Howewer the interface is not very intuitive, but once you are used to all the options, you can make good and user friendly charts.
