如何为SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services报告创建模板?

时间:2021-10-01 08:12:48

I want to create templates for base new reports on to have common designs. How do you do it?


2 个解决方案



The need to produce reports with a common starting design and format is key to any project involving clients and their reports. I have been working on reports for over 10 years now. This has not been the largest portion of my jobs through the years but it has been a very import one. The key to any report project is not to recreate the mundane aspects of the reports for each but to use templates. The use of templates is not a common task or knowledge for Microsoft's SQL Server Reporting Services. Knowing how to save reports templates so that you and your team can create these shortcuts at the creation of a new report in Visual Studio 2005 will help save time and have all reports use the same layout and design.

生成具有共同起始设计和格式的报告的需求是涉及客户及其报告的任何项目的关键。我已经处理了十多年的报告。多年来,这并不是我工作中最大的一部分,但它是一个非常重要的工作。任何报告项目的关键不是为每个报告重新创建报告的世俗方面,而是使用模板。使用模板不是Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services的常见任务或知识。了解如何保存报告模板,以便您和您的团队可以在Visual Studio 2005中创建新报告时创建这些快捷方式,这将有助于节省时间并使所有报告使用相同的布局和设计。

Create of a set of reports with the following suggestions:


  • Page size -- 8.5 by 11 (letter) and 8.5 by 14 (legal)
  • 页面大小 - 8.5乘11(字母)和8.5乘14(合法)

  • Orientation -- portrait and landscape for all paper sizes
  • 方向 - 所有纸张尺寸的纵向和横向

  • Header -- Text Box for report name, Text Box for report subtitle, client or brand logo
  • 标题 - 报告名称的文本框,报告字幕的文本框,客户或品牌标识

  • Footer -- page number/total pages, date and time report printed
  • 页脚 - 页面编号/总页数,打印日期和时间报告

Take all the rdl files for the reports created from the suggestions and copy the files to the following directory:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject

C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 8 \ Common7 \ IDE \ PrivateAssemblies \ ProjectItems \ ReportProject

When creating a new report in your Visual Studio 2005 report project through Add|New Item

通过“添加”|“新项”在Visual Studio 2005报表项目中创建新报表时

alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb14.png

alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb14.png

The new report dialog will present the list of items from the directory where the new templates were placed.


alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb15.png

alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb15.png

Select the report that fits the requirement needed and proceed to develop your reports without needing to create the basics.




Further more, I would suggest wrapping up your template perhaps with externally linked images into an .msi for easier distribution. It is a lot easier to ask people in a department to run an installer than it is to hope they find the right path to put the reporting template in. Make sure you use the proper program files variables etc to account for "Program Files" vs "Program Files(x86)" and other variations users sometimes do with their environment variable settings.

此外,我建议将您的模板可能与外部链接的图像一起打包成.msi以便于分发。要求部门中的人员运行安装程序比希望他们找到正确的路径来放置报告模板要容易得多。确保使用正确的程序文件变量等来计算“程序文件”vs “程序文件(x86)”以及用户有时使用其环境变量设置进行的其他变体。



The need to produce reports with a common starting design and format is key to any project involving clients and their reports. I have been working on reports for over 10 years now. This has not been the largest portion of my jobs through the years but it has been a very import one. The key to any report project is not to recreate the mundane aspects of the reports for each but to use templates. The use of templates is not a common task or knowledge for Microsoft's SQL Server Reporting Services. Knowing how to save reports templates so that you and your team can create these shortcuts at the creation of a new report in Visual Studio 2005 will help save time and have all reports use the same layout and design.

生成具有共同起始设计和格式的报告的需求是涉及客户及其报告的任何项目的关键。我已经处理了十多年的报告。多年来,这并不是我工作中最大的一部分,但它是一个非常重要的工作。任何报告项目的关键不是为每个报告重新创建报告的世俗方面,而是使用模板。使用模板不是Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services的常见任务或知识。了解如何保存报告模板,以便您和您的团队可以在Visual Studio 2005中创建新报告时创建这些快捷方式,这将有助于节省时间并使所有报告使用相同的布局和设计。

Create of a set of reports with the following suggestions:


  • Page size -- 8.5 by 11 (letter) and 8.5 by 14 (legal)
  • 页面大小 - 8.5乘11(字母)和8.5乘14(合法)

  • Orientation -- portrait and landscape for all paper sizes
  • 方向 - 所有纸张尺寸的纵向和横向

  • Header -- Text Box for report name, Text Box for report subtitle, client or brand logo
  • 标题 - 报告名称的文本框,报告字幕的文本框,客户或品牌标识

  • Footer -- page number/total pages, date and time report printed
  • 页脚 - 页面编号/总页数,打印日期和时间报告

Take all the rdl files for the reports created from the suggestions and copy the files to the following directory:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject

C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 8 \ Common7 \ IDE \ PrivateAssemblies \ ProjectItems \ ReportProject

When creating a new report in your Visual Studio 2005 report project through Add|New Item

通过“添加”|“新项”在Visual Studio 2005报表项目中创建新报表时

alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb14.png

alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb14.png

The new report dialog will present the list of items from the directory where the new templates were placed.


alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb15.png

alt text http://www.cloudsocket.com/images/image-thumb15.png

Select the report that fits the requirement needed and proceed to develop your reports without needing to create the basics.




Further more, I would suggest wrapping up your template perhaps with externally linked images into an .msi for easier distribution. It is a lot easier to ask people in a department to run an installer than it is to hope they find the right path to put the reporting template in. Make sure you use the proper program files variables etc to account for "Program Files" vs "Program Files(x86)" and other variations users sometimes do with their environment variable settings.

此外,我建议将您的模板可能与外部链接的图像一起打包成.msi以便于分发。要求部门中的人员运行安装程序比希望他们找到正确的路径来放置报告模板要容易得多。确保使用正确的程序文件变量等来计算“程序文件”vs “程序文件(x86)”以及用户有时使用其环境变量设置进行的其他变体。