Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

时间:2022-01-01 08:15:14

I'm currently building a MS Reporting Services Report that gets rendered to excel. I'm trying to figure out how to set up the report so that it creates multiple Worksheets (Tabs) of the data on the report. I understand that entering a page break in the report gives you a new worksheet, however, is there a way to name each tab instead of it default to (worksheet 1, worksheet 2) etc.

我目前正在构建一个MS Reporting Services报告,该报告可以渲染为excel。我正在试图弄清楚如何设置报告,以便它在报告上创建多个数据表(选项卡)。我知道在报告中输入分页符会为您提供一个新的工作表,但是,有没有办法命名每个选项卡而不是默认为(工作表1,工作表2)等。

Anyone know how this is done?


Thanks in advance!


8 个解决方案


As @huttelihut pointed out, this is now possible as of SQL Server 2008 R2 - Read More Here

正如@huttelihut指出的那样,现在可以从SQL Server 2008 R2开始 - 在此处阅读更多内容

Prior to 2008 R2 it does't appear possible but MSDN Social has some suggested workarounds.

在2008 R2之前,它似乎不可能,但MSDN Social有一些建议的解决方法。


To late for the original asker of the question, but with SQL Server 2008 R2 this is now possible:

对于问题的原始提问者来说,但是对于SQL Server 2008 R2,现在可以:

Set the property "Pagebreak" on the tablix or table or other element to force a new tab, and then set the property "Pagename" on both the element before the pagebreak and the element after the pagebreak. These names will appear on the tabs when the report is exported to Excel.


Read about it here:



Here are screenshots for SQL Server 2008 R2, using SSRS Report Designer in Visual Studio 2010.

以下是使用Visual Studio 2010中的SSRS报表设计器的SQL Server 2008 R2的屏幕截图。

I have done screenshots as some of the dialogs are not easy to find.


1: Add the group


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

2: Specify the field you want to group on


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

3: Now click on the group in the 'Row Groups' selector, directly below the report designer


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

4: F4 to select property pane; expand 'Group' and set Group > PageBreak > BreakLocation = 'Between', then enter the expression you want for Group > PageName

4:F4选择属性窗格;展开“组”并设置Group> PageBreak> BreakLocation ='Between',然后为Group> PageName输入所需的表达式

Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

5: Here is an example expression


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

Here is the result of the report exported to Excel, with tabs named according to the PageName expression


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel


The solution from Edward worked for me.


If you want the whole tablix on one sheet with a constant name, specify the PageName in the tablix's Properties. If you set the PageName in the tablix's Properties, you can not use data from the tablix's dataset in your expression.


If you want rows from the tablix grouped into sheets (or you want one sheet with a name based on the data), specify the PageName in the Group Header.



I found a simple way around this in 2005. Here are my steps:


  1. Create a string parameter with values ‘Y’ and ‘N’ called ‘PageBreaks’.
  2. 创建一个字符串参数,其值为'Y'和'N',称为'PageBreaks'。

  3. Add a group level above the group (value) which was used to split the data to the multiple sheets in Excel.
  4. 在组(值)上方添加组级别,该组级别用于将数据拆分为Excel中的多个工作表。

  5. Inserted into the first textbox field for this group, the expression for the ‘PageBreaks’ as such… =IIF(Parameters!PageBreaks.Value="Y",Fields!DISP_PROJECT.Value,"") Note: If the parameter =’Y’ then you will get the multiple sheets for each different value. Otherwise the field is NULL for every group record (which causes only one page break at the end).
  6. 插入到该组的第一个文本框字段中,'PageBreaks'的表达式为...... = IIF(参数!PageBreaks.Value =“Y”,Fields!DISP_PROJECT.Value,“”)注意:如果参数='Y '那么你将获得每个不同值的多张表。否则,每个组记录的字段为NULL(最后只导致一个分页符)。

  7. Change the visibility hidden value of the new grouping row to ‘True’.
  8. 将新分组行的可见性隐藏值更改为“True”。

  9. NOTE: When you do this it will also determine whether or not you have a page break in the view, but my users love it since they have the control.
  10. 注意:执行此操作时,它还将确定您是否在视图中有分页符,但我的用户喜欢它,因为他们有控件。


Put the tab name on the page header or group TableRow1 in your report so that it will appear in the "A1" position on each Excel sheet. Then run this macro in your Excel workbook.


Sub SelectSheet()
        For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
        mysheet = "Sheet" & i
        On Error GoTo 10
        Set Target = Range("A1")
        If Target = "" Then Exit Sub
        On Error GoTo Badname
        ActiveSheet.Name = Left(Target, 31)
        GoTo 10
        MsgBox "Please revise the entry in A1." & Chr(13) _
        & "It appears to contain one or more " & Chr(13) _
        & "illegal characters." & Chr(13)
        Next i
End Sub


Group your report data based on the category that you want your sheets to be based on. Specify that you want that grouping to start a new page for every new category. Each page becomes a new worksheet in the Excel workbook.


Note: I use SQL Server 2003 and Excel 2003.

注意:我使用SQL Server 2003和Excel 2003。


On the group press F4 and look for the page name, on the properties and name your page this should solve your problem



As @huttelihut pointed out, this is now possible as of SQL Server 2008 R2 - Read More Here

正如@huttelihut指出的那样,现在可以从SQL Server 2008 R2开始 - 在此处阅读更多内容

Prior to 2008 R2 it does't appear possible but MSDN Social has some suggested workarounds.

在2008 R2之前,它似乎不可能,但MSDN Social有一些建议的解决方法。


To late for the original asker of the question, but with SQL Server 2008 R2 this is now possible:

对于问题的原始提问者来说,但是对于SQL Server 2008 R2,现在可以:

Set the property "Pagebreak" on the tablix or table or other element to force a new tab, and then set the property "Pagename" on both the element before the pagebreak and the element after the pagebreak. These names will appear on the tabs when the report is exported to Excel.


Read about it here:



Here are screenshots for SQL Server 2008 R2, using SSRS Report Designer in Visual Studio 2010.

以下是使用Visual Studio 2010中的SSRS报表设计器的SQL Server 2008 R2的屏幕截图。

I have done screenshots as some of the dialogs are not easy to find.


1: Add the group


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

2: Specify the field you want to group on


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

3: Now click on the group in the 'Row Groups' selector, directly below the report designer


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

4: F4 to select property pane; expand 'Group' and set Group > PageBreak > BreakLocation = 'Between', then enter the expression you want for Group > PageName

4:F4选择属性窗格;展开“组”并设置Group> PageBreak> BreakLocation ='Between',然后为Group> PageName输入所需的表达式

Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

5: Here is an example expression


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel

Here is the result of the report exported to Excel, with tabs named according to the PageName expression


Reporting Services使用多个工作表导出到Excel


The solution from Edward worked for me.


If you want the whole tablix on one sheet with a constant name, specify the PageName in the tablix's Properties. If you set the PageName in the tablix's Properties, you can not use data from the tablix's dataset in your expression.


If you want rows from the tablix grouped into sheets (or you want one sheet with a name based on the data), specify the PageName in the Group Header.



I found a simple way around this in 2005. Here are my steps:


  1. Create a string parameter with values ‘Y’ and ‘N’ called ‘PageBreaks’.
  2. 创建一个字符串参数,其值为'Y'和'N',称为'PageBreaks'。

  3. Add a group level above the group (value) which was used to split the data to the multiple sheets in Excel.
  4. 在组(值)上方添加组级别,该组级别用于将数据拆分为Excel中的多个工作表。

  5. Inserted into the first textbox field for this group, the expression for the ‘PageBreaks’ as such… =IIF(Parameters!PageBreaks.Value="Y",Fields!DISP_PROJECT.Value,"") Note: If the parameter =’Y’ then you will get the multiple sheets for each different value. Otherwise the field is NULL for every group record (which causes only one page break at the end).
  6. 插入到该组的第一个文本框字段中,'PageBreaks'的表达式为...... = IIF(参数!PageBreaks.Value =“Y”,Fields!DISP_PROJECT.Value,“”)注意:如果参数='Y '那么你将获得每个不同值的多张表。否则,每个组记录的字段为NULL(最后只导致一个分页符)。

  7. Change the visibility hidden value of the new grouping row to ‘True’.
  8. 将新分组行的可见性隐藏值更改为“True”。

  9. NOTE: When you do this it will also determine whether or not you have a page break in the view, but my users love it since they have the control.
  10. 注意:执行此操作时,它还将确定您是否在视图中有分页符,但我的用户喜欢它,因为他们有控件。


Put the tab name on the page header or group TableRow1 in your report so that it will appear in the "A1" position on each Excel sheet. Then run this macro in your Excel workbook.


Sub SelectSheet()
        For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
        mysheet = "Sheet" & i
        On Error GoTo 10
        Set Target = Range("A1")
        If Target = "" Then Exit Sub
        On Error GoTo Badname
        ActiveSheet.Name = Left(Target, 31)
        GoTo 10
        MsgBox "Please revise the entry in A1." & Chr(13) _
        & "It appears to contain one or more " & Chr(13) _
        & "illegal characters." & Chr(13)
        Next i
End Sub


Group your report data based on the category that you want your sheets to be based on. Specify that you want that grouping to start a new page for every new category. Each page becomes a new worksheet in the Excel workbook.


Note: I use SQL Server 2003 and Excel 2003.

注意:我使用SQL Server 2003和Excel 2003。


On the group press F4 and look for the page name, on the properties and name your page this should solve your problem
