使用SQL Reporting服务的受密码保护的PDF / Excel报告

时间:2022-07-01 08:10:40

I am generating a reports using SQL Reporting services 2005. I need to protect the protect the reports(pdf and excel) with the password while the user is exporting the report to to excel or pdf.

我正在使用SQL Reporting Services 2005生成报告。当用户将报告导出为ex​​cel或pdf时,我需要使用密码保护报告(pdf和excel)。

Is there any way to protect the report.


1 个解决方案



The short answer is that you can't do this from the provided PDF rendering extension from SSRS 2005 (either from the web UI or programmatically from the SSRS web services). You can, however, create your own rendering extension that could provide this functionality. Here are some links that might help get you started:

简短的回答是,您无法从SSRS 2005提供的PDF呈现扩展插件(从Web UI或从SSRS Web服务以编程方式)执行此操作。但是,您可以创建自己的渲染扩展,以提供此功能。以下是一些可能有助于您入门的链接:

Introducing Rendering Extensions Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Reporting Services

介绍渲染扩展Microsoft SQL Server 2005:Reporting Services

You could take a COTS library, some open-source code, or your own custom code that can create password-protected PDF files, then wrap that into a custom rendering extension for SSRS 2005. In my opinion, however, this would be a relatively difficult task. A quick Google search didn't give me any obvious rendering extensions for sale that might provide the functionality you're looking for.

您可以使用COTS库,一些开源代码或您自己的自定义代码来创建受密码保护的PDF文件,然后将其包装到SSRS 2005的自定义呈现扩展中。但是,我认为这是相对的困难的任务。快速谷歌搜索没有给我任何可能提供您正在寻找的功能的明显的待售渲染扩展。



The short answer is that you can't do this from the provided PDF rendering extension from SSRS 2005 (either from the web UI or programmatically from the SSRS web services). You can, however, create your own rendering extension that could provide this functionality. Here are some links that might help get you started:

简短的回答是,您无法从SSRS 2005提供的PDF呈现扩展插件(从Web UI或从SSRS Web服务以编程方式)执行此操作。但是,您可以创建自己的渲染扩展,以提供此功能。以下是一些可能有助于您入门的链接:

Introducing Rendering Extensions Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Reporting Services

介绍渲染扩展Microsoft SQL Server 2005:Reporting Services

You could take a COTS library, some open-source code, or your own custom code that can create password-protected PDF files, then wrap that into a custom rendering extension for SSRS 2005. In my opinion, however, this would be a relatively difficult task. A quick Google search didn't give me any obvious rendering extensions for sale that might provide the functionality you're looking for.

您可以使用COTS库,一些开源代码或您自己的自定义代码来创建受密码保护的PDF文件,然后将其包装到SSRS 2005的自定义呈现扩展中。但是,我认为这是相对的困难的任务。快速谷歌搜索没有给我任何可能提供您正在寻找的功能的明显的待售渲染扩展。