如何在我的asp.net项目中使用rdl / rdlc来生成报告?

时间:2022-05-31 08:11:06

I have a web application which will use MS ReportViewer. I have another team create a rdl file for me. I renamed the rdl to rdlc and added to my project. And I created a DataSet1.xsd to get the data needed by this rdlc. In my aspx page, I added a ReportViewer control, and set its report property to the rdlc file.

我有一个将使用MS ReportViewer的Web应用程序。我有另一个团队为我创建一个rdl文件。我将rdl重命名为rdlc并添加到我的项目中。我创建了一个DataSet1.xsd来获取此rdlc所需的数据。在我的aspx页面中,我添加了一个ReportViewer控件,并将其report属性设置为rdlc文件。

My questions are:


(1) Is it possible to edit the rdl/rdlc in vs2008? When I open it, it is opened as a xml file.

(1)是否可以在vs2008中编辑rdl / rdlc?当我打开它时,它将作为xml文件打开。

(2) how do I assign the dataset1 to the data source property of the ReportViewer control? When I right click the reportviewer, select the choose data sources, the dataset1 was not listed. Do I have to do this in the code behind?


(3) I got following error The report definition is not valid. Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition' which cannot be upgraded.


2 个解决方案





  1. Yes it is possible to edit rdlc report in vs2008. I don`t know about rdl.
  2. 是的,可以在vs2008中编辑rdlc报告。我不知道rdl。
  3. See this link for step by step solution for 2nd problem.
  4. 有关第二个问题的分步解决方案,请参阅此链接。
  5. I think this problem is due to wrong conversation from rdl to rdlc. Please follow the step as specified in this link.
  6. 我认为这个问题是由于从rdl到rdlc的错误对话。请按照此链接中指定的步骤操作。



Mr. Limbani has done a good job answering issues 2 and 3. I believe your first problem may have to do with Business Intelligence Design Studio not being installed on your development PC. See this question and answer for more details.

Limbani先生在回答第2和第3个问题方面做得很好。我认为您的第一个问题可能与未在开发PC上安装的Business Intelligence Design Studio有关。有关详细信息,请参阅此问题和答案。





  1. Yes it is possible to edit rdlc report in vs2008. I don`t know about rdl.
  2. 是的,可以在vs2008中编辑rdlc报告。我不知道rdl。
  3. See this link for step by step solution for 2nd problem.
  4. 有关第二个问题的分步解决方案,请参阅此链接。
  5. I think this problem is due to wrong conversation from rdl to rdlc. Please follow the step as specified in this link.
  6. 我认为这个问题是由于从rdl到rdlc的错误对话。请按照此链接中指定的步骤操作。



Mr. Limbani has done a good job answering issues 2 and 3. I believe your first problem may have to do with Business Intelligence Design Studio not being installed on your development PC. See this question and answer for more details.

Limbani先生在回答第2和第3个问题方面做得很好。我认为您的第一个问题可能与未在开发PC上安装的Business Intelligence Design Studio有关。有关详细信息,请参阅此问题和答案。