I'm trying to import one of the GWT samples into Eclipse by following the instructions below. But when I browse to the directory containing the "Hello" sample and uncheck "Copy projects into workspace", the Finish button is grayed out, preventing me from completing the import. Any ideas why?
-- Option A: Import your project into Eclipse (recommended) --
- 选项A:将项目导入Eclipse(推荐) -
If you use Eclipse, you can simply import the generated project into Eclipse. We've tested against Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4. Later versions will likely also work, earlier versions may not.
如果使用Eclipse,则只需将生成的项目导入Eclipse即可。我们已经针对Eclipse 3.3和3.4进行了测试。更高版本可能也可以使用,早期版本可能不会。
In Eclipse, go to the File menu and choose:
File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace
文件 - >导入... - >现有项目到工作区
Browse to the directory containing this file, select "Hello". Be sure to uncheck "Copy projects into workspace" if it is checked. Click Finish.
4 个解决方案
I had the same problem but found this:
I just tried this on Eclipse 3.4 1) Create a project named "Showcase" file > new > project
我刚刚在Eclipse 3.4上尝试过这个.1)创建一个名为“Showcase”文件> new>项目的项目
2) Import the Showcase files right-click on the project name
Import File System From Directory (browse to your eclipse samples installation) Showcase (select the directory in the left panel) Into folder (Showcase should be the default value)
This will import the source into your workspace. Use build.xml to build the project. The build will fail as the gwt-servlet.jar is in a shared directory which doesn't get brought into the project via this method.
I also encountered this problem but got through it using following steps.
First open up a command prompt and go inside to the project folder using cd command.
then execute this command in there. Be sure to install apache ant before doing this.
然后在那里执行此命令。在执行此操作之前,请务必安装apache ant。
ant eclipse.generate
this will generate .classpath and .project files
now you can import the project into the workspace just as normal way. file->import->general->existing project
现在您可以像平常一样将项目导入工作区。 file-> import-> general->现有项目
To import the samples from the Android SDK into Eclipse, do the following:
要将Android SDK中的示例导入Eclipse,请执行以下操作:
- Click File->New->New Android Project
- Select 'Create project from existing sample'
- Select your Build Target (The Android API level)
- Select the sample app you want.
- Finish.
单击文件 - >新建 - >新建Android项目
选择您的Build Target(Android API级别)
This is valid for Eclipse 3.5.2.
这对Eclipse 3.5.2有效。
BTW: Link in previous answer is broken.
after importing right click on the project ->Goolge->web toolkit setting->click yes the check box and then run as a web application!
导入后右键单击项目 - > Goolge-> web toolkit setting->单击是复选框,然后作为Web应用程序运行!
I had the same problem but found this:
I just tried this on Eclipse 3.4 1) Create a project named "Showcase" file > new > project
我刚刚在Eclipse 3.4上尝试过这个.1)创建一个名为“Showcase”文件> new>项目的项目
2) Import the Showcase files right-click on the project name
Import File System From Directory (browse to your eclipse samples installation) Showcase (select the directory in the left panel) Into folder (Showcase should be the default value)
This will import the source into your workspace. Use build.xml to build the project. The build will fail as the gwt-servlet.jar is in a shared directory which doesn't get brought into the project via this method.
I also encountered this problem but got through it using following steps.
First open up a command prompt and go inside to the project folder using cd command.
then execute this command in there. Be sure to install apache ant before doing this.
然后在那里执行此命令。在执行此操作之前,请务必安装apache ant。
ant eclipse.generate
this will generate .classpath and .project files
now you can import the project into the workspace just as normal way. file->import->general->existing project
现在您可以像平常一样将项目导入工作区。 file-> import-> general->现有项目
To import the samples from the Android SDK into Eclipse, do the following:
要将Android SDK中的示例导入Eclipse,请执行以下操作:
- Click File->New->New Android Project
- Select 'Create project from existing sample'
- Select your Build Target (The Android API level)
- Select the sample app you want.
- Finish.
单击文件 - >新建 - >新建Android项目
选择您的Build Target(Android API级别)
This is valid for Eclipse 3.5.2.
这对Eclipse 3.5.2有效。
BTW: Link in previous answer is broken.
after importing right click on the project ->Goolge->web toolkit setting->click yes the check box and then run as a web application!
导入后右键单击项目 - > Goolge-> web toolkit setting->单击是复选框,然后作为Web应用程序运行!