
时间:2022-04-07 08:09:20

i have a linkbutton on a page, the event hander for the click event of that button calls a method on an object which in turn makes a call to a webservice, when the webservice returns the object fires an event and an event handler on the page codebehind updates a label on the page. For some reason the label doesn't display the message.


This has been driving me crazy and i can't find anything about it on google. any help would be appriciated.


The webservice is being called asynchronously but the thread is being blocked until it returns. and the labels pre render event is being called after its text is being set by the proxy objects event handler.


All the calls are happening on the same thread, any values i set ,not just the label text, in the event handler are getting reverted to their previous values by the time the pre-render event fires.


3 个解决方案


Here's what's happening:


  • The user clicks your link button
  • 用户单击您的链接按钮

  • The browser sends a postback request to the web server
  • 浏览器向Web服务器发送回发请求

  • The web server creates a brand new instance of your page class and starts a new page life cycle
  • Web服务器创建页面类的全新实例并启动新的页面生命周期

  • The page life cycle does all it's normal load work.
  • 页面生命周期完成所有正常的加载工作。

  • The page life cycle reaches the event handling stage and runs your click event
  • 页面生命周期到达事件处理阶段并运行您的单击事件

  • The click event invokes the web service via the "proxy" object you described
  • click事件通过您描述的“代理”对象调用Web服务

  • The proxy object calls the web service asynchronously and returns
  • 代理对象异步调用Web服务并返回

  • The click event returns, because it has nothing else to do, freeing up ASP.Net to continue moving through the page life cycle.
  • click事件返回,因为它没有别的办法,释放ASP.Net继续在页面生命周期中移动。

  • The page life cycle finishes, so the page is rendered to the browser
  • 页面生命周期结束,因此页面将呈现给浏览器

  • The user sees the new page, but the label is the same because the web service call hasn't finished yet
  • 用户看到新页面,但标签是相同的,因为Web服务调用尚未完成

  • Web service call returns to your proxy object, which raises its completed event
  • Web服务调用将返回到您的代理对象,从而引发其已完成的事件

  • Your event handler updates the label's text property in your page class which was already rendered
  • 您的事件处理程序更新已呈现的页面类中的标签文本属性

  • Your page instance from this request is disposed.
  • 您处理此请求中的页面实例。

The OP updated his question after I posted this to indicate that the life cycle timing is kept in sync. So instead, I'll point out that controls in ASP.Net are not threadsafe, but the webservice completed event is called from the thread used in the background to make the asynchronous request rather than the originating thread. You should Invoke the control when setting the property.

更新:OP发布后更新了他的问题,表明生命周期时间保持同步。所以相反,我会指出ASP.Net中的控件不是线程安全的,但是从后台使用的线程调用webservice completed事件来生成异步请求而不是原始线程。您应该在设置属性时调用控件。


Have you got this in your Page_Load event?


if (Page.IsPostBack)

If not, the label can be re-initialized after the postback.



Is the webservice running asynchronously? Maybe the webservice complete event fires after the page has been rendered? Have you debugged to make sure the label value is being set?



Here's what's happening:


  • The user clicks your link button
  • 用户单击您的链接按钮

  • The browser sends a postback request to the web server
  • 浏览器向Web服务器发送回发请求

  • The web server creates a brand new instance of your page class and starts a new page life cycle
  • Web服务器创建页面类的全新实例并启动新的页面生命周期

  • The page life cycle does all it's normal load work.
  • 页面生命周期完成所有正常的加载工作。

  • The page life cycle reaches the event handling stage and runs your click event
  • 页面生命周期到达事件处理阶段并运行您的单击事件

  • The click event invokes the web service via the "proxy" object you described
  • click事件通过您描述的“代理”对象调用Web服务

  • The proxy object calls the web service asynchronously and returns
  • 代理对象异步调用Web服务并返回

  • The click event returns, because it has nothing else to do, freeing up ASP.Net to continue moving through the page life cycle.
  • click事件返回,因为它没有别的办法,释放ASP.Net继续在页面生命周期中移动。

  • The page life cycle finishes, so the page is rendered to the browser
  • 页面生命周期结束,因此页面将呈现给浏览器

  • The user sees the new page, but the label is the same because the web service call hasn't finished yet
  • 用户看到新页面,但标签是相同的,因为Web服务调用尚未完成

  • Web service call returns to your proxy object, which raises its completed event
  • Web服务调用将返回到您的代理对象,从而引发其已完成的事件

  • Your event handler updates the label's text property in your page class which was already rendered
  • 您的事件处理程序更新已呈现的页面类中的标签文本属性

  • Your page instance from this request is disposed.
  • 您处理此请求中的页面实例。

The OP updated his question after I posted this to indicate that the life cycle timing is kept in sync. So instead, I'll point out that controls in ASP.Net are not threadsafe, but the webservice completed event is called from the thread used in the background to make the asynchronous request rather than the originating thread. You should Invoke the control when setting the property.

更新:OP发布后更新了他的问题,表明生命周期时间保持同步。所以相反,我会指出ASP.Net中的控件不是线程安全的,但是从后台使用的线程调用webservice completed事件来生成异步请求而不是原始线程。您应该在设置属性时调用控件。


Have you got this in your Page_Load event?


if (Page.IsPostBack)

If not, the label can be re-initialized after the postback.



Is the webservice running asynchronously? Maybe the webservice complete event fires after the page has been rendered? Have you debugged to make sure the label value is being set?
