单元测试ASP.net Web站点项目代码存储在App_Code中。

时间:2022-12-23 08:10:19

I have an ASP.net Web Site Project (.net 3.5). Currently all of the non-code behind code files (including Linq2Sql stuff, data contexts, business logic, extension methods, etc) are located in the App_Code folder.

我有一个ASP.net网站项目(。net 3.5)。目前所有代码文件后面的非代码(包括Linq2Sql内容、数据上下文、业务逻辑、扩展方法等)都位于App_Code文件夹中。

I am interested in introducing Unit Testing (using nunit) in at least some sections of the project moving forward. Any Unit Testing that I would be doing would need to have full access to all of the code that is currently located in the App_Code folder. I have done some initial reading so far, and the consensus seems to be:


  • This will not be possible given my current setup
  • 考虑到我目前的设置,这是不可能的
  • Unit testing requires referencing classes that are part of a compiled dll, and a Web Site Project by definition only compiles at run time.
  • 单元测试需要引用作为已编译dll的一部分的类,并且根据定义,Web站点项目仅在运行时进行编译。
  • In order to proceed, I will need to either convert my entire project to a Web Application, or move all of the code that I would like to test (ie: the entire contents of App_Code) to a class library project and reference the class library project in the web site project. Either of these will provide access to the classes that I need in compiled dll format, which will allow me to Unit Test them.
  • 为了继续进行,我需要我的整个项目转换为一个Web应用程序,或移动的所有代码,我想测试(即:App_Code的全部内容)一个类库项目,引用类库项目的网站项目。其中任何一个都将提供对我需要的编译dll格式的类的访问,这将允许我对它们进行单元测试。

Is this correct? Or is there another way that I can Unit Test without restructuring/refactoring my entire project?


8 个解决方案



Your conclusions seem correct. I would vote for moving functionality into one or several class library projects, since that may open the door for reusing the same functionality in other projects as well.




My shop has finally worked through an answer for this for our MVC project. And I want to share it as I chased a lot of dead ends here on * hearing a lot of people say it couldn't be done. We do it like this:


  • Open the MVC folder "as a website, from local iis" which gets intellisense and debugging working properly
  • 打开MVC文件夹“作为一个网站,从本地iis”获得智能感知和调试正常工作
  • Add a unit test project that lives in our source controlled directory
  • 添加位于源代码控制目录中的单元测试项目
  • Add a pre-build step to the TEST project, since we can't add one to a project that is open as a website. Imagine website is \FooSite and our test project is \FooSite.Tests. The compiled app code will end up in FooSite.Tests\FooSite_Precompiled\bin.
  • 向测试项目添加一个预构建步骤,因为我们不能向作为网站开放的项目添加一个。想象网站是\FooSite,我们的测试项目是\FooSite. tests。编译后的应用程序代码最终会出现在foo站点。test \ foosite_precompile \bin。
  • *
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
     <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="FooSite" TargetPath="$(ProjectDir)\FooSite_Precompiled" Force="true"
 Debug="true" />   </Target>
  • Add a reference to the FooSite_Precompiled/bin/App_Code.dll in your test project.
  • 添加对foosite_precompile /bin/App_Code的引用。测试项目中的dll。
  • Boom that's it. You can have your cake and eat it too. Every time you click Build in your solution you call the aspnet_compiler.ext tool on your website csproj (which does still exist) which is able, unlike MSBuild, to compile app_code, and the Debug="true" allows you step into the app_code.dll code when debugging your unit test. And you only need to Build when you're running updated unit tests. When you're looking at the effects of your change on the page, you just Change Code/Save/Refresh Page since the app_code folder dynamically compiles when called from your web server.
  • 繁荣的。你也可以吃你的蛋糕。每次单击解决方案中的Build时,都调用aspnet_compiler。与MSBuild不同,csproj网站上的ext工具可以编译app_code, Debug="true"允许您进入app_code。调试单元测试时的dll代码。您只需要在运行更新的单元测试时构建。当您查看更改对页面的影响时,您只需更改代码/保存/刷新页面,因为app_code文件夹在从您的web服务器调用时动态编译。



We have this issue at my company (My boss doesn't like DLLs, some rubbish about versioning...)


We have two ways round it that we use frequently:


1) Get the CI tool to do the unit testing: We use TeamCity which has a pretty tight NUnit integration, and our solution builds quick enough (and has few enough tests) for this to be a valid option.


2) Manually precompile and unit test the resulting binaries: It's perfectly possible to run the ASP.net compiler / MSBuild from the command line (as if you were doing a 'Publish' build) and just unit test the resulting binaries.

2)手动预编译和单元测试产生的二进制文件:从命令行运行ASP.net编译器/ MSBuild是完全有可能的(就像你在做一个“发布”构建),并且只对结果的二进制文件进行单元测试。

However, if you have the option of segregating the code into binaries (class libraries) or just using a web application, I'd suggest that as a better alternative.




Should anyone find themselves implementing Brian's solution, here's a Website.targets file you can include in unit testing solution. It (re)compiles website only when App_Code changes. Just add something like


  <Import Project="$(ProjectDir)\Website.targets" />
  <Target Name="BeforeBuild" DependsOnTargets="CompileWebsite">

to your .csproj, customizing WebsiteName and WebsitePath and you should be ready to go. Website.targets:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Target that compiles Website's App_Code to be used for testing
<Project DefaultTargets="CompileWebsite" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <AppCodeFiles Include="$(WebsitePath)\$(WebsiteName)\App_Code\**\*.*" />
  <Target Name="CompileWebsite" Inputs="@(AppCodeFiles)" Outputs="$(ProjectDir)\PrecompiledWeb\bin\App_Code.dll">
    <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="$(WebsiteName)" PhysicalPath="$(WebsitePath)\$(WebsiteName)" TargetPath="$(ProjectDir)\PrecompiledWeb" Force="true" Debug="true" />
  <Target Name="CleanWebsite">
    <RemoveDir Directories="$(WebsitePath)\$(WebsiteName)\PrecompiledWeb" />



It looks like this is possible whilst still using App_code, but I would either move this logic out to its own class library project or change the project type to Web Application, as Fredrik and Colin suggest.


I always create my own ASP.NET projects as Web Application projects not Websites.




And as the OP stated it's also possible to move to a Web App project, which i would say is cleaner as well, your pages can stay in the wep app project, you will have them in 1 DLL (testable). All your business logic etc. goes in a separate class library / libraries.




It is possible to unit test classes stored in the App_Code folder without converting your project to a Web App or moving your classes to a Class Library project.


All that is necessary is setting the code files' Build Actions to Compile. This will cause Debugging and Unit Testing your website to output a .dll file.


Now when you reference your website project from the unit test project, the classes in the app_code folder will be visible.




Setting your .cs files' Build Action to Compile will cause your website to generate a .dll file on debugging and unit-testing. The .dll file will cause problems when you debug your website because IIS will now find your code in two places, the bin and the App_Code folder and will not know which one to use. I currently just delete the .dll file when I want to debug.




I had to change Brian White's solution by adding the PhysicalPath attribute. In addition I am not using the Default Web Site and had to change the VirtualPath property to my website name.

我必须通过添加物理路径属性来更改Brian White的解决方案。此外,我没有使用默认的Web站点,必须将VirtualPath属性更改为我的站点名称。

<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
    <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="myIISsitename.com" PhysicalPath="$(SolutionDir)MySiteFolder" TargetPath="$(ProjectDir)\MySite_Precompiled" Force="true" Debug="true" />

The resulting dll will be at MySite_Precompiled\App_Code.dll

生成的dll将位于mysite_precompile \App_Code.dll处



Your conclusions seem correct. I would vote for moving functionality into one or several class library projects, since that may open the door for reusing the same functionality in other projects as well.




My shop has finally worked through an answer for this for our MVC project. And I want to share it as I chased a lot of dead ends here on * hearing a lot of people say it couldn't be done. We do it like this:


  • Open the MVC folder "as a website, from local iis" which gets intellisense and debugging working properly
  • 打开MVC文件夹“作为一个网站,从本地iis”获得智能感知和调试正常工作
  • Add a unit test project that lives in our source controlled directory
  • 添加位于源代码控制目录中的单元测试项目
  • Add a pre-build step to the TEST project, since we can't add one to a project that is open as a website. Imagine website is \FooSite and our test project is \FooSite.Tests. The compiled app code will end up in FooSite.Tests\FooSite_Precompiled\bin.
  • 向测试项目添加一个预构建步骤,因为我们不能向作为网站开放的项目添加一个。想象网站是\FooSite,我们的测试项目是\FooSite. tests。编译后的应用程序代码最终会出现在foo站点。test \ foosite_precompile \bin。
  • *
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
     <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="FooSite" TargetPath="$(ProjectDir)\FooSite_Precompiled" Force="true"
 Debug="true" />   </Target>
  • Add a reference to the FooSite_Precompiled/bin/App_Code.dll in your test project.
  • 添加对foosite_precompile /bin/App_Code的引用。测试项目中的dll。
  • Boom that's it. You can have your cake and eat it too. Every time you click Build in your solution you call the aspnet_compiler.ext tool on your website csproj (which does still exist) which is able, unlike MSBuild, to compile app_code, and the Debug="true" allows you step into the app_code.dll code when debugging your unit test. And you only need to Build when you're running updated unit tests. When you're looking at the effects of your change on the page, you just Change Code/Save/Refresh Page since the app_code folder dynamically compiles when called from your web server.
  • 繁荣的。你也可以吃你的蛋糕。每次单击解决方案中的Build时,都调用aspnet_compiler。与MSBuild不同,csproj网站上的ext工具可以编译app_code, Debug="true"允许您进入app_code。调试单元测试时的dll代码。您只需要在运行更新的单元测试时构建。当您查看更改对页面的影响时,您只需更改代码/保存/刷新页面,因为app_code文件夹在从您的web服务器调用时动态编译。



We have this issue at my company (My boss doesn't like DLLs, some rubbish about versioning...)


We have two ways round it that we use frequently:


1) Get the CI tool to do the unit testing: We use TeamCity which has a pretty tight NUnit integration, and our solution builds quick enough (and has few enough tests) for this to be a valid option.


2) Manually precompile and unit test the resulting binaries: It's perfectly possible to run the ASP.net compiler / MSBuild from the command line (as if you were doing a 'Publish' build) and just unit test the resulting binaries.

2)手动预编译和单元测试产生的二进制文件:从命令行运行ASP.net编译器/ MSBuild是完全有可能的(就像你在做一个“发布”构建),并且只对结果的二进制文件进行单元测试。

However, if you have the option of segregating the code into binaries (class libraries) or just using a web application, I'd suggest that as a better alternative.




Should anyone find themselves implementing Brian's solution, here's a Website.targets file you can include in unit testing solution. It (re)compiles website only when App_Code changes. Just add something like


  <Import Project="$(ProjectDir)\Website.targets" />
  <Target Name="BeforeBuild" DependsOnTargets="CompileWebsite">

to your .csproj, customizing WebsiteName and WebsitePath and you should be ready to go. Website.targets:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Target that compiles Website's App_Code to be used for testing
<Project DefaultTargets="CompileWebsite" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <AppCodeFiles Include="$(WebsitePath)\$(WebsiteName)\App_Code\**\*.*" />
  <Target Name="CompileWebsite" Inputs="@(AppCodeFiles)" Outputs="$(ProjectDir)\PrecompiledWeb\bin\App_Code.dll">
    <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="$(WebsiteName)" PhysicalPath="$(WebsitePath)\$(WebsiteName)" TargetPath="$(ProjectDir)\PrecompiledWeb" Force="true" Debug="true" />
  <Target Name="CleanWebsite">
    <RemoveDir Directories="$(WebsitePath)\$(WebsiteName)\PrecompiledWeb" />



It looks like this is possible whilst still using App_code, but I would either move this logic out to its own class library project or change the project type to Web Application, as Fredrik and Colin suggest.


I always create my own ASP.NET projects as Web Application projects not Websites.




And as the OP stated it's also possible to move to a Web App project, which i would say is cleaner as well, your pages can stay in the wep app project, you will have them in 1 DLL (testable). All your business logic etc. goes in a separate class library / libraries.




It is possible to unit test classes stored in the App_Code folder without converting your project to a Web App or moving your classes to a Class Library project.


All that is necessary is setting the code files' Build Actions to Compile. This will cause Debugging and Unit Testing your website to output a .dll file.


Now when you reference your website project from the unit test project, the classes in the app_code folder will be visible.




Setting your .cs files' Build Action to Compile will cause your website to generate a .dll file on debugging and unit-testing. The .dll file will cause problems when you debug your website because IIS will now find your code in two places, the bin and the App_Code folder and will not know which one to use. I currently just delete the .dll file when I want to debug.




I had to change Brian White's solution by adding the PhysicalPath attribute. In addition I am not using the Default Web Site and had to change the VirtualPath property to my website name.

我必须通过添加物理路径属性来更改Brian White的解决方案。此外,我没有使用默认的Web站点,必须将VirtualPath属性更改为我的站点名称。

<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
    <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="myIISsitename.com" PhysicalPath="$(SolutionDir)MySiteFolder" TargetPath="$(ProjectDir)\MySite_Precompiled" Force="true" Debug="true" />

The resulting dll will be at MySite_Precompiled\App_Code.dll

生成的dll将位于mysite_precompile \App_Code.dll处