
时间:2023-01-14 08:06:53

Might look similar to: ARM and NEON can work in parallel?, but its not, I have some other issue ( may be problem with my understanding):


In the protocol stack, while we compute checksum, that is done on the GPP, I’m handing over that task now to NEON as part of a function:


Here is the checksum function that I have written as a part of NEON, posted in Stack Overflow: Checksum code implementation for Neon in Intrinsics

这是我作为NEON的一部分编写的校验和函数,发布在Stack Overflow:Intrinsics中的Neon的校验和代码实现

Now, suppose from linux this function is called,


  csum = do_csum(); //function call from arm

  //NEON optimised code
  returns the final checksum to ip_csum/linux/ARM

in this case.. what happens to ARM when NEON is doing the calculations? does ARM sit idle? or it moves on with other operations?

在这种情况下......当NEON进行计算时,ARM会发生什么? ARM闲置吗?还是继续进行其他操作?

as you can see do_csum is called and we are waiting on that result ( or that is what it looks like)..




  1. Speaking in terms of cortex-a8
  2. 就cortex-a8而言
  3. do_csum as you can see from the link is coded with intrinsics
  4. 从链接中可以看到do_csum是用内在函数编码的
  5. compilation using gnu tool-chain
  6. 使用gnu工具链编译
  7. Will be good if you also take Multi-threading or any other concept involved or comes into picture when these inter operations happen.
  8. 如果您还采用多线程或任何其他相关概念或在这些相互操作发生时进入画面,那将会很好。



  1. Does ARM sit idle while NEON is doing its operations? ( in this particular case)
  2. 在NEON进行操作时,ARM是否处于空闲状态? (在这种特殊情况下)
  3. Or does it shelve this current ip_csum related code, and take up another process/thread till NEON is done? ( I'm almost dumb as to what happens here)
  4. 或者它是否搁置了当前的ip_csum相关代码,并占用另一个进程/线程,直到NEON完成? (我对这里发生的事情几乎是愚蠢的)
  5. if its sitting idle, how can we make ARM work on something else till NEON is done?
  6. 如果它处于空闲状态,那么在NEON完成之前,我们怎样才能让ARM工作在其他方面呢?

3 个解决方案




(Image from TI Wiki Cortex A8)

(来自TI Wiki Cortex A8的图片)

The ARM (or rather the Integer Pipeline) does not sit idle while NEON instructions are processing. In the Cortex A8, the NEON is at the "end" of the processor pipeline, instructions flow through the pipeline and if they are ARM instructions they are executed in the "beginning" of the pipeline and NEON instructions are executed in the end. Every clock pushes the instruction down the pipeline.

在NEON指令处理时,ARM(或更确切地说是整数流水线)不会处于空闲状态。在Cortex A8中,NEON位于处理器流水线的“末端”,指令流经管道,如果它们是ARM指令,则它们在流水线的“开始”执行,最后执行NEON指令。每个时钟都会将指令推送到管道中。

Here are some hints on how to read the diagram above:


  • Every cycle, if possible, the processor fetches an instruction pair (two instructions).
  • 每个周期,如果可能,处理器获取指令对(两个指令)。
  • Fetching is pipelined so it takes 3 cycles for the instructions to propagate into the decode unit.
  • 提取是流水线的,因此指令需要3个周期才能传播到解码单元。
  • It takes 5 cycles (D0-D4) for the instruction to be decoded. Again this is all pipelines so it affects the latency but not the throughput. More instructions keep flowing through the pipeline where possible.
  • 要解码的指令需要5个周期(D0-D4)。同样,这是所有管道,因此它会影响延迟,但不会影响吞吐量。在可能的情况下,更多指令会继续流经管道。
  • Now we reach the execute/load store portion. NEON instructions flow through this stage (but they do that while other instructions are possibly executing).
  • 现在我们到达执行/加载存储部分。 NEON指令流经这个阶段(但他们这样做,而其他指令可能正在执行)。
  • We get to the NEON portion, if the instruction fetched 13 cycles ago was a NEON instruction it is now decoded and executed in the NEON pipeline.
  • 我们到达NEON部分,如果13个周期前取出的指令是NEON指令,它现在被解码并在NEON流水线中执行。
  • While this is happening, integer instructions that followed that instruction can execute at the same time in the integer pipeline.
  • 发生这种情况时,遵循该指令的整数指令可以在整数管道中同时执行。
  • The pipeline is a fairly complex beast, some instructions are multi-cycle, some have dependencies and will stall if those dependencies are not met. Other events such as branches will flush the pipeline.
  • 管道是一个相当复杂的野兽,一些指令是多周期的,一些指令具有依赖性,如果不满足这些依赖性,它们将停止。其他事件(如分支)将刷新管道。

If you are executing a sequence that is 100% NEON instructions (which is pretty rare, since there are usually some ARM registers involved, control flow etc.) then there is some period where the the integer pipeline isn't doing anything useful. Most code will have the two executing concurrently for at least some of the time while cleverly engineered code can maximize performance with the right instructions mix.


This online tool Cycle Counter for Cortex A8 is great for analyzing the performance of your assembly code and gives information about what is executing in what units and what is stalling.

这个用于Cortex A8的在线工具循环计数器非常适合分析汇编代码的性能,并提供有关在哪些单元中执行的内容以及停止运行的信息。



ARM is not "idle" while NEON operations are executed, but controls them.
To fully use the power of both units, one can carefully plan an interleaved sequence of operations:


SUBS r0,r0,r1  ; // ARM operation
addpq.16 q0,q0,q1  ; NEON operation
LDR r0, [r1, r2 LSL #2];   // ARM operation
vld1.32 d0, [r1]!  ; // NEON operation using ARM register
bne loop;         // ARM operation controlling the flow of both units...

ARM cortex-A8 can execute in each clock cycle up to 2 instructions. If both of them are independent NEON operations, it's no use to put an ARM instruction in between. OTOH if one knows that the latency of a VLD (load) is large, one can place many ARM instruction in between the load and first use of the loaded value. But in each case the combined usage must be planned in advance and interleaved.

ARM cortex-A8可在每个时钟周期内执行最多2条指令。如果它们都是独立的NEON操作,则在它们之间放置ARM指令是没有用的。 OTOH如果知道VLD(加载)的延迟很大,可以在加载和首次使用加载值之间放置许多ARM指令。但是在每种情况下,组合使用必须提前计划并交错。



In Application Level Programmers’ Model, you can't really distinguish between ARM and NEON units.


While NEON being a separate hardware unit (that is available as an option on Cortex-A series processors), it is the ARM core who drives it in a tight fashion. It is not a separate DSP which you can communicate in an asynchronous fashion.


You can write better code by fully utilizing pipelines on both units, but this is not same as having a separate core.


NEON unit is there because it can do some operations (SIMDs) much faster than ARM unit at a low frequency.


This is like having a friend who is good at math, whenever you have a hard question you can ask him. While waiting for an answer you can do some small things like if answer is this I should do this or if not instead do that but if you depend on that answer to go on, you need to wait for him to answer before going further. You could calculate the answer yourself but it will be much faster even including the communication time between two of you compared to doing all the math yourself. I think you can even extend this analogy like "you also need to buy some lunch to that friend (energy consumption) but in many cases it worths it".


Anyone who is saying ARM core can do other things while NEON core is working on its stuff is talking about instruction-level parallelism not anything like task-level parallelism.





(Image from TI Wiki Cortex A8)

(来自TI Wiki Cortex A8的图片)

The ARM (or rather the Integer Pipeline) does not sit idle while NEON instructions are processing. In the Cortex A8, the NEON is at the "end" of the processor pipeline, instructions flow through the pipeline and if they are ARM instructions they are executed in the "beginning" of the pipeline and NEON instructions are executed in the end. Every clock pushes the instruction down the pipeline.

在NEON指令处理时,ARM(或更确切地说是整数流水线)不会处于空闲状态。在Cortex A8中,NEON位于处理器流水线的“末端”,指令流经管道,如果它们是ARM指令,则它们在流水线的“开始”执行,最后执行NEON指令。每个时钟都会将指令推送到管道中。

Here are some hints on how to read the diagram above:


  • Every cycle, if possible, the processor fetches an instruction pair (two instructions).
  • 每个周期,如果可能,处理器获取指令对(两个指令)。
  • Fetching is pipelined so it takes 3 cycles for the instructions to propagate into the decode unit.
  • 提取是流水线的,因此指令需要3个周期才能传播到解码单元。
  • It takes 5 cycles (D0-D4) for the instruction to be decoded. Again this is all pipelines so it affects the latency but not the throughput. More instructions keep flowing through the pipeline where possible.
  • 要解码的指令需要5个周期(D0-D4)。同样,这是所有管道,因此它会影响延迟,但不会影响吞吐量。在可能的情况下,更多指令会继续流经管道。
  • Now we reach the execute/load store portion. NEON instructions flow through this stage (but they do that while other instructions are possibly executing).
  • 现在我们到达执行/加载存储部分。 NEON指令流经这个阶段(但他们这样做,而其他指令可能正在执行)。
  • We get to the NEON portion, if the instruction fetched 13 cycles ago was a NEON instruction it is now decoded and executed in the NEON pipeline.
  • 我们到达NEON部分,如果13个周期前取出的指令是NEON指令,它现在被解码并在NEON流水线中执行。
  • While this is happening, integer instructions that followed that instruction can execute at the same time in the integer pipeline.
  • 发生这种情况时,遵循该指令的整数指令可以在整数管道中同时执行。
  • The pipeline is a fairly complex beast, some instructions are multi-cycle, some have dependencies and will stall if those dependencies are not met. Other events such as branches will flush the pipeline.
  • 管道是一个相当复杂的野兽,一些指令是多周期的,一些指令具有依赖性,如果不满足这些依赖性,它们将停止。其他事件(如分支)将刷新管道。

If you are executing a sequence that is 100% NEON instructions (which is pretty rare, since there are usually some ARM registers involved, control flow etc.) then there is some period where the the integer pipeline isn't doing anything useful. Most code will have the two executing concurrently for at least some of the time while cleverly engineered code can maximize performance with the right instructions mix.


This online tool Cycle Counter for Cortex A8 is great for analyzing the performance of your assembly code and gives information about what is executing in what units and what is stalling.

这个用于Cortex A8的在线工具循环计数器非常适合分析汇编代码的性能,并提供有关在哪些单元中执行的内容以及停止运行的信息。



ARM is not "idle" while NEON operations are executed, but controls them.
To fully use the power of both units, one can carefully plan an interleaved sequence of operations:


SUBS r0,r0,r1  ; // ARM operation
addpq.16 q0,q0,q1  ; NEON operation
LDR r0, [r1, r2 LSL #2];   // ARM operation
vld1.32 d0, [r1]!  ; // NEON operation using ARM register
bne loop;         // ARM operation controlling the flow of both units...

ARM cortex-A8 can execute in each clock cycle up to 2 instructions. If both of them are independent NEON operations, it's no use to put an ARM instruction in between. OTOH if one knows that the latency of a VLD (load) is large, one can place many ARM instruction in between the load and first use of the loaded value. But in each case the combined usage must be planned in advance and interleaved.

ARM cortex-A8可在每个时钟周期内执行最多2条指令。如果它们都是独立的NEON操作,则在它们之间放置ARM指令是没有用的。 OTOH如果知道VLD(加载)的延迟很大,可以在加载和首次使用加载值之间放置许多ARM指令。但是在每种情况下,组合使用必须提前计划并交错。



In Application Level Programmers’ Model, you can't really distinguish between ARM and NEON units.


While NEON being a separate hardware unit (that is available as an option on Cortex-A series processors), it is the ARM core who drives it in a tight fashion. It is not a separate DSP which you can communicate in an asynchronous fashion.


You can write better code by fully utilizing pipelines on both units, but this is not same as having a separate core.


NEON unit is there because it can do some operations (SIMDs) much faster than ARM unit at a low frequency.


This is like having a friend who is good at math, whenever you have a hard question you can ask him. While waiting for an answer you can do some small things like if answer is this I should do this or if not instead do that but if you depend on that answer to go on, you need to wait for him to answer before going further. You could calculate the answer yourself but it will be much faster even including the communication time between two of you compared to doing all the math yourself. I think you can even extend this analogy like "you also need to buy some lunch to that friend (energy consumption) but in many cases it worths it".


Anyone who is saying ARM core can do other things while NEON core is working on its stuff is talking about instruction-level parallelism not anything like task-level parallelism.
