有什么报告工具可以为Razor视图引擎提供一个MVC 3报告查看器吗?

时间:2021-08-17 08:04:04

As stated in the title. Most of what I've seen involve workarounds to get their native Webforms report viewers into the MVC workspace and fewer innately support the Razor ViewEngine. Are there any, free or paid, that provide this?


I'm looking for ones similar to how the default Webforms ReportViewer handles things where you get a preview of what you're about to export.

我正在寻找一些类似于默认Webforms ReportViewer处理内容的方式,您可以在其中预览将要导出的内容。

1 个解决方案



Personally i use Perpetuum SharpShooter for web reporting. I work with standard ASP.NET WebForms, but I saw somewhere the documentation for Razor.

就我个人而言,我使用永久神枪手用于网络报道。我使用标准ASP。NET WebForms,但是我在某处看到了Razor的文档。

However Unfortunately, it doesn not have native web-based report designer. It's a pitty. I have to create huge workarounds to provide my users with their windows report editor.




Personally i use Perpetuum SharpShooter for web reporting. I work with standard ASP.NET WebForms, but I saw somewhere the documentation for Razor.

就我个人而言,我使用永久神枪手用于网络报道。我使用标准ASP。NET WebForms,但是我在某处看到了Razor的文档。

However Unfortunately, it doesn not have native web-based report designer. It's a pitty. I have to create huge workarounds to provide my users with their windows report editor.
