I am having a minor issue playing with my exported Crystal Report, I can generate the reports just fine on our website, however when I attempt to export them to Word documents I don't quite get a document I can do much with.
我在导出的Crystal Report中遇到了一个小问题,我可以在我们的网站上生成报告,但是当我尝试将它们导出到Word文档时,我并没有得到一份我可以做很多事情的文档。
- I can't position the generated text anywhere in the document, it is almost 'frozen' in place. I would expect if I moved the cursor above the report text and pressed Enter a bunch of times I could remove the report down the page, however it just won't budge
- All the text seems to be in its own box and I can't move it around or do anything with it.
Any thoughts? My expectation would be once it is exported to Word I could play with it like a Word document, move the text down the page, edit the document, do something with it.
btw, this question is similar to the one posted here, but this one wasn't tagged properly and I don't have enough karma to fix it:
1 个解决方案
I'm afraid that you can't do much about it. Crystal Reports is very much orientated towards putting data in fixed positions on pages, so when it exports to Word it puts its data into text boxes because that's a similar thing that Word offers. You could make the Crystal Report page consists of a giant text field and using spaces and newlines to get the data into the right place, which will probably then give you a giant textbox in Word.
我担心你不能做太多。 Crystal Reports非常注重将数据放在页面上的固定位置,因此当它导出到Word时,它会将数据放入文本框中,因为这与Word提供的类似。您可以使Crystal Report页面包含一个巨大的文本字段,并使用空格和换行符将数据放到正确的位置,这可能会在Word中为您提供一个巨大的文本框。
I'm afraid that you can't do much about it. Crystal Reports is very much orientated towards putting data in fixed positions on pages, so when it exports to Word it puts its data into text boxes because that's a similar thing that Word offers. You could make the Crystal Report page consists of a giant text field and using spaces and newlines to get the data into the right place, which will probably then give you a giant textbox in Word.
我担心你不能做太多。 Crystal Reports非常注重将数据放在页面上的固定位置,因此当它导出到Word时,它会将数据放入文本框中,因为这与Word提供的类似。您可以使Crystal Report页面包含一个巨大的文本字段,并使用空格和换行符将数据放到正确的位置,这可能会在Word中为您提供一个巨大的文本框。