
时间:2022-11-07 19:04:05

My Boostrap framework is working fine on Chrome and Safari. It also is mostly on Explorer and Firefox. However, in Explorer and Firefox, a couple of images on interior pages appear to have an offset applied. The issue will be apparent when viewing the pages:


I have been unable to find anyone else who has encountered the same issue. And I realize a manual fix won't be all that difficult, but I would like to keep the images in the framework and figure out what is happening in case it occurs again in the future.


EDIT After attempting to fix this issue manually, I have realized it is NOT a Bootstrap issue. Firefox and Explorer are pushing the first piece of content following the page label to the right. It did so even when coding outside of the Bootstrap framework. I tried putting a piece of text as the first item and got the same result.

编辑尝试手动修复此问题后,我意识到这不是一个Bootstrap问题。 Firefox和Explorer正在推送页面标签后面的第一段内容。即使在Bootstrap框架之外进行编码,它也是这样做的。我尝试将一段文字作为第一项并获得相同的结果。

1 个解决方案


I've found the solution to this problem: There was a difference in the bottom margin being applied to the title in Explorer and Firefox, pushing the content to the right of the title div.



I've found the solution to this problem: There was a difference in the bottom margin being applied to the title in Explorer and Firefox, pushing the content to the right of the title div.
