Immutable.js offers the fromJS() method to build immutable structures from objects and array. Objects are converted into maps. Arrays are converted into lists. The fromJS() method can also take a reviver function for custom conversions.
Object to Immutable Map:
check by isMap():
const plainJSObject = {
title: "Go to grocery",
text: "I need milk and eggs",
completed: false,
category: {title: "House Duties", priority: 10}
}; const immutableTodo = Immutable.fromJS(plainJSObject); expect(Immutable.Map.isMap(immutableTodo))
We cat get value by getIn() method:
expect(immtableTodo.getIn(["category", "title"])).to.equal("House Duties");
Array to Immutable List:
check by isList():
const plainJSArray = [
"Go to grocery",
"Buy milk and eggs",
"Help kids with homework",
["Buy Lemons", "Make Lemonade"]
]; const immutableTodoList = Immutable.fromJS(plainJSArray);
get value by getIn():
expect(immutableTodoList.getIn([3, 1])).to.equal("Make Lemonade")
Convert a plain array to Immutable Map:
const plainJSArray = [
"Go to grocery",
"Buy milk and eggs",
"Help kids with homework",
["Buy Lemons", "Make Lemonade"]
]; const immutableTodoList = Immutable.formJS(plainJSArray, (key, value)=>{ return value.toMap();
}); expect(immutableTodoList.getIn([3,1])).to.equal("Make Lemonade");