
时间:2022-11-08 19:01:51

I'm a very newbie to AngularJS, so please try to understand my concerns.


I already have an HTML page and a controller written for it as follows :



<!-- Main -->
<div layout="row" layout-sm="column" layout-gt-sm="column"
    layout-md="row" layout-xs="column" layout-lg="row"
    style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="user-settings">
    <!-- First Column -->
    <div layout-align="center" layout="column" flex="100">
        <div layout-align="center" flex="100">
            <div class="singleColumnUserSettings">
                <form name="bankDetailsForm" action="save" method="POST"

                    <md-input-container class="md-block" style="margin-top:1em;">
                    <label>Current Account Label</label> <input
                        ng-model="bankDetails.currentAccountLabel" required
                        name="currentAccountLabel" ng-change="editField()">
                    <div ng-messages="bankDetailsForm.currentAccountLabel.$error">
                        <div ng-message="required">Please enter valid Bank account

                    <md-input-container class="md-block" style="margin-top:0px;">
                    <label>Bank Name</label> <input ng-model="bankDetails.bankName"
                        required name="bankName" ng-change="editField()">
                    <div ng-messages="bankDetailsForm.bankName.$error">
                        <div ng-message="required">Please enter valid Bank name</div>

                    <md-input-container class="md-block" style="margin-top:0px;">
                    <label>Branch</label> <input ng-model="bankDetails.branch" required
                        name="branch" ng-change="editField()">
                    <div ng-messages="bankDetailsForm.branch.$error">
                        <div ng-message="required">Please enter valid Branch</div>

                    <md-input-container class="md-block" style="margin-top:0px;">
                    <label>IFSC Code</label> <input ng-model="bankDetails.ifscCode"
                        required name="ifscCode" ng-change="editField()">
                    <div ng-messages="bankDetailsForm.ifscCode.$error">
                        <div ng-message="required">Please enter valid IFSC code</div>

                    <md-input-container class="md-block" style="margin-top:0px;">
                    <label>Account Number</label> <input
                        ng-model="bankDetails.accountNumber" required
                        name="accountNumber" ng-change="editField()">
                    <div ng-messages="bankDetailsForm.accountNumber.$error">
                        <div ng-message="required">Please enter valid Bank account

                    <md-input-container class="md-block" style="margin-top:0px;"
                        flex=100> <label>Transaction Type</label> <md-select
                        required ng-model="bankDetails.transactionType" ng-change="editField()"> <md-option
                        ng-repeat="type in transactionTypes" value="{{type}}">
                    {{type}} </md-option> </md-select>
                    <div ng-messages="bankDetailsForm.transactionType.$error">
                        <div ng-message="required">Please select Transaction type</div>

                    <md-button style="width:30%; display: block;margin:3em auto auto;"
                        ng-disabled="bankDetailsForm.$invalid" id="save" ng-click="save()"
                        class="md-raised md-primary">Save</md-button>

    <!-- Second Column-->

    <div layout-align="center" layout="column" flex="100">
        <div layout-align="center end" flex="100">
            <div class="singleColumnRightUserSettings">

                <md-content layout-padding>

                <form name="masterUserSettingsUploadFile" action="save"

                    <md-radio-group ng-model="data.documentType" class="textSizeMedium">
                    <div layout="row" style="margin-top: 0.5em;" flex=100>
                        <md-radio-button value="Cancelled & crossed Cheque"
                            style="margin-top: 0.8em;"> <b>Cancelled &
                            crossed Cheque</b> </md-radio-button>
                        <p style="margin-left: 1em;" class="textSizeSmall">-
                            Organization name printed on same</p>
                    <div layout="row">
                        <md-radio-button value="A Nodal Bank Letter"
                            style="margin-top: 1em;"> <b>A Nodal Bank
                            Letter</b> </md-radio-button>
                        <p style="margin-left: 1em;" class="textSizeSmall">- Stating
                            your current account details</p>

                    <div layout="row" flex="100" style="margin-top: 1em;">
                        <input style="display: none;"
                            on-read-file="uploadFile($fileContent)" type="file"
                            name="file-6[]" id="file-6" class="inputfile inputfile-5"
                            data-multiple-caption="{count} files selected" multiple /> <label
                            for="file-6"> <i class="material-icons uploadFile"
                            style="margin-left: -0.8em;">insert_drive_file</i> <span></span></label>
                        <span class="radioValue textSizeSmall" style="margin-top: 0.8em;"
                            flex=50>{{ data.documentType }} </span>
                        <div layout="row" layout-align="right">
                            <md-button class="md-icon-button"> <i
                                class="material-icons uploadFile">delete</i></md-button>

                    <md-content class="messageBorder"
                    <label class="textSizeSmall">We would request you to please
                        send us all the documents Self Attested (Signature and Company
                        Stamp). Please use the sign which is matching with your ID proof
                        provided.</label> </md-content>


var app = angular.module('app_name');
var isEmpty = true;

app.controller("bankDetailsController", [ "$scope", "$http", "config", "$mdToast",
        function($scope, $http, config, $mdToast) {
            $scope.bankDetails = {};
            $scope.transactionTypes = {
                NEFT : "NEFT",
                IMPS : "IMPS",
                WALLET : "WALLET",

            $scope.getBankDetails = function() {
                $http.get(config.webServicesUrl.bankDetails, headerConfig).success(function(data) {
                    if (data.body) {
                        $scope.bankDetails.currentAccountLabel = data.body.currentAccountLabel;
                        $scope.bankDetails.bankName = data.body.bankName;
                        $scope.bankDetails.branch = data.body.branch;
                        $scope.bankDetails.ifscCode = data.body.ifcsCode;
                        $scope.bankDetails.accountNumber = data.body.accountNumber;
                        //$scope.bankDetails.transactionTypes[NEFT] = $scope.transactionTypes.NEFT;
                        isEmpty = false;
                }).error(function(error) {
                    console.log("Error : " + error.error);

            $scope.save = function() {
                var bankDetails = {
                    currentAccountLabel : $scope.bankDetails.currentAccountLabel,
                    bankName : $scope.bankDetails.bankName,
                    branch : $scope.bankDetails.branch,
                    ifcsCode : $scope.bankDetails.ifscCode,
                    accountNumber : $scope.bankDetails.accountNumber,
                    transactionType : "NEFT",
                if (isEmpty) {
                    $http.post(config.webServicesUrl.bankDetails, bankDetails, headerConfig).success(function(data) {
                        displayToastMessage("Your details saved successfully", $mdToast);
                        $( "#save" ).prop( "disabled", true );
                        isEmpty = false;
                    }).error(function(error) {
                        console.log("Error : " + error.error);
                } else {
                    $http.put(config.webServicesUrl.bankDetails, bankDetails, headerConfig).success(function(data) {
                        displayToastMessage("Your details saved successfully", $mdToast);
                        $( "#save" ).prop( "disabled", true );
                    }).error(function(error) {
                        console.log("Error : " + error.error);
            $scope.editField = function() {
                // Enable save button after user starts editing
                $( "#save" ).prop( "disabled", false );
            $scope.data = {
                documentType : 'Cancelled & crossed Cheque'

        } ]);

Now ignore all the code and concentrate only on the input field for IFSC code. I want to make this input field auto complete enabled. For it I referred following link


Autocomplete basic Usage in Angular Material


I want to implement the same code into my code on the field for IFSC code. But since my controller file already contains a controller where should I write the JS code from link and what changes do I need to make in HTML code?


I've become clueless now. Please somebody help me out.



P.S. : All the necessary CSS and JS files have been already included in config file to use Angular Material in my project.

附: :所有必需的CSS和JS文件已经包含在配置文件中,以便在我的项目中使用Angular Material。

1 个解决方案



I'll give you an example.


 <md-autocomplete required 
                  md-items="temp in editField(bankDetails.ifscCode)"
                  placeholder="IFSC Code">
        <span md-highlight-text="search" md-highlight-flags="^i">{{temp.text}}</span>
        No states matching "{{bankDetails.ifscCode}}" were found.                            

here, md-selected-item represents the the value you will select after showing the result.


md-search-text stores the text you write in the box.


md-items will be responsible for showing result depending upon the query. It will use a searchFunction which will be written in the controller. For Example,


$scope.editField = editField ;
editField = function(query){
   //use $http service to query server and resolve this promise and return  object or array to iterate.

md-item-text will display the text. md-item-template is a template for each item returned by md-items.

md-item-text将显示文本。 md-item-template是md-items返回的每个项目的模板。

md-not-found will display the message it there are no match found. There are many other options available too. check out the offical documentation for more details.




I'll give you an example.


 <md-autocomplete required 
                  md-items="temp in editField(bankDetails.ifscCode)"
                  placeholder="IFSC Code">
        <span md-highlight-text="search" md-highlight-flags="^i">{{temp.text}}</span>
        No states matching "{{bankDetails.ifscCode}}" were found.                            

here, md-selected-item represents the the value you will select after showing the result.


md-search-text stores the text you write in the box.


md-items will be responsible for showing result depending upon the query. It will use a searchFunction which will be written in the controller. For Example,


$scope.editField = editField ;
editField = function(query){
   //use $http service to query server and resolve this promise and return  object or array to iterate.

md-item-text will display the text. md-item-template is a template for each item returned by md-items.

md-item-text将显示文本。 md-item-template是md-items返回的每个项目的模板。

md-not-found will display the message it there are no match found. There are many other options available too. check out the offical documentation for more details.
