/* ** INSTCAT.SQL ** Installs catalog stored procedures on the Microsoft SQL Server. ** Copyright Microsoft, Inc. 1994 - 2000 ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Owners: ** ** <owner current="true" primary="true">iliak</owner> */ /* INTERNAL NOTE: When this file is updated, you MUST change the last row inserted into spt_server_info to be version number of this file. the convention is j.nn.bbb, where j is the major version number ('7' now), nn is the minor version number ('10' now), and bbb is the build number. insert into spt_server_info values (500, 'SYS_SPROC_VERSION', '8.00.bbb') */ /****************************************************************************/ /* This portion sets up the ability to perform all the functions in this */ /* script */ /****************************************************************************/ go use master go dump tran master with no_log go set quoted_identifier on go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_configure' and type = 'P ')) begin execute sp_configure 'update',1 end reconfigure with override go exec sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category 1 /*Capture datetime for use below.*/ go /* ** If old versions of tables exist, drop them. */ if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'MSdatatype_info' and type = 'U ')) drop table MSdatatype_info go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'MSdatatype_info_ext' and type = 'U ')) drop table MSdatatype_info_ext go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'MStable_types' and type = 'U ')) drop table MStable_types go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'MSserver_info' and type = 'U ')) drop table MSserver_info go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'spt_table_types' and type = 'U ')) drop table spt_table_types go /* ** If tables or procs already exist, drop them. */ if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'spt_datatype_info' and type = 'U ')) drop table spt_datatype_info go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'spt_datatype_info_ext' and type = 'U ')) drop table spt_datatype_info_ext go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_add_server_sortinfo' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_add_server_sortinfo go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_add_server_sortinfo75' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_add_server_sortinfo75 go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'spt_server_info' and type = 'U ')) drop table spt_server_info go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_tables go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_statistics' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_statistics go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_columns' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_columns go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_fkeys' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_fkeys go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_pkeys' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_pkeys dump tran master with no_log go go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_stored_procedures' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_stored_procedures go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_sproc_columns' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_sproc_columns go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_table_privileges' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_table_privileges go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_column_privileges' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_column_privileges go dump tran master with no_log go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_server_info' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_server_info go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_datatype_info' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_datatype_info go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_special_columns' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_special_columns go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_databases' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_databases go dump tran master with no_log go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_ddopen' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_ddopen go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tableswc' and type = 'P ')) drop proc sp_tableswc go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tablecollations' and type = 'P')) drop proc sp_tablecollations go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel' and type = 'P')) drop proc sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel go dump tran master with no_log go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'spt_provider_types' and type = 'U ')) begin drop table spt_provider_types dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_catalogs_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_catalogs_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_column_privileges_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_column_privileges_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_columns_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_columns_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_check_constraints_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_check_constbytable_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_foreign_keys_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_foreign_keys_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_indexes_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_indexes_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_primary_keys_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_procedure_params_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_procedures_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_procedures_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_provider_types_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_provider_types_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_schemata_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_schemata_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_statistics_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_statistics_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_tables_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables_info_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables_info_rowset_64' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_table_constraints_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_table_constraints_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_table_privileges_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_table_privileges_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_linkedservers_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_linkedservers_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_table_statistics_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_table_statistics_rowset dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_column_constraints' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_column_constraints dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_indexinfo' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_indexinfo dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_ro_usrname' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_ro_usrname dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_deflang' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_deflang dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_defdb' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_defdb dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_database' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_database dump tran master with no_log end go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_language' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_language dump tran master with no_log end go print 'creating table spt_datatype_info_ext' go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Pre 6.0 server */ print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following error.' create table spt_datatype_info_ext ( user_type smallint not null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, typename varchar(32)) end go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* 6.0 or later server */ create table spt_datatype_info_ext ( user_type smallint not null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, typename sysname) /* from systypes, to avoid xusertype hard-code */ end go grant select on spt_datatype_info_ext to public go insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* CHAR user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (1, 'length' ,0, 'char') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* VARCHAR user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (2, 'max length' ,0, 'varchar') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* BINARY user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (3, 'length' ,0, 'binary') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* VARBINARY user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (4, 'max length' ,0, 'varbinary') if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Add 6.0 data types */ insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* DECIMAL user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (26, 'precision,scale' ,0, 'decimal') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* NUMERIC user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (25, 'precision,scale' ,0, 'numeric') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* DECIMAL IDENTITY user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (26, 'precision' ,1, 'decimal') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* NUMERIC IDENTITY user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (25, 'precision' ,1, 'numeric') end else /* Pre 6.0 server, add SYSNAME create param */ begin insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* SYSNAME user_type, create_param, auto_increments */ values (18, 'max length' ,0, 'sysname') end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Update usertypes for 8.0 server */ begin tran insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* NCHAR user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (0, 'length' ,0, 'nchar') insert into spt_datatype_info_ext /* NVARCHAR user_type, create_params, auto_increment */ values (0, 'max length' ,0, 'nvarchar') /* SET user_type TO SPHINX VALUES */ update spt_datatype_info_ext set user_type = xusertype from spt_datatype_info_ext e, systypes t where t.name = e.typename commit tran end go create unique clustered index datatypeinfoextclust on spt_datatype_info_ext(user_type,AUTO_INCREMENT) go print 'creating table spt_datatype_info' go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Pre 6.0 server */ print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following error.' create table spt_datatype_info ( ss_dtype tinyint not null, fixlen int null, /* datatype len for variable, else null */ ODBCVer tinyint null, /* version if needed, else null */ TYPE_NAME varchar(32) not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, data_precision int null, numeric_scale smallint null, /* min scale if 6.0 */ RADIX smallint null, length int null, LITERAL_PREFIX varchar(32) null, LITERAL_SUFFIX varchar(32) null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) null, NULLABLE smallint not null, CASE_SENSITIVE smallint not null, SEARCHABLE smallint not null, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE smallint null, MONEY smallint not null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME varchar(32) null, charbin tinyint null, /* 0 for char/binary types, NULL for all others */ SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null) end go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* 6.0 or later server */ create table spt_datatype_info ( ss_dtype tinyint not null, fixlen int null, /* datatype len for variable, else null */ ODBCVer tinyint null, /* version if needed, else null */ TYPE_NAME sysname not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, data_precision int null, numeric_scale smallint null, /* min scale if 6.0 */ RADIX smallint null, length int null, LITERAL_PREFIX varchar(32) null, LITERAL_SUFFIX varchar(32) null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) null, NULLABLE smallint not null, CASE_SENSITIVE smallint not null, SEARCHABLE smallint not null, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE smallint null, MONEY smallint not null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME sysname null, charbin tinyint null, /* 0 for char/binary types, NULL for all others */ SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null) end go grant select on spt_datatype_info to public go /* Get case sensitivity */ if 'A' = 'A' /* create dummy begin block */ begin declare @case smallint begin tran select @case = 0 select @case = 1 where 'a' <> 'A' /* Local Binary */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (45,null,null,'binary',-2,null,null,null,null,'0x',null,'length',1,0,2,null,0,null,'binary',0,-2,null) /* Local Bit */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (50,null,null,'bit',-7,1,0,null,1,null,null,null,0,0,2,null,0,null,'bit',null,-7,null) /* Local Char */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (47,null,null,'char',1,null,null,null,null,'''','''','length',1,@case,3,null,0,null,'char',0,1,null) /* Local Datetime */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (61,8,2,'datetime',11,23,3,NULL,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'datetime',null,9,3) insert into spt_datatype_info values (61,8,3,'datetime',93,23,3,NULL,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'datetime',null,9,3) /* Local Smalldatetime */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (58,4,2,'smalldatetime',11,16,0,NULL,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'smalldatetime',null,9,3) insert into spt_datatype_info values (58,4,3,'smalldatetime',93,16,0,NULL,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'smalldatetime',null,9,3) /* Local Float */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (62,8,2,'float',6,15,null,10,8,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'float',null,6,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values (62,8,3,'float',6,53,null, 2,8,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'float',null,6,null) /* Local Real */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (59,4,2,'real',7, 7,null,10,4,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'real',null,7,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values (59,4,3,'real',7,24,null, 2,4,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'real',null,7,null) /* Local Smallmoney */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (122,4,null,'smallmoney',3,10,4,10,12,'$',null,null,1,0,2,0,1,0,'smallmoney',null,3,null) /* Local Money */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (60,8,null,'money',3,19,4,10,21,'$',null,null,1,0,2,0,1,0,'money',null,3,null) /* Local Int */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (56,4,null,'int',4,10,0,10,4,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'int',null,4,null) commit tran end go if 'A' = 'A' /* create dummy begin block */ begin declare @case smallint begin tran select @case = 0 select @case = 1 where 'a' <> 'A' /* Local Smallint */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (52,2,null,'smallint',5,5,0,10,2,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'smallint',null,5,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values (52,2,1,'smallint',5,5,0,10,2,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'smallint',null,5,null) /* Local Tinyint */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (48,1,null,'tinyint',-6,3,0,10,1,null,null,null,1,0,2,1,0,0,'tinyint',null,-6,null) /* Local Text */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (35,null,null,'text',-1,2147483647,null,null,2147483647,'''','''',null,1,@case,1,null,0,null,'text',0,-1,null) /* Local Varbinary */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (37,null,null,'varbinary',-3,null,null,null,null,'0x',null,'max length',1,0,2,null,0,null,'varbinary',0,-3,null) /* Local Varchar */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (39,null,null,'varchar',12,null,null,null,null,'''','''','max length',1,@case,3,null,0,null,'varchar',0,12,null) /* Local Image */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (34,null,null,'image',-4,2147483647,null,null,2147483647,'0x',null,null,1,0,0,null,0,null,'image',0,-4,null) if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Add 6.0 data types */ /* Local Decimal */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'decimaln' */ (55,null,null,'decimal',3,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',1,0,2,0,0,0,'decimal',null,3,null) /* Local Numeric */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'numericn' */ (63,null,null,'numeric',2 ,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',1,0,2,0,0,0,'numeric',null,2,null) /* Identity attribute data types */ /* Identity Int */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (56,null,null,'int identity',4,10,0,10,null,null,null,null,0,0,2,0,0,1,'int identity',null,4,null) /* Identity Smallint */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (52,null,null,'smallint identity',5,5,0,10,null,null,null,null,0,0,2,0,0,1,'smallint identity',null,5,null) /* Identity Tinyint */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (48,null,null,'tinyint identity',-6,3,0,10,null,null,null,null,0,0,2,1,0,1,'tinyint identity',null,-6,null) /* Identity Numeric */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'decmaln' */ (55,null,null,'decimal() identity',3,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',0,0,2,0,0,1,'decimal() identity',null,3,null) /* Identity Numeric */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'decmaln' */ (63,null,null,'numeric() identity',2,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',0,0,2,0,0,1,'numeric() identity',null,2,null) end if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Add nullable type for non-8.0 server */ /* Local Datetimn */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (111,4,2,'smalldatetime',11,16,0,10,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'smalldatetime',null,9,3) insert into spt_datatype_info values (111,4,3,'smalldatetime',93,16,0,10,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'smalldatetime',null,9,3) insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'datetimn' */ (111,8,2,'datetime',11,23,3,10,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'datetime',null,9,3) insert into spt_datatype_info values (111,8,3,'datetime',93,23,3,10,16,'''','''',null,1,0,3,null,0,null,'datetime',null,9,3) /* Local Floatn */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'floatn' */ (109,4,2,'real',7, 7,null,10,4,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'real',null,7,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values (109,4,3,'real',7,24,null, 2,4,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'real',null,7,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'floatn' */ (109,8,2,'float',6,15,null,10,8,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'float',null,6,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values (109,8,3,'float',6,53,null, 2,8,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'float',null,6,null) /* Local Moneyn */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'moneyn' */ (110,4,null,'smallmoney',3,10,4,10,12,'$',null,null,1,0,2,0,1,0,'smallmoney',null,3,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'moneyn' */ (110,8,null,'money',3,19,4,10,21,'$',null,null,1,0,2,0,1,0,'money',null,3,null) /* Local Intn */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'intn' */ (38,4,null,'int',4,10,0,10,4,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'int',null,4,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'intn' */ (38,2,null,'smallint',5,5,0,10,2,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'smallint',null,5,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values (38,1,null,'tinyint',-6,3,0,10,1,null,null,null,1,0,2,1,0,0,'tinyint',null,-6,null) if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Add 6.0 data types */ /* Local Decimaln */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'decimaln' */ (106,null,null,'decimal',3,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',1,0,2,0,0,0,'decimal',null,3,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'decmaln' */ (106,null,null,'decimal() identity',3,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',0,0,2,0,0,1,'decimal() identity',null,3,null) /* Local Numericn */ insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'numericn' */ (108,null,null,'numeric',2,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',1,0,2,0,0,0,'numeric',null,2,null) insert into spt_datatype_info values /* sql server type is 'decmaln' */ (108,null,null,'numeric() identity',2,38,0,10,null,null,null,'precision,scale',0,0,2,0,0,1,'numeric() identity',null,2,null) end end commit tran end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin declare @ncase smallint select @ncase = 0 select @ncase = 1 where N'a' <> N'A' /* Local Timestamp */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (0,null,null,'timestamp',-2,8,null,null,null,'0x',null,null,1,0,2,null,0,null,'timestamp',0,-2,null) /* Local GUID */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (0,null,null,'uniqueidentifier',-11,36,null,null,null,'''','''',null,1,0,2,null,0,null,'uniqueidentifier',NULL,-11,null) /* Local NChar */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (0,null,null,'nchar',-8,null,null,null,null,'N''','''','length',1,@ncase,3,null,0,null,'nchar',0,-8,null) /* Local NVarchar */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (0,null,null,'nvarchar',-9,null,null,null,null,'N''','''','max length',1,@ncase,3,null,0,null,'nvarchar',0,-9,null) /* Local NText */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (0,null,null,'ntext',-10,2147483646,null,null,2147483646,'N''','''',null,1,@ncase,1,null,0,null,'ntext',0,-10,null) if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin -- /* Local BIGINT */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (127,8,null,'bigint',-5,19,0,10,null,null,null,null,1,0,2,0,0,0,'bigint',null,-5,null) -- /* Identity BIGINT */ insert into spt_datatype_info values (127,8,null,'bigint identity',-5,19,0,10,null,null,null,null,0,0,2,0,0,1,'bigint identity',null,-5,null) -- /* sql_variant */ insert into spt_datatype_info values ( 98, --ss_dtype null, --fixlen null, --ODBCVer 'sql_variant', --TYPE_NAME -150, --SQL DATA TYPE 8000, --data_precision 0, --numeric_scale 10, --RADIX 8000, --length null, --PREFIX null, --SUFFIX null, --Create Params 1, --Nullable 0, --Case sensitive 2, --Searchable null, --UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE 0, --MONEY null, --AUTO_INCREMENT 'sql_variant', --LOCAL TYPE NAME 0, --CHARBIN -150, --SQL_DATA_TYPE null --SQL_DATETIME_SUB ) end update spt_datatype_info set NULLABLE = 1 where TYPE_NAME = 'bit' update spt_datatype_info set ss_dtype = isnull((select distinct xtype from systypes where TYPE_NAME = name OR TYPE_NAME = name+' identity' OR TYPE_NAME = name+'() identity'), 0) end go create unique clustered index datatypeinfoclust on spt_datatype_info(ss_dtype,fixlen,ODBCVer,AUTO_INCREMENT) go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating table spt_server_info' go create table spt_server_info ( attribute_id int NOT NULL, attribute_name varchar(60) NOT NULL, attribute_value varchar(255) NOT NULL) go create unique clustered index serverinfoclust on spt_server_info(attribute_id) go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin drop procedure sp_add_server_sortinfo /* not used by other servers */ drop procedure sp_add_server_sortinfo75 /* not used by older servers */ dump tran master with no_log end go insert into spt_server_info values (1,'DBMS_NAME','Microsoft SQL Server') insert into spt_server_info values (2,'DBMS_VER',@@version) insert into spt_server_info values (10,'OWNER_TERM','owner') insert into spt_server_info values (11,'TABLE_TERM','table') insert into spt_server_info values (12,'MAX_OWNER_NAME_LENGTH','30') insert into spt_server_info values (13,'TABLE_LENGTH','30') insert into spt_server_info values (14,'MAX_QUAL_LENGTH','30') insert into spt_server_info values (15,'COLUMN_LENGTH','30') if 'A' = 'a' /* If not case sensitive server */ begin insert into spt_server_info values (16,'IDENTIFIER_CASE','MIXED') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (16,'IDENTIFIER_CASE','SENSITIVE') end insert into spt_server_info values (17,'TX_ISOLATION','2') if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Add 6.0 collation sequence */ insert into spt_server_info select 18,'COLLATION_SEQ', 'charset='+t2.name+' sort_order='+t1.name +' charset_num='+rtrim(convert(char(4),t1.csid))+ ' sort_order_num='+rtrim(convert(char(4),t1.id)) from syscharsets t1, syscharsets t2, sysconfigures t3 where t1.csid=t2.id and t1.id=t3.value and t3.config=1123 end else begin /* Add 4.2x collation sequence */ insert into spt_server_info select 18,'COLLATION_SEQ', 'charset='+t2.name+' sort_order='+t1.name +' charset_num='+rtrim(convert(char(4),t1.csid))+ ' sort_order_num='+rtrim(convert(char(4),t1.id)) from syscharsets t1, syscharsets t2, sysconfigures t3 where t1.csid=t2.id and t1.id=t3.value and t3.config=123 end insert into spt_server_info values (19,'SAVEPOINT_SUPPORT','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (20,'MULTI_RESULT_SETS','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (22,'ACCESSIBLE_TABLES','Y') go insert into spt_server_info values (100,'USERID_LENGTH','30') insert into spt_server_info values (101,'QUALIFIER_TERM','database') insert into spt_server_info values (102,'NAMED_TRANSACTIONS','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (103,'SPROC_AS_LANGUAGE','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (104,'ACCESSIBLE_SPROC','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (105,'MAX_INDEX_COLS','16') insert into spt_server_info values (106,'RENAME_TABLE','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (107,'RENAME_COLUMN','Y') if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Columns may be dropped on 8.0 or later */ insert into spt_server_info values (108,'DROP_COLUMN','Y') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (108,'DROP_COLUMN','N') end if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Columns size may be changed on 8.0 or later */ insert into spt_server_info values (109,'INCREASE_COLUMN_LENGTH','Y') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (109,'INCREASE_COLUMN_LENGTH','N') end if (charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin insert into spt_server_info values (110,'DDL_IN_TRANSACTION','N') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (110,'DDL_IN_TRANSACTION','Y') end if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Descending indexes allowed on 8.0 or later */ insert into spt_server_info values (111,'DESCENDING_INDEXES','Y') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (111,'DESCENDING_INDEXES','N') end insert into spt_server_info values (112,'SP_RENAME','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (113,'REMOTE_SPROC','Y') insert into spt_server_info values (500,'SYS_SPROC_VERSION','8.00.2039') go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Update values for 8.0 server */ update spt_server_info set attribute_value = '128' where attribute_id in (12,13,14,15,100) end go grant select on spt_server_info to public go print 'creating sp_column_privileges' go /* Procedure for pre 6.50 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges ( @table_name varchar(32), @table_owner varchar(32) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @column_name varchar(96) = null) /* 3*32 */ as set nocount on declare @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(65) /* 2*32 + 1 */ declare @low smallint /* range of userids to check */ declare @high smallint declare @owner_uid smallint select @low = 0, @high = 32767 if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end /* Get Object ID */ select @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if (@@trancount <> 0) begin /* If inside a transaction */ raiserror 20003 '~~Rush_6~~' return end /* ** We need to create a table which will contain a row for every row to ** be returned to the client. */ create table #column_priv1( COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, grantor smallint NOT NULL, grantee smallint NOT NULL, select_privilege bit, select_grantable bit, insert_privilege bit, insert_grantable bit, update_privilege bit, update_grantable bit, references_privilege bit, references_grantable bit, uid smallint NOT NULL, gid smallint NOT NULL) /* ** insert a row for the table owner (who has all permissions) */ select @owner_uid = ( select uid from sysobjects where id = @table_id) if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin insert into #column_priv1 select c.name, u.uid, @owner_uid, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, @owner_uid, 0 from syscolumns c, sysusers u where id = @table_id and c.number = 0 and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ end else begin insert into #column_priv1 select c.name, u.uid, @owner_uid, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, @owner_uid, 0 from syscolumns c, sysusers u where id = @table_id and c.number = 0 and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ end /* ** now stick in a row for every column for every user in the database ** we will need to weed out those who have no permissions later ** (and yes this is a cartesion product: the uid field in sysprotects ** can also have a group id, in which case we need to extend those ** privileges to all group members). */ insert into #column_priv1 select distinct c.name, o.uid, u.uid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, u.uid, u.gid from sysusers u, syscolumns c, sysobjects o where o.id = @table_id and c.id = o.id and c.number = 0 and u.gid <> u.uid and u.uid <> @owner_uid /* ** we need to create another temporary table to contain all the various ** protection information for the table in question */ create table #protects ( uid smallint NOT NULL, grantor smallint NOT NULL, action tinyint NOT NULL, protecttype tinyint NOT NULL, name varchar(32) NOT NULL) insert into #protects select p.uid, p.uid, p.action, p.protecttype, isnull(col_name(id, c.number), '~All') from sysprotects p, master.dbo.spt_values c, master.dbo.spt_values a, master.dbo.spt_values b where convert(tinyint, substring(isnull(p.columns, 0x1), c.low, 1)) & c.high <> 0 and c.number <= ( select count(*) from syscolumns where id = @table_id) and c.type = 'P' and a.type = 'T' and a.number = p.action and p.action in (193,195,197,26) and b.type = 'T' and b.number = p.protecttype and p.id = @table_id and p.uid between @low and @high update #column_priv1 set select_privilege = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 205 and p.action = 193 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 193 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and ( uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set insert_privilege = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 205 and p.action = 195 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 195 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set update_privilege = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 205 and p.action = 197 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 197 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set references_privilege = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 205 and p.action = 26 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 26 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set select_grantable = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 204 and p.action = 193 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 193 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and ( uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set insert_grantable = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 204 and p.action = 195 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 195 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and ( uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set update_grantable = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 204 and p.action = 197 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 197 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and ( uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) update #column_priv1 set references_grantable = 1 from #protects p where p.protecttype = 204 and p.action = 26 and (p.name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = #column_priv1.gid or p.uid = #column_priv1.uid) and not exists ( select * from #protects where protecttype = 206 and action = 26 and (name = #column_priv1.COLUMN_NAME or name = '~All') and ( uid = 0 or uid = #column_priv1.gid or uid = #column_priv1.uid)) create table #column_priv2( COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, grantor smallint NULL, grantee smallint NOT NULL, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) NOT NULL, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) NULL) insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'SELECT', 'NO' from #column_priv1 where select_privilege = 1 and select_grantable = 0 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'INSERT', 'NO' from #column_priv1 where insert_privilege = 1 and insert_grantable = 0 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'UPDATE', 'NO' from #column_priv1 where update_privilege = 1 and update_grantable = 0 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'REFERENCES', 'NO' from #column_priv1 where references_privilege = 1 and references_grantable = 0 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'SELECT', 'YES' from #column_priv1 where select_grantable = 1 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'INSERT', 'YES' from #column_priv1 where insert_grantable = 1 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'UPDATE', 'YES' from #column_priv1 where update_grantable = 1 insert into #column_priv2 select COLUMN_NAME, grantor, grantee, 'REFERENCES', 'YES' from #column_priv1 where references_grantable = 1 select convert(varchar(32),db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(varchar(32),user_name(@owner_uid)) TABLE_OWNER, @table_name TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, convert(varchar(32),user_name(grantor)) GRANTOR, convert(varchar(32),user_name(grantee)) GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE, IS_GRANTABLE from #column_priv2 where COLUMN_NAME like @column_name order by 4, 7 go if (charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.50 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_column_privileges go /* Procedure for 6.50 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges ( @table_name varchar(32), @table_owner varchar(32) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @column_name varchar(96) = null) /* 3*32 */ as declare @table_id int if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ select @table_id = object_id(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ select @table_id = object_id(@table_owner + '.' + @table_name) end select convert(varchar(32),db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, @table_name TABLE_NAME, convert(varchar(32),c.name) COLUMN_NAME, convert(varchar(32),user_name(p.grantor)) GRANTOR, convert(varchar(32),user_name(u.uid)) GRANTEE, convert (varchar(32),case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert (varchar(3),case when p.protecttype = 205 then 'NO' else 'YES' end) IS_GRANTABLE from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c where c.id = @table_id and c.name like @column_name and c.id = p.id and c.id = o.id and case substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 when NULL then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, isnull(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = @table_id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 when NULL then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,isnull(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ convert(varchar(32),db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, @table_name TABLE_NAME, convert(varchar(32),col_name(@table_id, c.colid)) COLUMN_NAME, convert(varchar(32),user_name(u.uid)) grantor, convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)) grantee, convert (varchar(32),case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert(varchar(3),'YES') IS_GRANTABLE from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where c.id = @table_id and c.name like @column_name and c.id = o.id and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 7 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_column_privileges go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges ( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @column_name nvarchar(384) = null) /* 3*128 */ as declare @table_id int if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ select @table_id = object_id(quotename(@table_name)) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = N'' begin /* If empty owner name */ select @table_id = 0 end else begin select @table_id = object_id(quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name)) end end select convert(sysname,db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, @table_name TABLE_NAME, convert(sysname,c.name) COLUMN_NAME, convert(sysname,user_name(p.grantor)) GRANTOR, convert(sysname,user_name(u.uid)) GRANTEE, convert (varchar(32),case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert (varchar(3),case when p.protecttype = 205 then 'NO' else 'YES' end) IS_GRANTABLE from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c, sysmembers m where c.id = @table_id and c.name like @column_name and c.id = p.id and c.id = o.id and case substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 when NULL then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, isnull(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = @table_id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = N'P' and v.number = c.colid /* expand groups - AKUNDONE: only 1 level of group unrolling here. Need more?? */ and (u.uid > 0 and u.uid < 16384) and ((p.uid = u.uid) or (p.uid = m.groupuid and u.uid = m.memberuid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 when NULL then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,isnull(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ convert(sysname,db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, @table_name TABLE_NAME, convert(sysname,col_name(@table_id, c.colid)) COLUMN_NAME, convert(sysname,user_name(u.uid)) grantor, convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)) grantee, convert (varchar(32),case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert(varchar(3),'YES') IS_GRANTABLE from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where c.id = @table_id and c.name like @column_name and c.id = o.id and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is 'dbo' of database */ and v.type = N'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 7 go grant execute on sp_column_privileges to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_columns' go /* Procedure for pre-6.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_columns ( @table_name varchar(96), @table_owner varchar(96) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @column_name varchar(96) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(193) DECLARE @table_id int if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end end if @table_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @table_name = '%' end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if ((charindex('%',@full_table_name) = 0) and (charindex('_',@full_table_name) = 0) and @table_id <> 0) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the table name */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length)), LENGTH = isnull(d.length, convert(int,c.length)), SCALE = d.numeric_scale, d.RADIX, NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */ convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status&8)), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length))+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',(c.status&8)+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, syscomments m, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.id = @table_id AND c.id = o.id AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND o.type <> 'P' AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.cdefault *= m.id AND m.colid = 1 ORDER BY 17 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the table name */ if @table_owner is null /* If owner not supplied, match all */ select @table_owner = '%' SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length)), LENGTH = isnull(d.length, convert(int,c.length)), SCALE = d.numeric_scale, d.RADIX, NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */ convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status&8)), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length))+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',(c.status&8)+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, syscomments m, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @table_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner AND o.id = c.id AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND o.type <> 'P' AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.cdefault *= m.id AND m.colid = 1 ORDER BY 2, 3, 17 end go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following error.' end else drop proc sp_columns go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_columns ( @table_name varchar(96), @table_owner varchar(96) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @column_name varchar(96) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(193) DECLARE @table_id int if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @table_name = '%' end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if ((charindex('%',@full_table_name) = 0) and (charindex('[',@full_table_name) = 0) and (charindex('_',@full_table_name) = 0) and @table_id <> 0) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the table name */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), DATA_TYPE = d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = convert(varchar(32), case when t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end), "PRECISION" = convert(int, case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647) end), LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.ss_dtype IN (106, 108, 55, 63) then /* decimal/numeric types */ c.prec+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end), SCALE = convert(smallint, c.scale), RADIX = d.RADIX, NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */ convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status&8)), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, SQL_DATA_TYPE = d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',(c.status&8)+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, syscomments m, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.id = @table_id AND c.id = o.id AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND o.type <> 'P' AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = (c.status&128)/128 AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.cdefault *= m.id AND m.colid = 1 ORDER BY 17 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the table name */ if @table_owner is null /* If owner not supplied, match all */ select @table_owner = '%' SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), DATA_TYPE = d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = convert(varchar(32), case when t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end), "PRECISION" = convert(int, case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647) end), LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.ss_dtype IN (106, 108, 55, 63) then /* decimal/numeric types */ c.prec+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end), SCALE = convert(smallint, c.scale), RADIX = d.RADIX, NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */ convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status&8)), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, SQL_DATA_TYPE = d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647) + d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',(c.status&8)+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, syscomments m, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @table_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner AND o.id = c.id AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND o.type <> 'P' AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = (c.status&128)/128 AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.cdefault *= m.id AND m.colid = 1 ORDER BY 2, 3, 17 end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_columns go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_columns ( @table_name nvarchar(384), @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @column_name nvarchar(384) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(769) DECLARE @table_id int if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @table_name = '%' end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if ((isnull(charindex('%', @full_table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_owner),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @full_table_name),0) = 0) and @table_id <> 0) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the table name */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), d.DATA_TYPE, convert (sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254), substring('NO YES',(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')*3)+1,3)), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c LEFT OUTER JOIN syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id AND m.colid = 1 WHERE o.id = @table_id AND c.id = o.id AND t.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND (o.type not in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') OR (o.type in ('TF', 'IF') and c.number = 0)) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = isnull(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'),0) AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name ORDER BY 17 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the table name */ if @table_owner is null /* If owner not supplied, match all */ select @table_owner = '%' SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), d.DATA_TYPE, convert (sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254), rtrim(substring('NO YES',(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')*3)+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c LEFT OUTER JOIN syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id AND m.colid = 1 WHERE o.name like @table_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner AND o.id = c.id AND t.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND (o.type not in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') OR (o.type in ('TF', 'IF') and c.number = 0)) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = isnull(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'),0) AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name ORDER BY 2, 3, 17 end go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_columns go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_columns ( @table_name nvarchar(384), @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @column_name nvarchar(384) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(769) DECLARE @table_id int if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @table_name = '%' end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if ((isnull(charindex('%', @full_table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_owner),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @full_table_name),0) = 0) and @table_id <> 0) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the table name */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), d.DATA_TYPE, convert (sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME collate database_default end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254), substring('NO YES',(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')*3)+1,3)), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c LEFT OUTER JOIN syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id AND m.colid = 1 WHERE o.id = @table_id AND c.id = o.id AND t.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND (o.type not in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') OR (o.type in ('TF', 'IF') and c.number = 0)) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = isnull(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'),0) AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name ORDER BY 17 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the table name */ if @table_owner is null /* If owner not supplied, match all */ select @table_owner = '%' SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), d.DATA_TYPE, convert (sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME collate database_default end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = text, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254), rtrim(substring('NO YES',(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'AllowsNull')*3)+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c LEFT OUTER JOIN syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id AND m.colid = 1 WHERE o.name like @table_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner AND o.id = c.id AND t.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND (o.type not in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') OR (o.type in ('TF', 'IF') and c.number = 0)) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = isnull(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'),0) AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name ORDER BY 2, 3, 17 end go grant execute on sp_columns to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_databases' go /* Procedure for pre-7.0 server */ create proc sp_databases as set nocount on /* Use temporary table to sum up database size w/o using group by */ create table #databases ( DATABASE_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, size int NOT NULL) /* Insert row for each database */ insert into #databases select name, (select sum(size) from master.dbo.sysusages where dbid = d.dbid) from master.dbo.sysdatabases d select DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_SIZE = size*2, /* Convert from 2048 byte pages to K */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from #databases order by 1 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_databases go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create proc sp_databases as set nocount on declare @name sysname declare @SQL nvarchar(600) /* Use temporary table to sum up database size w/o using group by */ create table #databases ( DATABASE_ID int NOT NULL, size int NOT NULL) declare c1 cursor for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name) = 1 -- Only look at databases to which we have access open c1 fetch c1 into @name while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin select @SQL = 'insert into #databases select '+ convert(sysname, db_id(@name)) + ', sum(size) from ' + QuoteName(@name) + '.dbo.sysfiles' /* Insert row for each database */ execute (@SQL) fetch c1 into @name end deallocate c1 select DATABASE_NAME = db_name(DATABASE_ID), DATABASE_SIZE = size*8,/* Convert from 8192 byte pages to K */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from #databases order by 1 go grant execute on sp_databases to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_datatype_info' go /* Procedure for pre-6.0 server */ create proc sp_datatype_info (@data_type int = 0, @ODBCVer tinyint = 2) as if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @data_type = 0 select TYPE_NAME = t.name, d.DATA_TYPE, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,t.length)), d.LITERAL_PREFIX, d.LITERAL_SUFFIX, e.CREATE_PARAMS, d.NULLABLE, d.CASE_SENSITIVE, d.SEARCHABLE, d.UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, d.MONEY, d.AUTO_INCREMENT, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = t.name, MINIMUM_SCALE = d.numeric_scale, MAXIMUM_SCALE = d.numeric_scale, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, NUM_PREC_RADIX = convert(int,d.RADIX), INTERVAL_PRECISION = convert(smallint,NULL), USERTYPE = t.usertype from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e, systypes t where d.ss_dtype = t.type AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and t.usertype *= e.user_type and (t.type not in (111,109,38,110) or /* get rid of nullable types */ t.usertype > 100) order by 2, 12, 11, t.usertype else select TYPE_NAME = t.name, d.DATA_TYPE, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,t.length)), d.LITERAL_PREFIX, d.LITERAL_SUFFIX, e.CREATE_PARAMS, d.NULLABLE, d.CASE_SENSITIVE, d.SEARCHABLE, d.UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, d.MONEY, d.AUTO_INCREMENT, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = t.name, MINIMUM_SCALE = d.numeric_scale, MAXIMUM_SCALE = d.numeric_scale, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, NUM_PREC_RADIX = convert(int,d.RADIX), INTERVAL_PRECISION = convert(smallint,NULL), USERTYPE = t.usertype from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e, systypes t where DATA_TYPE = @data_type and d.ss_dtype = t.type AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and t.usertype *= e.user_type and (t.type not in (111,109,38,110) or /* get rid of nullable types */ t.usertype > 100) order by 12, 11, t.usertype go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_datatype_info go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ create proc sp_datatype_info (@data_type int = 0, @ODBCVer tinyint = 2) as if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @data_type = 0 select convert(varchar(32),case when t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, d.DATA_TYPE, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ when d.ss_dtype in (35,34) then 2147483647 /* TEXT/IMAGE */ when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and t.usertype <= 100 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ else t.prec end) "PRECISION", d.LITERAL_PREFIX, d.LITERAL_SUFFIX, e.CREATE_PARAMS, convert(smallint,case when d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* IDENTITY*/ else t.allownulls end) NULLABLE, d.CASE_SENSITIVE, d.SEARCHABLE, d.UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, d.MONEY, d.AUTO_INCREMENT, convert(varchar(32),case when t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) LOCAL_TYPE_NAME, convert(smallint,case when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and t.usertype > 100 then t.scale else d.numeric_scale end) MINIMUM_SCALE, convert(smallint,case when d.ss_dtype in (106,108) and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ when d.ss_dtype in (106,108) and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC IDENTITY*/ else t.scale end) MAXIMUM_SCALE, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, NUM_PREC_RADIX = convert(int,d.RADIX), INTERVAL_PRECISION = convert(smallint,NULL), USERTYPE = t.usertype from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e, systypes t where d.ss_dtype = t.type AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and t.usertype *= e.user_type and isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) *= e.AUTO_INCREMENT and (t.type not in (111,109,38,110,55,63) or /* get rid of nullable types */ t.usertype > 100) and (t.usertype <= 100 or isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0) order by 2, 12, 11, t.usertype else select convert(varchar(32),case when t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, d.DATA_TYPE, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ when d.ss_dtype in (35,34) then 2147483647 /* TEXT/IMAGE */ when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and t.usertype <= 100 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ else t.prec end) "PRECISION", d.LITERAL_PREFIX, d.LITERAL_SUFFIX, e.CREATE_PARAMS, convert(smallint,case when d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* IDENTITY*/ else t.allownulls end) NULLABLE, d.CASE_SENSITIVE, d.SEARCHABLE, d.UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, d.MONEY, d.AUTO_INCREMENT, convert(varchar(32),case when t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) LOCAL_TYPE_NAME, convert(smallint,case when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and t.usertype > 100 then t.scale else d.numeric_scale end) MINIMUM_SCALE, convert(smallint,case when d.ss_dtype in (106,108) and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ when d.ss_dtype in (106,108) and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC IDENTITY*/ else t.scale end) MAXIMUM_SCALE, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, NUM_PREC_RADIX = convert(int,d.RADIX), INTERVAL_PRECISION = convert(smallint,NULL), USERTYPE = t.usertype from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e, systypes t where d.DATA_TYPE = @data_type and d.ss_dtype = t.type AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and t.usertype *= e.user_type and isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) *= e.AUTO_INCREMENT and (t.type not in (111,109,38,110,55,63) or /* get rid of nullable types */ t.usertype > 100) and (t.usertype <= 100 or isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0) order by 12, 11, t.usertype go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_datatype_info go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create proc sp_datatype_info (@data_type int = 0, @ODBCVer tinyint = 2) as declare @mintype int declare @maxtype int if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @data_type = 0 begin select @mintype = -32768 select @maxtype = 32767 end else begin select @mintype = @data_type select @maxtype = @data_type end select convert(sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, d.DATA_TYPE, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') and t.xusertype <= 255 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ else OdbcPrec(t.xtype, t.length, t.xprec) end) "PRECISION", d.LITERAL_PREFIX, d.LITERAL_SUFFIX, e.CREATE_PARAMS, convert(smallint,case when d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* IDENTITY*/ else TypeProperty (t.name, 'AllowsNull') end) NULLABLE, d.CASE_SENSITIVE, d.SEARCHABLE, d.UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, d.MONEY, d.AUTO_INCREMENT, convert(sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.LOCAL_TYPE_NAME end) LOCAL_TYPE_NAME, MINIMUM_SCALE = d.numeric_scale, convert(smallint,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 and t.xusertype <= 255 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC IDENTITY*/ else TypeProperty (t.name, 'Scale') end) MAXIMUM_SCALE, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, NUM_PREC_RADIX = convert(int,d.RADIX), INTERVAL_PRECISION = convert(smallint,NULL), USERTYPE = t.usertype from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d INNER JOIN systypes t on d.ss_dtype = t.xtype LEFT OUTER JOIN master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e on t.xusertype = e.user_type and isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = e.AUTO_INCREMENT where d.DATA_TYPE between @mintype and @maxtype and (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and (t.xusertype <= 255 or isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0) order by 2, 12, 11, case when t.usertype=18 then 255 else t.usertype end go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_datatype_info go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create proc sp_datatype_info (@data_type int = 0, @ODBCVer tinyint = 2) as declare @mintype int declare @maxtype int if @ODBCVer <> 3 select @ODBCVer = 2 if @data_type = 0 begin select @mintype = -32768 select @maxtype = 32767 end else begin select @mintype = @data_type select @maxtype = @data_type end select convert(sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME collate database_default end) TYPE_NAME, d.DATA_TYPE, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7,-150) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL/sql_variant*/ when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and t.xusertype <= 255 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ else OdbcPrec(t.xtype, t.length, t.xprec) end) "PRECISION", d.LITERAL_PREFIX, d.LITERAL_SUFFIX, e.CREATE_PARAMS, convert(smallint,case when d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* IDENTITY*/ else TypeProperty (t.name, 'AllowsNull') end) NULLABLE, d.CASE_SENSITIVE, d.SEARCHABLE, d.UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, d.MONEY, d.AUTO_INCREMENT, convert(sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.LOCAL_TYPE_NAME collate database_default end) LOCAL_TYPE_NAME, convert(smallint,case when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and t.xusertype > 255 then TypeProperty (t.name, 'Scale') else d.numeric_scale end) MINIMUM_SCALE, convert(smallint,case when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 and t.xusertype <= 255 then @@max_precision /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC */ when d.ss_dtype in (55,63,106,108) and d.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 then 0 /* DECIMAL/NUMERIC IDENTITY*/ else TypeProperty (t.name, 'Scale') end) MAXIMUM_SCALE, d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, NUM_PREC_RADIX = convert(int,d.RADIX), INTERVAL_PRECISION = convert(smallint,NULL), USERTYPE = t.usertype from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d INNER JOIN systypes t on d.ss_dtype = t.xtype LEFT OUTER JOIN master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e on t.xusertype = e.user_type and isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = e.AUTO_INCREMENT where d.DATA_TYPE between @mintype and @maxtype and (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and (t.xusertype <= 255 or isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0) order by 2, 12, 11, case when t.usertype=18 then 255 else t.usertype end go grant execute on sp_datatype_info to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_fkeys' go /* Procedure for pre-6.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_fkeys( @pktable_name varchar(32) = null, @pktable_owner varchar(32) = null, @pktable_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @fktable_name varchar(32) = null, @fktable_owner varchar(32) = null, @fktable_qualifier varchar(32) = null ) as set nocount on declare @order_by_pk int select @order_by_pk = 0 if (@pktable_name is null) and (@fktable_name is null) begin /* If neither primary key nor foreign key table names given */ raiserror 20004 '~~Rush_25~~' return end if @fktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @fktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_26~~' return end end if @pktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @pktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_27~~' return end end if @pktable_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @pktable_name = '%' select @order_by_pk = 1 end if @pktable_owner is null /* If PK owner not supplied, match all */ select @pktable_owner = '%' if @fktable_name is null /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @fktable_name = '%' if @fktable_owner is null /* If FK owner not supplied, match all */ select @fktable_owner = '%' if @@trancount <> 0 begin /* If inside a transaction */ raiserror 20003 '~~Rush_28~~' return end create table #fkeys( PKTABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) NULL, PKTABLE_OWNER varchar(32) NULL, PKTABLE_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, PKCOLUMN_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) NULL, FKTABLE_OWNER varchar(32) NULL, FKTABLE_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, FKCOLUMN_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL) /* SQL Server supports upto 8 PK/FK relationships between 2 tables */ /* Process syskeys for each relationship */ /* The inserts below adds a row to the temp table for each of the 8 possible relationships */ insert into #fkeys select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 1 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key1 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey1 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 2 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key2 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey2 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 3 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key3 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey3 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 4 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key4 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey4 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 5 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key5 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey5 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 6 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key6 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey6 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 7 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key7 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey7 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id union all select db_name(), user_name(o1.uid), object_name(k.depid), c2.name, db_name(), user_name(o2.uid), object_name(k.id), c1.name, 8 from syskeys k, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2,sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2 where c1.id = k.id and k.type = 2 /* Foreign type key */ and c1.colid = k.key8 and c2.id = k.depid and c2.colid = k.depkey8 and o1.id = k.depid and o2.id = k.id if @order_by_pk = 1 /* If order by PK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER, PKTABLE_OWNER, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER, FKTABLE_OWNER, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE = convert(smallint, null), DELETE_RULE = convert(smallint,null), FK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), PK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint,7) from #fkeys where FKTABLE_NAME like @fktable_name and FKTABLE_OWNER like @fktable_owner and PKTABLE_NAME like @pktable_name and PKTABLE_OWNER like @pktable_owner order by 1, 2, 3, 9, 4 else /* Order by FK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER, PKTABLE_OWNER, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER, FKTABLE_OWNER, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE = convert(smallint,null), DELETE_RULE = convert(smallint,null), FK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), PK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint,7) from #fkeys where FKTABLE_NAME like @fktable_name and FKTABLE_OWNER like @fktable_owner and PKTABLE_NAME like @pktable_name and PKTABLE_OWNER like @pktable_owner order by 5, 6, 7, 9, 8 go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_fkeys go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_fkeys( @pktable_name varchar(32) = null, @pktable_owner varchar(32) = null, @pktable_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @fktable_name varchar(32) = null, @fktable_owner varchar(32) = null, @fktable_qualifier varchar(32) = null ) as set nocount on DECLARE @pktable_id int DECLARE @pkfull_table_name varchar(65) /* 2*32 +1 */ DECLARE @fktable_id int DECLARE @fkfull_table_name varchar(65) /* 2*32 +1 */ declare @order_by_pk int select @order_by_pk = 0 if (@pktable_name is null) and (@fktable_name is null) begin /* If neither primary key nor foreign key table names given */ raiserror (15252,-1,-1) return end if @fktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @fktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @pktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @pktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @pktable_owner is null begin /* If unqualified primary key table name */ SELECT @pkfull_table_name = @pktable_name end else begin /* Qualified primary key table name */ SELECT @pkfull_table_name = @pktable_owner + '.' + @pktable_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @pktable_id = object_id(@pkfull_table_name) if @fktable_owner is null begin /* If unqualified foreign key table name */ SELECT @fkfull_table_name = @fktable_name end else begin /* Qualified foreign key table name */ SELECT @fkfull_table_name = @fktable_owner + '.' + @fktable_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @fktable_id = object_id(@fkfull_table_name) if @fktable_name is not null begin if @fktable_id is null SELECT @fktable_id = 0 /* fk table not found, empty result */ end if @pktable_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @order_by_pk = 1 end else begin if @pktable_id is null begin SELECT @pktable_id = 0 /* pk table not found, empty result */ end end if (@@trancount <> 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0) begin /* If inside a transaction */ raiserror (15002,-1,-1,'sp_fkeys') return end create table #fkeys( pkdb_id int NOT NULL, pktable_id int NOT NULL, pkcolid int NOT NULL, fkdb_id int NOT NULL, fktable_id int NOT NULL, fkcolid int NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL, fk_id int NOT NULL, pk_id int NOT NULL) /* SQL Server supports upto 16 PK/FK relationships between 2 tables */ /* Process syskeys for each relationship */ /* The inserts below adds a row to the temp table for each of the 16 possible relationships */ insert into #fkeys select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey1, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey1, 1, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey2, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey2, 2, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey3, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey3, 3, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey4, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey4, 4, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey5, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey5, 5, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey6, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey6, 6, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey7, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey7, 7, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey8, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey8, 8, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey9, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey9, 9, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey10, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey10, 10, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey11, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey11, 11, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey12, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey12, 12, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey13, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey13, 13, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey14, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey14, 14, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey15, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey15, 15, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) union all select r.rkeydbid, r.rkeyid, r.rkey16, r.fkeydbid, r.fkeyid, r.fkey16, 16, r.constid, s.constid from sysreferences r, sysconstraints s where r.rkeyid = s.id AND (s.status & 0xf) = 1 AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) if @order_by_pk = 1 /* If order by PK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME(f.pkdb_id)), PKTABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o1.uid)), PKTABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o1.name), PKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c1.name), FKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME(f.fkdb_id)), FKTABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o2.uid)), FKTABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o2.name), FKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c2.name), KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE = convert(smallint,1), DELETE_RULE = convert(smallint,1), FK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),OBJECT_NAME(fk_id)), PK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),OBJECT_NAME(pk_id)), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint,7) from #fkeys f, sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2 where o1.id = f.pktable_id AND o2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.id = f.pktable_id AND c2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.colid = f.pkcolid AND c2.colid = f.fkcolid order by 1,2,3,9,4 else /* Order by FK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME(f.pkdb_id)), PKTABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o1.uid)), PKTABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o1.name), PKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c1.name), FKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME(f.fkdb_id)), FKTABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o2.uid)), FKTABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o2.name), FKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c2.name), KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE = convert(smallint,1), DELETE_RULE = convert(smallint,1), FK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),OBJECT_NAME(fk_id)), PK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),OBJECT_NAME(pk_id)), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint,7) from #fkeys f, sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2 where o1.id = f.pktable_id AND o2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.id = f.pktable_id AND c2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.colid = f.pkcolid AND c2.colid = f.fkcolid order by 5,6,7,9,8 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_fkeys go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_fkeys( @pktable_name sysname = null, @pktable_owner sysname = null, @pktable_qualifier sysname = null, @fktable_name sysname = null, @fktable_owner sysname = null, @fktable_qualifier sysname = null ) as set nocount on DECLARE @pktable_id int DECLARE @pkfull_table_name nvarchar(257) /* 2*128 + 1 */ DECLARE @fktable_id int DECLARE @fkfull_table_name nvarchar(257) /* 2*128 + 1 */ declare @order_by_pk int /* select 'XXX starting table creation' */ create table #fkeysall( rkeyid int NOT NULL, rkey1 int NOT NULL, rkey2 int NOT NULL, rkey3 int NOT NULL, rkey4 int NOT NULL, rkey5 int NOT NULL, rkey6 int NOT NULL, rkey7 int NOT NULL, rkey8 int NOT NULL, rkey9 int NOT NULL, rkey10 int NOT NULL, rkey11 int NOT NULL, rkey12 int NOT NULL, rkey13 int NOT NULL, rkey14 int NOT NULL, rkey15 int NOT NULL, rkey16 int NOT NULL, fkeyid int NOT NULL, fkey1 int NOT NULL, fkey2 int NOT NULL, fkey3 int NOT NULL, fkey4 int NOT NULL, fkey5 int NOT NULL, fkey6 int NOT NULL, fkey7 int NOT NULL, fkey8 int NOT NULL, fkey9 int NOT NULL, fkey10 int NOT NULL, fkey11 int NOT NULL, fkey12 int NOT NULL, fkey13 int NOT NULL, fkey14 int NOT NULL, fkey15 int NOT NULL, fkey16 int NOT NULL, constid int NOT NULL, name sysname NOT NULL) create table #fkeys( pktable_id int NOT NULL, pkcolid int NOT NULL, fktable_id int NOT NULL, fkcolid int NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL, fk_id int NOT NULL, PK_NAME sysname NOT NULL) create table #fkeysout( PKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname NULL, PKTABLE_OWNER sysname NULL, PKTABLE_NAME sysname NOT NULL, PKCOLUMN_NAME sysname NOT NULL, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname NULL, FKTABLE_OWNER sysname NULL, FKTABLE_NAME sysname NOT NULL, FKCOLUMN_NAME sysname NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL, UPDATE_RULE smallint NULL, DELETE_RULE smallint NULL, FK_NAME sysname NULL, PK_NAME sysname NULL, DEFERRABILITY smallint null) /* select 'XXX starting parameter analysis' */ select @order_by_pk = 0 if (@pktable_name is null) and (@fktable_name is null) begin /* If neither primary key nor foreign key table names given */ raiserror (15252,-1,-1) return end if @fktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @fktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @pktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @pktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @pktable_owner is null begin /* If unqualified primary key table name */ SELECT @pkfull_table_name = quotename(@pktable_name) end else begin /* Qualified primary key table name */ if @pktable_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @pkfull_table_name = quotename(@pktable_owner) end else begin SELECT @pkfull_table_name = quotename(@pktable_owner) + '.' + quotename(@pktable_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @pktable_id = object_id(@pkfull_table_name) if @fktable_owner is null begin /* If unqualified foreign key table name */ SELECT @fkfull_table_name = quotename(@fktable_name) end else begin /* Qualified foreign key table name */ if @fktable_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @fkfull_table_name = quotename(@fktable_owner) end else begin SELECT @fkfull_table_name = quotename(@fktable_owner) + '.' + quotename(@fktable_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @fktable_id = object_id(@fkfull_table_name) if @fktable_name is not null begin if @fktable_id is null SELECT @fktable_id = 0 /* fk table not found, empty result */ end if @pktable_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @order_by_pk = 1 end else begin if @pktable_id is null begin SELECT @pktable_id = 0 /* pk table not found, empty result */ end end /* SQL Server supports upto 16 PK/FK relationships between 2 tables */ /* Process syskeys for each relationship */ /* First, attempt to get all 16 keys for each rel'ship, then sort them out with a 16-way "insert select ... union select ..." */ /* select 'XXX starting data analysis' */ insert into #fkeysall select r.rkeyid, r.rkey1, r.rkey2, r.rkey3, r.rkey4, r.rkey5, r.rkey6, r.rkey7, r.rkey8, r.rkey9, r.rkey10, r.rkey11, r.rkey12, r.rkey13, r.rkey14, r.rkey15, r.rkey16, r.fkeyid, r.fkey1, r.fkey2, r.fkey3, r.fkey4, r.fkey5, r.fkey6, r.fkey7, r.fkey8, r.fkey9, r.fkey10, r.fkey11, r.fkey12, r.fkey13, r.fkey14, r.fkey15, r.fkey16, r.constid, i.name from sysreferences r, sysobjects o, sysindexes i where r.constid = o.id AND o.xtype = 'F' AND r.rkeyindid = i.indid AND r.rkeyid = i.id AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) /* select count (*) as 'XXX countall' from #fkeysall */ insert into #fkeys select rkeyid, rkey1, fkeyid, fkey1, 1, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey2, fkeyid, fkey2, 2, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey3, fkeyid, fkey3, 3, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey4, fkeyid, fkey4, 4, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey5, fkeyid, fkey5, 5, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey6, fkeyid, fkey6, 6, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey7, fkeyid, fkey7, 7, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey8, fkeyid, fkey8, 8, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey9, fkeyid, fkey9, 9, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey10, fkeyid, fkey10, 10, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey11, fkeyid, fkey11, 11, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey12, fkeyid, fkey12, 12, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey13, fkeyid, fkey13, 13, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey14, fkeyid, fkey14, 14, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey15, fkeyid, fkey15, 15, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey16, fkeyid, fkey16, 16, constid, name from #fkeysall /* select count (*) as 'XXX count' from #fkeys */ insert into #fkeysout select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PKTABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o1.uid)), PKTABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o1.name), PKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c1.name), FKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), FKTABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o2.uid)), FKTABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o2.name), FKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c2.name), KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(fk_id, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN convert(smallint,0) ELSE convert(smallint,1) END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(fk_id, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN convert(smallint,0) ELSE convert(smallint,1) END, FK_NAME = convert(sysname,OBJECT_NAME(fk_id)), PK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY = 7 /* SQL_NOT_DEFERRABLE */ from #fkeys f, sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2 where o1.id = f.pktable_id AND o2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.id = f.pktable_id AND c2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.colid = f.pkcolid AND c2.colid = f.fkcolid /* select count (*) as 'XXX countout' from #fkeysout */ if @order_by_pk = 1 /* If order by PK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER, PKTABLE_OWNER, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER, FKTABLE_OWNER, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE, DELETE_RULE, FK_NAME, PK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY from #fkeysout order by 1,2,3,9,4 else /* Order by FK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER, PKTABLE_OWNER, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER, FKTABLE_OWNER, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE, DELETE_RULE, FK_NAME, PK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY from #fkeysout order by 5,6,7,9,8 go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_fkeys go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_fkeys( @pktable_name sysname = null, @pktable_owner sysname = null, @pktable_qualifier sysname = null, @fktable_name sysname = null, @fktable_owner sysname = null, @fktable_qualifier sysname = null ) as set nocount on DECLARE @pktable_id int DECLARE @pkfull_table_name nvarchar(257) /* 2*128 + 1 */ DECLARE @fktable_id int DECLARE @fkfull_table_name nvarchar(257) /* 2*128 + 1 */ declare @order_by_pk int /* select 'XXX starting table creation' */ create table #fkeysall( rkeyid int NOT NULL, rkey1 int NOT NULL, rkey2 int NOT NULL, rkey3 int NOT NULL, rkey4 int NOT NULL, rkey5 int NOT NULL, rkey6 int NOT NULL, rkey7 int NOT NULL, rkey8 int NOT NULL, rkey9 int NOT NULL, rkey10 int NOT NULL, rkey11 int NOT NULL, rkey12 int NOT NULL, rkey13 int NOT NULL, rkey14 int NOT NULL, rkey15 int NOT NULL, rkey16 int NOT NULL, fkeyid int NOT NULL, fkey1 int NOT NULL, fkey2 int NOT NULL, fkey3 int NOT NULL, fkey4 int NOT NULL, fkey5 int NOT NULL, fkey6 int NOT NULL, fkey7 int NOT NULL, fkey8 int NOT NULL, fkey9 int NOT NULL, fkey10 int NOT NULL, fkey11 int NOT NULL, fkey12 int NOT NULL, fkey13 int NOT NULL, fkey14 int NOT NULL, fkey15 int NOT NULL, fkey16 int NOT NULL, constid int NOT NULL, name sysname collate database_default NOT NULL) create table #fkeys( pktable_id int NOT NULL, pkcolid int NOT NULL, fktable_id int NOT NULL, fkcolid int NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL, fk_id int NOT NULL, PK_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL) create table #fkeysout( PKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default NULL, PKTABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default NULL, PKTABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL, PKCOLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default NULL, FKTABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default NULL, FKTABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL, FKCOLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL, UPDATE_RULE smallint NULL, DELETE_RULE smallint NULL, FK_NAME sysname collate database_default NULL, PK_NAME sysname collate database_default NULL, DEFERRABILITY smallint null) /* select 'XXX starting parameter analysis' */ select @order_by_pk = 0 if (@pktable_name is null) and (@fktable_name is null) begin /* If neither primary key nor foreign key table names given */ raiserror (15252,-1,-1) return end if @fktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @fktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @pktable_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @pktable_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @pktable_owner is null begin /* If unqualified primary key table name */ SELECT @pkfull_table_name = quotename(@pktable_name) end else begin /* Qualified primary key table name */ if @pktable_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @pkfull_table_name = quotename(@pktable_owner) end else begin SELECT @pkfull_table_name = quotename(@pktable_owner) + '.' + quotename(@pktable_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @pktable_id = object_id(@pkfull_table_name) if @fktable_owner is null begin /* If unqualified foreign key table name */ SELECT @fkfull_table_name = quotename(@fktable_name) end else begin /* Qualified foreign key table name */ if @fktable_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @fkfull_table_name = quotename(@fktable_owner) end else begin SELECT @fkfull_table_name = quotename(@fktable_owner) + '.' + quotename(@fktable_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @fktable_id = object_id(@fkfull_table_name) if @fktable_name is not null begin if @fktable_id is null SELECT @fktable_id = 0 /* fk table not found, empty result */ end if @pktable_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @order_by_pk = 1 end else begin if @pktable_id is null begin SELECT @pktable_id = 0 /* pk table not found, empty result */ end end /* SQL Server supports upto 16 PK/FK relationships between 2 tables */ /* Process syskeys for each relationship */ /* First, attempt to get all 16 keys for each rel'ship, then sort them out with a 16-way "insert select ... union select ..." */ /* select 'XXX starting data analysis' */ insert into #fkeysall select r.rkeyid, r.rkey1, r.rkey2, r.rkey3, r.rkey4, r.rkey5, r.rkey6, r.rkey7, r.rkey8, r.rkey9, r.rkey10, r.rkey11, r.rkey12, r.rkey13, r.rkey14, r.rkey15, r.rkey16, r.fkeyid, r.fkey1, r.fkey2, r.fkey3, r.fkey4, r.fkey5, r.fkey6, r.fkey7, r.fkey8, r.fkey9, r.fkey10, r.fkey11, r.fkey12, r.fkey13, r.fkey14, r.fkey15, r.fkey16, r.constid, i.name from sysreferences r, sysobjects o, sysindexes i where r.constid = o.id AND o.xtype = 'F' AND r.rkeyindid = i.indid AND r.rkeyid = i.id AND r.rkeyid between isnull(@pktable_id, 0) and isnull(@pktable_id, 0x7fffffff) AND r.fkeyid between isnull(@fktable_id, 0) and isnull(@fktable_id, 0x7fffffff) /* select count (*) as 'XXX countall' from #fkeysall */ insert into #fkeys select rkeyid, rkey1, fkeyid, fkey1, 1, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey2, fkeyid, fkey2, 2, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey3, fkeyid, fkey3, 3, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey4, fkeyid, fkey4, 4, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey5, fkeyid, fkey5, 5, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey6, fkeyid, fkey6, 6, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey7, fkeyid, fkey7, 7, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey8, fkeyid, fkey8, 8, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey9, fkeyid, fkey9, 9, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey10, fkeyid, fkey10, 10, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey11, fkeyid, fkey11, 11, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey12, fkeyid, fkey12, 12, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey13, fkeyid, fkey13, 13, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey14, fkeyid, fkey14, 14, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey15, fkeyid, fkey15, 15, constid, name from #fkeysall union all select rkeyid, rkey16, fkeyid, fkey16, 16, constid, name from #fkeysall /* select count (*) as 'XXX count' from #fkeys */ insert into #fkeysout select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PKTABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o1.uid)), PKTABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o1.name), PKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c1.name), FKTABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), FKTABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o2.uid)), FKTABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o2.name), FKCOLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c2.name), KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(fk_id, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN convert(smallint,0) ELSE convert(smallint,1) END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(fk_id, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN convert(smallint,0) ELSE convert(smallint,1) END, FK_NAME = convert(sysname,OBJECT_NAME(fk_id)), PK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY = 7 /* SQL_NOT_DEFERRABLE */ from #fkeys f, sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2 where o1.id = f.pktable_id AND o2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.id = f.pktable_id AND c2.id = f.fktable_id AND c1.colid = f.pkcolid AND c2.colid = f.fkcolid /* select count (*) as 'XXX countout' from #fkeysout */ if @order_by_pk = 1 /* If order by PK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER, PKTABLE_OWNER, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER, FKTABLE_OWNER, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE, DELETE_RULE, FK_NAME, PK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY from #fkeysout order by 1,2,3,9,4 else /* Order by FK fields */ select PKTABLE_QUALIFIER, PKTABLE_OWNER, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER, FKTABLE_OWNER, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, UPDATE_RULE, DELETE_RULE, FK_NAME, PK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY from #fkeysout order by 5,6,7,9,8 go grant execute on sp_fkeys to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_pkeys' go /* Procedure for pre-6.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_pkeys( @table_name varchar(32), @table_owner varchar(32) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null ) as set nocount on if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end end if @table_owner is null /* If owner not supplied, match all */ select @table_owner = '%' if @@trancount <> 0 begin /* If inside a transaction */ raiserror 20003 '~~Rush_35~~' return end create table #pkeys( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) NULL, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) NULL, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, KEY_SEQ smallint NOT NULL) /* SQL Server supports upto 8 PK/FK relationships between 2 tables */ /* Process syskeys for each relationship */ /* The inserts below adds a row to the temp table for each of the 8 possible relationships */ insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 1 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = k.key1 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 2 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key2 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 3 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key3 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 4 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key4 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 5 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key5 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 6 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key6 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 7 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key7 if (@@rowcount = 0) goto done insert into #pkeys select db_name(), (select user_name(uid) from sysobjects o where o.id = k.id), object_name(k.id), c.name, 8 from syskeys k, syscolumns c where c.id = k.id and k.type = 1 /* Primary type key */ and c.colid = key8 done: select TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, PK_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null) from #pkeys where TABLE_NAME = @table_name and TABLE_OWNER like @table_owner order by 1, 2, 3, 5 go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following error.' end else drop proc sp_pkeys go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_pkeys( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null ) as DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(255) /* 2*128 + 1 */ if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), KEY_SEQ = case when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 1) then convert (smallint,1) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 2) then convert (smallint,2) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 3) then convert (smallint,3) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 4) then convert (smallint,4) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 5) then convert (smallint,5) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 6) then convert (smallint,6) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 7) then convert (smallint,7) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 8) then convert (smallint,8) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 9) then convert (smallint,9) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 10) then convert (smallint,10) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 11) then convert (smallint,11) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 12) then convert (smallint,12) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 13) then convert (smallint,13) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 14) then convert (smallint,14) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 15) then convert (smallint,15) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 16) then convert (smallint,16) end, PK_NAME = convert(sysname,i.name) from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o where o.id = @table_id and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 and (c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 16) ) order by 1, 2, 3, 5 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_pkeys go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_pkeys( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null ) as DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(255) if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), --KEY_SEQ = convert(smallint,c.colid), KEY_SEQ = case when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 1) then convert (smallint,1) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 2) then convert (smallint,2) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 3) then convert (smallint,3) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 4) then convert (smallint,4) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 5) then convert (smallint,5) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 6) then convert (smallint,6) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 7) then convert (smallint,7) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 8) then convert (smallint,8) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 9) then convert (smallint,9) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 10) then convert (smallint,10) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 11) then convert (smallint,11) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 12) then convert (smallint,12) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 13) then convert (smallint,13) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 14) then convert (smallint,14) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 15) then convert (smallint,15) when c.name = index_col(@full_table_name, i.indid, 16) then convert (smallint,16) end, PK_NAME = convert(sysname,i.name) from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o --, syscolumns c1 where o.id = @table_id and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 --and c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, c1.colid) and (c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (@full_table_name, i.indid, 16) ) --and c1.colid <= i.keycnt /* create rows from 1 to keycnt */ --and c1.id = @table_id order by 1, 2, 3, 5 go grant execute on sp_pkeys to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_server_info' go create proc sp_server_info ( @attribute_id int = null) as if @attribute_id is not null select * from master.dbo.spt_server_info where attribute_id = @attribute_id else select * from master.dbo.spt_server_info order by attribute_id go grant execute on sp_server_info to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_special_columns' go /* Procedure for pre-6.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_special_columns ( @table_name varchar(32), @table_owner varchar(32) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @col_type char(1) = 'R', @scope char(1) = 'T', @nullable char(1) = 'U', @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(65) /* 2*32+1 */ DECLARE @scopeout smallint if @col_type not in ('R','V') or @col_type is null begin raiserror 20002 '~~Rush_42~~' return end if @scope = 'C' select @scopeout = 0 else if @scope = 'T' select @scopeout = 1 else begin raiserror 20002 '~~Rush_43~~' return end if @nullable not in ('U','O') or @nullable is null begin raiserror 20002 '~~Rush_44~~' return end if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if @col_type = 'V' BEGIN /* if ROWVER, just run that query */ SELECT SCOPE = convert(smallint,NULL), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, -3), TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = convert(int,8), LENGTH = convert(int,8), SCALE = convert(smallint, NULL), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM systypes t, syscolumns c WHERE c.id = @table_id AND c.usertype = 80 /* TIMESTAMP */ AND t.usertype = 80 /* TIMESTAMP */ RETURN END /* ROWID, now find the id of the 'best' index for this table */ IF @nullable = 'O' /* Don't include any indexes that contain nullable columns. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes i,syscolumns c,syscolumns c2 WHERE i.status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND c.id = i.id AND c2.id = c.id AND c2.colid < i.keycnt + (i.status&16)/16 AND i.id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ AND c.name = index_col(@table_name,i.indid,c2.colid) GROUP BY indid HAVING SUM(c.status&8) = 0 ELSE /* Include indexes that are partially nullable. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes i WHERE status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ SELECT SCOPE = @scopeout, COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,indid,c2.colid)), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length)), LENGTH = isnull(d.length, convert(int,c.length)), SCALE = d.numeric_scale, PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c2 /* Self-join to generate list of index columns and */ /* to extract datatype names */ WHERE x.id = @table_id AND c.name = INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,@indid,c2.colid) AND c.id = x.id AND c2.id = x.id AND c2.colid < keycnt+(x.status&16)/16 AND x.indid = @indid AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = d.fixlen AND c.usertype = t.usertype go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_special_columns go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_special_columns ( @table_name varchar(32), @table_owner varchar(32) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @col_type char(1) = 'R', @scope char(1) = 'T', @nullable char(1) = 'U', @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(65) /* 2*32+1 */ DECLARE @scopeout smallint if @col_type not in ('R','V') or @col_type is null begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'col_type','''R'' or ''V''') return end if @scope = 'C' select @scopeout = 0 else if @scope = 'T' select @scopeout = 1 else begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'scope','''C'' or ''T''') return end if @nullable not in ('U','O') or @nullable is null begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'nullable','''U'' or ''O''') return end if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if @col_type = 'V' BEGIN /* if ROWVER, just run that query */ SELECT SCOPE = convert(smallint,NULL), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, -2), TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = convert(int,8), LENGTH = convert(int,8), SCALE = convert(smallint, NULL), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM systypes t, syscolumns c WHERE c.id = @table_id AND c.usertype = 80 /* TIMESTAMP */ AND t.usertype = 80 /* TIMESTAMP */ RETURN END /* ROWID, now find the id of the 'best' index for this table */ IF @nullable = 'O' /* Don't include any indexes that contain nullable columns. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes i,syscolumns c,syscolumns c2 WHERE i.status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND c.id = i.id AND c2.id = c.id AND c2.colid < i.keycnt + (i.status&16)/16 AND i.id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ AND c.name = index_col(@table_name,i.indid,c2.colid) GROUP BY indid HAVING SUM(c.status&8) = 0 ELSE /* Include indexes that are partially nullable. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes i WHERE status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ SELECT SCOPE = @scopeout, COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,indid,c2.colid)), d.DATA_TYPE, convert(varchar(32),case when (t.usertype > 100 or t.usertype in (18,80)) then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when d.ss_dtype IN (106, 108, 55, 63) then /* decimal/numeric types */ convert(int,c.prec+2) else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, c.scale), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c2 /* Self-join to generate list of index columns and */ /* to extract datatype names */ WHERE x.id = @table_id AND c.name = INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,@indid,c2.colid) AND c.id = x.id AND c2.id = x.id AND c2.colid < x.keycnt+(x.status&16)/16 AND x.indid = @indid AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = (c.status&128)/128 AND c.usertype = t.usertype go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_special_columns go /* Procedure for 7.0 servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_special_columns ( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @col_type char(1) = 'R', @scope char(1) = 'T', @nullable char(1) = 'U', @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(257) DECLARE @scopeout smallint if @col_type not in ('R','V') or @col_type is null begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'col_type','''R'' or ''V''') return end if @scope = 'C' select @scopeout = 0 else if @scope = 'T' select @scopeout = 1 else begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'scope','''C'' or ''T''') return end if @nullable not in ('U','O') or @nullable is null begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'nullable','''U'' or ''O''') return end if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if @col_type = 'V' BEGIN /* if ROWVER, just run that query */ SELECT SCOPE = convert(smallint,NULL), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, -2), TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = convert(int,8), LENGTH = convert(int,8), SCALE = convert(smallint, NULL), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM systypes t, syscolumns c WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND c.id = @table_id AND t.name = 'timestamp' /* TIMESTAMP */ AND t.xtype = c.xtype AND t.xusertype = c.xusertype RETURN END /* ROWID, now find the id of the 'best' index for this table */ IF @nullable = 'O' /* Don't include any indexes that contain nullable columns. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, syscolumns c2 WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND x.status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND c.id = x.id AND c2.id = c.id AND c2.colid < x.keycnt + (x.status&16)/16 AND x.id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ AND c.name = index_col(@table_name,x.indid,c2.colid) GROUP BY indid HAVING SUM(c.status&8) = 0 ELSE /* Include indexes that are partially nullable. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes x WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ SELECT SCOPE = @scopeout, COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,indid,c2.colid)), d.DATA_TYPE, convert(sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c2 /* Self-join to generate list of index columns and */ /* to extract datatype names */ WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND x.id = @table_id AND c.name = INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,@indid,c2.colid) AND c.id = x.id AND c2.id = x.id AND c2.colid < x.keycnt + (x.status&16)/16 AND x.indid = @indid AND t.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = isnull(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'),0) AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_special_columns go /* Procedure for 8.0 and later servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_special_columns ( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @col_type char(1) = 'R', @scope char(1) = 'T', @nullable char(1) = 'U', @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(257) DECLARE @scopeout smallint if @col_type not in ('R','V') or @col_type is null begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'col_type','''R'' or ''V''') return end if @scope = 'C' select @scopeout = 0 else if @scope = 'T' select @scopeout = 1 else begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'scope','''C'' or ''T''') return end if @nullable not in ('U','O') or @nullable is null begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'nullable','''U'' or ''O''') return end if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if @col_type = 'V' BEGIN /* if ROWVER, just run that query */ SELECT SCOPE = convert(smallint,NULL), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, -2), TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = convert(int,8), LENGTH = convert(int,8), SCALE = convert(smallint, NULL), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM systypes t, syscolumns c WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND c.id = @table_id AND t.name = 'timestamp' /* TIMESTAMP */ AND t.xtype = c.xtype AND t.xusertype = c.xusertype RETURN END /* ROWID, now find the id of the 'best' index for this table */ IF @nullable = 'O' /* Don't include any indexes that contain nullable columns. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, syscolumns c2 WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND x.status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND c.id = x.id AND c2.id = c.id AND c2.colid < x.keycnt + (x.status&18)/18 AND x.id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ AND c.name = index_col(@table_name,x.indid,c2.colid) GROUP BY indid HAVING SUM(c.status&8) = 0 ELSE /* Include indexes that are partially nullable. */ SELECT @indid = MIN(indid) FROM sysindexes x WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND status&2 = 2 /* If Unique Index */ AND id = @table_id AND indid > 0 /* Eliminate Table Row */ SELECT SCOPE = @scopeout, COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,indid,c2.colid)), d.DATA_TYPE, convert(sysname,case when t.xusertype > 255 then t.name else d.TYPE_NAME collate database_default end) TYPE_NAME, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), PSEUDO_COLUMN = convert(smallint,1) FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t, syscolumns c2 /* Self-join to generate list of index columns and */ /* to extract datatype names */ WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND x.id = @table_id AND c.name = INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,@indid,c2.colid) AND c.id = x.id AND c2.id = x.id AND c2.colid < x.keycnt + (x.status&16)/16 AND x.indid = @indid AND t.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = isnull(ColumnProperty (c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'),0) AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype go grant execute on sp_special_columns to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_sproc_columns' go /* Procedure for pre-6.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sproc_columns ( @procedure_name varchar(102) = '%', /* 3*32+5+1 */ @procedure_owner varchar(96) = null, @procedure_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @column_name varchar(96) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @group_num_lower smallint DECLARE @group_num_upper smallint DECLARE @semi_position int DECLARE @full_procedure_name varchar(205)/* 2*102+1 */ DECLARE @procedure_id int if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @procedure_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @procedure_qualifier begin if @procedure_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @procedure_name = '' select @procedure_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_51~~' return end end end if @procedure_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @procedure_name = '%' end /* first we need to extract the procedure group number, if one exists */ select @semi_position = charindex(';',@procedure_name) if (@semi_position > 0) begin /* If group number separator (;) found */ select @group_num_lower = convert(int,substring(@procedure_name, @semi_position + 1, 2)) select @group_num_upper = @group_num_lower select @procedure_name = substring(@procedure_name, 1, @semi_position -1) end else begin /* No group separator, so default to group number of 1 */ select @group_num_lower = 1 select @group_num_upper = 32767 end if @procedure_owner is null begin /* If unqualified procedure name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = @procedure_name end else begin /* Qualified procedure name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = @procedure_owner + '.' + @procedure_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @procedure_id = object_id(@full_procedure_name) if ((charindex('%',@full_procedure_name) = 0) and (charindex('_',@full_procedure_name) = 0) and @procedure_id <> 0) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the procedure name */ SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 0), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length)), LENGTH = isnull(d.length, convert(int,c.length)), SCALE = d.numeric_scale, d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),null), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length))+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ isnull(ltrim(str(c.number,5)),'1')), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the procedure name */ if @procedure_owner is null select @procedure_owner = '%' SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 0), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, "PRECISION" = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length)), LENGTH = isnull(d.length, convert(int,c.length)), SCALE = d.numeric_scale, d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),null), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.data_precision, convert(int,c.length))+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND o.id = c.id AND t.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND c.name like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ isnull(ltrim(str(c.number,5)),'1')), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following error.' end else drop proc sp_sproc_columns go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sproc_columns ( @procedure_name varchar(102) = '%', /* 3*36+5+1 */ @procedure_owner varchar(96) = null, @procedure_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @column_name varchar(96) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @group_num_lower smallint DECLARE @group_num_upper smallint DECLARE @semi_position int DECLARE @full_procedure_name varchar(205) DECLARE @procedure_id int if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @procedure_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @procedure_qualifier begin if @procedure_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @procedure_name = '' select @procedure_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @procedure_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @procedure_name = '%' end /* first we need to extract the procedure group number, if one exists */ select @semi_position = charindex(';',@procedure_name) if (@semi_position > 0) begin /* If group number separator (;) found */ select @group_num_lower = convert(int,substring(@procedure_name, @semi_position + 1, 2)) select @group_num_upper = @group_num_lower select @procedure_name = substring(@procedure_name, 1, @semi_position -1) end else begin /* No group separator, so default to group number of 1 */ select @group_num_lower = 1 select @group_num_upper = 32767 end if @procedure_owner is null begin /* If unqualified procedure name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = @procedure_name end else begin /* Qualified procedure name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = @procedure_owner + '.' + @procedure_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @procedure_id = object_id(@full_procedure_name) if ((charindex('%',@full_procedure_name) = 0) and (charindex('[',@full_procedure_name) = 0) and (charindex('_',@full_procedure_name) = 0) and @procedure_id <> 0) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the procedure name */ SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+((c.status/64)&1)), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when d.ss_dtype IN (106, 108, 55, 63) then /* decimal/numeric types */ c.prec+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, c.scale), d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ isnull(ltrim(str(c.number,5)),'1')), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the procedure name */ if @procedure_owner is null select @procedure_owner = '%' SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+((c.status/64)&1)), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when d.ss_dtype IN (106, 108, 55, 63) then /* decimal/numeric types */ c.prec+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, c.scale), d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int,c.prec), 2147483647)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND o.id = c.id AND c.type = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.usertype = t.usertype AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND c.name like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ isnull(ltrim(str(c.number,5)),'1')), COLUMN_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(varchar(255),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_sproc_columns go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sproc_columns ( @procedure_name nvarchar(390) = '%', @procedure_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @procedure_qualifier sysname = null, @column_name nvarchar(384) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @group_num_lower smallint DECLARE @group_num_upper smallint DECLARE @semi_position int DECLARE @full_procedure_name nvarchar(774) DECLARE @procedure_id int if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @procedure_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @procedure_qualifier begin if @procedure_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @procedure_name = '' select @procedure_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @procedure_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @procedure_name = '%' end /* first we need to extract the procedure group number, if one exists */ select @semi_position = charindex(';',@procedure_name) if (@semi_position > 0) begin /* If group number separator (;) found */ select @group_num_lower = convert(int,substring(@procedure_name, @semi_position + 1, 2)) select @group_num_upper = @group_num_lower select @procedure_name = substring(@procedure_name, 1, @semi_position -1) end else begin /* No group separator, so default to all groups */ select @group_num_lower = 1 select @group_num_upper = 32767 end if @procedure_owner is null begin /* If unqualified procedure name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = quotename(@procedure_name) end else begin /* Qualified procedure name */ if @procedure_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = quotename(@procedure_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_procedure_name = quotename(@procedure_owner) + '.' + quotename(@procedure_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @procedure_id = object_id(@full_procedure_name) if ((isnull(charindex('%', @full_procedure_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @procedure_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @procedure_owner),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @full_procedure_name),0) = 0) and not (@procedure_id is null)) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the procedure name */ SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the procedure name */ if @procedure_owner is null select @procedure_owner = '%' SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND o.id = c.id AND c.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND c.name like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ isnull(ltrim(str(c.number,5)),'1')), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND c.id = o.id AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_sproc_columns go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sproc_columns ( @procedure_name nvarchar(390) = '%', @procedure_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @procedure_qualifier sysname = null, @column_name nvarchar(384) = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) AS DECLARE @group_num_lower smallint DECLARE @group_num_upper smallint DECLARE @semi_position int DECLARE @full_procedure_name nvarchar(774) DECLARE @procedure_id int if @column_name is null /* If column name not supplied, match all */ select @column_name = '%' if @procedure_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @procedure_qualifier begin if @procedure_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @procedure_name = '' select @procedure_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @procedure_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @procedure_name = '%' end /* first we need to extract the procedure group number, if one exists */ select @semi_position = charindex(';',@procedure_name) if (@semi_position > 0) begin /* If group number separator (;) found */ select @group_num_lower = convert(int,substring(@procedure_name, @semi_position + 1, 2)) select @group_num_upper = @group_num_lower select @procedure_name = substring(@procedure_name, 1, @semi_position -1) end else begin /* No group separator, so default to all groups */ select @group_num_lower = 1 select @group_num_upper = 32767 end if @procedure_owner is null begin /* If unqualified procedure name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = quotename(@procedure_name) end else begin /* Qualified procedure name */ if @procedure_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_procedure_name = quotename(@procedure_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_procedure_name = quotename(@procedure_owner) + '.' + quotename(@procedure_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @procedure_id = object_id(@full_procedure_name) if ((isnull(charindex('%', @full_procedure_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @procedure_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @procedure_owner),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @full_procedure_name),0) = 0) and not (@procedure_id is null)) begin /* this block is for the case where there is no pattern matching required for the procedure name */ SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name AND (o.type in ('P', 'TF', 'IF') OR (len(c.name) > 0 and o.type = 'FN')) AND ((c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper) OR (c.number = 0 and o.type = 'FN')) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* UDF return value */ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), /* SQL_RETURN_VALUE */ d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, c.isnullable), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND o.id = c.id AND c.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND o.type = 'FN' /* Scalar UDF */ AND c.name like @column_name AND c.colid = 0 AND c.number = 0 UNION ALL SELECT /* Table valued functions */ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';1'), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, NULL), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname, 'table'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,0), LENGTH = convert(int,0), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,0), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), 'Result table returned by table valued function'), COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, NULL), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,0) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.id = @procedure_id AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type IN ('TF', 'IF') AND '@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number = 0 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end else begin /* this block is for the case where there IS pattern matching done on the procedure name */ if @procedure_owner is null select @procedure_owner = '%' SELECT PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,c.name), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, d.NULLABLE, REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND o.id = c.id AND c.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND c.name like @column_name AND (o.type in ('P', 'TF', 'IF') OR (len(c.name) > 0 and o.type = 'FN')) AND ((c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper) OR (c.number = 0 and o.type = 'FN')) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ isnull(ltrim(str(c.number,5)),'1')), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), /* SQL_RETURN_VALUE */ DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,10), LENGTH = convert(int,4), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,10), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,56) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND c.id = o.id AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type = 'P' /* Procedures */ AND '@RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number between @group_num_lower and @group_num_upper UNION ALL SELECT /* UDF return value */ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 5), /* SQL_RETURN_VALUE */ d.DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME = t.name, convert(int,case when d.DATA_TYPE in (6,7) then d.data_precision /* FLOAT/REAL */ else OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec) end) "PRECISION", convert(int,case when type_name(d.ss_dtype) IN ('numeric','decimal') then /* decimal/numeric types */ OdbcPrec(c.xtype,c.length,c.xprec)+2 else isnull(d.length, c.length) end) LENGTH, SCALE = convert(smallint, OdbcScale(c.xtype,c.xscale)), d.RADIX, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, c.isnullable), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), d.SQL_DATA_TYPE, d.SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = isnull(d.length, c.length)+d.charbin, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),rtrim(substring('NO YES',d.NULLABLE*3+1,3))), SS_DATA_TYPE = c.type FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info d, systypes t WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND o.id = c.id AND c.xtype = d.ss_dtype AND c.length = isnull(d.fixlen, c.length) AND (d.ODBCVer is null or d.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) AND isnull(d.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 AND c.xusertype = t.xusertype AND o.type = 'FN' /* Scalar UDF */ AND c.name like @column_name AND c.colid = 0 AND c.number = 0 UNION ALL SELECT /* Table valued functions */ PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,DB_NAME()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,USER_NAME(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';1'), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,'@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE'), COLUMN_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, NULL), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname, 'table'), "PRECISION" = convert(int,0), LENGTH = convert(int,0), SCALE = convert(smallint,0), RADIX = convert(smallint,0), NULLABLE = convert(smallint,0), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), 'Result table returned by table valued function'), COLUMN_DEF = convert(nvarchar(4000),NULL), SQL_DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, NULL), SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint,null), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int,0), IS_NULLABLE = convert(varchar(254),'NO'), SS_DATA_TYPE = convert(tinyint,0) FROM syscomments c, sysobjects o WHERE o.name like @procedure_name AND user_name(o.uid) like @procedure_owner AND c.id = o.id AND c.colid = 1 AND o.type IN ('TF', 'IF') AND '@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE' like @column_name AND c.number = 0 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18 end go grant execute on sp_sproc_columns to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_statistics' go /* Procedure for pre-7.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_statistics ( @table_name varchar(32), @table_owner varchar(32) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @index_name varchar(32) = '%', @is_unique char(1) = 'N', @accuracy char(1) = 'Q') AS set nocount on DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @lastindid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name varchar(65) /* 2*32+1 */ create table #TmpIndex( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) NULL, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) NULL, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, INDEX_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, INDEX_NAME varchar(32) null, NON_UNIQUE smallint null, TYPE smallint NOT NULL, SEQ_IN_INDEX smallint null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) null, COLLATION char(1) null, index_id int null, CARDINALITY int null, PAGES int null, status smallint NOT NULL) if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end end if @accuracy not in ('Q','E') begin raiserror 20002 '~~Rush_58~~' return end if (@@trancount <> 0 and charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* If inside a transaction */ raiserror 20003 '~~Rush_59~~' return end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) /* Start at lowest index id */ SELECT @indid = min(indid) FROM sysindexes WHERE id = @table_id AND indid > 0 AND indid < 255 WHILE @indid is not NULL BEGIN INSERT #TmpIndex /* Add all columns that are in index */ SELECT DB_NAME(), /* TABLE_QUALIFIER */ USER_NAME(o.uid), /* TABLE_OWNER */ o.name, /* TABLE_NAME */ o.name, /* INDEX_QUALIFIER */ x.name, /* INDEX_NAME */ 0, /* NON_UNIQUE */ 1, /* SQL_INDEX_CLUSTERED */ colid, /* SEQ_IN_INDEX */ INDEX_COL(@full_table_name,indid,colid),/* COLUMN_NAME */ 'A', /* COLLATION */ @indid, /* index_id */ x.rows, /* CARDINALITY */ x.dpages, /* PAGES */ x.status /* status */ FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysobjects o WHERE x.id = @table_id AND x.id = o.id AND x.id = c.id AND c.colid < keycnt+(x.status&16)/16 /* all but Unique Clust indices have an extra key */ AND x.indid = @indid /* ** Now move @indid to the next index. */ SELECT @lastindid = @indid SELECT @indid = NULL SELECT @indid = min(indid) FROM sysindexes WHERE id = @table_id AND indid > @lastindid AND indid < 255 END UPDATE #TmpIndex SET NON_UNIQUE = 1 WHERE status&2 <> 2 /* If non-unique index */ UPDATE #TmpIndex SET TYPE = 3, /* SQL_INDEX_OTHER */ CARDINALITY = NULL, PAGES = NULL WHERE index_id > 1 /* If non-clustered index */ /* now add row for table statistics */ INSERT #TmpIndex SELECT DB_NAME(), /* TABLE_QUALIFIER */ USER_NAME(o.uid), /* TABLE_OWNER */ o.name, /* TABLE_NAME */ null, /* INDEX_QUALIFIER */ null, /* INDEX_NAME */ null, /* NON_UNIQUE */ 0, /* SQL_TABLE_STAT */ null, /* SEQ_IN_INDEX */ null, /* COLUMN_NAME */ null, /* COLLATION */ 0, /* index_id */ x.rows, /* CARDINALITY */ x.dpages, /* PAGES */ 0 /* status */ FROM sysindexes x, sysobjects o WHERE o.id = @table_id AND x.id = o.id AND (x.indid = 0 or x.indid = 1) /* If there are no indexes */ /* then table stats are in */ /* a row with indid =0 */ if @is_unique <> 'Y' /* If all indexes desired */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_QUALIFIER, INDEX_NAME, TYPE, SEQ_IN_INDEX, COLUMN_NAME, COLLATION, CARDINALITY, PAGES, FILTER_CONDITION = convert(varchar(128),null) FROM #TmpIndex WHERE INDEX_NAME like @index_name /* If matching name */ or INDEX_NAME is null /* If SQL_TABLE_STAT row */ ORDER BY 4, 7, 6, 8 else /* If only unique indexes desired */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_QUALIFIER, INDEX_NAME, TYPE, SEQ_IN_INDEX, COLUMN_NAME, COLLATION, CARDINALITY, PAGES, FILTER_CONDITION = convert(varchar(128),null) FROM #TmpIndex WHERE (NON_UNIQUE = 0 /* If unique */ or NON_UNIQUE is NULL) /* If SQL_TABLE_STAT row */ and (INDEX_NAME like @index_name /* If matching name */ or INDEX_NAME is null) /* If SQL_TABLE_STAT row */ ORDER BY 4, 7, 6, 8 DROP TABLE #TmpIndex go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_statistics go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_statistics ( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @index_name sysname = '%', @is_unique char(1) = 'N', @accuracy char(1) = 'Q') AS set nocount on DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @lastindid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(257) create table #TmpIndex( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname NULL, TABLE_OWNER sysname NULL, TABLE_NAME sysname NOT NULL, INDEX_QUALIFIER sysname null, INDEX_NAME sysname null, NON_UNIQUE smallint null, TYPE smallint NOT NULL, SEQ_IN_INDEX smallint null, COLUMN_NAME sysname null, COLLATION char(1) null, index_id int null, CARDINALITY int null, PAGES int null, status int NOT NULL) if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @accuracy not in ('Q','E') begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'accuracy','''Q'' or ''E''') return end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) /* Start at lowest index id */ SELECT @indid = min(indid) FROM sysindexes WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND id = @table_id AND indid > 0 AND indid < 255 /* Create a temp table to correct the ordinal position of the columns */ create table #TmpColumns (ordinal int identity(1,1), colid smallint not null) /* Load columns into the temp table */ insert into #TmpColumns (colid) select c.colid from syscolumns c where c.id = @table_id order by c.colid WHILE @indid is not NULL BEGIN INSERT #TmpIndex /* Add all columns that are in index */ SELECT DB_NAME(), /* TABLE_QUALIFIER */ USER_NAME(o.uid), /* TABLE_OWNER */ o.name, /* TABLE_NAME */ o.name, /* INDEX_QUALIFIER */ x.name, /* INDEX_NAME */ case /* NON_UNIQUE */ WHEN x.status&2 <> 2 then 1 /* Nonunique index */ else 0 /* Unique index */ end, case /* TYPE */ when @indid > 1 then 3 /* Non-Clustered */ else 1 /* Clustered index */ end, tc.ordinal, /* SEQ_IN_INDEX */ INDEX_COL(@full_table_name, indid, tc.ordinal),/* COLUMN_NAME */ 'A', /* COLLATION */ @indid, /* index_id */ case /* CARDINALITY */ when @indid > 1 then NULL /* Non-Clustered */ else x.rows /* Clustered index */ end, case /* PAGES */ when @indid > 1 then NULL /* Non-Clustered */ else x.dpages /* Clustered index */ end, x.status /* status */ FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysobjects o, #TmpColumns tc WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND x.id = @table_id AND x.id = o.id AND x.id = c.id AND tc.colid = c.colid AND tc.ordinal < keycnt+(x.status&18)/18 /* all but Unique Clust indices have an extra key */ AND INDEX_COL(@full_table_name, indid, tc.ordinal) IS NOT NULL AND indid = @indid AND (x.status&2 = 2 OR @is_unique <> 'Y') AND (x.status&32) = 0 /* ** Now move @indid to the next index. */ SELECT @lastindid = @indid SELECT @indid = NULL SELECT @indid = min(indid) FROM sysindexes WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND id = @table_id AND indid > @lastindid AND indid < 255 END /* now add row for table statistics */ INSERT #TmpIndex SELECT DB_NAME(), /* TABLE_QUALIFIER */ USER_NAME(o.uid), /* TABLE_OWNER */ o.name, /* TABLE_NAME */ null, /* INDEX_QUALIFIER */ null, /* INDEX_NAME */ null, /* NON_UNIQUE */ 0, /* SQL_TABLE_STAT */ null, /* SEQ_IN_INDEX */ null, /* COLUMN_NAME */ null, /* COLLATION */ 0, /* index_id */ x.rows, /* CARDINALITY */ x.dpages, /* PAGES */ 0 /* status */ FROM sysindexes x, sysobjects o WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND o.id = @table_id AND x.id = o.id AND (x.indid = 0 or x.indid = 1) /* If there are no indexes */ /* then table stats are in */ /* a row with indid =0 */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_QUALIFIER, INDEX_NAME, TYPE, SEQ_IN_INDEX, COLUMN_NAME, COLLATION, CARDINALITY, PAGES, FILTER_CONDITION = convert(varchar(128),null) FROM #TmpIndex WHERE INDEX_NAME like @index_name /* If matching name */ or INDEX_NAME is null /* If SQL_TABLE_STAT row */ ORDER BY 4, 7, 6, 8 DROP TABLE #TmpIndex, #TmpColumns go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_statistics go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_statistics ( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @index_name sysname = '%', @is_unique char(1) = 'N', @accuracy char(1) = 'Q') AS set nocount on DECLARE @indid int DECLARE @lastindid int DECLARE @table_id int DECLARE @full_table_name nvarchar(257) create table #TmpIndex( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default NULL, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default NULL, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL, INDEX_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, INDEX_NAME sysname collate database_default null, NON_UNIQUE smallint null, TYPE smallint NOT NULL, SEQ_IN_INDEX smallint null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default null, COLLATION char(1) collate database_default null, index_id int null, CARDINALITY int null, PAGES int null, status int NOT NULL) if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @accuracy not in ('Q','E') begin raiserror (15251,-1,-1,'accuracy','''Q'' or ''E''') return end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_name) end else begin /* Qualified table name */ if @table_owner = '' begin /* If empty owner name */ SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) end else begin SELECT @full_table_name = quotename(@table_owner) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) end end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) /* Start at lowest index id */ SELECT @indid = min(indid) FROM sysindexes WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND id = @table_id AND indid > 0 AND indid < 255 /* Create a temp table to correct the ordinal position of the columns */ create table #TmpColumns (ordinal int identity(1,1), colid smallint not null) /* Load columns into the temp table */ insert into #TmpColumns (colid) select c.colid from syscolumns c where c.id = @table_id order by c.colid WHILE @indid is not NULL BEGIN INSERT #TmpIndex /* Add all columns that are in index */ SELECT DB_NAME(), /* TABLE_QUALIFIER */ USER_NAME(o.uid), /* TABLE_OWNER */ o.name, /* TABLE_NAME */ o.name, /* INDEX_QUALIFIER */ x.name, /* INDEX_NAME */ case /* NON_UNIQUE */ WHEN x.status&2 <> 2 then 1 /* Nonunique index */ else 0 /* Unique index */ end, case /* TYPE */ when @indid > 1 then 3 /* Non-Clustered */ else 1 /* Clustered index */ end, tc.ordinal, /* SEQ_IN_INDEX */ INDEX_COL(@full_table_name, indid, tc.ordinal),/* COLUMN_NAME */ 'A', /* COLLATION */ @indid, /* index_id */ case /* CARDINALITY */ when @indid > 1 then NULL /* Non-Clustered */ else x.rows /* Clustered index */ end, case /* PAGES */ when @indid > 1 then NULL /* Non-Clustered */ else x.dpages /* Clustered index */ end, x.status /* status */ FROM sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysobjects o, #TmpColumns tc WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND x.id = @table_id AND x.id = o.id AND x.id = c.id AND tc.colid = c.colid AND tc.ordinal < keycnt+(x.status&18)/18 /* all but Unique Clust indices have an extra key */ AND INDEX_COL(@full_table_name, indid, tc.ordinal) IS NOT NULL AND indid = @indid AND (x.status&2 = 2 OR @is_unique <> 'Y') AND (x.status&32) = 0 /* ** Now move @indid to the next index. */ SELECT @lastindid = @indid SELECT @indid = NULL SELECT @indid = min(indid) FROM sysindexes WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND id = @table_id AND indid > @lastindid AND indid < 255 END /* now add row for table statistics */ INSERT #TmpIndex SELECT DB_NAME(), /* TABLE_QUALIFIER */ USER_NAME(o.uid), /* TABLE_OWNER */ o.name, /* TABLE_NAME */ null, /* INDEX_QUALIFIER */ null, /* INDEX_NAME */ null, /* NON_UNIQUE */ 0, /* SQL_TABLE_STAT */ null, /* SEQ_IN_INDEX */ null, /* COLUMN_NAME */ null, /* COLLATION */ 0, /* index_id */ x.rows, /* CARDINALITY */ x.dpages, /* PAGES */ 0 /* status */ FROM sysindexes x, sysobjects o WHERE not (@table_id is null) AND o.id = @table_id AND x.id = o.id AND (x.indid = 0 or x.indid = 1) /* If there are no indexes */ /* then table stats are in */ /* a row with indid =0 */ SELECT TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_QUALIFIER, INDEX_NAME, TYPE, SEQ_IN_INDEX, COLUMN_NAME, COLLATION, CARDINALITY, PAGES, FILTER_CONDITION = convert(varchar(128),null) FROM #TmpIndex WHERE INDEX_NAME like @index_name /* If matching name */ or INDEX_NAME is null /* If SQL_TABLE_STAT row */ ORDER BY 4, 7, 6, 8 DROP TABLE #TmpIndex, #TmpColumns go grant execute on sp_statistics to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_stored_procedures' go /* pre 8.0 version */ create procedure sp_stored_procedures( @sp_name varchar(102) = null, @sp_owner varchar(96) = null, @sp_qualifier varchar(32) = null) as declare @proc_type smallint if @sp_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @sp_qualifier begin if @sp_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @sp_name = '' select @sp_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_51~~' return end end end if @sp_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @sp_name = '%' end else begin if (@sp_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @sp_name) = 0) begin if exists (select * from sysobjects where uid = user_id() and name = @sp_name and type = 'P') /* Object type of Procedure */ begin select @sp_owner = user_name() end end end if @sp_owner is null /* If procedure owner not supplied, match all */ select @sp_owner = '%' select @proc_type=2 /* Return 2 for 4.2 and later servers. */ select PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),db_name()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(36),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), NUM_INPUT_PARAMS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ NUM_RESULT_SETS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ PROCEDURE_TYPE = @proc_type from sysobjects o,syscomments c,sysusers u where o.name like @sp_name and c.colid = 1 and user_name(o.uid) like @sp_owner and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */ and c.id = o.id and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and (suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ((select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* outer join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id =* o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid =* u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 1, 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_stored_procedures to public go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_stored_procedures else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 7.0 version */ create procedure sp_stored_procedures( @sp_name nvarchar(390) = null, @sp_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @sp_qualifier sysname = null) as declare @proc_type smallint if @sp_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @sp_qualifier begin if @sp_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @sp_name = '' select @sp_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @sp_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @sp_name = '%' end else begin if (@sp_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @sp_name) = 0) begin if exists (select * from sysobjects where uid = user_id() and name = @sp_name and type = 'P') /* Object type of Procedure */ begin select @sp_owner = user_name() end end end if @sp_owner is null /* If procedure owner not supplied, match all */ select @sp_owner = '%' select @proc_type=2 /* Return 2 for 4.2 and later servers. */ select PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), NUM_INPUT_PARAMS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ NUM_RESULT_SETS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ PROCEDURE_TYPE = @proc_type from sysobjects o,syscomments c where o.name like @sp_name and c.colid = 1 and user_name(o.uid) like @sp_owner and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */ and c.id = o.id and permissions (o.id)&32 <> 0 order by 1, 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_stored_procedures to public go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_stored_procedures else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 8.0 version */ create procedure sp_stored_procedures( @sp_name nvarchar(390) = null, @sp_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @sp_qualifier sysname = null) as declare @proc_type smallint if @sp_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @sp_qualifier begin if @sp_qualifier = '' begin /* in this case, we need to return an empty result set */ /* because the user has requested a database with an empty name */ select @sp_name = '' select @sp_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @sp_name is null begin /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */ select @sp_name = '%' end else begin if (@sp_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @sp_name) = 0) begin if exists (select * from sysobjects where uid = user_id() and name = @sp_name and type in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF')) /* Procedures, scalar UDF, table UDF */ begin select @sp_owner = user_name() end end end if @sp_owner is null /* If procedure owner not supplied, match all */ select @sp_owner = '%' select @proc_type=2 /* Return 2 for 4.2 and later servers. */ select PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), NUM_INPUT_PARAMS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ NUM_RESULT_SETS = -1, /* Constant since value unknown */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), /* Remarks are NULL */ PROCEDURE_TYPE = @proc_type from sysobjects o,syscomments c where o.name like @sp_name and c.colid = 1 and user_name(o.uid) like @sp_owner and o.type in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') /* Object type of Procedure, scalar UDF, table UDF */ and c.id = o.id and permissions (o.id)&32 <> 0 order by 1, 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_stored_procedures to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_table_privileges' go /* Procedure for pre 6.50 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges ( @table_name varchar(90), @table_owner varchar(90) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null) as set nocount on declare @table_id int, @owner_id int, @full_table_name char(181) declare @refconst int select @refconst = 1 if (charindex('6.00', @@version) = 0) select @refconst = NULL if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() != @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 'Table qualifier must be name of current database' return end end if @table_owner is null begin /* If unqualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name end else begin /* Qualified table name */ SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name end /* Get Object ID */ SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name) if @@trancount != 0 begin /* If inside a transaction */ raiserror 20003 'The procedure ''sp_table_privileges'' cannot be executed from within a transaction.' return end create table #table_priv1( table_qualifier varchar(32) NOT NULL, table_owner varchar(32) NOT NULL, table_name varchar(32) NOT NULL, grantor varchar(32) NOT NULL, grantee varchar(32) NOT NULL, select_privilege int NOT NULL, insert_privilege int NOT NULL, update_privilege int NOT NULL, delete_privilege int NOT NULL, references_privilege int NULL, is_grantable varchar(3) NOT NULL, uid int NOT NULL, gid int NOT NULL) insert into #table_priv1 select distinct db_name(), user_name(o.uid), o.name, user_name(o.uid), u.name, 0, 0, 0, 0, @refconst, 'no', u.uid, u.gid from sysusers u, sysobjects o where o.id = @table_id and u.uid != u.gid and sysstat & 0xf in (1,2,3) /* only valid for system tables, ** user tables, and views. */ /* ** now add row for table owner */ if exists ( select * from #table_priv1 where grantor = grantee) begin update #table_priv1 set select_privilege = 1, update_privilege = 1, insert_privilege = 1, delete_privilege = 1, references_privilege = 1, is_grantable = 'yes' where grantor = grantee end else begin insert into #table_priv1 select db_name(), user_name(o.uid), o.name, user_name(o.uid), user_name(o.uid), 1, 1, 1, 1, @refconst, 'yes', o.uid, u.gid from sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.id = @table_id and u.uid = o.uid and sysstat & 0xf in (1,2,3) /* only valid for system tables, ** user tables, and views. */ end update #table_priv1 set select_privilege = 1 where exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 205 and action = 193) and not exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 206 and action = 193) update #table_priv1 set insert_privilege = 1 where exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 205 and action = 195) and not exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 206 and action = 195) update #table_priv1 set delete_privilege = 1 where exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 205 and action = 196) and not exists (select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 206 and action = 196) update #table_priv1 set update_privilege = 1 where exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 205 and action = 197) and not exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 206 and action = 197) update #table_priv1 set references_privilege = 1 where exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 205 and action = 26) and not exists ( select * from sysprotects where id = @table_id and (#table_priv1.uid = uid or #table_priv1.gid = uid or uid = 0) and protecttype = 206 and action = 26) create table #table_priv2( table_qualifier varchar(32) NULL, table_owner varchar(32) NULL, table_name varchar(32) NOT NULL, grantor varchar(32) NULL, grantee varchar(32) NOT NULL, privilege varchar(32) NOT NULL, is_grantable varchar(3) NULL) insert into #table_priv2 select table_qualifier, table_owner, table_name, grantor, grantee, 'SELECT', is_grantable from #table_priv1 where select_privilege = 1 insert into #table_priv2 select table_qualifier, table_owner, table_name, grantor, grantee, 'INSERT', is_grantable from #table_priv1 where insert_privilege = 1 insert into #table_priv2 select table_qualifier, table_owner, table_name, grantor, grantee, 'DELETE', is_grantable from #table_priv1 where delete_privilege = 1 insert into #table_priv2 select table_qualifier, table_owner, table_name, grantor, grantee, 'UPDATE', is_grantable from #table_priv1 where update_privilege = 1 insert into #table_priv2 select table_qualifier, table_owner, table_name, grantor, grantee, 'REFERENCES', is_grantable from #table_priv1 where references_privilege = 1 select * from #table_priv2 order by table_owner,table_name,privilege,grantee /* order by 2,3,6,5 Can't use since fails on 4.21a server */ go if (charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.50 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_table_privileges go /* Procedure for 6.50 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges ( @table_name varchar(96), @table_owner varchar(96) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null) as if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_name is null select @table_name = '%' if @table_owner is null /* If no owner supplied, force wildcard */ select @table_owner = '%' select convert(varchar(32),db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, convert(varchar(32),object_name(o.id)) TABLE_NAME, convert(varchar(32),user_name(p.grantor)) GRANTOR, convert(varchar(32),user_name(u.uid)) GRANTEE, convert(varchar(32),case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert(varchar(3),case when p.protecttype = 205 then 'NO' else 'YES' end) IS_GRANTABLE from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u where p.id = o.id and o.type in ('U','V','S') and object_name(o.id) like @table_name and user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ convert(varchar(32),db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, convert(varchar(32),object_name(o.id)) TABLE_NAME, convert(varchar(32),user_name(u.uid)) GRANTOR, convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)) GRANTEE, convert(varchar(32),case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert(varchar(3),'YES') IS_GRANTABLE from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where object_name(o.id) like @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 2,3,6,5 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop proc sp_table_privileges else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 and later servers */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges ( @table_name nvarchar(384), @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null) as if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end if @table_name is null select @table_name = '%' if @table_owner is null /* If no owner supplied, force wildcard */ select @table_owner = '%' select convert(sysname,db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, convert(sysname,object_name(o.id)) TABLE_NAME, convert(sysname,user_name(p.grantor)) GRANTOR, convert(sysname,user_name(u.uid)) GRANTEE, convert(varchar(32),case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert(varchar(3),case when p.protecttype = 205 then 'NO' else 'YES' end) IS_GRANTABLE from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, sysmembers m where p.id = o.id and o.type in ('U','V','S') and object_name(o.id) like @table_name and user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner /* expand groups - AKUNDONE: only 1 level of grp unrolling. */ and (u.uid > 0 and u.uid < 16384) and ((p.uid = u.uid) or (p.uid = m.groupuid and u.uid = m.memberuid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ convert(sysname,db_name()) TABLE_QUALIFIER, convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)) TABLE_OWNER, convert(sysname,object_name(o.id)) TABLE_NAME, convert(sysname,user_name(u.uid)) GRANTOR, convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)) GRANTEE, convert(varchar(32),case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end) PRIVILEGE, convert(varchar(3),'YES') IS_GRANTABLE from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where object_name(o.id) like @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is 'dbo' of database */ and v.type = N'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 2,3,6,5 go grant execute on sp_table_privileges to public go dump tran master with no_log go print 'creating sp_tables' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_tables( @table_name varchar(96) = null, @table_owner varchar(96) = null, @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null) as declare @type1 varchar(3) declare @tableindex int /* Special feature #1: enumerate databases when owner and name are blank but qualifier is explicitly '%'. */ if @table_qualifier = '%' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' begin /* If enumerating databases */ select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),d.name), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from master.dbo.sysdatabases d where d.name <> 'model' /* eliminate MODEL database */ order by 1 end /* Special feature #2: enumerate owners when qualifier and name are blank but owner is explicitly '%'. */ else if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '%' and @table_name = '' begin /* If enumerating owners */ select distinct TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),user_name(uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from sysobjects order by 2 end /* Special feature #3: enumerate table types when qualifier, owner and name are blank but table type is explicitly '%'. */ else if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' and @table_type = '%' begin /* If enumerating table types */ select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLETABLE VIEW',(colid-1)*12+1,12))), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from sysobjects o, syscolumns c where o.id=c.id and o.name='sysusers' and colid<=3 end else begin /* end of special features - do normal processing */ if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin if @table_qualifier = '' begin /* If empty qualifier supplied */ /* Force an empty result set */ select @table_name = '' select @table_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end end end if @table_type is null begin /* Select all ODBC supported table types */ select @type1 = 'SUV' end else begin /* TableType is case sensitive if CS server */ select @type1 = null if (charindex('''SYSTEM TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'S' /* Add System Tables */ if (charindex('''TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'U' /* Add User Tables */ if (charindex('''VIEW''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'V' /* Add Views */ end if @table_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @table_name = '%' end else begin if (@table_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @table_name) = 0) begin /* If owner not specified and table is specified */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where uid = user_id() and name = @table_name and (type = 'U' or type = 'V' or type = 'S')) begin /* Override supplied owner w/owner of table */ select @table_owner = user_name() end end end if @table_owner is null /* If no owner supplied, force wildcard */ select @table_owner = '%' select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(varchar(32),db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(varchar(32),user_name(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(32),o.name), /* make nullable */ TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),rtrim( substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ', (ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1,12))), /* 'S'=0,'U'=2,'V'=3 */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from sysusers u, sysobjects o where o.name like @table_name and user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),@type1) <> 0 /* Only desired types */ and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ((select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* outer join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id =* o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid =* u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 1, 2, 3 end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_tables else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_tables( @table_name nvarchar(384) = null, @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null) as declare @type1 varchar(3) declare @tableindex int /* Special feature #1: enumerate databases when owner and name are blank but qualifier is explicitly '%'. */ if @table_qualifier = '%' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' begin /* If enumerating databases */ select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,d.name), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from master.dbo.sysdatabases d where d.name <> 'model' /* eliminate MODEL database */ order by 1 end /* Special feature #2: enumerate owners when qualifier and name are blank but owner is explicitly '%'. */ else if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '%' and @table_name = '' begin /* If enumerating owners */ select distinct TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,user_name(uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from sysobjects order by 2 end /* Special feature #3: enumerate table types when qualifier, owner and name are blank but table type is explicitly '%'. */ else if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' and @table_type = '%' begin /* If enumerating table types */ select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLETABLE VIEW',(colid-1)*12+1,12))), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from sysobjects o, syscolumns c where o.id=c.id and o.name='sysusers' and colid<=3 end else begin /* end of special features - do normal processing */ if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin if @table_qualifier = '' begin /* If empty qualifier supplied */ /* Force an empty result set */ select @table_name = '' select @table_owner = '' end else begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @table_type is null begin /* Select all ODBC supported table types */ select @type1 = 'SUV' end else begin /* TableType is case sensitive if CS server */ select @type1 = '' if (charindex('''SYSTEM TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'S' /* Add System Tables */ if (charindex('''TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'U' /* Add User Tables */ if (charindex('''VIEW''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'V' /* Add Views */ end if @table_name is null begin /* If table name not supplied, match all */ select @table_name = '%' end else begin if (@table_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @table_name) = 0) begin /* If owner not specified and table is specified */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where uid = user_id() and name = @table_name and (type = 'U' or type = 'V' or type = 'S')) begin /* Override supplied owner w/owner of table */ select @table_owner = user_name() end end end if @table_owner is null /* If no owner supplied, force wildcard */ select @table_owner = '%' select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,user_name(o.uid)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), /* make nullable */ TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),rtrim( substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ', (ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1,12))), /* 'S'=0,'U'=2,'V'=3 */ REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) /* Remarks are NULL */ from sysobjects o where o.name like @table_name and user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner and o.type in ('U','V','S') and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),@type1) <> 0 /* Only desired types */ and permissions (o.id)&4096 <> 0 order by 4, 1, 2, 3 end go grant execute on sp_tables to public go dump tran master with no_log go /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------- CATALOG STORED PROCEDURES FOR OLEDB SOURCES ------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if object_id('sp_linkedservers', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_linkedservers go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_linkedservers') go create proc sp_linkedservers as IF is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') = 1 begin select SRV_NAME = srvname, SRV_PROVIDERNAME = providername, SRV_PRODUCT = srvproduct, SRV_DATASOURCE = datasource, SRV_PROVIDERSTRING = providerstring, SRV_LOCATION = location, SRV_CAT = catalog from master.dbo.sysservers order by 1 end ELSE begin select SRV_NAME = srvname, SRV_PROVIDERNAME = providername, SRV_PRODUCT = srvproduct, SRV_DATASOURCE = datasource, SRV_PROVIDERSTRING = NULL, SRV_LOCATION = location, SRV_CAT = catalog from master.dbo.sysservers order by 1 end go grant execute on sp_linkedservers to public go if object_id('sp_catalogs', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_catalogs go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_catalogs') go create procedure sp_catalogs( @server_name sysname) as select CATALOG_NAME, convert (nvarchar(255),DESCRIPTION) from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_CATALOGS < @server_name > order by CATALOG_NAME go grant execute on sp_catalogs to public go if object_id('sp_tables_ex', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_tables_ex go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_tables_ex') go create procedure sp_tables_ex( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_type sysname = null) as if ((isnull(charindex('%', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_name),0) = 0)) begin /* If no wild carding */ select TABLE_CAT = TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE = TABLE_TYPE, REMARKS = convert(nvarchar(255),DESCRIPTION) from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_TABLES < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, @table_name, NULL > where (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (TABLE_CATALOG like @table_catalog or @table_catalog is NULL or (TABLE_CATALOG is NULL and @table_catalog = N'%')) and (charindex ('''' + TABLE_TYPE + '''', @table_type) <> 0 or @table_type is NULL) order by TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME end else begin /* If wild carding */ select TABLE_CAT = TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE = TABLE_TYPE, REMARKS = convert(nvarchar(255),DESCRIPTION) from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_TABLES < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, NULL, NULL > where (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (TABLE_CATALOG like @table_catalog or @table_catalog is NULL or (TABLE_CATALOG is NULL and @table_catalog = N'%')) and (charindex ('''' + TABLE_TYPE + '''', @table_type) <> 0 or @table_type is NULL) and TABLE_NAME like @table_name order by TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME end go grant execute on sp_tables_ex to public go if object_id('sp_columns_ex', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_columns_ex go /* 7.0 version */ raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_columns_ex') go create procedure sp_columns_ex( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) as set nocount on declare @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH binary(1), @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG binary(1), @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER binary(2) select @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = 0x10, @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = 0x80, @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER = 0x0200 declare @DBTYPE_I2 smallint, @DBTYPE_I4 smallint, @DBTYPE_R4 smallint, @DBTYPE_R8 smallint, @DBTYPE_CY smallint, @DBTYPE_DATE smallint, @DBTYPE_BSTR smallint, @DBTYPE_BOOL smallint, @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC smallint, @DBTYPE_DECIMAL smallint, @DBTYPE_UI1 smallint, @DBTYPE_BYREF smallint, @DBTYPE_I1 smallint, @DBTYPE_UI2 smallint, @DBTYPE_UI4 smallint, @DBTYPE_I8 smallint, @DBTYPE_UI8 smallint, @DBTYPE_GUID smallint, @DBTYPE_BYTES smallint, @DBTYPE_STR smallint, @DBTYPE_WSTR smallint, @DBTYPE_NUMERIC smallint, @DBTYPE_DBDATE smallint, @DBTYPE_DBTIME smallint, @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP smallint select @DBTYPE_I2 = 2, @DBTYPE_I4 = 3, @DBTYPE_R4 = 4, @DBTYPE_R8 = 5, @DBTYPE_CY = 6, @DBTYPE_DATE = 7, @DBTYPE_BSTR = 8, @DBTYPE_BOOL = 11, @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC = 139, @DBTYPE_DECIMAL = 14, @DBTYPE_UI1 = 17, @DBTYPE_BYREF = 16384, @DBTYPE_I1 = 16, @DBTYPE_UI2 = 18, @DBTYPE_UI4 = 19, @DBTYPE_I8 = 20, @DBTYPE_UI8 = 21, @DBTYPE_GUID = 72, @DBTYPE_BYTES = 128, @DBTYPE_STR = 129, @DBTYPE_WSTR = 130, @DBTYPE_NUMERIC = 131, @DBTYPE_DBDATE = 133, @DBTYPE_DBTIME = 134, @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP = 135 declare @ODS_SMALLINT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_INT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_INT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_TINYINT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_REAL_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_FLOAT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_FLOAT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_MONEY_NULL tinyint, @ODS_MONEY_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_DATETIME_NULL tinyint, @ODS_DATETIME_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_TEXT tinyint, @ODS_BIT tinyint, @ODS_DECIMAL tinyint, @ODS_NUMERIC tinyint, @ODS_GUID tinyint, @ODS_IMAGE tinyint, @ODS_TIMESTAMP tinyint, @ODS_BINARY_NULL tinyint, @ODS_BINARY_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_VARBINARY tinyint, @ODS_CHAR_NULL tinyint, @ODS_CHAR_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_VARCHAR tinyint select @ODS_IMAGE = 34, @ODS_TEXT = 35, @ODS_GUID = 36, @ODS_BINARY_NULL = 37, @ODS_VARBINARY = 37, @ODS_INT_NULL = 38, @ODS_CHAR_NULL = 39, @ODS_VARCHAR = 39, @ODS_TIMESTAMP = 45, @ODS_BINARY_NOT_NULL = 45, @ODS_CHAR_NOT_NULL = 47, @ODS_TINYINT_NOT_NULL = 48, @ODS_BIT = 50, @ODS_SMALLINT_NOT_NULL = 52, @ODS_INT_NOT_NULL = 56, @ODS_REAL_NOT_NULL = 59, @ODS_MONEY_NOT_NULL = 60, @ODS_DATETIME_NOT_NULL = 61, @ODS_FLOAT_NOT_NULL = 62, @ODS_DECIMAL = 106, @ODS_NUMERIC = 108, @ODS_FLOAT_NULL = 109, @ODS_MONEY_NULL = 110, @ODS_DATETIME_NULL = 111 declare @ODBC_GUID smallint, @ODBC_NTEXT smallint, @ODBC_NVARCHAR smallint, @ODBC_NCHAR smallint, @ODBC_BIT smallint, @ODBC_TINYINT smallint, @ODBC_IMAGE smallint, @ODBC_VARBINARY smallint, @ODBC_TIMESTAMP smallint, @ODBC_BINARY smallint, @ODBC_TEXT smallint, @ODBC_CHAR smallint, @ODBC_NUMERIC smallint, @ODBC_DECIMAL smallint, @ODBC_MONEY smallint, @ODBC_INT smallint, @ODBC_SMALLINT smallint, @ODBC_FLOAT smallint, @ODBC_REAL smallint, @ODBC_VARCHAR smallint, @ODBC_DATETIME smallint select @ODBC_GUID = -11, @ODBC_NTEXT = -10, @ODBC_NVARCHAR = -9, @ODBC_NCHAR = -8, @ODBC_BIT = -7, @ODBC_TINYINT = -6, @ODBC_IMAGE = -4, @ODBC_VARBINARY = -3, @ODBC_TIMESTAMP = -2, @ODBC_BINARY = -2, @ODBC_TEXT = -1, @ODBC_CHAR = 1, @ODBC_NUMERIC = 2, @ODBC_DECIMAL = 3, @ODBC_MONEY = 3, @ODBC_INT = 4, @ODBC_SMALLINT = 5, @ODBC_FLOAT = 6, @ODBC_REAL = 7, @ODBC_VARCHAR = 12, @ODBC_DATETIME = case @ODBCVer when 2 then 11 else 93 end create table #tmp_columns ( TABLE_CAT sysname NULL, TABLE_SCHEM sysname NULL, TABLE_NAME sysname NOT NULL, COLUMN_NAME sysname NULL, DATA_TYPE smallint NOT NULL, TYPE_NAME sysname NULL, COLUMN_SIZE int NULL, BUFFER_LENGTH int NULL, DECIMAL_DIGITS smallint NULL, NUM_PREC_RADIX smallint NULL, NULLABLE smallint NOT NULL, REMARKS nvarchar(255) NULL, COLUMN_DEF nvarchar(128) NULL, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint NULL, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int NULL, ORDINAL_POSITION smallint, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) NOT NULL, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null, COLUMN_FLAGS int NOT NULL) if ((isnull(charindex('%', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_name),0) = 0)) begin /* If no wild carding */ insert into #tmp_columns select TABLE_CAT = c.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = c.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE = case c.DATA_TYPE & ~@DBTYPE_BYREF when @DBTYPE_I2 then @ODBC_SMALLINT when @DBTYPE_I4 then @ODBC_INT when @DBTYPE_R4 then @ODBC_REAL when @DBTYPE_R8 then @ODBC_FLOAT when @DBTYPE_CY then @ODBC_MONEY when @DBTYPE_DATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBDATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIME then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_BOOL then @ODBC_BIT when @DBTYPE_DECIMAL then @ODBC_DECIMAL when @DBTYPE_UI1 then @ODBC_TINYINT when @DBTYPE_I1 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI2 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI4 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_I8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_NUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_GUID then @ODBC_GUID when @DBTYPE_BYTES then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_IMAGE when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and p.COLUMN_SIZE = 8 then @ODBC_TIMESTAMP when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_BINARY else @ODBC_VARBINARY end when @DBTYPE_STR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_TEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_CHAR else @ODBC_VARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_WSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_BSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end else @ODBC_NVARCHAR /* Unknown OleDB datatype */ end, TYPE_NAME = p.TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE = COALESCE(c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, p.COLUMN_SIZE), BUFFER_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS = c.NUMERIC_SCALE, NUM_PREC_RADIX = NULL, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, c.IS_NULLABLE), REMARKS = convert(nvarchar(255),c.DESCRIPTION), COLUMN_DEF = c.COLUMN_DEFAULT, SQL_DATA_TYPE = NULL, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint, c.DATETIME_PRECISION), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION = c.ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE = case c.IS_NULLABLE when 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, SS_DATA_TYPE = NULL, COLUMN_FLAGS = c.COLUMN_FLAGS from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMNS < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, @table_name, NULL > c, master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_PROVIDER_TYPES < @table_server > p /* LUXOR/KAGERA don't support restricting DATA_TYPE */ where c.DATA_TYPE = p.DATA_TYPE AND p.BEST_MATCH = 1 and (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (c.COLUMN_NAME like @column_name or @column_name is NULL) end else begin /* If wild carding */ insert into #tmp_columns select TABLE_CAT = c.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = c.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE = case c.DATA_TYPE & ~@DBTYPE_BYREF when @DBTYPE_I2 then @ODBC_SMALLINT when @DBTYPE_I4 then @ODBC_INT when @DBTYPE_R4 then @ODBC_REAL when @DBTYPE_R8 then @ODBC_FLOAT when @DBTYPE_CY then @ODBC_MONEY when @DBTYPE_DATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBDATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIME then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_BOOL then @ODBC_BIT when @DBTYPE_DECIMAL then @ODBC_DECIMAL when @DBTYPE_UI1 then @ODBC_TINYINT when @DBTYPE_I1 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI2 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI4 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_I8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_NUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_GUID then @ODBC_GUID when @DBTYPE_BYTES then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_IMAGE when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and p.COLUMN_SIZE = 8 then @ODBC_TIMESTAMP when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_BINARY else @ODBC_VARBINARY end when @DBTYPE_STR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_TEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_CHAR else @ODBC_VARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_WSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_BSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end else @ODBC_NVARCHAR /* Unknown OleDB datatype */ end, TYPE_NAME = p.TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE = COALESCE(c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, p.COLUMN_SIZE), BUFFER_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS = c.NUMERIC_SCALE, NUM_PREC_RADIX = NULL, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, c.IS_NULLABLE), REMARKS = convert(nvarchar(255),c.DESCRIPTION), COLUMN_DEF = c.COLUMN_DEFAULT, SQL_DATA_TYPE = NULL, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint, c.DATETIME_PRECISION), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION = c.ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE = case c.IS_NULLABLE when 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, SS_DATA_TYPE = NULL, COLUMN_FLAGS = c.COLUMN_FLAGS from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMNS < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, NULL, NULL > c, master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_PROVIDER_TYPES < @table_server > p /* LUXOR/KAGERA don't support restricting DATA_TYPE */ where c.DATA_TYPE = p.DATA_TYPE AND p.BEST_MATCH = 1 and (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (c.COLUMN_NAME like @column_name or @column_name is NULL) and c.TABLE_NAME like @table_name end update #tmp_columns set SQL_DATA_TYPE = spt_dt.SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME then 3 else #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB end, TYPE_NAME = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BINARY and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and BUFFER_LENGTH = 8 then 'timestamp' when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB = 0 then 'smalldatetime' when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_MONEY and #tmp_columns.COLUMN_SIZE = 10 then 'smallmoney' when (#tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_BINARY, @ODBC_CHAR) and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) or #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_TEXT, @ODBC_NTEXT, @ODBC_IMAGE) then spt_dt.TYPE_NAME else isnull(#tmp_columns.TYPE_NAME, spt_dt.TYPE_NAME) end, COLUMN_SIZE = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE IN (@ODBC_REAL, @ODBC_FLOAT) then /* app. numeric types */ spt_dt.data_precision when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB = 0 then 16 else #tmp_columns.COLUMN_SIZE end, BUFFER_LENGTH = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE IN (@ODBC_NUMERIC, @ODBC_DECIMAL) then /* decimal/numeric types */ COLUMN_SIZE+2 when isnull (#tmp_columns.BUFFER_LENGTH,0) = 0 then spt_dt.length else #tmp_columns.BUFFER_LENGTH end, DECIMAL_DIGITS = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME then #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB else COALESCE (DECIMAL_DIGITS, spt_dt.numeric_scale) end, NUM_PREC_RADIX = spt_dt.RADIX, SS_DATA_TYPE = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in ( @ODBC_TINYINT, @ODBC_SMALLINT, @ODBC_INT ) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_INT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_TINYINT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_TINYINT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_SMALLINT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_SMALLINT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_INT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_INT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_REAL, @ODBC_FLOAT) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_FLOAT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_REAL and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_REAL_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_FLOAT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_FLOAT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_MONEY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_MONEY_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_MONEY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_MONEY_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_DATETIME_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_DATETIME_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_NTEXT, @ODBC_TEXT) then @ODS_TEXT when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BIT then @ODS_BIT when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DECIMAL then @ODS_DECIMAL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_NUMERIC then @ODS_NUMERIC when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_GUID then @ODS_GUID when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_IMAGE then @ODS_IMAGE when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_TIMESTAMP and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and BUFFER_LENGTH = 8 then @ODS_TIMESTAMP when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BINARY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODS_BINARY_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BINARY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODS_BINARY_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_VARBINARY then @ODS_VARBINARY when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_CHAR, @ODBC_NCHAR) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_CHAR_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_CHAR, @ODBC_NCHAR) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_CHAR_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_VARCHAR, @ODBC_NVARCHAR) then @ODS_VARCHAR else null end from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info spt_dt where spt_dt.DATA_TYPE = #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE AND (spt_dt.ODBCVer is null or spt_dt.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and isnull(spt_dt.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 and not spt_dt.TYPE_NAME = 'smalldatetime' select TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE, BUFFER_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS, NUM_PREC_RADIX, NULLABLE, REMARKS, COLUMN_DEF, SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE, SS_DATA_TYPE from #tmp_columns order by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION drop table #tmp_columns go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_columns_ex else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 8.0 version */ raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_columns_ex') go create procedure sp_columns_ex( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) as set nocount on declare @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH binary(1), @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG binary(1), @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER binary(2) select @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = 0x10, @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = 0x80, @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER = 0x0200 declare @DBTYPE_I2 smallint, @DBTYPE_I4 smallint, @DBTYPE_R4 smallint, @DBTYPE_R8 smallint, @DBTYPE_CY smallint, @DBTYPE_DATE smallint, @DBTYPE_BSTR smallint, @DBTYPE_BOOL smallint, @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC smallint, @DBTYPE_DECIMAL smallint, @DBTYPE_UI1 smallint, @DBTYPE_BYREF smallint, @DBTYPE_I1 smallint, @DBTYPE_UI2 smallint, @DBTYPE_UI4 smallint, @DBTYPE_I8 smallint, @DBTYPE_UI8 smallint, @DBTYPE_GUID smallint, @DBTYPE_BYTES smallint, @DBTYPE_STR smallint, @DBTYPE_WSTR smallint, @DBTYPE_NUMERIC smallint, @DBTYPE_DBDATE smallint, @DBTYPE_DBTIME smallint, @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP smallint select @DBTYPE_I2 = 2, @DBTYPE_I4 = 3, @DBTYPE_R4 = 4, @DBTYPE_R8 = 5, @DBTYPE_CY = 6, @DBTYPE_DATE = 7, @DBTYPE_BSTR = 8, @DBTYPE_BOOL = 11, @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC = 139, @DBTYPE_DECIMAL = 14, @DBTYPE_UI1 = 17, @DBTYPE_BYREF = 16384, @DBTYPE_I1 = 16, @DBTYPE_UI2 = 18, @DBTYPE_UI4 = 19, @DBTYPE_I8 = 20, @DBTYPE_UI8 = 21, @DBTYPE_GUID = 72, @DBTYPE_BYTES = 128, @DBTYPE_STR = 129, @DBTYPE_WSTR = 130, @DBTYPE_NUMERIC = 131, @DBTYPE_DBDATE = 133, @DBTYPE_DBTIME = 134, @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP = 135 declare @ODS_SMALLINT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_INT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_INT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_TINYINT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_REAL_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_FLOAT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_FLOAT_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_MONEY_NULL tinyint, @ODS_MONEY_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_DATETIME_NULL tinyint, @ODS_DATETIME_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_TEXT tinyint, @ODS_BIT tinyint, @ODS_DECIMAL tinyint, @ODS_NUMERIC tinyint, @ODS_GUID tinyint, @ODS_IMAGE tinyint, @ODS_TIMESTAMP tinyint, @ODS_BINARY_NULL tinyint, @ODS_BINARY_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_VARBINARY tinyint, @ODS_CHAR_NULL tinyint, @ODS_CHAR_NOT_NULL tinyint, @ODS_VARCHAR tinyint select @ODS_IMAGE = 34, @ODS_TEXT = 35, @ODS_GUID = 36, @ODS_BINARY_NULL = 37, @ODS_VARBINARY = 37, @ODS_INT_NULL = 38, @ODS_CHAR_NULL = 39, @ODS_VARCHAR = 39, @ODS_TIMESTAMP = 45, @ODS_BINARY_NOT_NULL = 45, @ODS_CHAR_NOT_NULL = 47, @ODS_TINYINT_NOT_NULL = 48, @ODS_BIT = 50, @ODS_SMALLINT_NOT_NULL = 52, @ODS_INT_NOT_NULL = 56, @ODS_REAL_NOT_NULL = 59, @ODS_MONEY_NOT_NULL = 60, @ODS_DATETIME_NOT_NULL = 61, @ODS_FLOAT_NOT_NULL = 62, @ODS_DECIMAL = 106, @ODS_NUMERIC = 108, @ODS_FLOAT_NULL = 109, @ODS_MONEY_NULL = 110, @ODS_DATETIME_NULL = 111 declare @ODBC_GUID smallint, @ODBC_NTEXT smallint, @ODBC_NVARCHAR smallint, @ODBC_NCHAR smallint, @ODBC_BIT smallint, @ODBC_TINYINT smallint, @ODBC_IMAGE smallint, @ODBC_VARBINARY smallint, @ODBC_TIMESTAMP smallint, @ODBC_BINARY smallint, @ODBC_TEXT smallint, @ODBC_CHAR smallint, @ODBC_NUMERIC smallint, @ODBC_DECIMAL smallint, @ODBC_MONEY smallint, @ODBC_INT smallint, @ODBC_SMALLINT smallint, @ODBC_FLOAT smallint, @ODBC_REAL smallint, @ODBC_VARCHAR smallint, @ODBC_DATETIME smallint select @ODBC_GUID = -11, @ODBC_NTEXT = -10, @ODBC_NVARCHAR = -9, @ODBC_NCHAR = -8, @ODBC_BIT = -7, @ODBC_TINYINT = -6, @ODBC_IMAGE = -4, @ODBC_VARBINARY = -3, @ODBC_TIMESTAMP = -2, @ODBC_BINARY = -2, @ODBC_TEXT = -1, @ODBC_CHAR = 1, @ODBC_NUMERIC = 2, @ODBC_DECIMAL = 3, @ODBC_MONEY = 3, @ODBC_INT = 4, @ODBC_SMALLINT = 5, @ODBC_FLOAT = 6, @ODBC_REAL = 7, @ODBC_VARCHAR = 12, @ODBC_DATETIME = case @ODBCVer when 2 then 11 else 93 end create table #tmp_columns ( TABLE_CAT sysname collate database_default NULL, TABLE_SCHEM sysname collate database_default NULL, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default NOT NULL, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default NULL, DATA_TYPE smallint NOT NULL, TYPE_NAME sysname collate database_default NULL, COLUMN_SIZE int NULL, BUFFER_LENGTH int NULL, DECIMAL_DIGITS smallint NULL, NUM_PREC_RADIX smallint NULL, NULLABLE smallint NOT NULL, REMARKS nvarchar(255) collate database_default NULL, COLUMN_DEF nvarchar(128) collate database_default NULL, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint NULL, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int NULL, ORDINAL_POSITION smallint, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) collate database_default NOT NULL, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null, COLUMN_FLAGS int NOT NULL) if ((isnull(charindex('%', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('[', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_name),0) = 0)) begin /* If no wild carding */ insert into #tmp_columns select TABLE_CAT = c.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = c.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE = case c.DATA_TYPE & ~@DBTYPE_BYREF when @DBTYPE_I2 then @ODBC_SMALLINT when @DBTYPE_I4 then @ODBC_INT when @DBTYPE_R4 then @ODBC_REAL when @DBTYPE_R8 then @ODBC_FLOAT when @DBTYPE_CY then @ODBC_MONEY when @DBTYPE_DATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBDATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIME then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_BOOL then @ODBC_BIT when @DBTYPE_DECIMAL then @ODBC_DECIMAL when @DBTYPE_UI1 then @ODBC_TINYINT when @DBTYPE_I1 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI2 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI4 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_I8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_NUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_GUID then @ODBC_GUID when @DBTYPE_BYTES then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_IMAGE when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and p.COLUMN_SIZE = 8 then @ODBC_TIMESTAMP when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_BINARY else @ODBC_VARBINARY end when @DBTYPE_STR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_TEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_CHAR else @ODBC_VARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_WSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_BSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end else @ODBC_NVARCHAR /* Unknown OleDB datatype */ end, TYPE_NAME = p.TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE = COALESCE(c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, p.COLUMN_SIZE), BUFFER_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS = c.NUMERIC_SCALE, NUM_PREC_RADIX = NULL, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, c.IS_NULLABLE), REMARKS = convert(nvarchar(255),c.DESCRIPTION), COLUMN_DEF = c.COLUMN_DEFAULT, SQL_DATA_TYPE = NULL, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint, c.DATETIME_PRECISION), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION = c.ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE = case c.IS_NULLABLE when 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, SS_DATA_TYPE = NULL, COLUMN_FLAGS = c.COLUMN_FLAGS from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMNS < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, @table_name, NULL > c, master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_PROVIDER_TYPES < @table_server > p /* LUXOR/KAGERA don't support restricting DATA_TYPE */ where c.DATA_TYPE = p.DATA_TYPE AND p.BEST_MATCH = 1 and (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (c.COLUMN_NAME like @column_name or @column_name is NULL) end else begin /* If wild carding */ insert into #tmp_columns select TABLE_CAT = c.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = c.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE = case c.DATA_TYPE & ~@DBTYPE_BYREF when @DBTYPE_I2 then @ODBC_SMALLINT when @DBTYPE_I4 then @ODBC_INT when @DBTYPE_R4 then @ODBC_REAL when @DBTYPE_R8 then @ODBC_FLOAT when @DBTYPE_CY then @ODBC_MONEY when @DBTYPE_DATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBDATE then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIME then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP then @ODBC_DATETIME when @DBTYPE_BOOL then @ODBC_BIT when @DBTYPE_DECIMAL then @ODBC_DECIMAL when @DBTYPE_UI1 then @ODBC_TINYINT when @DBTYPE_I1 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI2 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI4 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_I8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_UI8 then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_NUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC then @ODBC_NUMERIC when @DBTYPE_GUID then @ODBC_GUID when @DBTYPE_BYTES then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_IMAGE when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and p.COLUMN_SIZE = 8 then @ODBC_TIMESTAMP when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_BINARY else @ODBC_VARBINARY end when @DBTYPE_STR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG ) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 8000) then @ODBC_TEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_CHAR else @ODBC_VARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_WSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end when @DBTYPE_BSTR then case when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG) or (p.COLUMN_SIZE > 4000) then @ODBC_NTEXT when (c.COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODBC_NCHAR else @ODBC_NVARCHAR end else @ODBC_NVARCHAR /* Unknown OleDB datatype */ end, TYPE_NAME = p.TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE = COALESCE(c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, c.NUMERIC_PRECISION, p.COLUMN_SIZE), BUFFER_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS = c.NUMERIC_SCALE, NUM_PREC_RADIX = NULL, NULLABLE = convert(smallint, c.IS_NULLABLE), REMARKS = convert(nvarchar(255),c.DESCRIPTION), COLUMN_DEF = c.COLUMN_DEFAULT, SQL_DATA_TYPE = NULL, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = convert(smallint, c.DATETIME_PRECISION), CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH = c.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION = c.ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE = case c.IS_NULLABLE when 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, SS_DATA_TYPE = NULL, COLUMN_FLAGS = c.COLUMN_FLAGS from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMNS < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, NULL, NULL > c, master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_PROVIDER_TYPES < @table_server > p /* LUXOR/KAGERA don't support restricting DATA_TYPE */ where c.DATA_TYPE = p.DATA_TYPE AND p.BEST_MATCH = 1 and (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (c.COLUMN_NAME like @column_name or @column_name is NULL) and c.TABLE_NAME like @table_name end update #tmp_columns set SQL_DATA_TYPE = spt_dt.SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME then 3 else #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB end, TYPE_NAME = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BINARY and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and BUFFER_LENGTH = 8 then 'timestamp' when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB = 0 then 'smalldatetime' when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_MONEY and #tmp_columns.COLUMN_SIZE = 10 then 'smallmoney' when (#tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_BINARY, @ODBC_CHAR) and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) or #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_TEXT, @ODBC_NTEXT, @ODBC_IMAGE) then spt_dt.TYPE_NAME collate database_default else isnull(#tmp_columns.TYPE_NAME, spt_dt.TYPE_NAME collate database_default) end, COLUMN_SIZE = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE IN (@ODBC_REAL, @ODBC_FLOAT) then /* app. numeric types */ spt_dt.data_precision when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB = 0 then 16 else #tmp_columns.COLUMN_SIZE end, BUFFER_LENGTH = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE IN (@ODBC_NUMERIC, @ODBC_DECIMAL) then /* decimal/numeric types */ COLUMN_SIZE+2 when isnull (#tmp_columns.BUFFER_LENGTH,0) = 0 then spt_dt.length else #tmp_columns.BUFFER_LENGTH end, DECIMAL_DIGITS = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME then #tmp_columns.SQL_DATETIME_SUB else COALESCE (DECIMAL_DIGITS, spt_dt.numeric_scale) end, NUM_PREC_RADIX = spt_dt.RADIX, SS_DATA_TYPE = case when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in ( @ODBC_TINYINT, @ODBC_SMALLINT, @ODBC_INT ) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_INT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_TINYINT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_TINYINT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_SMALLINT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_SMALLINT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_INT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_INT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_REAL, @ODBC_FLOAT) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_FLOAT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_REAL and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_REAL_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_FLOAT and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_FLOAT_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_MONEY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_MONEY_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_MONEY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_MONEY_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_DATETIME_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DATETIME and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_DATETIME_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_NTEXT, @ODBC_TEXT) then @ODS_TEXT when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BIT then @ODS_BIT when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_DECIMAL then @ODS_DECIMAL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_NUMERIC then @ODS_NUMERIC when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_GUID then @ODS_GUID when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_IMAGE then @ODS_IMAGE when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_TIMESTAMP and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER AND (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH and BUFFER_LENGTH = 8 then @ODS_TIMESTAMP when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BINARY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODS_BINARY_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_BINARY and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 and (COLUMN_FLAGS & @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH = @DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH) then @ODS_BINARY_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE = @ODBC_VARBINARY then @ODS_VARBINARY when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_CHAR, @ODBC_NCHAR) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 1 then @ODS_CHAR_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_CHAR, @ODBC_NCHAR) and #tmp_columns.NULLABLE = 0 then @ODS_CHAR_NOT_NULL when #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE in (@ODBC_VARCHAR, @ODBC_NVARCHAR) then @ODS_VARCHAR else null end from master.dbo.spt_datatype_info spt_dt where spt_dt.DATA_TYPE = #tmp_columns.DATA_TYPE AND (spt_dt.ODBCVer is null or spt_dt.ODBCVer = @ODBCVer) and isnull(spt_dt.AUTO_INCREMENT,0) = 0 and not spt_dt.TYPE_NAME = 'smalldatetime' select TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE, BUFFER_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS, NUM_PREC_RADIX, NULLABLE, REMARKS, COLUMN_DEF, SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE, SS_DATA_TYPE from #tmp_columns order by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION drop table #tmp_columns go grant execute on sp_columns_ex to public go if object_id('sp_table_privileges_ex', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_table_privileges_ex go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_table_privileges_ex') go create procedure sp_table_privileges_ex( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null) as select TABLE_CAT = TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME, GRANTOR = GRANTOR, GRANTEE = GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE = PRIVILEGE_TYPE, IS_GRANTABLE = case IS_GRANTABLE when 1 then 'YES' when 0 then 'NO' else null end from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_TABLE_PRIVILEGES < @table_server, @table_catalog, NULL, NULL > where (TABLE_SCHEMA like @table_schema or @table_schema is NULL or (TABLE_SCHEMA is NULL and @table_schema = N'%')) and (TABLE_NAME like @table_name or @table_name is NULL) order by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE go grant execute on sp_table_privileges_ex to public go if object_id('sp_column_privileges_ex', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_column_privileges_ex go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_column_privileges_ex') go create procedure sp_column_privileges_ex( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null) as select TABLE_CAT = TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = COLUMN_NAME, GRANTOR = GRANTOR, GRANTEE = GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE = PRIVILEGE_TYPE, IS_GRANTABLE = case IS_GRANTABLE when 1 then 'YES' when 0 then 'NO' else null end from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMN_PRIVILEGES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name, NULL > where (COLUMN_NAME like @column_name or @column_name is NULL) order by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, PRIVILEGE go grant execute on sp_column_privileges_ex to public go if object_id('sp_indexes', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_indexes go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_indexes') go create procedure sp_indexes( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @index_name sysname = null, @is_unique bit = null) as select TABLE_CAT = TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE = convert(smallint, 1 - [UNIQUE]), INDEX_QUALIFIER = TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME = INDEX_NAME, TYPE = case [CLUSTERED] when 1 then 1 else 3 end, ORDINAL_POSITION = ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_NAME = COLUMN_NAME, ASC_OR_DESC = case [COLLATION] when 1 then 'A' when 2 then 'D' else null end, CARDINALITY = CARDINALITY, PAGES = case [CLUSTERED] when 1 then PAGES else NULL end, FILTER_CONDITION = FILTER_CONDITION from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_INDEXES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @index_name, NULL, /* TYPE (index type) */ @table_name > where @is_unique is null or @is_unique = [UNIQUE] order by NON_UNIQUE, TYPE, INDEX_QUALIFIER, INDEX_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION go grant execute on sp_indexes to public go if object_id('sp_foreignkeys', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_foreignkeys go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_foreignkeys') go create procedure sp_foreignkeys( @table_server sysname, @pktab_name sysname = null, @pktab_schema sysname = null, @pktab_catalog sysname = null, @fktab_name sysname = null, @fktab_schema sysname = null, @fktab_catalog sysname = null) as select PKTABLE_CAT = PK_TABLE_CATALOG, PKTABLE_SCHEM = PK_TABLE_SCHEMA, PKTABLE_NAME = PK_TABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME = PK_COLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_CAT = FK_TABLE_CATALOG, FKTABLE_SCHEM = FK_TABLE_SCHEMA, FKTABLE_NAME = FK_TABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME = FK_COLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ = ORDINAL, UPDATE_RULE = case UPDATE_RULE when 'CASCADE' then 0 when 'NO ACTION' then 1 when 'SET NULL' then 2 else null end, DELETE_RULE = case DELETE_RULE when 'CASCADE' then 0 when 'NO ACTION' then 1 when 'SET NULL' then 2 else null end, FK_NAME = convert(sysname, NULL), PK_NAME = convert(sysname, NULL), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, null) from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_FOREIGN_KEYS < @table_server, @pktab_catalog, @pktab_schema, @pktab_name, @fktab_catalog, @fktab_schema, @fktab_name > order by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, KEY_SEQ go grant execute on sp_foreignkeys to public go if object_id('sp_primarykeys', 'P') is not null drop proc sp_primarykeys go raiserror(15339,-1,-1,'sp_primarykeys') go create procedure sp_primarykeys( @table_server sysname, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null) as select TABLE_CAT = TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEM = TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = COLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ = ORDINAL, PK_NAME = convert(sysname, NULL) from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_PRIMARY_KEYS < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name > order by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, KEY_SEQ go grant execute on sp_primarykeys to public go /*-------------- END CATALOG STORED PROCEDURES FOR OLEDB SOURCES ------------------*/ dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.50', @@version) = 0 and charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 6.50 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end print 'creating sp_ddopen' go /* Procedure for pre-6.50 server */ create procedure sp_ddopen( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 varchar(255) = null, @p2 varchar(255) = null, @p3 varchar(255) = null, @p4 varchar(255) = null, @p5 varchar(255) = null, @p6 varchar(255) = null, @p7 int = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) as set nocount on declare @ret int if @procname = 'sp_column_privileges' begin create table #spcolpriv ( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, GRANTOR varchar(32) null, GRANTEE varchar(32) not null, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) not null, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) null ) insert into #spcolpriv exec sp_column_privileges @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcolpriv', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcolpriv end else if @procname = 'sp_columns' begin create table #spcolumns ( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME varchar(32) not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, RADIX smallint null, NULLABLE smallint not null, REMARKS varchar(254) null, COLUMN_DEF varchar(255) null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int null, ORDINAL_POSITION int not null, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) null, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null ) insert into #spcolumns exec sp_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcolumns', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcolumns end else if @procname = 'sp_datatype_info' begin create table #spdatatypeinfo ( TYPE_NAME varchar(32) not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, "PRECISION" int null, LITERAL_PREFIX varchar(32) null, LITERAL_SUFFIX varchar(32) null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) null, NULLABLE smallint not null, CASE_SENSITIVE smallint not null, SEARCHABLE smallint not null, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE smallint null, MONEY smallint not null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME varchar(32) null, MINIMUM_SCALE smallint null, MAXIMUM_SCALE smallint null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, NUM_PREC_RADIX int null, INTERVAL_PRECISION smallint NULL, USERTYPE smallint not null) insert into #spdatatypeinfo exec sp_datatype_info @p7,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spdatatypeinfo', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spdatatypeinfo end else if @procname = 'sp_fkeys' begin create table #spfkeys ( PKTABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, PKTABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, PKTABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, PKCOLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, FKTABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, FKTABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, FKCOLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, KEY_SEQ smallint not null, UPDATE_RULE smallint null, DELETE_RULE smallint null, FK_NAME varchar(32) null, PK_NAME varchar(32) null, DEFERRABILITY smallint null ) insert into #spfkeys exec sp_fkeys @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spfkeys', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spfkeys end else if @procname = 'sp_pkeys' begin create table #sppkeys ( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, KEY_SEQ smallint not null, PK_NAME varchar(32) null ) insert into #sppkeys exec sp_pkeys @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sppkeys', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sppkeys end else if @procname = 'sp_special_columns' begin create table #spspeccol ( SCOPE smallint null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME varchar(32) not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, PSEUDO_COLUMN smallint null ) insert into #spspeccol exec sp_special_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spspeccol', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spspeccol end else if @procname = 'sp_sproc_columns' begin create table #spproccol ( PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, PROCEDURE_OWNER varchar(32) null, PROCEDURE_NAME varchar(32) not null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) not null, COLUMN_TYPE smallint not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME varchar(32) not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, RADIX smallint null, NULLABLE smallint not null, REMARKS varchar(254) null, COLUMN_DEF varchar(255) null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int null, ORDINAL_POSITION int not null, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) null, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null ) insert into #spproccol exec sp_sproc_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spproccol', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spproccol end else if @procname = 'sp_statistics' begin create table #spstatistics ( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, NON_UNIQUE smallint null, INDEX_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, INDEX_NAME varchar(32) null, TYPE smallint not null, SEQ_IN_INDEX smallint null, COLUMN_NAME varchar(32) null, COLLATION char(1) null, CARDINALITY int null, PAGES int null, FILTER_CONDITION varchar(128) null ) insert into #spstatistics exec sp_statistics @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spstatistics', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spstatistics end else if @procname = 'sp_stored_procedures' begin create table #spprocedures ( PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, PROCEDURE_OWNER varchar(32) null, PROCEDURE_NAME varchar(32) not null, NUM_INPUT_PARAMS int null, NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS int null, NUM_RESULT_SETS int null, REMARKS varchar(254) null, PROCEDURE_TYPE smallint null ) insert into #spprocedures exec sp_stored_procedures @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spprocedures', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spprocedures end else if @procname = 'sp_table_privileges' begin create table #sptabpriv ( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) not null, GRANTOR varchar(32) null, GRANTEE varchar(32) not null, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) not null, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) null ) insert into #sptabpriv exec sp_table_privileges @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptabpriv', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptabpriv end else if @procname = 'sp_tables' begin create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(32) null, TABLE_OWNER varchar(32) null, TABLE_NAME varchar(32) null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) null, REMARKS varchar(254) null) insert into #sptables exec sp_tables @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptables', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptables end else print 'Unknown sp_ddopen procedure' select @ret = isnull(@ret,0) return isnull(@ret,0) go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_ddopen else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_ddopen; 1( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774) = null, @p2 nvarchar(774) = null, @p3 nvarchar(774) = null, @p4 nvarchar(774) = null, @p5 nvarchar(774) = null, @p6 nvarchar(774) = null, @p7 int = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) as set nocount on declare @ret int if @procname = 'sp_column_privileges' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;2 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4 end else if @procname = 'sp_columns' or @procname = 'sp_columns_ex' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;3 @handle output, @procname, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_datatype_info' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;4 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p7, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_fkeys' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;5 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6 end else if @procname = 'sp_pkeys' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;6 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3 end else if @procname = 'sp_special_columns' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;7 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_sproc_columns' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;8 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_statistics' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;9 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6 end else if @procname = 'sp_stored_procedures' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;10 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3 end else if @procname = 'sp_table_privileges' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;11 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3 end else if @procname = 'sp_tables' or @procname = 'sp_tables_ex' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;12 @handle output, @procname, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5 end else if @procname = 'sp_tableswc' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;13 @handle output, @procname, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4 end else print 'Unknown sp_ddopen procedure' select @ret = isnull(@ret,0) return isnull(@ret,0) go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 2( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spcolpriv ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, GRANTOR sysname null, GRANTEE sysname not null, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) not null, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) null ) insert into #spcolpriv exec sp_column_privileges @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcolpriv', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcolpriv return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 3( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spcolumns ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME sysname not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, RADIX smallint null, NULLABLE smallint not null, REMARKS varchar(254) null, COLUMN_DEF nvarchar(3000) null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int null, ORDINAL_POSITION int not null, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) null, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null ) if @procname = 'sp_columns' begin insert into #spcolumns exec sp_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@ODBCVer end else begin insert into #spcolumns exec sp_columns_ex @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@ODBCVer end exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcolumns', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcolumns return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 4( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p7 int, @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spdatatypeinfo ( TYPE_NAME sysname not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, "PRECISION" int null, LITERAL_PREFIX varchar(32) null, LITERAL_SUFFIX varchar(32) null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) null, NULLABLE smallint not null, CASE_SENSITIVE smallint not null, SEARCHABLE smallint not null, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE smallint null, MONEY smallint not null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME sysname null, MINIMUM_SCALE smallint null, MAXIMUM_SCALE smallint null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, NUM_PREC_RADIX int null, INTERVAL_PRECISION smallint NULL, USERTYPE smallint not null) insert into #spdatatypeinfo exec sp_datatype_info @p7,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spdatatypeinfo', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spdatatypeinfo return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 5( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @p6 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spfkeys ( PKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, PKTABLE_OWNER sysname null, PKTABLE_NAME sysname not null, PKCOLUMN_NAME sysname not null, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, FKTABLE_OWNER sysname null, FKTABLE_NAME sysname not null, FKCOLUMN_NAME sysname not null, KEY_SEQ smallint not null, UPDATE_RULE smallint null, DELETE_RULE smallint null, FK_NAME sysname null, PK_NAME sysname null, DEFERRABILITY smallint null ) insert into #spfkeys exec sp_fkeys @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spfkeys', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spfkeys return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 6( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #sppkeys ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, KEY_SEQ smallint not null, PK_NAME sysname null ) insert into #sppkeys exec sp_pkeys @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sppkeys', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sppkeys return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 7( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @p6 nvarchar(774), @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spspeccol ( SCOPE smallint null, COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME sysname not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, PSEUDO_COLUMN smallint null ) insert into #spspeccol exec sp_special_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spspeccol', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spspeccol return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 8( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spproccol ( PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER sysname null, PROCEDURE_OWNER sysname null, PROCEDURE_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_TYPE smallint not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME sysname not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, RADIX smallint null, NULLABLE smallint not null, REMARKS varchar(254) null, COLUMN_DEF nvarchar(3000) null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int null, ORDINAL_POSITION int not null, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) null, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null ) insert into #spproccol exec sp_sproc_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spproccol', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spproccol return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 9( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @p6 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spstatistics ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, NON_UNIQUE smallint null, INDEX_QUALIFIER sysname null, INDEX_NAME sysname null, TYPE smallint not null, SEQ_IN_INDEX smallint null, COLUMN_NAME sysname null, COLLATION char(1) null, CARDINALITY int null, PAGES int null, FILTER_CONDITION varchar(128) null ) insert into #spstatistics exec sp_statistics @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spstatistics', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spstatistics return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 10( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spprocedures ( PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER sysname null, PROCEDURE_OWNER sysname null, PROCEDURE_NAME nvarchar(134) not null, /*134=sysname+';'+ltrim(str(c.number,5))*/ NUM_INPUT_PARAMS int null, NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS int null, NUM_RESULT_SETS int null, REMARKS varchar(254) null, PROCEDURE_TYPE smallint null ) insert into #spprocedures exec sp_stored_procedures @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spprocedures', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spprocedures return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 11( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #sptabpriv ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, GRANTOR sysname null, GRANTEE sysname not null, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) not null, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) null ) insert into #sptabpriv exec sp_table_privileges @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptabpriv', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptabpriv return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 12( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) null, REMARKS varchar(254) null) if @procname = 'sp_tables' begin insert into #sptables exec sp_tables @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4 end else begin insert into #sptables exec sp_tables_ex @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5 end exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptables', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptables return @ret go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 13( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), -- @table_name @p2 nvarchar(774), -- @table_owner @p3 nvarchar(774), -- @table_qualifier @p4 nvarchar(774)) -- @table_type as -- this code was copied from sp_tableswc (for 7,0). Any changes -- made here need to be evaluated for porting to sp_tableswc. set nocount on declare @ret int declare @databasename sysname declare @qualprocname nvarchar(141) /* 128 + '..sp_tables' */ create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) null, REMARKS varchar(254) null) declare databases CURSOR FOR select name from master..sysdatabases where name like @p3 and name <> 'model' and has_dbaccess(name)=1 for read only open databases fetch next from databases into @databasename while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin if (charindex('%', @databasename) = 0) begin /* skip dbnames w/wildcard characters to prevent loop */ select @qualprocname = @databasename + '..sp_tables' insert into #sptables exec @qualprocname @p1, @p2, @databasename, @p3 end fetch next from databases into @databasename end deallocate databases exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptables', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptables return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_ddopen else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_ddopen; 1( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774) = null, @p2 nvarchar(774) = null, @p3 nvarchar(774) = null, @p4 nvarchar(774) = null, @p5 nvarchar(774) = null, @p6 nvarchar(774) = null, @p7 int = null, @ODBCVer int = 2) as set nocount on declare @ret int if @procname = 'sp_column_privileges' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;2 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4 end else if @procname = 'sp_columns' or @procname = 'sp_columns_ex' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;3 @handle output, @procname, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_datatype_info' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;4 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p7, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_fkeys' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;5 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6 end else if @procname = 'sp_pkeys' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;6 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3 end else if @procname = 'sp_special_columns' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;7 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_sproc_columns' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;8 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @ODBCVer end else if @procname = 'sp_statistics' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;9 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6 end else if @procname = 'sp_stored_procedures' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;10 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3 end else if @procname = 'sp_table_privileges' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;11 @handle output, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3 end else if @procname = 'sp_tables' or @procname = 'sp_tables_ex' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;12 @handle output, @procname, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5 end else if @procname = 'sp_tableswc' begin exec @ret = sp_ddopen;13 @handle output, @procname, @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4 end else print 'Unknown sp_ddopen procedure' select @ret = isnull(@ret,0) return isnull(@ret,0) go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 2( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spcolpriv ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, GRANTOR sysname collate database_default null, GRANTEE sysname collate database_default not null, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) collate database_default not null, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) collate database_default null ) insert into #spcolpriv exec sp_column_privileges @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcolpriv', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcolpriv return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 3( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spcolumns ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, RADIX smallint null, NULLABLE smallint not null, REMARKS varchar(254) collate database_default null, COLUMN_DEF nvarchar(3000) collate database_default null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int null, ORDINAL_POSITION int not null, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) collate database_default null, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null ) if @procname = 'sp_columns' begin insert into #spcolumns exec sp_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@ODBCVer end else begin insert into #spcolumns exec sp_columns_ex @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@ODBCVer end exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcolumns', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcolumns return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 4( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p7 int, @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spdatatypeinfo ( TYPE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, "PRECISION" int null, LITERAL_PREFIX varchar(32) collate database_default null, LITERAL_SUFFIX varchar(32) collate database_default null, CREATE_PARAMS varchar(32) collate database_default null, NULLABLE smallint not null, CASE_SENSITIVE smallint not null, SEARCHABLE smallint not null, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE smallint null, MONEY smallint not null, AUTO_INCREMENT smallint null, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME sysname collate database_default null, MINIMUM_SCALE smallint null, MAXIMUM_SCALE smallint null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint not null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, NUM_PREC_RADIX int null, INTERVAL_PRECISION smallint NULL, USERTYPE smallint not null) insert into #spdatatypeinfo exec sp_datatype_info @p7,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spdatatypeinfo', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spdatatypeinfo return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 5( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @p6 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spfkeys ( PKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, PKTABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, PKTABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, PKCOLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, FKTABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, FKTABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, FKTABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, FKCOLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, KEY_SEQ smallint not null, UPDATE_RULE smallint null, DELETE_RULE smallint null, FK_NAME sysname collate database_default null, PK_NAME sysname collate database_default null, DEFERRABILITY smallint null ) insert into #spfkeys exec sp_fkeys @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spfkeys', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spfkeys return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 6( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #sppkeys ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, KEY_SEQ smallint not null, PK_NAME sysname collate database_default null ) insert into #sppkeys exec sp_pkeys @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sppkeys', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sppkeys return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 7( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @p6 nvarchar(774), @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spspeccol ( SCOPE smallint null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, DATA_TYPE smallint not null, TYPE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, PSEUDO_COLUMN smallint null ) insert into #spspeccol exec sp_special_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spspeccol', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spspeccol return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 8( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @ODBCVer int) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spproccol ( PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, PROCEDURE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, PROCEDURE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, COLUMN_TYPE smallint not null, DATA_TYPE smallint null, TYPE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, "PRECISION" int null, LENGTH int null, SCALE smallint null, RADIX smallint null, NULLABLE smallint not null, REMARKS varchar(254) collate database_default null, COLUMN_DEF nvarchar(3000) collate database_default null, SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint null, SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint null, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int null, ORDINAL_POSITION int not null, IS_NULLABLE varchar(254) collate database_default null, SS_DATA_TYPE tinyint null ) insert into #spproccol exec sp_sproc_columns @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@ODBCVer exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spproccol', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spproccol return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 9( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774), @p6 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spstatistics ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, NON_UNIQUE smallint null, INDEX_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, INDEX_NAME sysname collate database_default null, TYPE smallint not null, SEQ_IN_INDEX smallint null, COLUMN_NAME sysname collate database_default null, COLLATION char(1) collate database_default null, CARDINALITY int null, PAGES int null, FILTER_CONDITION varchar(128) collate database_default null ) insert into #spstatistics exec sp_statistics @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spstatistics', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spstatistics return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 10( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #spprocedures ( PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, PROCEDURE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, PROCEDURE_NAME nvarchar(134) collate database_default not null, /*134=sysname+';'+ltrim(str(c.number,5))*/ NUM_INPUT_PARAMS int null, NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS int null, NUM_RESULT_SETS int null, REMARKS varchar(254) collate database_default null, PROCEDURE_TYPE smallint null ) insert into #spprocedures exec sp_stored_procedures @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spprocedures', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spprocedures return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 11( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #sptabpriv ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default not null, GRANTOR sysname collate database_default null, GRANTEE sysname collate database_default not null, PRIVILEGE varchar(32) collate database_default not null, IS_GRANTABLE varchar(3) collate database_default null ) insert into #sptabpriv exec sp_table_privileges @p1,@p2,@p3 exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptabpriv', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptabpriv return @ret go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_ddopen; 12( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), @p2 nvarchar(774), @p3 nvarchar(774), @p4 nvarchar(774), @p5 nvarchar(774)) as set nocount on declare @ret int create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) collate database_default null, REMARKS varchar(254) collate database_default null) if @procname = 'sp_tables' begin insert into #sptables exec sp_tables @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4 end else begin insert into #sptables exec sp_tables_ex @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5 end exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptables', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptables return @ret go create procedure sp_ddopen; 13( @handle int output, @procname sysname, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @p1 nvarchar(774), -- @table_name @p2 nvarchar(774), -- @table_owner @p3 nvarchar(774), -- @table_qualifier @p4 nvarchar(774)) -- @table_type as -- this code was copied from sp_tableswc (for 8.0). Any changes -- made here need to be evaluated for porting to sp_tableswc. set nocount on declare @ret int declare @databasename sysname declare @qualprocname nvarchar(141) /* 128 + '..sp_tables' */ create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) collate database_default null, REMARKS varchar(254) collate database_default null) declare databases CURSOR FOR select name from master..sysdatabases where name like @p3 and name <> 'model' and has_dbaccess(name)=1 for read only open databases fetch next from databases into @databasename while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin if (charindex('%', @databasename) = 0) begin /* skip dbnames w/wildcard characters to prevent loop */ select @qualprocname = @databasename + '..sp_tables' insert into #sptables exec @qualprocname @p1, @p2, @databasename, @p4 end fetch next from databases into @databasename end deallocate databases exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptables', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptables return @ret go grant execute on sp_ddopen to public go print 'creating sp_tableswc' go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_tableswc( @table_name nvarchar(384) = null, @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null) as -- sp_ddopen; 13 contains the same code, so changes made here should -- be evaluated for porting to sp_ddopen; 13 declare @databasename sysname declare @qualprocname nvarchar(141) /* 128 + '..sp_tables' */ create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname null, TABLE_OWNER sysname null, TABLE_NAME sysname null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) null, REMARKS varchar(254) null) declare databases CURSOR FOR select name from master..sysdatabases where name like @table_qualifier and name <> 'model' and has_dbaccess(name)=1 for read only open databases fetch next from databases into @databasename while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin if (charindex('%', @databasename) = 0) begin /* skip dbnames w/wildcard characters to prevent loop */ select @qualprocname = @databasename + '..sp_tables' insert into #sptables exec @qualprocname @table_name, @table_owner, @databasename, @table_type end fetch next from databases into @databasename end deallocate databases select * from #sptables order by 4, 1, 2, 3 go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop procedure sp_tableswc go create procedure sp_tableswc( @table_name nvarchar(384) = null, @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null) as declare @databasename sysname declare @qualprocname nvarchar(141) /* 128 + '..sp_tables' */ create table #sptables ( TABLE_QUALIFIER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_OWNER sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_NAME sysname collate database_default null, TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) collate database_default null, REMARKS varchar(254) collate database_default null) declare databases CURSOR FOR select name from master..sysdatabases where name like @table_qualifier and name <> 'model' and has_dbaccess(name)=1 for read only open databases fetch next from databases into @databasename while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin if (charindex('%', @databasename) = 0) begin /* skip dbnames w/wildcard characters to prevent loop */ select @qualprocname = @databasename + '..sp_tables' insert into #sptables exec @qualprocname @table_name, @table_owner, @databasename, @table_type end fetch next from databases into @databasename end deallocate databases select * from #sptables order by 4, 1, 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_tableswc to public go dump tran master with no_log go /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------- CATALOG STORED PROCEDURES FOR SQLOLEDB ------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ print '' print 'creating spt_provider_types' go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Pre 8.0 Server */ create table spt_provider_types ( ss_dtype tinyint not null, fixlen int null, /* datatype len for variable, else null */ type_name sysname not null, oledb_data_type smallint not null, best_match bit not null, is_nullable tinyint null, case_sensitive bit not null, fixed_prec_scale bit not null, is_long bit not null, auto_unique_value tinyint not null, data_precision int null, numeric_scale smallint null, /* min scale if 6.0 */ column_size int null, literal_prefix varchar(32) null, literal_suffix varchar(32) null, searchable int not null, unsigned_attribute tinyint null, local_type_name sysname null ) print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* 8.0 Server */ create table spt_provider_types ( ss_dtype tinyint not null, fixlen int null, /* datatype len for variable, else null */ type_name sysname not null, oledb_data_type smallint not null, best_match bit not null, is_nullable bit null, case_sensitive bit not null, fixed_prec_scale bit not null, is_long bit not null, auto_unique_value tinyint not null, data_precision int null, numeric_scale smallint null, /* min scale if 6.0 */ column_size int null, literal_prefix nvarchar(32) null, literal_suffix nvarchar(32) null, searchable int not null, unsigned_attribute tinyint null, local_type_name sysname null ) end go grant select on spt_provider_types to public go dump tran master with no_log go /* ** Insert the spt_provider_types rows for DBTYTPE_STR data types */ begin tran /* Get case sensitivity */ declare @case_sensitive bit select @case_sensitive = case when 'a' <> 'A' then 1 else 0 end /* Local Char */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 47 /*SQLCHARACTER*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'char', /* type_name */ 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ @case_sensitive, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'char' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Varchar */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 39 /*SQLVARCHAR*/, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'varchar', /* type_name */ 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ @case_sensitive, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'varchar' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Text */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 35 /*SQLTEXT*/, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'text', /* type_name */ 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ @case_sensitive, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 1, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ 2147483647, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 2 /*DB_LIKE_ONLY*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'text' /* local_type_name */ ) commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go /* ** Insert the spt_provider_types rows for DBTYTPE_BYTES data types */ begin tran /* Local Binary */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 45 /*SQLBINARY*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'binary', /* type_name */ 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '0x', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'binary' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Varbinary */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 37 /*SQLVARBINARY*/, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'varbinary', /* type_name */ 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '0x', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'varbinary' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Image */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 34 /*SQLIMAGE*/, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'image', /* type_name */ 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 1, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ 2147483647, /* column_size */ '0x', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 1 /*DB_UNSEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'image' /* local_type_name */ ) commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go /* ** Insert the spt_provider_types rows for DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP data types */ begin tran /* Local Datetime */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 61 /*SQLDATETIME*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'datetime', /* type_name */ 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 23, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'datetime' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Smalldatetime */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 58 /*SQLDATETIM4*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'smalldatetime', /* type_name */ 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 16, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'smalldatetime' /* local_type_name */ ) if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Add nullable type for non-Sphinx server */ /* Local Datetimn */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 111 /*SQLDATETIMN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'smalldatetime', /* type_name */ 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 16, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'smalldatetime' /* local_type_name */ ) insert into spt_provider_types values ( 111 /*SQLDATETIMN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'datetime', /* type_name */ 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 23, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'datetime' /* local_type_name */ ) end commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go /* ** Insert the spt_provider_types rows for DBTYPE_CY data types */ begin tran /* Local Smallmoney */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 122 /*SQLMONEY4*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'smallmoney', /* type_name */ 6 /*DBTYPE_CY*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 10, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '$', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'smallmoney' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Money */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 60 /*SQLMONEY*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'money', /* type_name */ 6 /*DBTYPE_CY*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 19, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '$', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'money' /* local_type_name */ ) if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Add nullable type for non-Sphinx server */ /* Local Moneyn */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 110 /*SQLMONEYN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'smallmoney', /* type_name */ 6 /*DBTYPE_CY*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 10, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '$', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'smallmoney' /* local_type_name */ ) insert into spt_provider_types values ( 110 /*SQLMONEYN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'money', /* type_name */ 6 /*DBTYPE_CY*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 19, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '$', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'money' /* local_type_name */ ) end commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go /* ** Insert the spt_provider_types rows for the numeric data types */ begin tran /* Local Float */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 62 /*SQLFLT8*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'float', /* type_name */ 5 /*DBTYPE_R8*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 15, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'float' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Real */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 59 /*SQLFLT4*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'real', /* type_name */ 4 /*DBTYPE_R4*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 7, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'real' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Int */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 56 /*SQLINT4*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'int', /* type_name */ 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 10, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'int' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Smallint */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 52 /*SQLINT2*/, /* ss_dtype */ 2, /* fixlen */ 'smallint', /* type_name */ 2 /*DBTYPE_I2*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 5, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'smallint' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Tinyint */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 48 /*SQLINT1*/, /* ss_dtype */ 1, /* fixlen */ 'tinyint', /* type_name */ 17 /*DBTYPE_UI1*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 3, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 1, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'tinyint' /* local_type_name */ ) commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go begin tran if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Add 6.0 data types */ /* Local Decimal */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 55 /*SQLDECIMAL*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'decimal', /* type_name */ 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 38, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'decimal' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Numeric */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 63 /*SQLNUMERIC*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'numeric', /* type_name */ 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 38, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'numeric' /* local_type_name */ ) end commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go begin tran if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Add nullable type for non-Sphinx server */ /* Local Floatn */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 109 /*SQLFLTN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'float', /* type_name */ 5 /*DBTYPE_R8*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 15, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'float' /* local_type_name */ ) insert into spt_provider_types values ( 109 /*SQLFLT4*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'real', /* type_name */ 4 /*DBTYPE_R4*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 7, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'real' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Intn */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 38 /*SQLINTN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 4, /* fixlen */ 'int', /* type_name */ 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 10, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'int' /* local_type_name */ ) insert into spt_provider_types values ( 38 /*SQLINTN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 2, /* fixlen */ 'smallint', /* type_name */ 2 /*DBTYPE_I2*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 5, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'smallint' /* local_type_name */ ) insert into spt_provider_types values ( 38 /*SQLINTN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 1, /* fixlen */ 'tinyint', /* type_name */ 17 /*DBTYPE_UI1*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 3, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 1, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'tinyint' /* local_type_name */ ) if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0) begin /* Add 6.0 data types */ /* Local Decimaln */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 106 /*SQLDECIMALN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'decimal', /* type_name */ 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 38, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'decimal' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Numericn */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 108 /*SQLNUMERICN*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'numeric', /* type_name */ 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 38, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'numeric' /* local_type_name */ ) end end commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go /* ** Remaining data types */ if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go begin tran if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Local Bit */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 50 /*SQLBIT*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'bit', /* type_name */ 11 /*DBTYPE_BOOL*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 1, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'bit' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Timestamp */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 0, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'timestamp', /* type_name */ 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '0x', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'timestamp' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local GUID */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 0, /* ss_dtype */ 16, /* fixlen */ 'uniqueidentifier', /* type_name */ 72 /*DBTYPE_GUID*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'uniqueidentifier' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Get case sensitivity */ declare @ncase_sensitive bit select @ncase_sensitive = case when N'a' <> N'A' then 1 else 0 end /* Local NChar */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 0, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'nchar', /* type_name */ 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ @ncase_sensitive, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ 'N''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'nchar' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local NVarChar */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 0, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'nvarchar', /* type_name */ 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ @ncase_sensitive, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ 'N''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 4 /*DB_SEARCHABLE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'nvarchar' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local NText */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 0, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'ntext', /* type_name */ 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ @ncase_sensitive, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 1, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ 1073741823, /* column_size */ 'N''', /* literal_prefix */ '''', /* literal_suffix */ 2 /*DB_LIKE_ONLY*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'ntext' /* local_type_name */ ) if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin /* Local BIGINT */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 127, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'bigint', /* type_name */ 20 /*DBTYPE_I8*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 1, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 1, /* auto_unique_value */ 19, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ 0, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'bigint' /* local_type_name */ ) /* sql_variant */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 98, /* ss_dtype */ null, /* fixlen */ 'sql_variant', /* type_name */ 12 /*DBTYPE_VARIANT*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 16, /* data_precision sizeof(VARIANT)*/ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 , /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'sql_variant' /* local_type_name */ ) end /* data types changed in Sphinx: DO AFTER ALL TYPES INSERTED! */ update spt_provider_types set ss_dtype = (select xtype from systypes where type_name = name OR type_name = name+' identity' OR type_name = name+'() identity') end commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go begin tran if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin /* Local Bit */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 50 /*SQLBIT*/, /* ss_dtype */ 0, /* fixlen */ 'bit', /* type_name */ 11 /*DBTYPE_BOOL*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 1, /* best_match */ 0, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ 1, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ null, /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'bit' /* local_type_name */ ) /* Local Timestamp */ insert into spt_provider_types values ( 45 /*SQLBINARY*/, /* ss_dtype */ 8, /* fixlen */ 'timestamp', /* type_name */ 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/, /* oledb_data_type */ 0, /* best_match */ null, /* is_nullable */ 0, /* case_sensitive */ 0, /* fixed_prec_scale */ 0, /* is_long */ 0, /* auto_unique_value */ null, /* data_precision */ null, /* numeric_scale */ null, /* column_size */ '0x', /* literal_prefix */ null, /* literal_suffix */ 3 /*DB_ALL_EXCEPT_LIKE*/, /* searchable */ null, /* unsigned_attribute */ 'timestamp' /* local_type_name */ ) end commit tran go dump tran master with no_log go create unique clustered index datatypeinfoclust on spt_provider_types(ss_dtype,fixlen) go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'spt_provider_types' and type = 'U ')) begin drop table spt_provider_types dump tran master with no_log end end go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* ** (2/11/98) ** The following SP is shared by instcat.sql and the server to add information ** related to server language collations. The server calls it at the end of ** collation change to update the catalog with the new language collations ** Everything in this SP should NOT use tempdb. */ create procedure sp_add_server_sortinfo as -- spt_server_info has unigue clustered index on attribute_id delete spt_server_info where attribute_id in (16,18) --insert into spt_server_info -- select 18,'COLLATION_SEQ', -- 'charset='+t2.name+' sort_order='+t1.name -- +' charset_num='+rtrim(convert(char(4),t1.csid))+ -- ' sort_order_num='+rtrim(convert(char(4),t1.id)) -- from master.dbo.syscharsets t1, master.dbo.syscharsets t2, master.dbo.sysconfigures t3 -- where t1.csid=t2.id and t1.id=t3.value and t3.config in (123,1123) declare @sortid int, @csid int, @sortname varchar(255), @attribute_value varchar(255) declare @case_sensitive bit declare @ncase_sensitive bit select @case_sensitive = case when 'a' <> 'A' then 1 else 0 end select @ncase_sensitive = case when N'a' <> N'A' then 1 else 0 end select @sortid = value from sysconfigures where config = 1123 select @csid = csid, @sortname = name from master.dbo.syscharsets where id = @sortid select @attribute_value = 'charset='+ name +' sort_order=' + @sortname + ' charset_num=' + rtrim(convert(char(4),@csid))+ ' sort_order_num=' + rtrim(convert(char(4),@sortid)) from syscharsets where id = @csid insert into spt_server_info values (18,'COLLATION_SEQ', isnull(@attribute_value, ' ')) if @case_sensitive = 1 /* If case sensitive server */ begin insert into spt_server_info values (16,'IDENTIFIER_CASE','SENSITIVE') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (16,'IDENTIFIER_CASE','MIXED') end update spt_datatype_info set CASE_SENSITIVE = @case_sensitive where DATA_TYPE in (-1, 1, 12) /* CHAR types */ update spt_datatype_info set CASE_SENSITIVE = @ncase_sensitive where DATA_TYPE in (-10, -9, -8) /* NCHAR types */ update spt_provider_types set case_sensitive = @case_sensitive where oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ update spt_provider_types set case_sensitive = @ncase_sensitive where oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ /* sp_add_server_sortinfo */ go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin exec sp_add_server_sortinfo end go -- 8.0 version of sp_add_server_sortinfo -- create procedure sp_add_server_sortinfo75 as -- spt_server_info has unigue clustered index on attribute_id delete spt_server_info where attribute_id in (16, 18) declare @sortid int, @csid int, @sortname varchar(255), @attribute_value varchar(255) declare @case_sensitive bit declare @ncase_sensitive bit select @case_sensitive = case when 'a' <> 'A' then 1 else 0 end select @ncase_sensitive = case when N'a' <> N'A' then 1 else 0 end select @sortid = convert(int, ServerProperty('sqlsortorder')) select @csid = convert(int, ServerProperty('sqlcharset')) select @sortname = name from master.dbo.syscharsets where id = @sortid if @sortid = 0 -- Non-SQL Collations BEGIN select @attribute_value = 'charset=' + name + ' collation=' + isnull(convert(sysname, ServerProperty('collation')), ' ') from syscharsets where id = @csid END else BEGIN select @attribute_value = 'charset='+ name +' sort_order=' + @sortname + ' charset_num=' + rtrim(convert(char(4),@csid))+ ' sort_order_num=' + rtrim(convert(char(4),@sortid)) from syscharsets where id = @csid END insert into spt_server_info values (18,'COLLATION_SEQ', isnull(@attribute_value, ' ')) if @case_sensitive = 1 /* If case sensitive server */ begin insert into spt_server_info values (16,'IDENTIFIER_CASE','SENSITIVE') end else begin insert into spt_server_info values (16,'IDENTIFIER_CASE','MIXED') end update spt_datatype_info set CASE_SENSITIVE = @case_sensitive where DATA_TYPE in (-1, 1, 12) /* CHAR types */ update spt_datatype_info set CASE_SENSITIVE = @ncase_sensitive where DATA_TYPE in (-10, -9, -8) /* NCHAR types */ update spt_provider_types set case_sensitive = @case_sensitive where oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ update spt_provider_types set case_sensitive = @ncase_sensitive where oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ /* sp_add_server_info75 */ go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) begin exec sp_add_server_sortinfo75 end go print '' print 'creating sp_catalogs_rowset' go create procedure sp_catalogs_rowset ( @catalog_name varchar(255) ) as select CATALOG_NAME = name, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @catalog_name AND has_dbaccess(name)=1 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_catalogs_rowset;2 ( @dummy int /* remove when Hydra bug 17032 is fixed */ ) as select CATALOG_NAME = name, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name)=1 order by 1 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_catalogs_rowset go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_catalogs_rowset ( @catalog_name sysname ) as select CATALOG_NAME = name, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @catalog_name AND has_dbaccess(name)=1 go create procedure sp_catalogs_rowset;2 ( @dummy int /* remove when Hydra bug 17032 is fixed */ ) as select CATALOG_NAME = name, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name)=1 order by 1 go create procedure sp_catalogs_rowset;5 ( @server_name sysname, @catalog_name sysname = NULL ) as select CATALOG_NAME, DESCRIPTION from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_CATALOGS <@server_name, @catalog_name> where has_dbaccess(CATALOG_NAME)=1 order by 1 go grant execute on sp_catalogs_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_catalogs_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_catalogs_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_column_privileges_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.5 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255) = null, @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @column_name varchar(255) = null, @grantor varchar(255) = null, @grantee varchar(255) = null ) as IF @table_name is not null BEGIN select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and c.id = p.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) and case when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = o.id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 END ELSE BEGIN select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and c.id = p.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) and case when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = o.id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 END go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges_rowset;2 ( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @table_name varchar(255) = null, @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @column_name varchar(255) = null, @grantor varchar(255) = null, @grantee varchar(255) = null ) as declare @ret int SET NOCOUNT ON create table #spcprivsrowset1 ( GRANTOR sysname not null, GRANTEE sysname not null, TABLE_CATALOG sysname not null, TABLE_SCHEMA sysname not null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, COLUMN_GUID binary(16) null, COLUMN_PROPID int null, PRIVILEGE_TYPE sysname not null, IS_GRANTABLE bit not null ) IF @table_name is not null BEGIN insert into #spcprivsrowset1 select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and c.id = p.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) and case when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = o.id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 END ELSE BEGIN insert into #spcprivsrowset1 select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and c.id = p.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) and case when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = o.id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 END exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spcprivsrowset1', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spcprivsrowset1 return isnull(@ret,0) go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges_rowset;3 as select GRANTOR = convert(sysname,' '), GRANTEE = convert(sysname,' '), TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname,' '), TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname,' '), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30),' '), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) where 1=0 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_column_privileges_rowset go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case p.action when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c, sysmembers m where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and c.id = p.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) and case when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = o.id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) /* expand groups - AKUNDONE: only 1 level of group unrolling here. Need more?? */ and (u.uid > 0 and u.uid < 16384) and ((p.uid = u.uid) or (p.uid = m.groupuid and u.uid = m.memberuid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case v.number when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_column_privileges_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case p.action when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, master.dbo.spt_values v, syscolumns c, sysmembers m where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and c.id = p.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) and case when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint, coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0 /* permission applies to this column */ and v.number <= (select count(*) from syscolumns where id = o.id) /* ranges from 1 to # of columns in table */ and v.type = 'P' and v.number = c.colid and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) /* expand groups - AKUNDONE: only 1 level of group unrolling here. Need more?? */ and (u.uid > 0 and u.uid < 16384) and ((p.uid = u.uid) or (p.uid = m.groupuid and u.uid = m.memberuid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid and case when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 is null then 255 /* all columns have permission */ when substring(p1.columns, 1, 1) & 1 = 0 then convert(tinyint, substring(p1.columns, v.low, 1)) else (~convert(tinyint,coalesce(substring(p.columns, v.low, 1),0))) end & v.high <> 0) /* permission applies to this column */ union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case v.number when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u, syscolumns c where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and c.id = o.id and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_column_privileges_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as select GRANTOR, GRANTEE, TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID, PRIVILEGE_TYPE, IS_GRANTABLE from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMN_PRIVILEGES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name, @column_name, @grantor, @grantee> order by 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, 2 go grant execute on sp_column_privileges_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_column_privileges_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_column_privileges_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_columns_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @column_name varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, case when m.text is null then 0 else 1 end), COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert (varchar (255), case when substring(m.text,1,1) = '(' then substring(m.text,2,datalength(m.text)-2) else substring(m.text,1,datalength(m.text)-2) end), COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, case when d.is_long = 1 then 0x82 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYDEFER*/ else 0 end | case when d.fixlen is not null then 0x10 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH*/ else 0 end | case when c.status&8 = 8 then 0x60 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL*/ else 0 end | case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 0x200 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER*/ when (c.status&128) != 128 then 0x8 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN*/ else 0 end), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,c.status&8), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, TYPE_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DATETIME_PRECISION = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type <> 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/ then null when data_precision = 23 then 3 else 0 end), CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'master' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'dbo' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then a_cha.name else null end), COLLATION_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'master' else null end), COLLATION_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'dbo' else null end), COLLATION_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then b_cha.name else null end), DOMAIN_CATALOG = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else db_name() end, DOMAIN_SCHEMA = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else user_name(o.uid) end, DOMAIN_NAME = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else t.name end, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from syscolumns c, syscomments m, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t, sysusers u, master.dbo.sysconfigures cfg, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha, /* charset/1001, not sortorder. */ master.dbo.syscharsets b_cha /* sortorder/2001, not charset. */ where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and o.id = c.id and t.type = d.ss_dtype and (t.usertype != 80 or d.type_name='timestamp') and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.usertype = t.usertype and c.cdefault *= m.id and m.colid = 1 and cfg.comment = 'default sortorder ID' and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and b_cha.type = 2001 /* type is sortorder */ and a_cha.id = b_cha.csid and b_cha.id = cfg.value order by 2, 3, c.colid go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_columns_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @column_name varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, case when m.text is null then 0 else 1 end), COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert (varchar (255), case when substring(m.text,1,1) = '(' then substring(m.text,2,datalength(m.text)-2) else substring(m.text,1,datalength(m.text)-2) end), COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, case when d.is_long = 1 then 0x82 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYDEFER*/ else 0 end | case when d.fixlen is not null then 0x10 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH*/ else 0 end | case when c.status&8 = 8 then 0x60 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL*/ else 0 end | case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 0x200 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER*/ when (c.status&128) != 128 then 0x8 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN*/ else 0 end), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,c.status&8), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, TYPE_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DATETIME_PRECISION = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type <> 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/ then null when data_precision = 23 then 3 else 0 end), CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'master' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'dbo' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then a_cha.name else null end), COLLATION_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'master' else null end), COLLATION_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then 'dbo' else null end), COLLATION_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then b_cha.name else null end), DOMAIN_CATALOG = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else db_name() end, DOMAIN_SCHEMA = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else user_name(o.uid) end, DOMAIN_NAME = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else t.name end, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from syscolumns c, syscomments m, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t, sysusers u, master.dbo.sysconfigures cfg, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha, /* charset/1001, not sortorder. */ master.dbo.syscharsets b_cha /* sortorder/2001, not charset. */ where o.type in ('U','V','S') and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and o.id = c.id and t.type = d.ss_dtype and (t.usertype != 80 or d.type_name='timestamp') and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.usertype = t.usertype and c.cdefault *= m.id and m.colid = 1 and cfg.comment = 'default sortorder ID' and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and b_cha.type = 2001 /* type is sortorder */ and a_cha.id = b_cha.csid and b_cha.id = cfg.value order by 2, 3, c.colid go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_columns_rowset go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = NULL, @column_name sysname = NULL ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, case when m.text is null then 0 else 1 end), COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(2000), case when substring(m.text,1,1) = '(' then substring(m.text,2,datalength(m.text)/2-2) else substring(m.text,1,datalength(m.text)/2-2) end ), COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, case when d.is_long = 1 then 0x82 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYDEFER*/ else 0 end | case when d.fixlen is not null then 0x10 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH*/ else 0 end | case when ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull') = 1 then 0x60 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL*/ else 0 end | case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 0x200 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER*/ when (c.status&128) != 128 and permissions(o.id,c.name)&2 = 2 then 0x4 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE*/ else 0 end), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, TYPE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.xprec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DATETIME_PRECISION = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type <> 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/ then null when data_precision = 23 then 3 else 0 end), CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then a_cha.name else null end), COLLATION_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), COLLATION_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), COLLATION_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then b_cha.name else null end), DOMAIN_CATALOG = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else db_name() end, DOMAIN_SCHEMA = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else user_name(o.uid) end, DOMAIN_NAME = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else t.name end, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null) from syscolumns c left join syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id and m.colid = 1, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t, master.dbo.sysconfigures cfg, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha, /* charset/1001, not sortorder. */ master.dbo.syscharsets b_cha /* sortorder/2001, not charset. */ where permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and o.id = c.id and t.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and cfg.comment = 'default sortorder id' and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and b_cha.type = 2001 /* type is sortorder */ and a_cha.id = b_cha.csid and b_cha.id = cfg.value order by 2, 3, c.colorder go dump tran master with no_log go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = NULL, @column_name sysname = NULL ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, case when m.text is null then 0 else 1 end), COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(2000), case when substring(m.text,1,1) = '(' then substring(m.text,2,datalength(m.text)/2-2) else substring(m.text,1,datalength(m.text)/2-2) end ), COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, case when d.is_long = 1 then 0x82 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYDEFER*/ else 0 end | case when d.fixlen is not null then 0x10 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH*/ else 0 end | case when ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull') = 1 then 0x60 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL*/ else 0 end | case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 0x200 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER*/ when (c.status&128) != 128 and permissions(o.id,c.name)&2 = 2 then 0x4 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE*/ else 0 end), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, TYPE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.xprec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DATETIME_PRECISION = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type <> 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/ then null when data_precision = 23 then 3 else 0 end), CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then a_cha.name else null end), COLLATION_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), COLLATION_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), COLLATION_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then b_cha.name else null end), DOMAIN_CATALOG = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else db_name() end, DOMAIN_SCHEMA = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else user_name(o.uid) end, DOMAIN_NAME = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else t.name end, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null) from syscolumns c left join syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id and m.colid = 1, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t, master.dbo.sysconfigures cfg, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha, /* charset/1001, not sortorder.*/ master.dbo.syscharsets b_cha /* sortorder/2001, not charset.*/ where permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and o.id = c.id and t.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and cfg.comment = 'default sortorder id' and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and b_cha.type = 2001 /* type is sortorder */ and a_cha.id = b_cha.csid and b_cha.id = cfg.value order by 2, 3, c.colorder go dump tran master with no_log go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID, ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_HASDEFAULT, COLUMN_DEFAULT, COLUMN_FLAGS, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, TYPE_GUID, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, NUMERIC_PRECISION, NUMERIC_SCALE, DATETIME_PRECISION, CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG, CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_CATALOG, COLLATION_SCHEMA, COLLATION_NAME, DOMAIN_CATALOG, DOMAIN_SCHEMA, DOMAIN_NAME, DESCRIPTION from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMNS < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name, @column_name > order by 1, 2, 3, 7 go dump tran master with no_log go /* Procedure for 8.00 server */ if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_columns_rowset go /* Procedure for 8.00 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = NULL, @column_name sysname = NULL ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, case when m.text is null then 0 else 1 end), /* Get rid of ( if it is first char otherwise display the whole thing */ COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(2000), case when substring(m.text,1,1) = '(' then substring(m.text,2,datalength(m.text)/2-2) else substring(m.text,1,datalength(m.text)/2-2) end ), COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, case when d.is_long = 1 then 0x82 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYDEFER*/ else 0 end | case when d.fixlen is not null then 0x10 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH*/ else 0 end | case when ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull') = 1 then 0x60 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL*/ else 0 end | case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 0x200 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER*/ when (c.status&128) != 128 and permissions(o.id,c.name)&2 = 2 then 0x4 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE*/ else 0 end), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, TYPE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.xprec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DATETIME_PRECISION = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type <> 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/ then null when data_precision = 23 then 3 else 0 end), CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then a_cha.name else null end), COLLATION_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), COLLATION_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), COLLATION_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then c.collation else null end), DOMAIN_CATALOG = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else db_name() end, DOMAIN_SCHEMA = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else user_name(o.uid) end, DOMAIN_NAME = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else t.name end, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), COLUMN_LCID = convert(int, CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'lcid')), COLUMN_COMPFLAGS = convert(int, CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'oledbcompstyle')), COLUMN_SORTID = case /* hack to keep the old behavior: will be removed */ when ABS(c.collationid) > 0x1000000 then convert(int, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(db_name(),'sqlsortorder')) else null end, COLUMN_TDSCOLLATION = convert (binary(5),CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'TDSCollation')), IS_COMPUTED = convert(bit, c.iscomputed) from syscolumns c left join syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id and m.colid = 1, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha /* charset/1001, not sortorder. */ where permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and o.name = @table_name and (o.type in ('U','V','S') OR (o.type in ('TF', 'IF') and c.number = 0)) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and o.id = c.id and t.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and a_cha.id = isnull(convert(tinyint, CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'sqlcharset')), convert(tinyint, ServerProperty('sqlcharset'))) -- make sure there's one and only one row selected for each column order by 2, 3, c.colorder go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = NULL, @column_name sysname = NULL ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, case when m.text is null then 0 else 1 end), COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(2000), case when substring(m.text,1,1) = '(' then substring(m.text,2,datalength(m.text)/2-2) else substring(m.text,1,datalength(m.text)/2-2) end ), COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, case when d.is_long = 1 then 0x82 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYDEFER*/ else 0 end | case when d.fixlen is not null then 0x10 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISFIXEDLENGTH*/ else 0 end | case when ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull') = 1 then 0x60 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE|DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL*/ else 0 end | case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 0x200 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWVER*/ when (c.status&128) != 128 and permissions(o.id,c.name)&2 = 2 then 0x4 /*DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE*/ else 0 end), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, TYPE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.xprec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DATETIME_PRECISION = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type <> 135 /*DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP*/ then null when data_precision = 23 then 3 else 0 end), CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then a_cha.name else null end), COLLATION_CATALOG = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'master' else null end), COLLATION_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then N'dbo' else null end), COLLATION_NAME = convert(sysname, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ then c.collation else null end), DOMAIN_CATALOG = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else db_name() end, DOMAIN_SCHEMA = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else user_name(o.uid) end, DOMAIN_NAME = case when t.usertype < 256 then null else t.name end, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), COLUMN_LCID = convert(int, CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'lcid')), COLUMN_COMPFLAGS = convert(int, CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'oledbcompstyle')), COLUMN_SORTID = case /* hack to keep the old behavior: will be removed */ when ABS(c.collationid) > 0x1000000 then convert(int, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(db_name(),'sqlsortorder')) else null end, COLUMN_TDSCOLLATION = convert (binary(5),CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'TDSCollation')), IS_COMPUTED = convert(bit, c.iscomputed) from syscolumns c left join syscomments m on c.cdefault = m.id and m.colid = 1, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha /* charset/1001, not sortorder.*/ where permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and (o.type in ('U','V','S') OR (o.type in ('TF', 'IF') and c.number = 0)) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@column_name is null or @column_name = c.name) and o.id = c.id and t.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and a_cha.id = isnull(convert(tinyint, CollationPropertyFromID(c.collationid, 'sqlcharset')), convert(tinyint, ServerProperty('sqlcharset'))) -- make sure there's one and only one row selected for each column order by 2, 3, c.colorder go dump tran master with no_log go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_columns_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @column_name sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID, ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_HASDEFAULT, COLUMN_DEFAULT, COLUMN_FLAGS, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, TYPE_GUID, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, NUMERIC_PRECISION, NUMERIC_SCALE, DATETIME_PRECISION, CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG, CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_CATALOG, COLLATION_SCHEMA, COLLATION_NAME, DOMAIN_CATALOG, DOMAIN_SCHEMA, DOMAIN_NAME, DESCRIPTION from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_COLUMNS < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name, @column_name > order by 1, 2, 3, 7 go grant execute on sp_columns_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_columns_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_columns_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_check_constraints_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset ( @constraint_name varchar(255), @constraint_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from sysobjects c_obj, syscomments m where c_obj.type = 'C ' and c_obj.name = @constraint_name and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and c_obj.id = m.id order by 1,2,3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset;2 ( @constraint_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from sysobjects c_obj, syscomments m where c_obj.type = 'C ' and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and c_obj.id = m.id order by 1,2,3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 servers and 8.0 servers */ create procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset ( @constraint_name sysname, @constraint_schema sysname = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, syscomments m where c_obj.type = 'C ' and c_obj.name = @constraint_name and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and m.id = c_obj.id order by 1,2,3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset;2 ( @constraint_schema sysname = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, syscomments m where c_obj.type = 'C ' and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and m.id = c_obj.id order by 1,2,3 go grant execute on sp_check_constraints_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_check_constraints_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_check_constraints_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_check_constbytable_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @constraint_name varchar(255) = null, @constraint_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysconstraints c, syscomments m where t_obj.name = @table_name and t_obj.type in ('U ','S ') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and t_obj.id = c.id and c.constid = c_obj.id and c_obj.type = 'C ' and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and c_obj.id = m.id order by 1,2,3,4,5,6 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @constraint_name varchar(255) = null, @constraint_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysconstraints c, syscomments m where t_obj.type in ('U ','S ') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c.id = t_obj.id and c.constid = c_obj.id and c_obj.type = 'C ' and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and c_obj.id = m.id order by 1,2,3,4,5,6 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @constraint_name sysname = null, @constraint_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, syscomments m where t_obj.name = @table_name and t_obj.type in ('U ','S ') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c_obj.parent_obj = t_obj.id and c_obj.type = 'C ' and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and m.id = c_obj.id order by 1,2,3,4,5,6 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @constraint_name sysname = null, @constraint_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, CHECK_CLAUSE = m.text, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, syscomments m where t_obj.type in ('U ','S ') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c_obj.parent_obj = t_obj.id and c_obj.type = 'C ' and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and m.id = c_obj.id order by 1,2,3,4,5,6 go dump tran master with no_log go grant execute on sp_check_constbytable_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_check_constbytable_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_check_constbytable_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_foreign_keys_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.5 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_foreign_keys_rowset ( @pk_table_name varchar(255) = null, @pk_table_schema varchar(255) = null, @pk_table_catalog varchar(255) = null, @fk_table_name varchar(255) = null, @fk_table_schema varchar(255) = null, @fk_table_catalog varchar(255) = null ) as BEGIN select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,1), UPDATE_RULE = 'NO ACTION', DELETE_RULE = 'NO ACTION', PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey1 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey1 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,2), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 2 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey2 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey2 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,3), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 3 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey3 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey3 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,4), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 4 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey4 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey4 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,5), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 5 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey5 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey5 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,6), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 6 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey6 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey6 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,7), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 7 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey7 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey7 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,8), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 8 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey8 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey8 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,9), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 9 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey9 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey9 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,10), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 10 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey10 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey10 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,11), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 11 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey11 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey11 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,12), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 12 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey12 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey12 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,13), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 13 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey13 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey13 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,14), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 14 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey14 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey14 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,15), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 15 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey15 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey15 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,16), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and r.keycnt >= 16 and c1.colid = r.rkey16 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey16 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) order by 8,9,2,3,13 END go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_foreign_keys_rowset;2 ( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @pk_table_name varchar(255) = null, @pk_table_schema varchar(255) = null, @pk_table_catalog varchar(255) = null, @fk_table_name varchar(255) = null, @fk_table_schema varchar(255) = null, @fk_table_catalog varchar(255) = null ) as declare @ret int SET NOCOUNT ON create table #spfkeysrowset1 ( PK_TABLE_CATALOG sysname not null, PK_TABLE_SCHEMA sysname not null, PK_TABLE_NAME sysname not null, PK_COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, PK_COLUMN_GUID binary(16) null, PK_COLUMN_PROPID int null, FK_TABLE_CATALOG sysname not null, FK_TABLE_SCHEMA sysname not null, FK_TABLE_NAME sysname not null, FK_COLUMN_NAME sysname not null, FK_COLUMN_GUID binary(16) null, FK_COLUMN_PROPID int null, ORDINAL int not null, UPDATE_RULE sysname not null, DELETE_RULE sysname not null, PK_NAME sysname not null, FK_NAME sysname not null, DEFERRABILITY smallint not null ) BEGIN insert into #spfkeysrowset1 select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,1), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey1 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey1 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,2), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 2 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey2 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey2 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,3), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 3 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey3 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey3 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,4), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 4 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey4 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey4 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,5), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 5 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey5 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey5 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,6), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 6 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey6 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey6 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,7), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 7 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey7 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey7 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,8), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 8 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey8 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey8 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,9), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 9 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey9 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey9 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,10), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 10 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey10 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey10 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,11), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 11 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey11 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey11 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,12), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 12 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey12 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey12 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,13), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 13 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey13 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey13 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,14), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 14 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey14 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey14 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,15), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 15 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey15 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey15 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) union all select db_name(r.rkeydbid), user_name(o1.uid), o1.name, c1.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), db_name(r.fkeydbid), user_name(o2.uid), o2.name, c2.name, convert(binary(16),null), convert(int,null), convert(int,16), 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION', i.name, object_name(r.constid), convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i, sysusers u where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and r.keycnt >= 16 and c1.colid = r.rkey16 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey16 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and u.uid = user_id() and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or ( o1.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o1.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) and ( o2.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o2.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) ) order by 8,9,2,3,13 END exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spfkeysrowset1', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spfkeysrowset1 return isnull(@ret,0) go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_foreign_keys_rowset;3 as select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname,' '), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname,' '), PK_TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), PK_COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname,' '), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname,' '), FK_TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), FK_COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,1), UPDATE_RULE = 'NO ACTION', DELETE_RULE = 'NO ACTION', PK_NAME = convert(sysname, ' '), FK_NAME = convert(sysname, ' '), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ where 1=0 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_foreign_keys_rowset go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_foreign_keys_rowset ( @pk_table_name sysname, @pk_table_schema sysname = null, @fk_table_name sysname = null, @fk_table_schema sysname = null, @fk_table_catalog sysname = null ) as select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,1), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey1 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey1 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,2), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey2 and r.keycnt >= 2 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey2 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,3), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey3 and r.keycnt >= 3 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey3 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,4), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 4 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey4 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey4 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,5), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 5 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey5 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey5 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,6), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 6 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey6 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey6 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,7), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 7 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey7 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey7 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,8), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 8 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey8 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey8 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,9), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 9 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey9 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey9 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,10), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 10 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey10 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey10 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,11), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 11 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey11 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey11 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,12), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 12 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey12 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey12 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,13), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 13 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey13 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey13 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,14), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 14 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey14 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey14 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,15), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 15 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey15 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey15 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,16), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o1.name = @pk_table_name and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 16 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey16 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_name is null or @fk_table_name = o2.name) and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey16 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid order by 8,9,2,3,13 go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_foreign_keys_rowset;2 ( @fk_table_name sysname, @fk_table_schema sysname = null, @pk_table_name sysname = null, @pk_table_schema sysname = null, @pk_table_catalog sysname = null ) as select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,1), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey1 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey1 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,2), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 2 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey2 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey2 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,3), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 3 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey3 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey3 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,4), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 4 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey4 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey4 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,5), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 5 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey5 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey5 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,6), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 6 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey6 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey6 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,7), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 7 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey7 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey7 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,8), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 8 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey8 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey8 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,9), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 9 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey9 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey9 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,10), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 10 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey10 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey10 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,11), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 11 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey11 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey11 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,12), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 12 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey12 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey12 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,13), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 13 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey13 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey13 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,14), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 14 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey14 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey14 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,15), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 15 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey15 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey15 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,16), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and o2.name = @fk_table_name and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = r.fkeyid and r.keycnt >= 16 and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey16 and r.rkeyid = o1.id and (@pk_table_name is null or @pk_table_name = o1.name) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey16 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid order by 8,9,2,3,13 go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_foreign_keys_rowset;3 ( @pk_table_schema sysname = null, @pk_table_catalog sysname = null, @fk_table_schema sysname = null, @fk_table_catalog sysname = null ) as select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,1), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey1 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey1 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,2), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 2 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey2 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey2 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,3), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 3 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey3 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey3 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,4), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 4 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey4 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey4 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,5), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 5 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey5 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey5 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,6), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 6 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey6 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey6 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,7), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 7 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey7 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey7 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,8), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 8 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey8 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey8 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,9), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 9 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey9 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey9 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,10), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 10 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey10 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey10 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,11), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 11 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey11 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey11 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,12), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 12 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey12 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey12 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,13), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 13 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey13 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey13 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,14), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 14 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey14 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey14 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,15), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and r.keycnt >= 15 and o1.id = c1.id and c1.colid = r.rkey15 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey15 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid union all select PK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.rkeydbid), PK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o1.uid), PK_TABLE_NAME = o1.name, PK_COLUMN_NAME = c1.name, PK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), PK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), FK_TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(r.fkeydbid), FK_TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o2.uid), FK_TABLE_NAME = o2.name, FK_COLUMN_NAME = c2.name, FK_COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), FK_COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int,16), UPDATE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, DELETE_RULE = CASE WHEN (ObjectProperty(r.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade')=1) THEN N'CASCADE' ELSE N'NO ACTION' END, PK_NAME = i.name, FK_NAME = object_name(r.constid), DEFERRABILITY = convert(smallint, 3) /*DBPROPVAL_DF_NOT_DEFERRABLE*/ from sysobjects o1, sysobjects o2, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, sysreferences r, sysindexes i where (@pk_table_catalog is null or @pk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@fk_table_catalog is null or @fk_table_catalog = db_name()) and (@pk_table_schema is null or @pk_table_schema = user_name(o1.uid)) and o1.id = r.rkeyid and o1.id = c1.id and r.keycnt >= 16 and c1.colid = r.rkey16 and r.fkeyid = o2.id and (@fk_table_schema is null or @fk_table_schema = user_name(o2.uid)) and o2.id = c2.id and c2.colid = r.fkey16 and permissions(o1.id) <> 0 and permissions(o2.id) <> 0 and i.id = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid order by 8,9,2,3,13 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_foreign_keys_rowset;5 ( @server_name sysname, @pk_catalog_name sysname = null, @fk_catalog_name sysname = null, @pk_table_name sysname = null, @pk_table_schema sysname = null, @fk_table_name sysname = null, @fk_table_schema sysname = null ) as select PK_TABLE_CATALOG, PK_TABLE_SCHEMA, PK_TABLE_NAME, PK_COLUMN_NAME, PK_COLUMN_GUID, PK_COLUMN_PROPID, FK_TABLE_CATALOG, FK_TABLE_SCHEMA, FK_TABLE_NAME, FK_COLUMN_NAME, FK_COLUMN_GUID, FK_COLUMN_PROPID, ORDINAL, UPDATE_RULE, DELETE_RULE --PK_NAME, --FK_NAME, --DEFERRABILITY from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_FOREIGN_KEYS < @server_name, @pk_catalog_name, @pk_table_schema, @pk_table_name, @fk_catalog_name, @fk_table_schema, @fk_table_name > order by 7,8,9,1,2,3,13 go grant execute on sp_foreign_keys_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_foreign_keys_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_foreign_keys_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_indexes_rowset' go /* 6.0 and 6.5 version */ create procedure sp_indexes_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @index_name varchar(255) = null, @table_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, INDEX_CATALOG = db_name(), INDEX_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), INDEX_NAME = x.name, PRIMARY_KEY = convert(bit,(x.status & 0x800)/0x800), "UNIQUE" = convert(bit,(x.status & 2)/2), "CLUSTERED" = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16), "TYPE" = convert(smallint, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_IT_BTREE*/), FILL_FACTOR = convert(int, x.OrigFillFactor), INITIAL_SIZE = convert(int,null), NULLS = convert(int,null), SORT_BOOKMARKS = convert(bit,0), AUTO_UPDATE = convert(bit,1), NULL_COLLATION = convert(int,4 /*DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW*/), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_NAME = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, x.indid, c.colid), COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), COLLATION = convert(smallint, 1 /* DB_COLLATION_ASC */), CARDINALITY = case when (x.status & 2) = 2 then x.rows else null end, PAGES = convert(int, x.dpages), FILTER_CONDITION = convert(varchar(1),null), INTEGRATED = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16) from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysusers u where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@index_name is null or @index_name = x.name) and x.id = o.id and x.id = c.id and c.colid < x.keycnt+(x.status&16)/16 and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_indexes_rowset;2 ( @index_name varchar(255) = null, @table_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, INDEX_CATALOG = db_name(), INDEX_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), INDEX_NAME = x.name, PRIMARY_KEY = convert(bit,(x.status & 0x800)/0x800), "UNIQUE" = convert(bit,(x.status & 2)/2), "CLUSTERED" = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16), "TYPE" = convert(smallint, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_IT_BTREE*/), FILL_FACTOR = convert(int, x.OrigFillFactor), INITIAL_SIZE = convert(int,null), NULLS = convert(int,null), SORT_BOOKMARKS = convert(bit,0), AUTO_UPDATE = convert(bit,1), NULL_COLLATION = convert(int,4 /*DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW*/), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, ( select count(*) from syscolumns sc where sc.id = c.id AND sc.number = c.number AND sc.colid <= c.colid )), COLUMN_NAME = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, x.indid, c.colid), COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), COLLATION = convert(smallint, 1 /* DB_COLLATION_ASC */), CARDINALITY = case when (x.status & 2) = 2 then x.rows else null end, PAGES = convert(int, x.dpages), FILTER_CONDITION = convert(varchar(1),null), INTEGRATED = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16) from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysusers u where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@index_name is null or @index_name = x.name) and x.id = o.id and x.id = c.id and c.colid < x.keycnt+(x.status&16)/16 and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_indexes_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 7.0 version */ create procedure sp_indexes_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @index_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, INDEX_CATALOG = db_name(), INDEX_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), INDEX_NAME = x.name, PRIMARY_KEY = convert(bit,(x.status & 0x800)/0x800), "UNIQUE" = convert(bit,(x.status & 2)/2), "CLUSTERED" = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16), "TYPE" = convert(smallint, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_IT_BTREE*/), FILL_FACTOR = convert(int, x.OrigFillFactor), INITIAL_SIZE = convert(int,null), NULLS = convert(int,null), SORT_BOOKMARKS = convert(bit,0), AUTO_UPDATE = convert(bit,1), NULL_COLLATION = convert(int,4 /*DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW*/), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, xk.keyno), COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), COLLATION = convert(smallint, 1 /* DB_COLLATION_ASC */), CARDINALITY = case when (x.status & 2) = 2 then x.rows else null end, PAGES = convert(int, x.dpages), FILTER_CONDITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), INTEGRATED = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16) from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysindexkeys xk where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@index_name is null or @index_name = x.name) and x.id = o.id and o.id = c.id and o.id = xk.id and x.indid = xk.indid and c.colid = xk.colid and xk.keyno <= x.keycnt and permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and (x.status&32) = 0 -- No hypothetical indexes order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_indexes_rowset;2 ( @index_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, INDEX_CATALOG = db_name(), INDEX_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), INDEX_NAME = x.name, PRIMARY_KEY = convert(bit,(x.status & 0x800)/0x800), "UNIQUE" = convert(bit,(x.status & 2)/2), "CLUSTERED" = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16), "TYPE" = convert(smallint, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_IT_BTREE*/), FILL_FACTOR = convert(int, x.OrigFillFactor), INITIAL_SIZE = convert(int,null), NULLS = convert(int,null), SORT_BOOKMARKS = convert(bit,0), AUTO_UPDATE = convert(bit,1), NULL_COLLATION = convert(int,4 /*DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW*/), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, xk.keyno), COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), COLLATION = convert(smallint, 1 /* DB_COLLATION_ASC */), CARDINALITY = case when (x.status & 2) = 2 then x.rows else null end, PAGES = convert(int, x.dpages), FILTER_CONDITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), INTEGRATED = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16) from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysindexkeys xk where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@index_name is null or @index_name = x.name) and x.id = o.id and o.id = c.id and o.id = xk.id and x.indid = xk.indid and c.colid = xk.colid and xk.keyno <= x.keycnt and permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and (x.status&32) = 0 -- No hypothetical indexes order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_indexes_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @index_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_CATALOG, INDEX_SCHEMA, INDEX_NAME, PRIMARY_KEY, "UNIQUE", "CLUSTERED", "TYPE", FILL_FACTOR, INITIAL_SIZE, NULLS, SORT_BOOKMARKS, AUTO_UPDATE, NULL_COLLATION, ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID, COLLATION, CARDINALITY, PAGES, FILTER_CONDITION -- INTEGRATED from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_INDEXES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @index_name, NULL, /* TYPE (index type) */ @table_name > order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go grant execute on sp_indexes_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_indexes_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 8.0 version */ create procedure sp_indexes_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @index_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, INDEX_CATALOG = db_name(), INDEX_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), INDEX_NAME = x.name, PRIMARY_KEY = convert(bit,(x.status & 0x800)/0x800), "UNIQUE" = convert(bit,(x.status & 2)/2), "CLUSTERED" = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16), "TYPE" = convert(smallint, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_IT_BTREE*/), FILL_FACTOR = convert(int, x.OrigFillFactor), INITIAL_SIZE = convert(int,null), NULLS = convert(int,null), SORT_BOOKMARKS = convert(bit,0), AUTO_UPDATE = convert(bit,1), NULL_COLLATION = convert(int,4 /*DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW*/), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, xk.keyno), COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), COLLATION = convert(smallint, case when indexkey_property(o.id, x.indid, xk.keyno, 'IsDescending') =1 then 2 /* DB_COLLATION_DESC */ else 1 /* DB_COLLATION_ASC */ end), CARDINALITY = case when (x.status & 2) = 2 then x.rows else null end, PAGES = convert(int, x.dpages), FILTER_CONDITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), INTEGRATED = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16) from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysindexkeys xk where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@index_name is null or @index_name = x.name) and x.id = o.id and o.id = c.id and o.id = xk.id and x.indid = xk.indid and c.colid = xk.colid and xk.keyno <= x.keycnt and permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and (x.status&32) = 0 -- No hypothetical indexes order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_indexes_rowset;2 ( @index_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, INDEX_CATALOG = db_name(), INDEX_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), INDEX_NAME = x.name, PRIMARY_KEY = convert(bit,(x.status & 0x800)/0x800), "UNIQUE" = convert(bit,(x.status & 2)/2), "CLUSTERED" = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16), "TYPE" = convert(smallint, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_IT_BTREE*/), FILL_FACTOR = convert(int, x.OrigFillFactor), INITIAL_SIZE = convert(int,null), NULLS = convert(int,null), SORT_BOOKMARKS = convert(bit,0), AUTO_UPDATE = convert(bit,1), NULL_COLLATION = convert(int,4 /*DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW*/), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, xk.keyno), COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), COLLATION = convert(smallint, case when indexkey_property(o.id, x.indid, xk.keyno, 'IsDescending') =1 then 2 /* DB_COLLATION_DESC */ else 1 /* DB_COLLATION_ASC */ end), CARDINALITY = case when (x.status & 2) = 2 then x.rows else null end, PAGES = convert(int, x.dpages), FILTER_CONDITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), INTEGRATED = convert(bit,(x.status & 16)/16) from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, syscolumns c, sysindexkeys xk where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@index_name is null or @index_name = x.name) and x.id = o.id and o.id = c.id and o.id = xk.id and x.indid = xk.indid and c.colid = xk.colid and xk.keyno <= x.keycnt and permissions(o.id, c.name) <> 0 and (x.status&32) = 0 -- No hypothetical indexes order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_indexes_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @index_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_CATALOG, INDEX_SCHEMA, INDEX_NAME, PRIMARY_KEY, "UNIQUE", "CLUSTERED", "TYPE", FILL_FACTOR, INITIAL_SIZE, NULLS, SORT_BOOKMARKS, AUTO_UPDATE, NULL_COLLATION, ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID, COLLATION, CARDINALITY, PAGES, FILTER_CONDITION -- INTEGRATED from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_INDEXES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @index_name, NULL, /* TYPE (index type) */ @table_name > order by 8 desc, 4, 5, 6, 17 go grant execute on sp_indexes_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_indexes_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_indexes_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_primary_keys_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.5 servers */ create procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(244) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int, case when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) then 1 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) then 2 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) then 3 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) then 4 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) then 5 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) then 6 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) then 7 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) then 8 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) then 9 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) then 10 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) then 11 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) then 12 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) then 13 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) then 14 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) then 15 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) then 16 end ), PK_NAME = i.name from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 and (c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) ) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(244) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(binary(16),null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int, case when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) then 1 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) then 2 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) then 3 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) then 4 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) then 5 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) then 6 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) then 7 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) then 8 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) then 9 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) then 10 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) then 11 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) then 12 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) then 13 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) then 14 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) then 15 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) then 16 end ), PK_NAME = i.name from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 and (c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) ) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 2, 3 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_primary_keys_rowset go /* Procedure for 7.0 & 8.0 servers */ create procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int, case when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) then 1 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) then 2 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) then 3 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) then 4 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) then 5 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) then 6 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) then 7 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) then 8 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) then 9 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) then 10 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) then 11 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) then 12 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) then 13 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) then 14 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) then 15 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) then 16 end ), PK_NAME = i.name from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 -- PRIMARY KEY and (c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) ) and permissions(o.id) <> 0 order by 2, 3 go create procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int, case when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) then 1 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) then 2 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) then 3 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) then 4 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) then 5 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) then 6 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) then 7 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) then 8 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) then 9 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) then 10 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) then 11 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) then 12 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) then 13 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) then 14 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) then 15 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) then 16 end ), PK_NAME = i.name from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 -- PRIMARY KEY and (c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) ) and permissions(o.id) <> 0 order by 2, 3 go create procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset;3 ( @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as IF @table_name is not NULL BEGIN select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int, case when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) then 1 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) then 2 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) then 3 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) then 4 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) then 5 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) then 6 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) then 7 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) then 8 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) then 9 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) then 10 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) then 11 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) then 12 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) then 13 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) then 14 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) then 15 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) then 16 end ), PK_NAME = i.name from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 -- PRIMARY KEY and (c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) ) and permissions(o.id) <> 0 END ELSE BEGIN select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, COLUMN_NAME = c.name, COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int,null), ORDINAL = convert(int, case when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) then 1 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) then 2 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) then 3 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) then 4 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) then 5 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) then 6 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) then 7 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) then 8 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) then 9 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) then 10 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) then 11 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) then 12 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) then 13 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) then 14 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) then 15 when c.name = index_col(user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) then 16 end ), PK_NAME = i.name from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800 -- PRIMARY KEY and (c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 1) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 2) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 3) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 4) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 5) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 6) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 7) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 8) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 9) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 10) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 11) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 12) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 13) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 14) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 15) or c.name = index_col (user_name(o.uid)+'.'+o.name, i.indid, 16) ) and permissions(o.id) <> 0 END go create procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID, ORDINAL --PK_NAME from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_PRIMARY_KEYS <@table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name> order by 1,2,3 go grant execute on sp_primary_keys_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_primary_keys_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_primary_keys_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_provider_types_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ create proc sp_provider_types_rowset ( @data_type smallint = null, @best_match tinyint = null ) as select TYPE_NAME = case when t.usertype = 80 then t.name else d.type_name end, DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, COLUMN_SIZE = case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then @@max_precision else coalesce(d.column_size,d.data_precision,t.prec) end, LITERAL_PREFIX = d.literal_prefix, LITERAL_SUFFIX = d.literal_suffix, CREATE_PARAMS = convert(varchar(32),e.CREATE_PARAMS), IS_NULLABLE = t.allownulls, CASE_SENSITIVE = d.case_sensitive, SEARCHABLE = d.searchable, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE = d.unsigned_attribute, FIXED_PREC_SCALE = d.fixed_prec_scale, AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE = d.auto_unique_value, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = case when t.usertype = 80 then t.name else d.local_type_name end, MINIMUM_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then 0 else null end), MAXIMUM_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then @@max_precision else null end), GUID = convert(binary(16),null), TYPELIB = convert(varchar(1),null), VERSION = convert(varchar(1),null), IS_LONG = d.is_long, BEST_MATCH = case when t.usertype = 80 then convert(bit,0) else d.best_match end, IS_FIXEDLENGTH = convert(bit, case when d.fixlen is null then 0 else 1 end) from master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e, systypes t where d.ss_dtype = t.type and t.usertype <= 100 and t.usertype <> 18 /* sysname */ and (case when t.usertype = 80 /* TIMESTAMP */ then 1 else 0 end = case when d.type_name = 'timestamp' then 1 else 0 end) and t.usertype *= e.user_type and e.AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 and t.type not in (111,109,38,110,55,63) /* get rid of nullable types */ and (@data_type is null or d.oledb_data_type = @data_type) and (@best_match is null or d.best_match = @best_match) order by 2 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_provider_types_rowset go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create proc sp_provider_types_rowset ( @data_type smallint = null, @best_match tinyint = null ) as select TYPE_NAME = case when t.usertype = 80 then t.name else d.type_name end, DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, COLUMN_SIZE = case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then @@max_precision else coalesce(d.column_size,d.data_precision,t.prec) end, LITERAL_PREFIX = d.literal_prefix, LITERAL_SUFFIX = d.literal_suffix, CREATE_PARAMS = convert(nvarchar(32),e.CREATE_PARAMS), IS_NULLABLE = t.allownulls, CASE_SENSITIVE = d.case_sensitive, SEARCHABLE = d.searchable, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE = d.unsigned_attribute, FIXED_PREC_SCALE = d.fixed_prec_scale, AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE = d.auto_unique_value, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = case when t.usertype = 80 then t.name else d.local_type_name end, MINIMUM_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then 0 else null end), MAXIMUM_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then @@max_precision else null end), GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier,null), TYPELIB = convert(nvarchar(1),null), VERSION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), IS_LONG = d.is_long, BEST_MATCH = case when t.usertype = 80 then convert(bit,0) else d.best_match end, IS_FIXEDLENGTH = convert(bit, case when d.fixlen is null then 0 else 1 end) from master.dbo.spt_provider_types d INNER JOIN master.dbo.systypes t on d.ss_dtype = t.xtype LEFT OUTER JOIN master.dbo.spt_datatype_info_ext e on t.xusertype = e.user_type and e.AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 where (@data_type is null or d.oledb_data_type = @data_type) and (@best_match is null or d.best_match = @best_match) and t.usertype <= 255 and t.usertype <> 18 /* sysname */ order by 2 go grant execute on sp_provider_types_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_provider_types_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_provider_types_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_procedure_params_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.50 servers */ create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset ( @procedure_name varchar(255) = null, @group_number int = null, @procedure_schema varchar(255) = null, @parameter_name varchar(255) = null ) as IF @procedure_name is not null BEGIN select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+((c.status/64)&1)), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, case when d.oledb_data_type = 11 /*DBTYPE_BOOL*/ then 0 else 1 end), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.name = @procedure_name and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and c.number = @group_number and c.type = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.usertype = t.usertype and (t.usertype != 80 or d.type_name='timestamp') and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint,0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int') from syscomments c, sysobjects o where o.name = @procedure_name and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') and c.id = o.id and c.number = @group_number and c.colid = 1 order by 2, 3, 5 END ELSE BEGIN select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+((c.status/64)&1)), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint,0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, case when d.oledb_data_type = 11 /*DBTYPE_BOOL*/ then 0 else 1 end), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and c.type = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.usertype = t.usertype and (t.usertype != 80 or d.type_name='timestamp') and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint,0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int') from syscomments c, sysobjects o where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') and c.id = o.id and c.colid = 1 order by 2, 3, 5 END go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset;2 ( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @procedure_name varchar(255) = null, @group_number int = null, @procedure_schema varchar(255) = null, @parameter_name varchar(255) = null ) as declare @ret int SET NOCOUNT ON create table #spprocparamrowset1 ( PROCEDURE_CATALOG sysname not null, PROCEDURE_SCHEMA sysname not null, PROCEDURE_NAME varchar(35) not null, PARAMETER_NAME sysname not null, ORDINAL_POSITION smallint not null, PARAMETER_TYPE smallint null, PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT tinyint null, PARAMETER_DEFAULT varchar(255) null, IS_NULLABLE bit not null, DATA_TYPE smallint null, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH int null, CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH int null, NUMERIC_PRECISION smallint null, NUMERIC_SCALE smallint null, DESCRIPTION varchar(1) null, TYPE_NAME sysname null, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME sysname null, ) IF @procedure_name is not null BEGIN insert into #spprocparamrowset1 select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+((c.status/64)&1)), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, case when d.oledb_data_type = 11 /*DBTYPE_BOOL*/ then 0 else 1 end), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.name = @procedure_name and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and c.number = @group_number and c.type = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.usertype = t.usertype and (t.usertype != 80 or d.type_name='timestamp') and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint,0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int') from syscomments c, sysobjects o where o.name = @procedure_name and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') and c.id = o.id and c.number = @group_number and c.colid = 1 order by 2, 3, 5 END ELSE BEGIN insert into #spprocparamrowset1 select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+((c.status/64)&1)), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint,0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, case when d.oledb_data_type = 11 /*DBTYPE_BOOL*/ then 0 else 1 end), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from syscolumns c, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and c.type = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.usertype = t.usertype and (t.usertype != 80 or d.type_name='timestamp') and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint,0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,'int') from syscomments c, sysobjects o where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') and c.id = o.id and c.colid = 1 order by 2, 3, 5 END exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #spprocparamrowset1', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #spprocparamrowset1 return isnull(@ret,0) go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset;3 as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = convert(sysname, ' '), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, ' '), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35), ' '), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname, ' '), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, 0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 0), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, 0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 0), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, 0), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, 0), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, 0), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, 0), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,null) where 1=0 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 servers */ create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset ( @procedure_name sysname, @group_number int = 1, @procedure_schema sysname = null, @parameter_name sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.name = @procedure_name and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and c.number = @group_number and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int') from sysobjects o, syscomments c where o.name = @procedure_name and o.id = c.id and c.number = @group_number and c.colid = 1 and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') order by 2, 3, 5 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset;2 ( @procedure_schema sysname = null, @parameter_name sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int') from sysobjects o, syscomments c where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and o.id = c.id and c.colid = 1 and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') order by 2, 3, 5 go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 servers */ create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset ( @procedure_name sysname, @group_number int = 1, @procedure_schema sysname = null, @parameter_name sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.name = @procedure_name and (o.type in ('P', 'TF', 'IF') OR (len(c.name) > 0 and o.type = 'FN')) and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and ((c.number = @group_number and o.type = 'P') or (c.number = 0 and o.type = 'FN') or (c.number = 1 and o.type in ('TF', 'IF'))) and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int') from sysobjects o, syscomments c where o.name = @procedure_name and o.id = c.id and c.number = @group_number and c.colid = 1 and o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') UNION ALL SELECT /* UDF return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, 0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, c.isnullable), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name FROM sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t WHERE o.name = @procedure_name and o.id = c.id and c.number = 0 and c.colid = 0 and o.type = 'FN' /* UDF scalar functions */ and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') UNION ALL SELECT /* UDF table value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, 0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 0), /*DBTYPE_EMPTY*/ CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(50), N'Result table returned by table valued function'), TYPE_NAME = N'table', LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = N'table' from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d where o.name = @procedure_name and o.id = c.id and c.number = 0 and c.colid = 1 and o.type in ('TF', 'IF') /* UDF table functions */ and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE') order by 2, 3, 5 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset;2 ( @procedure_schema sysname = null, @parameter_name sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = c.name, ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, c.colid), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 1+c.isoutparam), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,ColumnProperty(c.id,c.name,'AllowsNull')), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where (o.type in ('P', 'TF', 'IF') OR (len(c.name) > 0 and o.type = 'FN')) and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.id = c.id and (o.type = 'P' or (c.number = 0 and o.type = 'FN') or (c.number = 1 and o.type in ('TF', 'IF'))) and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = c.name) UNION ALL SELECT /* return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint,0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DBTYPE_I4*/), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int,null), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int,null), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint,10), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint,null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int'), LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = convert(sysname,N'int') from sysobjects o, syscomments c where o.type = 'P' /* Just Procedures */ and o.id = c.id and c.colid = 1 and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') UNION ALL SELECT /* UDF return value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, 0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, c.isnullable), DATA_TYPE = d.oledb_data_type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = d.type_name, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = d.local_type_name from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d, systypes t where o.id = c.id and c.number = 0 and c.colid = 0 and o.type = 'FN' /* UDF scalar functions */ and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and c.xusertype = t.xusertype and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@RETURN_VALUE') UNION ALL SELECT /* UDF table value row*/ PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(c.number,5))), PARAMETER_NAME = convert(sysname,'@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE'), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(smallint, 0), PARAMETER_TYPE = convert(smallint, 4 /*DBPARAMTYPE_RETURNVALUE*/), PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT = convert(tinyint, 0), PARAMETER_DEFAULT = convert(nvarchar(255),null), IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit,0), DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, 0), /*DBTYPE_EMPTY*/ CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH= convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length/2) else null end), CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, case when d.oledb_data_type = 129 /*DBTYPE_STR*/ or d.oledb_data_type = 128 /*DBTYPE_BYTES*/ then coalesce(d.column_size,c.length) when d.oledb_data_type = 130 /*DBTYPE_WSTR*/ then coalesce(d.column_size*2,c.length) else null end), NUMERIC_PRECISION = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.prec when (d.fixed_prec_scale =1 or d.oledb_data_type =5 or d.oledb_data_type =4) then d.data_precision else null end), NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, case when d.oledb_data_type = 131 /*DBTYPE_NUMERIC*/ then c.scale else null end), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), TYPE_NAME = N'table', LOCAL_TYPE_NAME = N'table' from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, master.dbo.spt_provider_types d where o.id = c.id and c.number = 0 and c.colid = 1 and o.type in ('TF', 'IF') /* UDF table functions */ and c.xtype = d.ss_dtype and c.length = case when d.fixlen > 0 then d.fixlen else c.length end and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@parameter_name is null or @parameter_name = '@TABLE_RETURN_VALUE') order by 2, 3, 5 go grant execute on sp_procedure_params_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_procedure_params_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_procedures_rowset' go /* pre 7.0 version */ create procedure sp_procedures_rowset ( @procedure_name varchar(255), @group_number int = 1, @procedure_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(p.number,5))), PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DB_PT_FUNCTION*/), PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = convert(varchar(1),null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects o, syscomments p, sysusers u where o.name = @procedure_name and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */ and p.colid = 1 and p.id = o.id and p.number = @group_number and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ((select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedures_rowset;2 ( @procedure_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(varchar(35),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(p.number,5))), PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DB_PT_FUNCTION*/), PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = convert(varchar(1),null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1),null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects o, syscomments p, sysusers u where (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */ and p.colid = 1 and p.id = o.id and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ((select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_procedures_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 7.0 version */ create procedure sp_procedures_rowset ( @procedure_name sysname, @group_number int = 1, @procedure_schema sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(p.number,5))), PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DB_PT_FUNCTION*/), PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects o, syscomments p where permissions(o.id) <> 0 and o.name = @procedure_name and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */ and p.colid = 1 and p.id = o.id and p.number = @group_number order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedures_rowset;2 ( @procedure_schema sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(p.number,5))), PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DB_PT_FUNCTION*/), PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects o, syscomments p where permissions(o.id) <> 0 and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */ and p.colid = 1 and p.id = o.id order by 2, 3 go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_procedures_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 8.0 version */ create procedure sp_procedures_rowset ( @procedure_name sysname, @group_number int = 1, @procedure_schema sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(p.number,5))), PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DB_PT_FUNCTION*/), PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects o, syscomments p where permissions(o.id) <> 0 and o.name = @procedure_name and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') /* Object type of Procedure */ and p.colid = 1 and p.id = o.id and p.number = @group_number order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_procedures_rowset;2 ( @procedure_schema sysname = null ) as select PROCEDURE_CATALOG = db_name(), PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134),o.name +';'+ ltrim(str(p.number,5))), PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 3 /*DB_PT_FUNCTION*/), PROCEDURE_DEFINITION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1),null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects o, syscomments p where permissions(o.id) <> 0 and (@procedure_schema is null or @procedure_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF') /* Object type of Procedure */ and p.colid = 1 and p.id = o.id order by 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_procedures_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_procedures_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_procedures_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_schemata_rowset' go /* 6.0 and 6.5 and 7.0 version */ create procedure sp_schemata_rowset ( @schema_name varchar(90) = null, @schema_owner varchar(90) = null ) as select distinct CATALOG_NAME = db_name(), SCHEMA_NAME = user_name(o.uid), SCHEMA_OWNER = user_name(o.uid), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname,'master'), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname,'dbo'), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname,a_cha.name) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.sysconfigures cfg, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha, /* charset/1001, not sortorder */ master.dbo.syscharsets b_cha /* sortorder/2001, not charset */ where (@schema_name is null or @schema_name = user_name(o.uid)) and (@schema_owner is null or @schema_owner = user_name(o.uid)) and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and b_cha.type = 2001 /* type is sortorder */ and a_cha.id = b_cha.csid and b_cha.id = cfg.value order by 2 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_schemata_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 8.0 version */ create procedure sp_schemata_rowset ( @schema_name sysname = null, @schema_owner sysname = null ) as select distinct CATALOG_NAME = db_name(), SCHEMA_NAME = user_name(o.uid), SCHEMA_OWNER = user_name(o.uid), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname,N'master'), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname,N'dbo'), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname,a_cha.name) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.syscharsets a_cha /* charset/1001, not sortorder */ where (@schema_name is null or @schema_name = user_name(o.uid)) and (@schema_owner is null or @schema_owner = user_name(o.uid)) and a_cha.type = 1001 /* type is charset */ and a_cha.id = convert(tinyint, DatabasePropertyEx(db_name(), 'sqlcharset')) /* what is charset of a table? */ order by 2 go dump tran master with no_log go /* The following stored procedure is used for Sphinx and Hydra */ create procedure sp_schemata_rowset;3 as select CATALOG_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), SCHEMA_NAME = convert(sysname,' '), SCHEMA_OWNER = convert(sysname,' '), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = convert(sysname,' '), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = convert(sysname,' '), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME = convert(sysname,' ') where 1=0 go grant execute on sp_schemata_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_schemata_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_schemata_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_statistics_rowset' go /* 6.0 and 6.5 version */ create procedure sp_statistics_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select db_name() as TABLE_CATALOG, user_name(o.uid) as TABLE_SCHEMA, o.name as TABLE_NAME, x.rows as CARDINALITY from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, sysusers u where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and x.id = o.id and x.indid in (0,1) /*If there are no indexes then table stats are in a row with indid =0 */ and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_statistics_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null ) as select db_name() as TABLE_CATALOG, user_name(o.uid) as TABLE_SCHEMA, o.name as TABLE_NAME, x.rows as CARDINALITY from sysobjects o, sysindexes x, sysusers u where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and x.id = o.id and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_statistics_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* 8.0 version */ create procedure sp_statistics_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select db_name() as TABLE_CATALOG, user_name(o.uid) as TABLE_SCHEMA, o.name as TABLE_NAME, x.rows as CARDINALITY from sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U') and o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and x.id = o.id and x.indid in (0,1) /*If there are no indexes then table stats are in a row with indid =0 */ and permissions(o.id) <> 0 order by 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_statistics_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null ) as select db_name() as TABLE_CATALOG, user_name(o.uid) as TABLE_SCHEMA, o.name as TABLE_NAME, x.rows as CARDINALITY from sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and x.id = o.id and x.indid in (0,1) /*If there are no indexes then table stats are in a row with indid =0 */ and permissions(o.id) <> 0 order by 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_statistics_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_statistics_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_statistics_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_tables_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_tables_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_type varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end), TABLE_GUID = convert(binary(16), null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int,null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysusers u, sysobjects o where o.type in ('U','V','S') and o.name = @table_name and ( @table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid) ) and ( @table_type is null or @table_type = case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end ) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_type varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end), TABLE_GUID = convert(binary(16), null), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int,null), DATE_CREATED = o.crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysusers u, sysobjects o where o.type in ('U','V','S') and ( @table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid) ) and ( @table_type is null or @table_type = case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end ) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_tables_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_tables_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(uid), TABLE_NAME = name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int,null), DATE_CREATED = crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects where name = @table_name and type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(id) <> 0 ) as o where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(uid), TABLE_NAME = name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int,null), DATE_CREATED = crdate, DATE_MODIFIED = convert(datetime,null) from sysobjects where type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(id) <> 0 ) as o where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_GUID, DESCRIPTION -- TABLE_PROPID, -- DATE_CREATED, -- DATE_MODIFIED from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_TABLES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name, @table_type > order by 4,1,2,3 go grant execute on sp_tables_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_tables_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_tables_info_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_type varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end), TABLE_GUID = convert(binary(16), null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 19 /*DBTYPE_UI4 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 4), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysusers u, sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U','V','S') and o.name = @table_name and ( @table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid) ) and ( @table_type is null or @table_type = case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end ) and o.id *= x.id and x.indid in (0,1) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_type varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end), TABLE_GUID = convert(binary(16), null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 19 /*DBTYPE_UI4 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 4), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysusers u, sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U','V','S') and ( @table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid) ) and ( @table_type is null or @table_type = case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end ) and o.id *= x.id and x.indid in (0,1) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 19 /*DBTYPE_UI4 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 4), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 19 /*DBTYPE_UI4 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 4), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 19 /*DBTYPE_UI4 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 4), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(bigint, ObjectPropertyEx(o.id, 'objectversion')), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 19 /*DBTYPE_UI4 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 4), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(bigint, ObjectPropertyEx(o.id, 'objectversion')), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_tables_info_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables_info_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_tables_info_rowset_64' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_type varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end), TABLE_GUID = convert(binary(16), null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 21 /*DBTYPE_UI8 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 8), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysusers u, sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U','V','S') and o.name = @table_name and ( @table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid) ) and ( @table_type is null or @table_type = case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end ) and o.id *= x.id and x.indid in (0,1) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_type varchar(255) = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end), TABLE_GUID = convert(binary(16), null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 21 /*DBTYPE_UI8 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 8), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysusers u, sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U','V','S') and ( @table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid) ) and ( @table_type is null or @table_type = case o.type when 'U' then 'TABLE' when 'V' then 'VIEW' when 'S' then 'SYSTEM TABLE' end ) and o.id *= x.id and x.indid in (0,1) and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in subquery */ and ( suser_id() = 1 /* User is the System Administrator */ or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */ /* here's the magic... select the highest precedence of permissions in the order (user,group,public) */ or ( (select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1)) from sysprotects p /* join to correlate with all rows in sysobjects */ where p.id = o.id /* get rows for public,current user,user's group */ and (p.uid = 0 or p.uid = user_id() or p.uid = u.gid) /* check for SELECT,EXECUTE privilege */ and (action in (193,224)))&1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */ ) = 1 /* final magic...compare Grants */ ) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 21 /*DBTYPE_UI8 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 8), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 21 /*DBTYPE_UI8 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 8), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(int, o.schema_ver), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 21 /*DBTYPE_UI8 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 8), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(bigint, ObjectPropertyEx(o.id, 'objectversion')), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.name = @table_name and o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @table_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select * from (select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, TABLE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case o.type when 'U' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'TABLE' else N'SYSTEM TABLE' end when 'S' then N'SYSTEM TABLE' when 'V' then case when ObjectProperty(o.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 then N'VIEW' else N'SYSTEM VIEW' end end), TABLE_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), BOOKMARKS = convert(bit, 1), BOOKMARK_TYPE = convert(int, 1 /*DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC*/), BOOKMARK_DATATYPE = convert(smallint, 21 /*DBTYPE_UI8 */), BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, 8), BOOKMARK_INFORMATION = convert(int, 0), TABLE_VERSION = convert(bigint, ObjectPropertyEx(o.id, 'objectversion')), CARDINALITY = x.rows, DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null), TABLE_PROPID = convert(int, null) from sysobjects o left join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id and x.indid in (0,1) where o.type in ('U','V','S') and permissions(o.id) <> 0) as t where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@table_type is null or @table_type = TABLE_TYPE) order by 4, 2, 3 go grant execute on sp_tables_info_rowset_64 to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_tables_info_rowset_64' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_tables_info_rowset_64 dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_table_constraints_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.50 and earlier servers */ create procedure sp_table_constraints_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255), @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_catalog varchar(255) = null, @constraint_name varchar(255) = null, @constraint_schema varchar(255) = null, @constraint_catalog varchar(255) = null, @constraint_type varchar(255) = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_TYPE = case (c.status & 0xf) when 1 then 'PRIMARY KEY' when 2 then 'UNIQUE' when 3 then 'FOREIGN KEY' when 4 then 'CHECK' end, IS_DEFERRABLE = convert(tinyint, 0), INITIALLY_DEFERRED = convert(tinyint, 0), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysconstraints c where t_obj.name = @table_name and t_obj.type in ('U','S') and (@table_catalog is null or @table_catalog = db_name()) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c.id = t_obj.id and (c.status & 0xf) between 1 and 4 and c_obj.id = c.constid and c_obj.uid = user_id() and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_catalog is null or @constraint_catalog = db_name()) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and (@constraint_type is null or (c.status & 0xf) = case @constraint_type when 'PRIMARY KEY' then 1 when 'UNIQUE' then 2 when 'FOREIGN KEY' then 3 when 'CHECK' then 4 end) order by 2,3,5,6,7 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_table_constraints_rowset;2 ( @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @table_catalog varchar(255) = null, @constraint_name varchar(255) = null, @constraint_schema varchar(255) = null, @constraint_catalog varchar(255) = null, @constraint_type varchar(255) = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_TYPE = case (c.status & 0xf) when 1 then 'PRIMARY KEY' when 2 then 'UNIQUE' when 3 then 'FOREIGN KEY' when 4 then 'CHECK' end, IS_DEFERRABLE = convert(tinyint, 0), INITIALLY_DEFERRED = convert(tinyint, 0), DESCRIPTION = convert(varchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysconstraints c where t_obj.type in ('U','S') and (@table_catalog is null or @table_catalog = db_name()) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c.id = t_obj.id and (c.status & 0xf) between 1 and 4 and c_obj.id = c.constid and c_obj.uid = user_id() and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_catalog is null or @constraint_catalog = db_name()) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and (@constraint_type is null or (c.status & 0xf) = case @constraint_type when 'PRIMARY KEY' then 1 when 'UNIQUE' then 2 when 'FOREIGN KEY' then 3 when 'CHECK' then 4 end) order by 2,3,5,6,7 go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('8.00', @@version) > 0) drop procedure sp_table_constraints_rowset else begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_table_constraints_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @constraint_name sysname = null, @constraint_schema sysname = null, @constraint_catalog sysname = null, @constraint_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_TYPE = case (c.status & 0xf) when 1 then N'PRIMARY KEY' when 2 then N'UNIQUE' when 3 then N'FOREIGN KEY' when 4 then N'CHECK' end, IS_DEFERRABLE = convert(bit, 0), INITIALLY_DEFERRED = convert(bit, 0), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysconstraints c where t_obj.name = @table_name and t_obj.type in ('U','S') and (@table_catalog is null or @table_catalog = db_name()) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c.id = t_obj.id and (c.status & 0xf) between 1 and 4 and c_obj.id = c.constid and c_obj.uid = user_id() and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_catalog is null or @constraint_catalog = db_name()) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and (@constraint_type is null or (c.status & 0xf) = case @constraint_type when N'PRIMARY KEY' then 1 when N'UNIQUE' then 2 when N'FOREIGN KEY' then 3 when N'CHECK' then 4 end) order by 2,3,5,6,7 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_table_constraints_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @table_catalog sysname = null, @constraint_name sysname = null, @constraint_schema sysname = null, @constraint_catalog sysname = null, @constraint_type nvarchar(255) = null ) as select CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = db_name(), CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = user_name(c_obj.uid), CONSTRAINT_NAME = c_obj.name, TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(t_obj.uid), TABLE_NAME = t_obj.name, CONSTRAINT_TYPE = case (c.status & 0xf) when 1 then N'PRIMARY KEY' when 2 then N'UNIQUE' when 3 then N'FOREIGN KEY' when 4 then N'CHECK' end, IS_DEFERRABLE = convert(bit, 0), INITIALLY_DEFERRED = convert(bit, 0), DESCRIPTION = convert(nvarchar(1), null) from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysconstraints c where t_obj.type in ('U','S') and (@table_catalog is null or @table_catalog = db_name()) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(t_obj.uid)) and c.id = t_obj.id and (c.status & 0xf) between 1 and 4 and c_obj.id = c.constid and c_obj.uid = user_id() and (@constraint_name is null or c_obj.name = @constraint_name) and (@constraint_catalog is null or @constraint_catalog = db_name()) and (@constraint_schema is null or @constraint_schema = user_name(c_obj.uid)) and (@constraint_type is null or (c.status & 0xf) = case @constraint_type when N'PRIMARY KEY' then 1 when N'UNIQUE' then 2 when N'FOREIGN KEY' then 3 when N'CHECK' then 4 end) order by 2,3,5,6,7 go dump tran master with no_log grant execute on sp_table_constraints_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_table_constraints_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop procedure sp_table_constraints_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_table_privileges_rowset' go /* Procedure for 6.0 and 6.5 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges_rowset ( @table_name varchar(255) = null, @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @grantor varchar(255) = null, @grantee varchar(255) = null ) as IF @table_name is not null BEGIN select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) and o.type in ('U','V','S') and p.id = o.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type in ('U','V','S') and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4,5,6,1,2 END ELSE BEGIN select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) and p.id = o.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4,5,6,1,2 END go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges_rowset;2 ( @handle int output, @scrollopt int output, @ccopt int output, @rows int output, @table_name varchar(255) = null, @table_schema varchar(255) = null, @grantor varchar(255) = null, @grantee varchar(255) = null ) as declare @ret int SET NOCOUNT ON create table #sptprivsrowset1 ( GRANTOR sysname not null, GRANTEE sysname not null, TABLE_CATALOG sysname not null, TABLE_SCHEMA sysname not null, TABLE_NAME sysname not null, PRIVILEGE_TYPE sysname not null, IS_GRANTABLE bit not null ) IF @table_name is not null BEGIN insert into #sptprivsrowset1 select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) and o.type in ('U','V','S') and p.id = o.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type in ('U','V','S') and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4,5,6,1,2 END ELSE BEGIN insert into #sptprivsrowset1 select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case p.action when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) and p.id = o.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) /* expand groups */ and ((p.uid = u.uid and u.uid <> u.gid) or (p.uid = u.gid and u.uid <> u.gid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), case v.number when 193 then 'SELECT' when 195 then 'INSERT' when 196 then 'DELETE' when 197 then 'UPDATE' else 'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4,5,6,1,2 END exec @ret = sp_cursoropen @handle output, 'select * from #sptprivsrowset1', @scrollopt output, @ccopt output, @rows output drop table #sptprivsrowset1 return isnull(@ret,0) go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges_rowset;3 as select GRANTOR = convert(sysname, ' '), GRANTEE = convert(sysname, ' '), TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname, ' '), TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, ' '), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname, ' '), PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(varchar(30), ' '), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit, 0) where 1=0 go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_table_privileges_rowset go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case p.action when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 196 then N'DELETE' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, sysmembers m where o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) and o.type in ('U','V','S') and p.id = o.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) /* expand groups - AKUNDONE: only 1 level of grp unrolling. */ and (u.uid > 0 and u.uid < 16384) and ((p.uid = u.uid) or (p.uid = m.groupuid and u.uid = m.memberuid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case v.number when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 196 then N'DELETE' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where o.name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and o.type in ('U','V','S') and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4,5,6,1,2 go dump tran master with no_log go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_table_privileges_rowset;2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as select GRANTOR = user_name(p.grantor), GRANTEE = user_name(u.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case p.action when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 196 then N'DELETE' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,case when p.protecttype = 205 then 0 else 1 end) from sysprotects p, sysobjects o, sysusers u, sysmembers m where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(u.uid)) and p.id = o.id and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(p.grantor)) /* expand groups - AKUNDONE: only 1 level of grp unrolling. */ and (u.uid > 0 and u.uid < 16384) and ((p.uid = u.uid) or (p.uid = m.groupuid and u.uid = m.memberuid)) and p.protecttype <> 206 /* only grant rows */ and p.action in (26,193,195,196,197) and o.uid <> u.uid /* no rows for owner */ and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = p.action and p1.id = p.id and p1.uid = u.uid) union select /* Add rows for table owner */ GRANTOR = user_name(u.uid), GRANTEE = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = user_name(o.uid), TABLE_NAME = o.name, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = convert(nvarchar(30), case v.number when 193 then N'SELECT' when 195 then N'INSERT' when 196 then N'DELETE' when 197 then N'UPDATE' else N'REFERENCES' end), IS_GRANTABLE = convert(bit,1) from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysusers u where o.type in ('U','V','S') and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = user_name(o.uid)) and u.uid = 1 /* grantor is dbo of database */ and (@grantor is null or @grantor = user_name(u.uid)) and v.type = 'P' /* cross product to get all exposed privileges */ and v.number in (26,193,195,196,197) and not exists ( /* exclude revoke'd privileges */ select * from sysprotects p1 where p1.protecttype = 206 and p1.action = v.number and p1.id = o.id and p1.uid = o.uid) order by 4,5,6,1,2 go dump tran master with no_log go create procedure sp_table_privileges_rowset;5 ( @table_server sysname, @table_catalog sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as select GRANTOR, GRANTEE, TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE_TYPE, IS_GRANTABLE from master.dbo.SYSREMOTE_TABLE_PRIVILEGES < @table_server, @table_catalog, @table_schema, @table_name, @grantor, @grantee > order by 3,4,5,6,1,2 go grant execute on sp_table_privileges_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_table_privileges_rowset' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_table_privileges_rowset dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_linkedservers_rowset' go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create proc sp_linkedservers_rowset ( @srvname sysname ) as select SVR_NAME = srvname, SVR_PRODUCT = srvproduct, SVR_PROVIDERNAME = providername, SVR_DATASOURCE = datasource, SVR_PROVIDERSTRING = case when is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') = 1 then providerstring else NULL end, SVR_LOCATION = location, SVR_CATALOG = catalog from master.dbo.sysservers where srvname = @srvname and (srvstatus & 128) = 128 order by 1 go create proc sp_linkedservers_rowset;2 as select SVR_NAME = srvname, SVR_PRODUCT = srvproduct, SVR_PROVIDERNAME = providername, SVR_DATASOURCE = datasource, SVR_PROVIDERSTRING = case when is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') = 1 then providerstring else NULL end, SVR_LOCATION = location, SVR_CATALOG = catalog from master.dbo.sysservers where (srvstatus & 128) = 128 order by 1 go grant execute on sp_linkedservers_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go print '' print 'creating sp_table_statistics_rowset' go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.00 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.00 server */ create proc sp_table_statistics_rowset as select TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname, null), TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_CATALOG = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_NAME = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_TYPE = convert(smallint,0), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname, null), COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, null), SAMPLE_PCT = convert(smallint, null), LAST_UPDATE_TIME = convert(datetime, null), NO_OF_RANGES = convert(int, null), COLUMN_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), TUPLE_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), TABLE_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), AVG_COLUMN_LENGTH = convert(int, null) where 1=0 go dump tran master with no_log go create proc sp_table_statistics_rowset;2 (@table_catalog sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null, @table_name sysname = null, @stat_catalog sysname = null, @stat_schema sysname = null, @stat_name sysname = null) as begin set nocount on -- check in parameters if ((@table_catalog is not null) and (db_name() <> @table_catalog) or (@stat_catalog is not null) and (db_name() <> @stat_catalog)) begin /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */ raiserror 20001 '~~Rush_5~~' return end --- create temp table create table #spstattab( tblcatalog sysname collate database_default not null, tblschema sysname collate database_default not null, tblname sysname collate database_default not null, statname sysname collate database_default not null ) insert into #spstattab select db_name(), user_name(o.uid), o.name, x.name from sysobjects o, sysindexes x where o.type in ('U') and (@table_name is null or o.name = @table_name) and (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and (@stat_name is null or @stat_name = x.name) and (@stat_schema is null or @stat_schema = user_name(o.uid)) and x.id = o.id and permissions(o.id) <> 0 and x.statblob is not null order by 1,2,3,4 -- fast forward CURSOR OVER THE temp TABLE declare ff_csr cursor fast_forward for select tblcatalog, tblschema, tblname, statname from #spstattab declare @tblcatalog sysname, @tblschema sysname, @tblname sysname, @statname sysname, @qtbl nvarchar(4000), @rowsetcount int set @rowsetcount = 0 open ff_csr fetch ff_csr into @tblcatalog, @tblschema, @tblname, @statname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin set @rowsetcount = @rowsetcount + 1 set @qtbl = @tblcatalog + '.' + @tblschema + '.' + @tblname dbcc show_statistics(@qtbl, @statname) with stat_header join density_vector fetch ff_csr into @tblcatalog, @tblschema, @tblname, @statname end close ff_csr deallocate ff_csr --- drop temp table drop table #spstattab if @rowsetcount = 0 begin select TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname, null), TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_CATALOG = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_NAME = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_TYPE = convert(smallint,0), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname, null), COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, null), SAMPLE_PCT = convert(smallint, null), LAST_UPDATE_TIME = convert(datetime, null), NO_OF_RANGES = convert(int, null), COLUMN_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), TUPLE_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), TABLE_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), AVG_COLUMN_LENGTH = convert(int, null) where 1=0 end set nocount off end go grant execute on sp_table_statistics_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_column_constraints' go /* Procedure for 6.5 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints (@tblname varchar(225) -- the table to check for constraints ,@colname varchar(225) -- the column to check for constraints ,@dropcnst smallint) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @tblid int -- the object id of the table ,@cnstname varchar(225) -- name of const. currently under consideration ,@cnstid int ,@cnstatus int ,@dbname varchar(30) -- Create temp table create table #spcnsttab (cnst_name varchar(225) NOT NULL) -- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. if @tblname like '%.%.%' and substring(@tblname, 1, charindex('.', @tblname) - 1) <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @tblid = object_id(@tblname) if @tblid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@tblname,@dbname) return (1) end -- STATIC CURSOR OVER THE TABLE'S CONSTRAINTS declare cnst_csr insensitive cursor for select c.constid, c.status, o.name from sysconstraints c, sysobjects o where c.id = @tblid and o.id = c.constid and ((c.status & 0xf)=1 and (@dropcnst & 16)<> 0 or (c.status & 0xf)=2 and (@dropcnst & 32)<> 0 or (c.status & 0xf)=5 and (@dropcnst & 2)<> 0) -- ONLY 6.5 sysconstraints objects for read only -- Now check out each constraint, figure out its type and keys and -- save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. open cnst_csr fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid, @cnstatus, @cnstname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if ((@cnstatus & 0xf) in (1, 2)) ---- primary key, unique begin -- get indid declare @indid smallint select @indid = indid from sysindexes where name = object_name(@cnstid) and id = @tblid if (@colname = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1)) and (index_col(@tblname, @indid, 2) is null) begin -- ADD TO TABLE insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end else if (@cnstatus & 0xf) = 5 begin if (select col_name(id, colid) from sysconstraints where colid > 0 and constid=@cnstid) = @colname begin insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid ,@cnstatus ,@cnstname end --of major loop close cnst_csr deallocate cnst_csr -- Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. select 'constraint_name' = cnst_name from #spcnsttab drop table #spcnsttab set nocount off return (0) end go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_oledb_column_constraints go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints (@tblname nvarchar(776) -- the table to check for constraints ,@colname nvarchar(776) -- the column to check for constraints ,@dropcnst smallint) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @tblid int -- the object id of the table ,@cnstname sysname -- name of const. currently under consideration ,@cnstid int ,@cnsttype character(2) ,@dbname sysname -- Create temp table create table #spcnsttab (cnst_name sysname NOT NULL) -- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. select @dbname = parsename(@tblname,3) if @dbname is not null and @dbname <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @tblid = object_id(@tblname) if @tblid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@tblname,@dbname) return (1) end -- STATIC CURSOR OVER THE TABLE'S CONSTRAINTS declare cnst_csr cursor fast_forward for select id, xtype, name from sysobjects where parent_obj = @tblid and ((xtype = 'PK' and (@dropcnst & 16)<> 0) or (xtype = 'UQ' and (@dropcnst & 32)<> 0) or (xtype = 'D ' and (@dropcnst & 2)<> 0)) -- ONLY 6.5 sysconstraints objects for read only -- Now check out each constraint, figure out its type and keys and -- save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. open cnst_csr fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid, @cnsttype, @cnstname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if @cnsttype in ('PK','UQ') begin -- get indid declare @indid smallint select @indid = indid from sysindexes where name = object_name(@cnstid) and id = @tblid if (@colname = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1)) and (index_col(@tblname, @indid, 2) is null) begin -- ADD TO TABLE insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end else if (@cnsttype = 'D ') begin if (select col_name(@tblid, info) from sysobjects where id=@cnstid) = @colname begin insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid ,@cnsttype ,@cnstname end --of major loop close cnst_csr deallocate cnst_csr -- Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. select 'constraint_name' = cnst_name from #spcnsttab drop table #spcnsttab set nocount off return (0) end go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_oledb_column_constraints go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints (@tblname nvarchar(776) -- the table to check for constraints ,@colname nvarchar(776) -- the column to check for constraints ,@dropcnst smallint) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @tblid int -- the object id of the table ,@cnstname sysname -- name of const. currently under consideration ,@cnstid int ,@cnsttype character(2) ,@dbname sysname -- Create temp table create table #spcnsttab (cnst_name sysname collate database_default NOT NULL) -- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. select @dbname = parsename(@tblname,3) if @dbname is not null and @dbname <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @tblid = object_id(@tblname) if @tblid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@tblname,@dbname) return (1) end -- STATIC CURSOR OVER THE TABLE'S CONSTRAINTS declare cnst_csr cursor fast_forward for select id, xtype, name from sysobjects where parent_obj = @tblid and ((xtype = 'PK' and (@dropcnst & 16)<> 0) or (xtype = 'UQ' and (@dropcnst & 32)<> 0) or (xtype = 'D ' and (@dropcnst & 2)<> 0)) -- ONLY 6.5 sysconstraints objects for read only -- Now check out each constraint, figure out its type and keys and -- save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. open cnst_csr fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid, @cnsttype, @cnstname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if @cnsttype in ('PK','UQ') begin -- get indid declare @indid smallint select @indid = indid from sysindexes where name = object_name(@cnstid) and id = @tblid if (@colname = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1)) and (index_col(@tblname, @indid, 2) is null) begin -- ADD TO TABLE insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end else if (@cnsttype = 'D ') begin if (select col_name(@tblid, info) from sysobjects where id=@cnstid) = @colname begin insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid ,@cnsttype ,@cnstname end --of major loop close cnst_csr deallocate cnst_csr -- Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. select 'constraint_name' = cnst_name from #spcnsttab drop table #spcnsttab set nocount off return (0) end go grant execute on sp_oledb_column_constraints to public go dump tran master with no_log go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_indexinfo' go /* Procedure for 6.5 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_indexinfo @objname varchar(225) -- the table to check for indexes ,@indname varchar(225) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @objid int, -- the object id of the table @indid smallint, -- the index id of an index @status int, @dbname varchar(30), @OrigFillFactor tinyint, @i int, @thiskey varchar(32), @tptr varbinary(16) -- pointer for building text strings. ---- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. if @objname like '%.%.%' and substring(@objname, 1, charindex('.', @objname) - 1) <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end ---- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @objid = object_id(@objname) ---- Table does not exist so return. if @objid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname) return (1) end select @indid = indid, @status = status, @OrigFillFactor = OrigFillFactor from sysindexes where id = @objid and name = @indname -- IF NO INDEX, QUIT if @indid is NULL begin raiserror(15472,-1,-1) --'Object does not have any indexes.' return (1) end -- create temp table create table #spindtab ( status int, OrigFillFactor tinyint, index_keys text NOT NULL, ) -- Now check out each index, figure out its type and keys and -- First we'll figure out what the keys are. select @i = 1 while (@i <= 16) begin select @thiskey = index_col(@objname, @indid, @i) if @thiskey is NULL goto keysdone if @i=1 begin insert into #spindtab values (@status, @OrigFillFactor, @thiskey) select @tptr = textptr(index_keys) from #spindtab end else begin select @thiskey = ', ' + @thiskey if @tptr is not null updatetext #spindtab.index_keys @tptr null null @thiskey end select @i = @i + 1 end --loop 16 ---- When we get here we now have all the keys. keysdone: select * from #spindtab drop table #spindtab set nocount off return (0) end go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_oledb_indexinfo go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create proc sp_oledb_indexinfo @objname nvarchar(776) -- the table to check for indexes ,@indname nvarchar(776) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @objid int, -- the object id of the table @indid smallint, -- the index id of an index @status int, @keys nvarchar(2078),-- string build index key list, length = (16*max_id_length)+(15*2) @dbname sysname, @OrigFillFactor tinyint -- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. select @dbname = parsename(@objname,3) if @dbname is not null and @dbname <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see the the table exists and initialize @objid. select @objid = object_id(@objname) if @objid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname) return (1) end select @indid = indid, @status = status, @OrigFillFactor = OrigFillFactor from sysindexes where id = @objid and name = @indname -- IF NO INDEX, QUIT if @indid is NULL begin raiserror(15472,-1,-1) --'Object does not have any indexes.' return (1) end -- First we'll figure out what the keys are. declare @i int, @thiskey sysname select @keys = index_col(@objname, @indid, 1), @i = 2, @thiskey = index_col(@objname, @indid, 2) while (@thiskey is not null ) begin select @keys = @keys + ', ' + @thiskey, @i = @i + 1 select @thiskey = index_col(@objname, @indid, @i) end -- DISPLAY THE RESULTS select 'Status'=@status, 'OrigFillFactor' =@OrigFillFactor, 'Index keys'=@keys set nocount off return (0) end go grant execute on sp_oledb_indexinfo to public go dump tran master with no_log go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_ro_usrname' go create procedure sp_oledb_ro_usrname as begin select substring('NY',status/1024&1+1,1),user_name() from master..sysdatabases where name=DB_NAME() end go grant execute on sp_oledb_ro_usrname to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_ro_usrname' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_ro_usrname dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_deflang' go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_oledb_deflang as begin select ISNULL(language,'us_english') from master..syslogins where sid=SUSER_SID() end go grant execute on sp_oledb_deflang to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_deflang' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_deflang dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_defdb' go if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go create procedure sp_oledb_defdb as begin select dbname from master..syslogins where sid=SUSER_SID() end go grant execute on sp_oledb_defdb to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_defdb' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_defdb dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_database' go create procedure sp_oledb_database as begin select name from master..sysdatabases end go grant execute on sp_oledb_database to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_database' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_database dump tran master with no_log end end go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_language' go create procedure sp_oledb_language as begin select 'English','us_english' union select alias,name from master..syslanguages end go grant execute on sp_oledb_language to public go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('6.00', @@version) > 0 or charindex('6.50', @@version) > 0 or charindex('7.00', @@version) > 0) begin if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_oledb_language' and type = 'P ')) begin drop proc sp_oledb_language dump tran master with no_log end end go /*---------------------------- END OLEDB CATALOG PROCS ------------------------*/ /*---------------------------- BEGIN BCP CATALOG PROCS ------------------------*/ print 'creating sp_tablecollations' go /* Used by BCP to gather all the collation names for a table */ if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_tablecollations (@object nvarchar(4000)) as begin select c.colid, c.name, tds_collation = c.tdscollation, collation_name = BCPCollationName(c.tdscollation, c.xtype) from syscolumns c inner join sysobjects t on c.id = t.id where t.id = object_id(@object, 'local') order by c.colid end go grant execute on sp_tablecollations to public go print 'creating sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel' go /* Used by BCP to get current db compatibility level */ if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel (@dbname sysname) as begin select cmptlevel from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @dbname end go grant execute on sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel to public go /*---------------------------- END BCP CATALOG PROCS ------------------------*/ dump tran master with no_log go if (exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_configure' and type = 'P ')) begin exec sp_configure 'allow updates',0 reconfigure with override end go exec sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category 2 /* set category | 2 based on crdate. */ go if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'sp_check_objects' and type = 'P ') begin /* Only supported on 6.0 servers */ print '' print 'Checking objects created by instcat.sql.' exec sp_check_objects 'catalog' end go print '' print 'instcat.sql completed successfully.' go set quoted_identifier off go dump tran master with no_log go checkpoint go /**/