-- 方法1
select a.*
from table1 a
where not exists(select 1
from table1 b
where b.name=a.name and b.gdtime>a.gdtime)
-- 方法2
select a.*
from table1 a
inner join
(select name,
max(gdtime) 'maxgdtime'
from table1
group by name) b on a.name=b.name and a.gdtime=b.maxgdtime
/* 1 用子查询 */
select yhh, name, gdcs, gdsj1, gdtime
from table1
where exists
select 1 from
select yhh, max(gdtime) as gdtime
from table1
group by yhh
) x
where x.yhh = table1.yhh
and x.gdtime = table1.gdtime
/* 2 用窗口函数 */
select * from
select yhh, name, gdcs, gdsj1, gdtime
, max(gdtime) over(partition by yhh) as gdtimeMax
from table1
) x
where gdtime = gdtimeMax