SQL - SubQuery和外表之间的关系

时间:2021-10-26 04:17:00



I need to better understand the rules about when I can reference an outer table in a subquery and when (and why) that is an inappropriate request. I've discovered a duplication in an Oracle SQL query I'm trying to refactor but I'm running into issues when I try and turn my referenced table into a grouped subQuery.

我需要更好地理解有关何时可以在子查询中引用外部表以及何时(以及为什么)这是一个不适当的请求的规则。我在Oracle SQL查询中发现了一个重复,我正在尝试重构,但是当我尝试将我的引用表转换为分组子查询时,我遇到了问题。

The following statement works appropriately:


SELECT  t1.*  
FROM    table1 t1, 
INNER JOIN table2 t2 
        on t1.id = t2.id        
        and t2.date = (SELECT max(date) 
                       FROM   table2  
                       WHERE  id = t1.id) --This subquery has access to t1

Unfortunately table2 sometimes has duplicate records so I need to aggregate t2 first before I join it to t1. However when I try and wrap it in a subquery to accomplish this operation, suddenly the SQL engine can't recognize the outer table any longer.


SELECT  t1.* 
FROM    table1 t1, 
            FROM  table2 t2
            WHERE t1.id = t2.id              --This loses access to t1
              and t2.date = (SELECT max(date) 
                             FROM   table2 
                             WHERE  id = t1.id)) sub on t1.id = sub.id 
                             --Subquery loses access to t1

I know these are fundamentally different queries I'm asking the compiler to put together but I'm not seeing why the one would work but not the other.


I know I can duplicate the table references in my subquery and effectively detach my subquery from the outer table but that seems like a really ugly way of accomplishing this task (what with all the duplication of code and processing).


Helpful References


  • I found this fantastic description of the order in which clauses are executed in SQL Server: (INNER JOIN ON vs WHERE clause). I'm using Oracle but I would think that this would be standard across the board. There is a clear order to clause evaluation (with FROM being first) so I would think that any clause occuring further down the list would have access to all information previously processed. I can only assume my 2nd query somehow changes that ordering so that my subquery is being evaluated too early?

    我发现了这个在SQL Server中执行子句的顺序的精彩描述:(INNER JOIN ON vs WHERE子句)。我正在使用Oracle,但我认为这将是全面的标准。有一个明确的命令条款评估(FROM是第一个)所以我认为在列表中进一步发生的任何条款都可以访问以前处理过的所有信息。我只能假设我的第二个查询以某种方式更改了这个排序,以便我的子查询过早评估?

  • In addition, I found a similar question asked (Referencing outer query's tables in a subquery ) but while the input was good they never really explained why he couldn't do what he is doing and just gave alternative solutions to his problem. I've tried their alternate solutions but it's causing me other issues. Namely, that subquery with the date reference is fundamental to the entire operation so I can't get rid of it.




  • I want to understand what I've done here... Why can my initial subquery see the outer table but not after I wrap the entire statement in a subquery?


  • That said, if what I'm trying to do can't be done, what is the best way of refactoring the first query to eliminate the duplication? Should I reference table1 twice (with all the duplication that requires)? Or is there (probably) a better way of tackling this problem?


Thanks in advance!



- - - 编辑 - - -

As some have surmised these queries above are not the actually query I'm refactoring but an example of the problem I'm running into. The query I'm working with is a lot more complicated so I'm hesitant to post it here as I'm afraid it will get people off track.



------ UPDATE ------

So I ran this by a fellow developer and he had one possible explanation for why my subquery is losing access to t1. Because I'm wrapping this subquery in a parenthesis, he thinks that this subquery is being evaluated before my table t1 is being evaluated. This would definitely explain the 'ORA-00904: "t1"."id": invalid identifier' error I've been receiving. It would also suggest that like arithmetic order of operations, that adding parens to a statement gives it priority within certain clause evaluations. I would still love for an expert to weigh in if they agree/disagree that is a logical explanation for what I'm seeing here.


3 个解决方案



So I figured this out based on the comment that Martin Smith made above (THANKS MARTIN!) and I wanted to make sure I shared my discovery for anyone else who trips across this issue.


Technical Considerations


Firstly, it would certainly help if I used the proper terminology to describe my problem: My first statement above uses a correlated subquery:


This is actually a fairly inefficient way of pulling back data as it reruns the subquery for every line in the outer table. For this reason I'm going to look for ways of eliminating these type of subqueries in my code:


My second statement on the other hand was using what is called an inline view in Oracle also known as a derived table in SQL Server:

另一方面,我的第二个声明是在Oracle中使用所谓的内联视图,也称为SQL Server中的派生表:

An inline view / derived table creates a temporary unnamed view at the beginning of your query and then treats it like another table until the operation is complete. Because the compiler needs to create a temporary view when it sees on of these subqueries on the FROM line, those subqueries must be entirely self-contained with no references outside the subquery.


Why what I was doing was stupid


What I was trying to do in that second table was essentially create a view based on an ambiguous reference to another table that was outside the knowledge of my statement. It would be like trying to reference a field in a table that you hadn't explicitly stated in your query.




Lastly, it's worth noting that Martin suggested a fairly clever but ultimately inefficient way to accomplish what I was trying to do. The Apply statement is a proprietary SQL Server function but it allows you to talk to objects outside of your derived table:

最后,值得注意的是,马丁提出了一种相当聪明但最终效率低下的方法来完成我想要做的事情。 Apply语句是一个专有的SQL Server函数,但它允许您与派生表之外的对象进行通信:

Likewise this functionality is available in Oracle through different syntax:


Ultimately I'm going to re-evaluate my entire approach to this query which means I'll have to rebuild it from scratch (believe it or not I didn't create this monstrocity originally - I swear!). A big thanks to everyone who commented - this was definitely stumping me but all of the input helped put me on the right track!

最终,我将重新评估我对这个查询的整个方法,这意味着我将不得不从头开始重建它(不管你信不信,我最初都没有创建这个怪物 - 我发誓!)。非常感谢所有评论的人 - 这绝对让我很难过,但所有的投入都帮助我走上正轨!



How about the following query:


    SELECT t2.id,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t2.id, t2.date ORDER BY t2.date DESC) AS R  
    FROM table2 t2
  WHERE R = 1
) sub 
INNER JOIN table1 t1 
ON t1.id = sub.id



In your second example you are trying to pass the t1 reference down 2 levels.. you can't do that, you can only pass it down 1 level (which is why the 1st works). If you give a better example of what you are trying to do, we can help you rewrite your query as well.




So I figured this out based on the comment that Martin Smith made above (THANKS MARTIN!) and I wanted to make sure I shared my discovery for anyone else who trips across this issue.


Technical Considerations


Firstly, it would certainly help if I used the proper terminology to describe my problem: My first statement above uses a correlated subquery:


This is actually a fairly inefficient way of pulling back data as it reruns the subquery for every line in the outer table. For this reason I'm going to look for ways of eliminating these type of subqueries in my code:


My second statement on the other hand was using what is called an inline view in Oracle also known as a derived table in SQL Server:

另一方面,我的第二个声明是在Oracle中使用所谓的内联视图,也称为SQL Server中的派生表:

An inline view / derived table creates a temporary unnamed view at the beginning of your query and then treats it like another table until the operation is complete. Because the compiler needs to create a temporary view when it sees on of these subqueries on the FROM line, those subqueries must be entirely self-contained with no references outside the subquery.


Why what I was doing was stupid


What I was trying to do in that second table was essentially create a view based on an ambiguous reference to another table that was outside the knowledge of my statement. It would be like trying to reference a field in a table that you hadn't explicitly stated in your query.




Lastly, it's worth noting that Martin suggested a fairly clever but ultimately inefficient way to accomplish what I was trying to do. The Apply statement is a proprietary SQL Server function but it allows you to talk to objects outside of your derived table:

最后,值得注意的是,马丁提出了一种相当聪明但最终效率低下的方法来完成我想要做的事情。 Apply语句是一个专有的SQL Server函数,但它允许您与派生表之外的对象进行通信:

Likewise this functionality is available in Oracle through different syntax:


Ultimately I'm going to re-evaluate my entire approach to this query which means I'll have to rebuild it from scratch (believe it or not I didn't create this monstrocity originally - I swear!). A big thanks to everyone who commented - this was definitely stumping me but all of the input helped put me on the right track!

最终,我将重新评估我对这个查询的整个方法,这意味着我将不得不从头开始重建它(不管你信不信,我最初都没有创建这个怪物 - 我发誓!)。非常感谢所有评论的人 - 这绝对让我很难过,但所有的投入都帮助我走上正轨!



How about the following query:


    SELECT t2.id,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t2.id, t2.date ORDER BY t2.date DESC) AS R  
    FROM table2 t2
  WHERE R = 1
) sub 
INNER JOIN table1 t1 
ON t1.id = sub.id



In your second example you are trying to pass the t1 reference down 2 levels.. you can't do that, you can only pass it down 1 level (which is why the 1st works). If you give a better example of what you are trying to do, we can help you rewrite your query as well.
