
时间:2021-11-26 04:18:24

Hi I am generating messahedigest with SHA1 of a file(having extension .eml, as it contains email info)and then storing it to the table named web_de in column messagedigest. Why can't I execute following query in mysql ?? and also not in java...

嗨,我正在使用文件的SHA1生成messahedigest(扩展名为.eml,因为它包含电子邮件信息),然后将其存储到messagedigest列中名为web_de的表中。为什么我不能在mysql中执行以下查询?而且不是在java ...

SELECT slno FROM `webcrawler`.`web_de` 
where messagedigest='?Ê'?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€' ;

while I could execute query like


SELECT slno FROM `webcrawler`.`web_de` 
where messagedigest= ')@Ä€ó…ªã³§°óÚdv~θ`';

Pl note that I am trying to execute that query in mysql workbench 5.2.32 and using mysql 5.1

Pl注意我试图在mysql workbench 5.2.32中执行该查询并使用mysql 5.1

Can anybody help me out here please ???


Thanks in advance


3 个解决方案



You have to escape that single quote in the first query:


where messagedigest = '?Ê''?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€' ;

Escaping is done by duplicating quotes:



(btw: as you see, even the * syntax highlighter wasn't able to properly format your string...)


On the other hand, you shouldn't inline values in SQL for various reasons (security, performance). Since you're using Java, use a PreparedStatement instead:


// Prepare a statement with a bind variable : ?
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
    "SELECT slno FROM webcrawler.web_de WHERE messagedigest = ?");

// Bind your string to the first bind variable
ps.setString(1, "?Ê'?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€");

// ...
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();



The ' is not being escaped. Replace it with double quotes '' so it reads as:


SELECT slno FROM `webcrawler`.`web_de`  
where messagedigest='?Ê''?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€'; 

EDIT: Too slow! :P

编辑:太慢了! :P

You can also escape it by using \' also




the messagedigest value has a quote in it. If you escape the quote it should work, but... you might be better off encoding the message digest before trying to write it to the database.




You have to escape that single quote in the first query:


where messagedigest = '?Ê''?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€' ;

Escaping is done by duplicating quotes:



(btw: as you see, even the * syntax highlighter wasn't able to properly format your string...)


On the other hand, you shouldn't inline values in SQL for various reasons (security, performance). Since you're using Java, use a PreparedStatement instead:


// Prepare a statement with a bind variable : ?
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
    "SELECT slno FROM webcrawler.web_de WHERE messagedigest = ?");

// Bind your string to the first bind variable
ps.setString(1, "?Ê'?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€");

// ...
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();



The ' is not being escaped. Replace it with double quotes '' so it reads as:


SELECT slno FROM `webcrawler`.`web_de`  
where messagedigest='?Ê''?`®o1F±[øT¤?¿!€'; 

EDIT: Too slow! :P

编辑:太慢了! :P

You can also escape it by using \' also




the messagedigest value has a quote in it. If you escape the quote it should work, but... you might be better off encoding the message digest before trying to write it to the database.
