
时间:2022-04-14 04:17:13

I have a query that takes about 9 seconds. It makes my website very slow. Could anyone point me in the right direction on how to optimize it for better performance. Don't judge the syntax, it's pretty ugly :$


SELECT songs.id, count(votes.song_id) AS votes
    FROM songs, songs_genre, votes 
    WHERE votes.song_id=songs.id 
        AND songs_genre.genre_id IN ('$genre_ids') 
        AND songs.id=songs_genre.song_id 
        AND votes.date<=DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL + 1 DAY) 
        AND votes.date>=DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL - 3 MONTH) 
    GROUP BY votes.song_id
    ORDER BY votes DESC limit 36

1 个解决方案



The query looks good, I would say that only thing that would improve the performance offhand is proper indexing on votes or songs id.




The query looks good, I would say that only thing that would improve the performance offhand is proper indexing on votes or songs id.
