Monolith 的使用方法,这是一个UWP的动画库

时间:2021-01-31 04:12:22

Monolith 的使用方法,这是一个UWP的动画库

 // Create an ease for use with animations later
ExponentialEase ExpEaseOut =
new ExponentialEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut };
// Animate a UIElement along the X axis from 0 to 40
EventToken move= Oli.MoveXOf(button).From(0).To(40).For(0.3, OrSo.Secs).Now();
// Rotate UIElement to 90 degrees
EventToken rotating = Oli.Rotate(button).To(-90).For(0.3, OrSo.Secs).With(ExpEaseOut).After(move);
//// Fade the opacity to 0 after the rotation finishes
EventToken Fade= Oli.Fade(button).To(0).For(0.3, OrSo.Secs).With(ExpEaseOut).After(rotating);
//// Run arbitrary code after the rotation too!
Oli.Run(() =>
// Do things here!
Oli.Fade(button).To(1).For(0.3, OrSo.Secs).With(ExpEaseOut).Now();