
时间:2022-02-07 04:12:47

I have a project that I am setting up through teamcity for CI. The project itself is a nodejs application and it includes test written in mocha, which we cover through jscoverage. In the build configuration I'm setting up I have 3 build steps which occur on checkin.


  1. call jscoverage.exe against the folders in my project that I'm covering.


  2. call mocha to run the test against the jscovered files from step 1 and output to the html-cov reporter


  3. move the generated coverage.html report into a public web directory to browse later.


The build currently fails on step 2: mocha" is not present in directory C:\NodeJS\MeasuresAPI

构建当前在步骤2中失败:目录C:\ NodeJS \ MeasuresAPI中不存在mocha“

I've made sure to include mocha and all my node packages in the system environment paths and I am able to access them in the command prompt, but TeamCity doesnt appear to see them.


for the jscoverage.exe, I had to include the full path. With mocha, I tried including the path to my node global installation where mocha installed to but it gives me an error:


"..\node_modules\mocha\bin\mocha" (in directory "C:\NodeJS\MeasuresAPI"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application

“.. \ node_modules \ mocha \ bin \ mocha”(在目录“C:\ NodeJS \ MeasuresAPI”中):CreateProcess error = 193,%1不是有效的Win32应用程序

Anyone had any experience with Teamcity and Mocha and how to get them to play nice? or any ideas for continuous integration with a nodejs, mocha stack?


1 个解决方案



Yes , this happened to me too, when I was setting up TeamCity to run mocha on Windows Server. The solution was to call mocha by specifying path to the mocha.cmd bat file. For example , if you have folder C:\mocha and you have executed npm install mocha

是的,当我设置TeamCity在Windows Server上运行mocha时,这也发生在我身上。解决方案是通过指定mocha.cmd bat文件的路径来调用mocha。例如,如果你有文件夹C:\ mocha,你已经执行了npm install mocha

in that directory , than path to the bat file will be



C:\摩卡\ node_modules.bin \ mocha.cmd

And you can tell Teamcity to execute mocha command by giving it next instruction :


C:\mocha\node_modules.bin\mocha --ui tdd --reporter html-cov test\measureDBTests.js > coverage.html

C:\ mocha \ node_modules.bin \ mocha --ui tdd --reporter html-cov test \ measureDBTests.js> coverage.html



Yes , this happened to me too, when I was setting up TeamCity to run mocha on Windows Server. The solution was to call mocha by specifying path to the mocha.cmd bat file. For example , if you have folder C:\mocha and you have executed npm install mocha

是的,当我设置TeamCity在Windows Server上运行mocha时,这也发生在我身上。解决方案是通过指定mocha.cmd bat文件的路径来调用mocha。例如,如果你有文件夹C:\ mocha,你已经执行了npm install mocha

in that directory , than path to the bat file will be



C:\摩卡\ node_modules.bin \ mocha.cmd

And you can tell Teamcity to execute mocha command by giving it next instruction :


C:\mocha\node_modules.bin\mocha --ui tdd --reporter html-cov test\measureDBTests.js > coverage.html

C:\ mocha \ node_modules.bin \ mocha --ui tdd --reporter html-cov test \ measureDBTests.js> coverage.html